Chapter 38 Justice

Among the rich hostesses, Hermes let out a long breath.

In these two days, he should be the busiest person in Olalie.

If Uranus is only busy with mental power, then he is busy with physical power.

If it is said that he has a relationship with the lower world humans, he likes it, but it is not exaggerated to the extent that he is willing to follow Uranus and the others to calculate the gods.

After being exposed, it is really possible to be stunned to death by the furious gods, and resurrected to kill once.

The reason why Hermes followed Uranus and others to make troubles was mainly because he was a traveler, the god of travel.

In the very beginning of God’s Life, Hermes didn’t really hate other gods. In the heavens, the territories of different gods had their own unique tastes, be it benevolence or tyranny. He is a traveler with a different experience.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that something was wrong.

The people under the rule of the gods are actually fine at first glance, and it is a novel experience for him, a traveler.

But after he visited the heavens, he went back and continued to travel to the areas he had been to, and everything began to be different.

Under the rule of the gods on the side of order, after hundreds of years and thousands of years, new customs and concepts can often be bred, new laws of art, etc., and there will be new heroic deeds and stories worthy of praise in the territory. legend.

Under the rule of the gods on the chaotic side, at the whim of the gods, the earth turned into scorched earth, and there was nothing left after that.

If that's all, Hermes will bear it. He is the god of travel, and he even acts as a thief when he travels. He is not a decent god, and he doesn't want to uphold justice.

However, the gods on the chaotic side turned their territories into scorched earth and destroyed their believers, which was often taken for granted, because their interest extended their poisonous hands to the territories of other gods.

The gods feel bored in the heaven, because in the hundreds of millions of years in the heaven, the things that can be harmed by the gods have long been harmed.

It is obvious that human beings living on the ground will return to the heaven after death, so why do the gods have to seal their divine power in the lower realm, and seal their divine power in the heaven to experience life?

Simple, because it really doesn't work.

Obviously the reincarnation system of the soul is in the heaven, but there is no one in the heaven. If you want to reincarnate, you can only reincarnate to those non-human races that have endured the persecution of the gods but still have not died.

For example, insects and the like, when the gods were in the heavens on a whim, they washed the ground with divine power, and insects and the like had tenacious vitality and survived with difficulty.

Want to be reincarnated as a human?

Are you kidding me?How can there be humans in this heaven to choose for you?Including the elves, the little humans, the Amazons, etc., intellectual life has long been destroyed by the gods.

Before contacting Zeus, Hermes didn't know how Uranus and the others transported some human beings, elves and other human beings to the surface to survive.

Although after being transported to the surface, these alien beings whose souls belong to the heavens will be targeted by the world, and the world has bred dungeons to exclude invaders.

But dungeon dishes!

Compared with living in the heavens, it is much safer for these people to live on the surface.

This also led to Hermes choosing to join with almost no hesitation when Uranus in the heavenly realm invited him to join.

Joining Uranus' plan is also one of the reasons why he survived in the heavens.

In the heavenly realm, even though Hestia, a goddess who guards the family, cannot complete her guardian duties, she survived through schizophrenia anyway.

Hestia sealed his guarded side, only showing his house god side, lying in his temple as a squat at home, and the time of hundreds of millions of years is not too difficult.

But he, Hermes, is the god of travel, but looking at the heavens, there is no place where he travels at all.

You know, Hermes in the lower realm sees himself this way - Hermes the traveler, it is impossible to stay in one place.

This is the case even in Olalie, the capital of heroes.

In the original book, after Freya couldn't bear her love for Bell, she used the Tower of Babel to unfold her divine power, charmed the entire lower world, and changed the memory of everyone in Olalie to "Bell is Freya" Families'.

Even the gods who have sealed their own divine power cannot escape the charm.

Only four—or, four types of targets escaped Freya's charm.

The dungeon, as well as the adventurers who were in the dungeon when Freya activated her charm ability.

The dungeon and the gods in the sky exist at the same level. Freya can seduce the gods who seal the divine power, but she can't seal herself in the dungeon.

As far as the dungeon is concerned, it is useless for Freya to rely on the divine power unsealed by the Tower of Babel to invade the interior of the dungeon.

Freya can only stay at the exit of the dungeon, and come out to lure a group of adventurers.

Kamui suppresses Uranus in the dungeon.

It's not that Freya's charm is ineffective against Uranus, it's just that Freya dare not rely on Uranus' divine power, and instead of Freya herself, it is impossible to suppress the dungeon.

In the lower realm, Freya can do whatever she wants for a short time, but she really angered the gods, and the gods will definitely end badly for her when they return to the heaven realm.

All the gods have sealed their divine power, and the charm ability can take effect, but after the gods use their divine power, the charm ability is still effective, but it is only a power nature, and that is a pure competition of divine power.

In the state of releasing divine power, it would be good for Freya to charm a few gods.

In order to snatch Bell, Freya activates the wide-area charm ability and forcibly changes the memories of almost everyone in Olalie. The gods may only think it is a joke after returning to the heaven.

But if Freya breaks the situation in the lower realm and makes all the gods have nothing to play, Freya doesn't have to think about messing around in the heaven.

The kind that resurrects once and dies once.

Apart from the fact that charms are ineffective against dungeons and dare not charm Uranus, those who completely ignore Freya's ability to charm are Bell and Hestia.

In the final analysis, the biggest reason for Freya's troubles is that Bell is completely immune to the charm of the beauty god. Bell's resistance in this respect is higher than that of the gods - just like the charm is ineffective against dungeons.

Therefore, Freya made a plan.

If you can't seduce Bell, let Bell think that he is the Freya family, and that all the memories in his mind before are just an illusion.

After Freya charmed the entire Olalie, Bell was also very confused. I am clearly from the Hestia family. Freya, how can you say that I am your child?

Wherever Bell went and asked, his former acquaintances either didn't know him at all, or they said he was a member of Freya's family. Even Bell himself began to be confused. Could it be that he was dreaming?

Freya also found an extremely precious unlocking ability prop, and forcibly unlocked the favor on Bell's back, which really turned Bell into a member of Freya's family.

The traces of the holy flame that belonged to Hestia on the back grace in the past have become the silver-white traces that belonged to Freya.

The favor on the adventurer's back can only be renewed by the main god of the family. After Bell doubted himself, he went to Freya to update the attribute, and verified whether everything in his mind was imaginary.

In the end, Freya was able to renew the grace on his back.

Freya: What Hestia family?Impossible, think about it, you are really in the Hestia family, how did you get the magic, I gave it to you, Hestia is so poor, can you afford it?

Freya: Child, are you having a nightmare?Could it be that the adventure in the dungeon has hit a head?

Bell was immediately silenced.

In addition, the one who can ignore Freya's charm ability is Hestia, the charm ability of Goddess of Beauty, which is ineffective for all virgins.

In the original book, it was because of Hermes that Hestia was able to unravel Freya's wide-area charm of the lower world in the follow-up.

Hermes couldn't ignore Freya's charm, and even every time he realized that he was under Freya's charm and was forcibly changed his memory, Freya's power would be triggered, and he would be washed away again. The memory of the truth.

But Hermes could notice that his memory had been changed many times, and he made a layout that destroyed Freya's wide-area charm.

The reason is simple - Hermes, the god of travel, was able to stay in Olalie for nearly half a year without traveling?This is definitely not right, something unknown has happened in the city that affects me.

Hermes triggers the charm of the goddess of beauty, and his memory is washed away → Hermes feels that he does not travel, which is wrong → his memory is washed away → this is wrong → his memory is washed away → he feels something is wrong.

Doing this cycle dozens of times, Hermes began to act on the premise of 'if something happened to affect me in the city', he hinted to himself that it was just an illusion and did not exist at all, but every time he guessed something inside, he would The memories he guessed will be washed away and start all over again.

Hermes in the wrong world is a travel bewilderer of this level. During the four months after Freya charmed Olalie, it was because "it is impossible for me, Hermes, to stay in Olalie without going out." After so long', I realized that it was Freya who did it dozens of times, and finally helped Hestia use the Tower of Babel as an altar, opened Hestia's holy fire, and purified Freya's charm ability.

The degree of Hermes' bewilderment is not inferior to that of Hestia, who can drive himself to the point of schizophrenia, who can't even give up his consciousness and go crazy.

When he was in the heaven, Hestia settled down after a schizophrenia, and lived quietly in the heaven as a house girl.

But Hermes was not so lucky. The heavens were so boring that he had nothing to offer. There was simply no place for him, a traveler, to travel.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore, Zeus secretly contacted Hermes and pulled him into his gang.

There are very few gods with lofty ideals like 'for world peace', 'for justice', 'for equality between man and god'.

The willingness to join Uranus and plot against the gods secretly is not all because of good intentions, but more because of selfish desires like Hermes.

Hermes, as a traveler, shifted his focus from 'wanting to travel around the world, tasting all kinds of new things and new experiences' to 'God damn gods, everything is getting in the way of new things , the evil gods who make the world boring, the garbage that hinders my travels, I will kill you sooner or later'.

For hundreds of millions of years in the heavens, Hermes survived with difficulty by relying on this idea, and did not go completely crazy.

It can be said that as long as there are things that cannot be given up in the heart, it is possible to join Uranus - but after hundreds of millions of years, there are not many things that cannot be given up in the hearts of the gods, and the God of Lezi accounts for the vast majority.

After all, a traveler like Hermes is considered good, no matter how entangled he is, even if he gives up on himself, there is still room for turning back when the opportunity comes.

More, such as Hestia, if the holy fire goddess who guards the family tries to urge the person she guards because she can't bear the boredom, or if a certain virgin goddess wants to experience love and hands herself out—it has already committed a crime. If you make a mistake, there will never be a chance to turn back.

In the past three days, Uranus has been carrying out various layouts, and Hermes is helping Uranus complete the layout. Although he is not the only one who completes the layout, he, the traveler and envoy of God, is working To be extremely agile, the tasks thrown are the most.

After these three days of busy work, he was relieved, and finally had time to sit down.

"Yasfei, that old Uranus guy is nothing short of a demon, he completely treats God like a beast!"

As soon as he sat down, Hermes spat at his family

"...Even so, Olalie's situation is still not optimistic."

The blue-haired beauty said lightly: "You are really working hard, aren't you just fishing?"

"Haha, after all, the situation in front of me is very complicated!"

Hermes waved his hand. He told the family that he followed the instructions of the guild to adjust the relationship between the Ola Lig family and the family, and between the family and the non-family.

Actually, of course not.

The blue-haired beauty pushed her eyes, and glanced at Hermes lightly, her eyes full of scrutiny.

"What... what's wrong, Yasifei?"

Hermes wondered, feeling something was wrong.

"Some things should not be said indiscriminately." The blue-haired and eyed girl handed Hermes a newspaper.

On the title page of the newspaper, Hermes sharply commented on adventurers.

The corner of Hermes' mouth twitched slightly, and he looked down.

The humiliating defeat of the adventurers in the past two days has become the most popular topic in Olalie. Let's take a look at Hermes, the god of travel, commenting on this.

Hermes, who has always been straightforward, said bluntly, if the adventurer loses like this, he will lose face.

You said adventurers, how many adventurers have you changed every session?If you don't change your mistakes, you don't change your medicine.

The fairies also have reason to say, who am I bringing, I am bringing ancient heroes, who are you, let me lead!

What level is Olali now? As long as your Rocky Freya family is preparing to crusade against the black dragon, is it crusade yet?Can't crusade, don't have this ability to know?

The next thing is to lose to the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon can't clear the level even after losing the Demon Tower, and then loses to the external forces of Olali, and then no one loses, everyone loses.

I've said it all, like today's adventurers haven't laid a solid foundation, you can assure me that he can win at such a critical moment as the crusade against the black dragon!

Be pragmatic.

I advise you young people to be more pragmatic and understand the concept of how to upgrade yourself and the idea of ​​God's grace first. Fairy spirits lead heroes pretty well, why do you have to change him?

Now that I lose 0:28, how can you explain it to me?

The face is gone.

Hermes fell silent.

"This has brought a lot of trouble to the family." Yasifei looked at her main god coldly. It's fine if her main god doesn't develop the family and hang out.

Hermes coughed dryly, and tried to quibble: "Is it possible... I mean possible, but I didn't say this, but a person with the pseudonym Hermes said it?"

"Then who do you think it is?"

"...Well, I wrote it when I found time."

Hermes didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He really knows who wrote it, but... In short, you have a big fist and you are justified. Isn't it okay if he takes the blame?

...We still want to visit other worlds.

Life is not easy, Mo Mo sighed.

He is probably one of the few gods who knows the inside story of Olali now, and now that he is planning to attack the gods, the fewer people who know, the better.

Even his former colleagues may not know the whole picture, but he...

After all, he is a traveler, and the temptation to travel to another world is too great for him, and it almost hits his deathbed.

Other gods may have some crooked thoughts when they know about it, but he is the only one...

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