In addition, there are some idealists doing things in Little Garden. There is no class that betrays the class, but there are still many individuals who betray the class. In any era and class, there will be more or less selfless people.

On the whole, the lower level and human rights of Little Garden...are definitely not comparable to the human history of a world without demons, but compared to a world with demons with the same level of power span, it is definitely the top.

In most cases, with the strength of a mere starburst, it is probably an honor to be able to say the last sentence in the face of a genuine universe-level powerhouse.

In Little Garden, if you really go out and say a word in person, you can attract a four-figure powerhouse, and there won't be a few two-figure figures holding on to airs.

Those who will put on airs will basically not be able to make double digits.

Hakoniwa's two thresholds for promotion, from the perspective of human history, have more advantages than disadvantages-after all, the threshold of four to three digits can almost be regarded as the requirements of human history, and it can be regarded as the deliberate creation of human history. from.

The threshold of three digits to two digits is obviously Hakoniwa's needs. Hakoniwa doesn't want anyone to use Hakoniwa's core to gather and play meritorious deeds and run away, but that is also mixed with the opinions of human history to a certain extent.

History of Humanity: In your box garden system, the strong can easily get promoted and run away. The loophole is so big, and there are no punitive measures. I am very cooperative with you!

Human History: Risk assessed to be too high.

Hakoniwa core: ok, whoever tries to restrain himself, I will send the wind of decadence to kill him!

History of Humanity: Then the risk is not high, okay, I accept your final result, although there is still a little risk of being swept away, but for those backward worlds, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages .

There are two promotion thresholds, suppression before promotion, and restrictions after promotion. This is the reason why Hakoniwa has such a large scale of power, and the level of people's intelligence is average, but it is not the top that dominates everything, and the bottom is regarded as an ant.

For human history, this limitation has done more good than harm.

But for those who want to advance, these two restrictions are not so friendly.

This is one of the benefits of being able to travel across the world.

——The Hakoniwa core limits the scale of power, and limits it to the star level. It makes no sense that the world also has this limit, right?

The four-digit number in Hakoniwa can only build a world view with a planet-level power scale... In other worlds, no one cares about a little bit more power scale and extra budget.

Of course, after returning to Hakoniwa, the excess power scale will probably be weakened back... But to be able to build a world view with an excess power scale, at least one must have mature experience in building a world view.

After going back and forth, if you first have the experience of constructing a worldview on the scale of the sun, and then consider constructing a worldview on the scale of a planet, I don’t know how much easier it is.

Chapter 100

No matter how intelligent a person is, what he does is inseparable from his own common sense. In terms of world view construction, what he shows is bound to be limited by his own experience and three views, and what he shows is all his own understanding of the world.

It must first have a clear system and viewpoint, and then start to shape a brand new worldview according to your own ideas.

There is no accident in building a worldview. It must be the first step to set the goal, and then move towards the goal.

It is precisely because of this that most of the parties involved have their own theoretical basis for the establishment of a worldview, which is based on certain ideas and then extended outward.

The Dao of Taoism, the Sanskrit of Buddhism, etc., are the builders of the worldview who first decide to take "Tao/Buddha" as the core concept, first establish the worldview, and then install their own understanding of the world into the framework of the core concept.

Su Qing is different. His understanding of the world is far less rich than that of the boss.

Without the omnipotent power of divine power, his amount of knowledge would not be enough to attempt to construct a world view, and he would not be able to explain everything in the world with one or two concepts and reach the level of constructing a new world view.

Relying on the omnipotence of divine power, plus the bias of divine power generated by the characteristics of the gods, the world view constructed will roughly present a world of rule evolution, similar to the prehistoric novels. Mini version.

But the birth of the world does not mean that this will become the core concept of the world.

The core concept of the world, according to Hakoniwa's general interpretation of the world view, needs to run through every step of the birth, operation and end of a world.

The divine power of the gods has evolved the world, which is only the beginning of the world view. Su Qing herself does not know the result of how the evolved world will work.

... After all, it is already a mature worldview, and one must learn to grow by oneself.

See what kind of egg this world can grow into.

On the basis of building a world view, Su Qing has too many advantages in the wrong world. He is not limited by the power scale of Hakoniwa, and does not need to be restricted by Hakoniwa's favor system. When using certain sovereign abilities, there is no need to consider Hakoniwa. Opinions of the respective sovereign holders etc.

But before building a worldview, Su Qing always had a concern.

Whether the current world allows the construction of a worldview, and where is the allowed benchmark.

In the final analysis, the so-called worldview construction is to let everything run according to the rules that you have built yourself instead of following the existing rules of the world.

Just like facing a stream, it is true that water flows downhill, but you insist on establishing a world view that water flows uphill. This completely different variable for the real world will of course be rejected by the rules of the real world.

When the self-constructed rules become a system and can resist the rejection of the real world to a certain extent-this is a double digit.

The three-digit stage is a Hakoniwa specialty.

The world of Hakoniwa itself does not support the existence of three-digit numbers. The world view constructed by three digits cannot operate smoothly in the face of the real universe-but it can be done in Hakoniwa.

The level of detail and precision of Hakoniwa's core world view is constructed from the knowledge and experience of countless gods, and it can withstand the rejection of the real universe.

The so-called three-digit world view can only operate under the rules of Hakoniwa.

The world of Hakoniwa can be regarded as divided into two areas, the area observed by Hakoniwa Core and incorporated into the system, which operates according to the rules of Hakoniwa.

The area not observed by Hakoniwa includes the world hidden by some double digits, and the world that Hakoniwa has not observed.

The three-digit worldview goes to the outside world that has not been observed by Hakoniwa. It is difficult to maintain it-it will not collapse directly, but it must be unable to make ends meet, and the worldview has internal problems and gradually collapses.

This is also the reason why, when the triple digits are promoted to the double digits, the failure in the Little Garden will be found by the wind of decadence, but the reason why the triple digits must still be promoted in the Little Garden.

In Hakoniwa, the worldview until the three-digit peak stage is allowed to exist, but outside Hakoniwa, that kind of precise worldview will gradually weaken in the face of the rejection of the world.

Streams can't destroy towns, but building dams on streams and accumulating streams that have been raised for countless years can destroy cities. In terms of building a worldview, Hakoniwa is a three-digit water storage dam.

The three-digit number in Little Garden is only limited to the scale of the spiritual status. The merits obtained by the parties are still there, but they cannot be reflected in the scale of the spiritual status.

When it comes to the outside world, three-digit figures can get rid of the limitation of the size of the spiritual class to a certain extent, but the worldview constructed is facing the rejection of the real world, and it is going downhill, unable to make ends meet.

Moreover, three digits are promoted to two digits. When building your own world view, you must ensure that your world view can shield Hakoniwa’s core observations—in the process, you will collide with Hakoniwa’s worldview, and understand how Hakoniwa’s worldview resists the rejection of external rules. It is also an indispensable experience for becoming a double digit.

There is no way for a double digit to make up for this experience. Faced with the exclusion of rules in the real world, a double digit has its own solution, but it does not mean that it can teach others its own method.

Worldviews constructed according to different concepts naturally face different rejections.

For example, in the face of the rebellion of the lower class, the slavery country has its own set of self-consistent logic, and the feudal country came to the slavery country to learn from is of course useless.

The problems encountered seem to be rebellion, but depending on the situation, these are completely two problems.

They all face the rejection of the rules of the real world, but fundamentally they have different worldviews. Naturally, the answers to the questions cannot be used universally. On the contrary, Hakoniwa’s rule system, which covers countless completely different worldviews, can resist the rejection of the rules of the real world. Two digits are useful.

Su Qing was faced with a problem when building a worldview from the outside world—how difficult is it to build a worldview from the outside world?

Building a world view under Hakoniwa's rules is a four-digit difficulty. In the Hakoniwa world, building a world view in an area that has not been observed by Hakoniwa is a two-digit difficulty.

Regarding the difference between the world and the world, Su Qing felt that she understood a little bit, at least better than the people in Little Garden.

In the worldview, since there are human beings, oxygen and sunlight, the big frame is not much different. It is impossible to use the ability that can be used in world A, but it cannot be used in world B at all.

——But at the same time, the big frame is not too different, but it may be very different in a few places.

For example, in two feudal countries, the internal politics are clear and the officials are responsible, the emperor is wise and the people live and work in peace and contentment... This is not too much difference.

But although the emperors of the two countries are very wise, they may have completely different understandings of a few things.

The emperor of country A felt that the punishment could be lenient to give people a chance to reform. The emperor of country B felt that the punishment must be severe, otherwise it would not serve as a warning.

Whether it is lenient or severe, which one is better, this is not a matter of easy results.

The leniency party can set up various ideological education institutions to provide education to criminals on a regular basis to ensure that criminals who are lenient can walk on the right path, and naturally it will not cause too many social problems.

The heavier party can strictly supervise the process of solving the case to ensure that the power is not abused, and the heavier one is only used in extreme cases, so as to prevent everyone from being in danger due to excessive punishment.

No one can guarantee that they will not commit crimes for the rest of their lives. There are always things that seem to be illegal but are actually illegal. If severe punishment covers even these, it will probably affect people's livelihood, but if it is only serious for murder and arson, it will be fine. .

Two countries that are excellent in every way may not make much difference to most people, but to a few people—to criminals, it makes a big difference.

People who commit serious crimes will receive cumbersome and complicated ideological education in country A, and will be directly sentenced to death in country B.

The same is true of the world and the world.

There is no big difference between the rules, but at the subtle level, there may be a huge gap.

In terms of ability usage, this will probably not be a problem. For example, if a certain ability of Enhui is restricted, then slightly increase the consumption. If a certain frequency of energy fluctuations is restricted, then fine-tune the composition of Enhui.

But the current world's rejection of "alien worldviews"... This is really a small number of aspects, basically only related to the degree of rejection.

Theoretically speaking...or Su Qing speculates theoretically, perhaps this also involves the activity of internal forces in the world view.

The higher the activity level, the easier it is to react with people, the easier it is for strong people to appear in the world view, and the greater the power that can be used when repelling after a different world view appears in the world view?

Maybe so, but that's just speculation without evidence.

Moreover, the activity of the internal power of the world view is not a fixed value.

The earth fault world can breed hundreds of strong stars, but it is difficult for ordinary people to perceive the power in nature. They rely on the grace of God to become stronger. No one can manipulate some kind of power in the air with a mutation. this low activity or high activity?

As far as Su Qing is concerned, she really knows too little about the world.

It is true that he has traveled through several worlds, but he is also the only wrong world. He can vaguely read some of the world's composition. When traveling through other worlds, his strength is too weak and his knowledge is insufficient. A crossing is approximately equal to a white crossing.

Even so, he understands a little better than the two-digit and three-digit people trapped inside Little Garden.

Waiting for Su Qing to travel through dozens of worlds, taking into account the repulsive power of the world that can speculate on certain details of different world view structures, but now... is completely unknown.

Su Qing didn't find any problems when building the world view model, and it went well when she tried it, but it doesn't mean anything.

Trying is just trying.

Injecting a certain amount of heat energy into water, the temperature of the water rises, this is an attempt - but after reaching the qualitative change point of [-] degrees, the water turns into water vapor, and after reaching the qualitative change point, adding heat energy to the rule that the temperature of the water rises, there is an error up.

The qualitative change point between rules and rules, God knows where it will be reflected.

When Su Qing roughly checked the world view model, she could only check each one a little bit.

After a thorough inspection, he didn't have the time and energy.

The world view model he built has absolute errors, and he is counting on the omnipotence of divine power to solve the error by himself, and in terms of rejection of the world view, Su Qing can only be as optimistic as possible.

Seeing that the divine power in front of her eyes began to gather and evolve into shape, Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the first step didn't go wrong.

Su Qing has tried to build a system with the power of three or five gods, and she will not be rejected by the rules of the wrong world.

But the divine power of hundreds of gods, maybe the rules of the world began to reject it... Collecting the divine power of hundreds of gods is a bit complicated, and there are far more than these two points that are likely to cause qualitative changes.

Su Qing didn't conduct a comprehensive calculation. After all, it is easy to collect the breath of divine power, but theoretically, it should be the magnitude of divine power that is most likely to cause a qualitative change.

It is easy to verify whether the combination of divine power and breath will be rejected, but there is no way to verify the level of gods, so the gods can't die twice, right?Trial once and officially do it again?

Now at least in terms of magnitude, it has not touched some qualitative changes in the world of earth faults.

If this first step is successful, the success rate in Su Qing's heart will directly increase by one level.

The construction of a worldview is more of a work at the micro level.

The so-called world view focuses on 'totally different from the current world'.

In Little Garden, the original world view construction is not like this, but to explain the world from its own perspective.

The strong think that good should be rewarded with good, and will naturally reward the good and punish the wicked, but even if it is implemented in double digits, this is not a worldview.

That's not a worldview of what goes around.

In this way, in the final analysis, a good person is rewarded not because he has done a good deed, but because he has done a good deed and been seen by the strong who feel that good should be rewarded with good.

Even if this strong man can support the good people all over the world and get rewarded, it has nothing to do with the worldview.

It's not that in the world view, good will be rewarded with good, but in the current world view, there is a strong man who can make all good people get rewarded.

If it is a world view of what is rewarded, it will directly link "kindness" with "getting" rewards, and establish a causal relationship between the two.

In Hakoniwa, those who played with the world view at the beginning wanted to change the world into what they understood, and they wanted to change the world, not create another world.

But under Hakoniwa's power system, after reaching a certain level of understanding of the world, it is natural to first form a world view that is 'different from the current world relationship'.

Until the worldview is detailed to a certain extent, the core concept of the worldview can be fixed in the universe, be responsible for its own profits and losses, and become the truth of the universe.

The first generation of strong players who played with the world view thought so, but later generations would not think so.

In the eyes of future generations, the world view is a road to becoming stronger. Filling the world view with the energy provided by the world will completely become his own, which can prevent his own power from flowing back outwards.

Especially for gods, gods rely on faith to grow, and it is the instinct of gods to return power to humans who provide faith.

The worldview can intercept the feedback from the gods to human history, and the more detailed the worldview, the higher the interception ratio.

Gradually, some people who did not want to change the world according to their own ideas also began to study the construction of worldview.

The first generation’s research is to change the world, and the by-product is derived from the road of worldview construction.

The follow-up research is how to build a world view and become stronger, and many methods that are easier to build a world view have emerged.

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