How can a normal four-digit number advance to a three-digit number?

First of all, the world view you build has a complementary effect on Hakoniwa, and Hakoniwa distributes merits—and energy—for you.

Merit is a type of energy, but energy is not merit.

In Little Garden, merit is universal, and any kindness invested in it can grow.

The energy is invested in the favor, the favor may be burst, and the favor may be rejected by the favor.

In prehistoric novels, favor is the merit from heaven, and energy is mana or aura, which are absolutely different.

At the same level, there is a huge gap in the gold content between the two.

Merit is approximately equal to the merits and virtues falling from the sky, and a meritorious saint is piled up, and the energy is approximately equal to all the mana consumed by the meritorious saint.

A portion of the mana of a saint can be strong or not... Any saint can come up with hundreds or even thousands of copies, and he can restore it at will when it is used up.

But a share can pile up the merits of a sage, and if a sage can take out a share, it is considered rich.

The normal four-digit number is based on the small amount of achievements given by Hakoniwa as a framework to sort out the quality and energy, and finally form a three-digit worldview.

...How can there be a world view based on merit?

Canary sighed, holding back tears of jealousy.


... If you really don't know how to take the exam, give me the extra points, and I can take the exam for you!

Chapter 7

It really makes Canary evaluate Su Qing's behavior, relying on merit to fill the world view, forcibly catalyzing the world view to three digits, and there are even leftovers...

Canary can only say, prodigal son.

Didn't do that!

As long as you spend a little time, even if you spend a little bit, read millions of books on Buddhist scriptures, Taoism, alchemy, astrology, and witchcraft.

For the other four digits, a small amount of achievement plus a lot of energy forms a world view, but it is not difficult to form a world view with a little extra class, right?

The world view is formed entirely by merit, which can only be described in two words, waste.

And the world view constructed in this way is not strong.

The merit lies in its versatility, and its strength lies in its ability to be used in key places, but if it is used, it will be no different from other types of energy.

Isn't most of today's mid-to-high-level favors catalyzed by merit?

Strong merits are always useful and will never depreciate. Favors that are useless are really useless.

The feats that can catalyze ten four-digit favors, two digits will grab it, and convert this merit into four-digit favors, two digits are too lazy to look at it, and they are too lazy to make a move.

It is not dangerous to take a shot once in a while, but if the wind of decadence finds out, you will have to pay a price, which is not worth it.

The more versatile a thing is, the less it can be abused, and it should be used wisely—that's what Canary once thought.

But she thought about it again, Su Qing had obtained such a large number of achievements within a few days after leaving Little Garden, if Su Qing had made up the world view construction class in Little Garden and did not travel through time, such a large number of achievements would be lost.

Isn't that even worse?

It is difficult for her to make money (merit) by working overtime, and others go out to pick up money (merit)...

Canary feels the difference in the world,

It's amazing to be able to travel across the world, isn't it!

Canary thought about it for a second, it seemed that being able to travel through the world is really amazing?

After all, this is still my own.

Although nothing has happened yet, Canary is a little happy. In the future, he will be able to crush the enemy with superior conditions and smash the enemy with money.

In the future, when I go to other groups of gods to cooperate, I no longer need to know the background of the other party, do not need to investigate the other party's deeds, and do not need to focus on the other party's personality during the conversation.

A three-digit achievement in the left hand is slapped down, and a two-digit achievement is weighed in the right hand. Open your mouth to ask whether you are willing to cooperate. Give me a good word, I am in a hurry.


What is looking for someone to cooperate with? Other people rush to find me to cooperate?

Su Qing looked at the girl in front of her suspiciously, and waved her fingers in front of Canary.


"...Please understand the complicated feelings of a poor country girl who has never seen the world, suddenly seeing the world."

"A poor country girl? Are you?" Su Qing dragged her chin and shook her head slightly: "It's really stupid. It seems that I have to find another brain trust. I think Athena is good."

"Wait, wait, it's a joke, it's just a joke." Canary waved her hands again and again.

"I also think Athena is competent." Beside Canary, Gaia's voice came faintly.

"No, one more person who knows about it means one more risk."

"It's okay, Nana is very reputable." Gaia continued to tease.

"In short, it is not possible. When it comes to the planning of the lower levels, my canary is second to Athena."

Canary looked serious, and she also knew that Gaia was making fun of her, but...

She had to consider whether this was her only chance in this life.

It's not that she hasn't fought a smooth battle at all. When she fights some chicken devil kings in the box court, she will naturally crush them as she fights.

But that's the opposite too rookie.

When playing against game organizers of the same level, Canary has faced situations where others have all kinds of horses and guns. She only has two small soldiers at the beginning.

She thinks that her technical level is not weaker than the enemy's, but it's useless if her technology is not weak, that's the condition!

Canary must consider whether this is the only match in her life where she can have an advantage in terms of conditions when playing against those game organizers who are qualified to fight her.

Being abused a lot, who doesn't want to play two cool rounds?Especially the enemy's intelligence calculations and knowledge are not weaker than his own, and he can struggle a little, and no matter how hard he struggles, it is useless...

In the next situation, if Athena is really allowed to play chess, the details will be different from her layout, but on the whole, it will be difficult to say whose plan is more effective for a while.

When Canary was asked to give up this opportunity and pull Athena into the group, she absolutely did not want to agree.

But she also knew that Su Qing would not agree to confess his spirituality to Athena, and Gaia was in the middle of it as a guarantee. There was a high probability that there would be no problems, but it was not completely safe after all.

After all, her Canary only has a four-digit spiritual capacity, and her combat power is controllable. Athena seems a bit strong to Su Qing.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Canary is a little worried about Athena... After all, she is a famous virgin goddess, and her popularity lies there.

Canary decided to strictly prevent Gaia from sending Athena to play the charm card.

After Gaia teased Canary twice, she closed her mouth in moderation, and Canary talked about Su Qing's changes after leaving Xiaoting Garden.

"The reform of the class dominator system has basically been paved at the lower level. Relying on Qianyan's resources and relationship network, this is proceeding extremely smoothly."

Canary shook her head slightly, and said, "From my point of view, instead of crusade against the final trial of human beings, many three-digit figures are paying attention to this aspect."

"After all, the rewards are too high...and there's no risk."

Canary curled her lips. She is not Leticia, so she doesn't understand the tricks in it.

Hakoniwa will contain human history, but there are some things that exist in human history, but Hakoniwa cannot contain them.

For example, Hakoniwa closed the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution... With these two as the closing points, the direction of technological development in human history will basically not deviate too much.

But between these two points, no god can control what kind of technology will be born in human history.

If the gods and Buddhas of Hakoniwa have the grace and sovereignty suitable for concluding at this stage, they can use the confinement of Hakoniwa to allow a certain ability they have mastered to appear in human history.

If human history judges that the kind of favor you provided appeared in human history and is beneficial to the progress of human history, it will recognize your concluding results and provide you with a certain amount of merit.

——But is there no innovation at all in the history of mankind, and it all depends on Hakoniwa?

Of course not, everything is just the other way around. It's not that the technological progress in human history is all brought together by Hakoniwa. It's more that someone in human history has developed technology, and then it was bought by Hakoniwa at a high price, and it is brought together in human history. inside.

The point is, not all sovereignty can be contained in Little Garden.

In the history of mankind, someone must have developed computers and networks, and they will naturally have the sovereignty of computers and networks in their hands—but that is fragmented.

The blessings of Little Garden are collected into human history, and a certain kind of sovereignty in Natural Little Garden completely represents the sovereignty of related products in human history.

But if it is not because of Hakoniwa, some people in human history have developed computers and networks... what he holds is only his sovereignty over computers and networks in a certain world.

In other worlds, there are also people who have developed computers and networks.

There are tens of thousands of worlds observed by Hakoniwa, and there are thousands of people with similar sovereignty.

Hakoniwa cannot use this kind of sovereignty to confine human history - not because the sovereignty is incomplete, but simply not meeting the requirements of Hakoniwa's confinement.

Hakoniwa is not the way of heaven, and human history is not completely dominated by Hakoniwa. Human history will only recognize Hakoniwa's confinement permission if the result of Hakoniwa's confinement is in the interests of human history.

The relevant personnel in the history of mankind can complete the establishment of computers and networks by themselves. Why should the history of mankind let Hakoniu close and pay Hakoniwa?

Human history thinks he is too rich?

It is basically impossible for gods and Buddhas to take the blessings in human history and try to bring them into human history.

For example, as mentioned in the original book, I went back to Izayoi to speculate that Azdahaka's spirituality was related to weapons of mass destruction, but Di Shitian said that they obtained information about Sovereignty over weapons of mass destruction was housed, and that sovereignty is now administered by the Space Forces.

Can the Hakoniwa Shinto gain the merits brought about by weapons of mass destruction in human history through this favor?

Of course that is not possible. If the Hakoniwa God Buddha wants to use sovereignty to do this kind of confinement, the history of mankind will slap back the confinement proposal.

If it works, gods and Buddhas would have started wars in human history long after they held this sovereignty.

But if it is "the gods hold the sovereignty of weapons of mass destruction, when a nuclear war is going to happen in the history of mankind, Hakoba Shinto prohibits the occurrence of nuclear war through this sovereignty" - this kind of ending result is beneficial to most human beings , human history will naturally recognize it.

Most of the effects of top favors are like this.

Without this concluding result, there might have been wars in human history, but with Hakoniwa confining, inexplicable accidents would occur in human history, preventing wars in human history from escalating to the point of using nuclear bombs.

It seemed that the nuclear bomb was clearly ready, and someone who held the launch button received the launch order from the superior, but insisted on confirming the order again and again, and delayed until the superior canceled the launch order.

It seems that a nuclear missile has been aimed at the enemy, but somehow misfiring.

The gods and Buddhas in Little Garden cannot attribute to themselves all the achievements related to the sovereignty of weapons of mass destruction in human history by "holding sovereignty over weapons of mass destruction".

Sovereignty holders will have a part of the credit share that they continue to enjoy, but not much. If you really want to get credit, it depends on what you do with this sovereignty.

The mechanism of Hakoba has a certain degree of fairness. The research results of the later generations are based on the foundation of the predecessors, and the achievements of the later generations will naturally be handed over to the predecessors. Your calligraphy achievements are high, and there is no Cangjie to create characters. Calligraphy for you?

But in the same way, the blessings and achievements of the predecessors are not all owned by the predecessors-you developed the nuclear bomb, but the follow-up nuclear bomb has kept the world from major wars for decades, and the credit is naturally shared by all mankind.

A portion will be given to the leaders of great powers, a portion will be given to the citizens who are elected as leaders, and a portion will be given to various people who lobby for peace... Sovereignty holders will also get some, but only some.

This is true for the merits of holding sovereignty, not to mention the ending of taking sovereignty in human history.

Take the things that already exist in human history, gather them through Hakoniwa, and go to human history to claim merit?

Is human history stupid?

If Hakoniwa’s deeds want to be included in human history, most of the achievements need to be overflowed, and the worldview must be sufficiently deep.

Su Qing used the particle of C to curb the voting system of class rulers. If it was only like this, only some top gods and Buddhas would pay attention to this matter. This seems inconspicuous and not very luscious, but it may become a change in Hakoniwa. opportunity

But everyone knows that the upper limit of C particles is not here.

Particles of C can integrate the spiritual power of human beings to form a spiritual world, and can interfere with the material world through the formed spiritual world.

In the history of mankind, the particle of C can allow human beings to communicate with brain waves, and can instantly travel to and from the world through the spiritual world.

If by virtue of this favor, you want to curb the Internet or the courier industry, even though it is only a matter of nature, there is a high probability that human history will not refuse.

By virtue of this, Su Qing obtained the merits that no god could bring in in the past, and the history of mankind obtained a new favor, and its development was extremely beneficial to the history of mankind.

A win-win situation—anyway, human history has to feel that you have made a profit, so that you can easily close your achievements.

Moreover, the most important thing is that with the existence of the C particle, the stability of the world view is solid enough.

It's not that gods and Buddhas can't have the ability to allow humans to teleport, but the ability derived from gods and Buddhas cannot be used in human history.

——Under the premise that there is no Hakoniwa, making the constructed world view work in the real universe is something that can only be achieved by two digits.

The bounty of the birth of the three-digit world view is given to human history, and human history must consider whether to want it or not.

For the three digits themselves, after leaving Hakoniwa, his abilities cannot be used normally in the universe outside the shelter of Hakoniwa. The accuracy of the three digit worldview is not as good as the real universe.

The three-digit construction of the world view is the only way for the gods after the appearance of Hakoniwa, and it needs to rely on Hakoniwa to exist.

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