In the final analysis, the source of everything is that Zaobo opened the "Ultimate Cave" privately and summoned the Ultra Beast.

"If on the day you made a big mistake, you would take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and actively cooperate in finding a way to treat Lillie..., then I might still be able to treat you as Zaobo, you have a bit of humanity and a sense of responsibility, and you can let the past go , but you guy..."

Thinking of this, Lusamine became very angry.

No matter how bad it is, if Zaobo voluntarily admits his mistakes, it will be regarded as a wrong experimental accident. Lusamine may forgive him for an extreme experimental behavior based on the friendship of his colleagues for more than ten years.

After all, how could any experiment go smoothly from beginning to end without accidents?


Not only did Zaobo not take the initiative to admit his mistakes, but he also concealed the truth of the matter, completely misleading Lusamine.

At that time, Lusamine still trusted Zaobo, a friend who had been with her for more than ten years.

Therefore, Lusamine believed his reasoning, and did not doubt Zaobo, only when Lillie really ran outside by accident, did she encounter an accident.

"Is it because I am too kind that you feel that no matter what you do, I will not get angry and let you be punished as you deserve? Zaobo."

"Then let you see, when a daughter is seriously injured and her son runs away from home in anger, a single mother who has suffered many heartbreaks can become a cruel mother... ..”


"Aren't you going to go to Pokémon School with Lillie?"

Lying on the recliner under the huge sunshade fan, facing the blue Karawei Bay, Cattleya asked curiously.

"I think she has always wanted to take Zhuobao and you to the Pokémon School to have a look."

"No need, at least not now."

Zhuowen was wearing cool Hawaii....Alora beach shorts, lying on the recliner next to Cattleya, looking like he was on vacation leisurely.

Today is Monday!A day at Pokémon School.

Naturally, it was the day when Zhuo Wen and Cattleya needed to go back to Tianfu University to study.

Zhuowen, Zhuowen, how can you be so depraved, have you forgotten your job as a 'student' of the Pokémon Battle Department?

Today is Monday, the day that should have been studying.

So with Cattleya, a relaxing holiday in the azure Cala Velvet in the Alola region is... more and more enjoyable.

study?Learn a fart!

"It looks like, Zhuo Bao, you seem to have some special plan?"

Cattleya blinked her eyes, and there was a gleam of splendor in her beautiful eyes.

"I don't have any special plans. It's just a temporary need to 'wait for the rabbit' and stick to it."

Zhuo Wen pouted and said.

His thinking was similar to that of Lusamine. As the person who caused the most harm to the young Lillie more than 4 years ago, Zaobo must be punished forcefully.

A mere 'demotion', from being the director of the research department of the 'Ethereum Foundation' to an ordinary researcher, this level of punishment is not enough at all!

But in the absence of reliable 'evidence', punishing Zaobo is like 'using extrajudicial lynching'.

So Director Zhuo must wait patiently here.

Waiting for the moment when Zaobo reveals his fox tail.

"When he learned that Lillie had been cured of her mental illness in the Hezhong area and returned to the Alola area, Zaobo would definitely be restless, worrying to what extent Lillie's memory had recovered, and whether she remembered calling her. It is he who is empty of virtue."

"So sooner or later he's going to show his feet...I mean the telltale moment."

"We just have to be patient and wait for a while."

"So that's the case. No wonder you didn't go directly back to the Donghuang area to wait for Miss Lulina's visit, but came to the Alola area."

Cattleya nodded suddenly when she heard the words.

"What is the relationship between Lilia and you? You actually take care of her so meticulously."

"She's my number one fan."

Zhuo Wen said seriously, "Without Lilia's full support back then, there would not be the current tactical anchor Zhuo Guidance. Probably I would never have met you."

"Also, if you encounter the same situation, Cattleya, I will spare no effort to help you."

"It's still like talk."

Although she knew in her heart that Zhuo Wen would definitely do her best to help herself like this, but when the other party said this, Cattleya was still as happy as eating a piece of candy.

It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to hear the other party confirm it.

"---!" "----!" "---!"

At this time, the last elf ball around Zhuo Wen's waist suddenly shook violently.

Kirulian, Hot Meow, Steel Armored Crow, Sticky Treasure, and Little Laplace have all been released by Zhuowen, allowing them to train or rest on Karawei Bay at will.

Only the last elf ball, Zhuowen did not open it hastily.

"Shh, be patient. I know you'd love to come out and see the world, but..."

Zhuowen took out the last Poké Ball, and patiently explained to the Pokémon inside, "As an 'Ultimate Beast', whether you appeared next to Lusamine or here, you will be monitored at any time. The Alola region of 'Ultimate Aura' is not particularly suitable."

"Maybe something unexpected will happen..."

"So you'd better bear with it for a while, and let you come out to see the world together after I get home."


Hearing Zhuowen's kind words of persuasion, Poké Ball finally calmed down.

Both are 'Ultimate Beasts', but there are very, very big differences in individuals, personalities, and preferences.

There are very dangerous creatures like the Great Eater, who have a terrifying appetite to eat anything in sight, are brutal by nature, and love to wreak havoc.

It is impossible for Zhuowen to subdue this kind of 'Ultimate Beast'.

But there are also 'Ultimate Beasts' who are a little milder and not so difficult to get along with.

Zhuowen felt that it was okay to subdue it.

He himself is still an 'Ultimate Alien' from another world, so why should he be afraid of an 'Ultimate Alien Beast'.

Chapter 210 'Ultra Man'

'Ultra Beast' is a Pokémon from another world.

And Zhuo Wen is a human from another world, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the 'Ultimate Alien'.

However, 'ultimate alien', that is, 'Ultra·Man'... right?

Now Director Zhuo has also become the Warrior of Light (Ultraman).

----Believe me, you too can become a 'light'!

"What little tricks are you doing secretly, Zhuo Bao?"

Cattleya looked over curiously.

"It's nothing."

Zhuowen put away the quiet Pokémon ball.

The Pokémon captured from the 'dream world',..., no matter how you think about it, it is a bit against common sense.

He was only in an 'experimental nature' at the beginning, so he captured this mild-tempered ultimate beast.

It turned out that after waking up from the dream, this Pokémon really existed in the Pokémon Ball guided by Zhuo.

Even Zhuo Wen wanted to pinch himself to see if he was still dreaming.

Trapped in the 'space of stealing dreams', trapped in a dream forever, without waking up.

He needs a trigger flag.

Just like "will the spinning top stop", to remind yourself whether you are in a dream or in reality.

"Ah, why are you touching my leg again?"

"I'm just testing whether you are a real person, Cattleya, or an NPC in the 'Dream World'."

"Have you reached a conclusion?"

"Collecting the latest data.... After comparison, it is a little fatter than before, and it is identified as: real person. But Cattleya, you seem to have gained a little weight recently."

"Ah..., is it because the life schedule is too good and too comfortable recently?"

Cattleya suddenly panicked and said, it seems that she has been fattened.

"It's okay, it's fine. Originally, you were a little too thin. Thighs with a touch (meat) are more comfortable to the touch. Don't be as thin as a bamboo pole."





After greeting each other, Mao asked excitedly, "Lillie, you said that you have returned to normal, is it true that you can touch Pokémon?"

"That's right, during the weekend, I left the Alola region to receive treatment at a research institute in Hezhong, and then returned to normal, and I can touch Pokémon."

Lillie responded with a smile.

"Come on, Togdemar, use 'Rub Your Cheek' on Lillie...Oh no, just rub your calf."

Another classmate, Mamane, firmly believes that "true knowledge comes from practice", so he asked his Pokémon Togodmar to try to touch Lillie.

However, in order to prevent Lillie from petrifying all of a sudden, Mamane quickly changed his words and only let Togdemar, an 'electric mouse' unique to the Alola region, rub Lillie's calf with an electric bag.


Togdemar jumped off Mamane's shoulder and rubbed against Lillie's calf.

"Ahaha...It's itchy, Togdemar, don't do this kind of thing."

" it true?"

"Am I dreaming?"

The students of Pokémon School know Lillie's fear of touching Pokémon better than anyone else.

After all, when she first became a classmate, it was because of this situation that there were many frightening incidents where Lilia twitched all over and turned pale.

"how did you do that?"

Shui Lian with short aqua blue hair asked curiously.

She is a serious and funny girl who can easily find problems that others don't notice.

"---It's all thanks to Director Zhuo."

"'Director Zhuo', is that your friend who is very strong in Pokémon battles as you have always said before?"

Fire Department Yusanjia——Cachi’s pupils suddenly seemed to be burning with flames, and Gala Gala (the form of Alola) at his feet was also dancing with a bone stick burning with will-o’-the-wisps.

"Now that he's in the Alola region, let that trainer from another region fight against me, and let him see the enthusiasm of the trainers in the Alola region!"

Kaqi is an elite trainer who has completed the "Island Tour" of Akara Island. He is a very passionate and combative Pokémon trainer, just like the general impression of the "Fire" attribute.

"Oh, oh, classmate Kaqi. Your blood is as amazing as the never-extinguishing volcano on Akara Island, but it will be time for class soon."

The person who came to give lessons to Lillie, Mao and the others was Dr. Kukui, the regional doctor of the Alola region, a very approachable young doctor.


It may be too early to say that it is a regional doctor.

Because the Pokémon League has not yet been established in the Alola region, it is impossible to talk about the "regional champion" and "regional doctor".

'Regional Champion' and 'Regional Doctor' are, in a sense, the two most conspicuous postcards of a Pokémon League region.

One literate and one martial arts.

And Dr. Kukui is very remarkable, he is the Pokémon researcher who is closest to the name of "Regional Doctor" in the Alola area, and he is also a powerful Pokémon trainer in the Alola area. The regional champions are very close.

It is said that in order to prepare for the establishment of the Alola Regional Alliance, Dr. Kukui has traveled through other Pokémon Alliance regions and challenged the champion of the Chengdu region, the powerful "Dragon Messenger" - Yulongdu.

In the end it was just a pity to lose.

Therefore, he can indeed be called the all-round evaluation of 'both civil and military', a trainer with the strength of the strongest four heavenly kings, and his strength is still higher than that of Cattleya and Zhuowen at this time.

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