"Can't we change today's lesson into an exchange and battle with powerful trainers from other regions? This is also a very important subject of the course!"

A single-minded hot-blooded guy, Kaqi only appears to be very cunning and smart at this time.

"It's rare, Kaqi, that you actually convinced the teacher to me one day."

Dr. Kukui put his hands in the pockets of his doctor's coat, pondered for a moment and said, "Well, let's change today's homework to communication and battles with trainers from other regions."

"Dr. Kukui, I traveled to other alliance regions when I was young, and I have seen many Pokémon and powerful trainers that are not available in the Alola region."

"As a student of Pokémon School, it is indeed very important to understand this knowledge."

Originally, in a school class, there were a total of five students, Lillie, Mao, Shuilian, Mamane, and Kaqi, and one teacher, Dr. Kukui.

Naturally, the coursework is very free and casual, and it all depends on Dr. Kukui's free play and mood that day.

"That's great, Mr. Kukui."

"Woohoo, go out and play, Togdemar."


"Hey, I said, although it is an extracurricular study, it is also a 'study' subject. Remember not to be too rude, and let trainers from other regions have a bad impression of us in the Alola region."

"Don't worry, Mr. Kukui. We will definitely perform very well."


Lilia tilted her head, what's going on?

I originally wanted to bring Director Zhuo to Pokémon School and introduce him to my classmates and good friends, but Zhuo Wen declined.

As a result, although Zhuo Wen didn't lean towards 'Pokémon School' now, 'Pokémon School' went towards Zhuo's guidance.


"Laplace, use 'Aria of Bubbles'!"

"Metal monster, use 'Comet Punch'!"


The Hinayana dragon sang gorgeous poems, turning the energy of the water attribute into a huge water tide, condensed in a bubble.


Cattleya's metal monster waved its glowing fist, and the shiny metal fist passed through the "Aria of Bubbles" like a "comet". After smashing through the water polo, the remaining power still hit Laplace's body.


A heavy punch from the quasi-king-level Pokémon directly knocked Xiaochenglong unconscious, making her lose her ability to fight.

"Comet Fist" has a power of up to 90, and the additional effect of probabilistically increasing attack power. It is a very advanced "steel attribute" skill, and only a few rare and powerful Pokémon can learn and inherit it.

Originally, only two types of Pokémon, quasi-god 'Megro' and waveguide Pokémon 'Lucario', could be learned.

In the eighth generation, for some reason, the 'Pixie' family also suddenly mastered the method of using Comet Punch. It may be because the Pixie family is the alien Pokémon that came to the Pokémon world with the 'Comet' Because of the dream? !


The metal monster who won the battle excitedly waved a metal arm composed of two iron dumbbells.

Although it was just defeating a baby Pokémon, Xiao Chenglong was born not long ago, but at any rate, he defeated Director Zhuo who rarely failed.

Metal Monster has already set a record.

The light on his body flashed, and the excited metal monster suddenly evolved.

The crab-like solid metal body became bigger and bigger, and two additional metal arms grew out, turning into an 'alloy cross (metagro)' like an iron crab.

A 'late blooming Pokémon' with a race value of 600.

Chapter 210: The Man Who Became the Four Heavenly Kings

According to the Pokémon Illustrated Book, the metal monster is the appearance of two iron dumbbells combined by magnetic force.

Metagross is a combination of 2 metal monsters.

The Mega Metagross is a combination of 1 Metagross, 1 Metal Monster and 2 Iron Dumbbells.

From Iron Dumbbells to Metal Monsters, Metagross, Mega Metagros.

They are composed of one iron dumbbell, two iron dumbbells, four iron dumbbells and eight iron dumbbells.

The geometric sequence is surprisingly 'scientific'.

However, the 'Pokémon Pokédex' is known to have a mustache.

For example, the body temperature is about [-] degrees Celsius, which is higher than the lava snail on the surface of the sun.

---- It is not obvious that metal monsters, giant metal monsters, etc. need to piece together the number of 'iron dumbbells' to complete their evolution.

Metagross Mega evolution, you only need to prepare the 'Mega evolution' keystone and super stone.

There is no need to eat a metal monster and 2 iron dumbbells on the spot. After the Mega evolution is over, the fusion will be canceled on the spot.

"Great, Metal Monster! After all this time and effort, you've finally evolved into 'Metagro'."

Cattleya smiled and jumped onto the metal body of the giant metal monster that had grown in size much like a giant iron crab.

I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected joy after casually discussing a Pokémon battle with Director Zhuo.


The giant metal monster made a heavy voice, waved four powerful metal arms, and made a 'clang' sound.

"Late Blooming Pokémon", after completing the final stage of evolution, its strength has taken a leap.

Now, Cattleya's strength is probably not that of a quasi-fourth king-level trainer.

It's a Pokémon trainer at the level of the True Four Heavenly Kings.

The current Cattleya only needs to go to the Hezhong area to fight for the throne of the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Super Power System" and obtain the official title of "Heavenly King".

"Come back, Laplace. You did your best against such a powerful Pokémon."

Zhuowen asked Kirulian to swipe a few "Life Droplets" at the Hinayana dragon who had lost the ability to fight, then took out the Pokémon ball and took it back to Laplace.

Since idleness is also idleness, Director Zhuo and Cattleya had a Pokémon battle on the beach of Karawei Bay and competed with each other.

Little Laplace's inherited skills are of high quality. Although the level is not high, he still played wonderfully, and it is a pity that he lost.

Some people may question why we don't use 'Song of Perdition' + 'Protection' to drag the number of rounds, at least to tie with Cattleya.


However, the comprehension requirement of "Song of Perdition" is that the level of riding a dragon must reach level 60. This is an advanced skill that can only be comprehended when Laplace's strength is very high.

How could the little Laplace, who was just born, be able to use the killer move of "Song of Perdition".

It can only 'sing (hypnosis)' that's all, and it often misses the skill.

"Winning a small dragon, I am so happy to let you evolve it? What about the quasi-god's virtue! I really have no ambition at all!"

Zhuowen reached out and knocked hard on the iron head of the giant metal monster, making a metallic sound of 'dang---'.


The golden monster responded with a smile.

It has four brains and has extraordinary intelligence like a supercomputer.

After analysis, Metagross came to the conclusion that defeating Little Laplace was indeed not an extraordinary record.

But even if it's just a battle, this is the first time in Zhuo's life that he has lost a Pokémon battle.

----First-blood (the first drop of blood).

Even if it is the only 'limited achievement' in this life, the experience points and rewards are enough to make the metal monster happily upgrade to the 'metagro'.

Next time, who wants to use this method to get rid of BUG and make their Pokémon get breakthrough progress, but there is no such opportunity, and the "Limited Achievement" is out of print.

"You are really amazing, Zhuo Bao, my metasta has been stuck in the stage of 'metal monster' for a long time, and has never evolved into a 'metagro'. I didn't expect that I just sparred with you casually With one hand, it successfully completed the breakthrough in the final stage!"

Cattleya smiled happily.

Recently, her life has really swept away the haze of the past, and her luck has changed tremendously.

I originally thought that I would have to stay in the 'Battle Castle' for several years before I could control my superpowers.

I didn't expect to meet Director Zhuo, with a unique technique to calm the fluctuations of superpowers, and help the metal monster complete the final evolution that is the most difficult to break through.

It's a double blessing.

Cattleya: I'm happy here,.... I don't want to fight against the castle.

"Because your metal monster has been stuck in the 'metal monster' stage for a long time, so after your super power and mentality are relieved, you become calm and able to control yourself, the metal monster will also break free It became a bottleneck and evolved into a 'metagro'."

Zhuo Wen didn't ask for credit, but explained very calmly.

"--The main reason is that you have cultivated the metal monster very well before, Cattleya, and there is only one 'opportunity' to let it complete the breakthrough in the final stage. The relationship with defeating little Laplace should be Not that big."

"Anyway, this is the result of you, Zhuo Bao. Don't be embarrassed, just say it neatly, it's the breakthrough you helped me achieve, isn't it all right?"

Cattleya covered her mouth and smiled.

After getting along with Zhuo Wen day and night in the past few weeks, Cattleya understood Zhuo's character better than many people.

If Cattleya didn't praise him, then Zhuo Wen would definitely be very unhappy.

But if Cattleya's small mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, and she attributed everything to him, then Zhuowen would be too embarrassed to accept the praise, and would keep opening her mouth to evade it.

To put it simply.... Director Zhuo is a little bit tsundere, and his personality is 'opposite', right? !

"Whether it's a breakthrough in the state of mind, a breakthrough in superpowers, or the metal monster has finally completed the most difficult step and finally evolved, it's the same."

Cattleya said frankly, "All of this is inseparable from your help to me."

"is it?"

Zhuo Wen scratched his cheeks a little embarrassedly, "Well, it seems that I am still more remarkable than I imagined."

"YeahYeahYeah~~~, it's really amazing, Zhuo's guidance is number one in the world!"

Cattleya happily raised her powder fist and added.

Before it was Lulina, now it is Cattleya,... Zhuowen has not yet become a Pokémon trainer of the "Four Heavenly Kings" level, but has already "guided" two "Four Heavenly Kings" level Pokémon Dream Trainer.

It is true that people like Lulina and Cattleya have very good foundations, but Zhuowen's contribution and role in this cannot be ignored.

Director Zhuo is a man who is destined to become the Four Heavenly Kings and even the champion.

Although the goal has not been completed yet, in another sense,...., it is close to completion.

"Awesome! I didn't expect to see an extremely rare evolution of Pokémon when I first came to Karawei Bay."

Dr. Kukui led a group of students from the Pokémon School and walked over from the coast of the bay, applauding enthusiastically.

Although they didn't watch the whole battle, they successfully witnessed the rare scene where the 'Metal Monster' evolved into a 'Golden Monster'.

Quasi-God is a relatively rare and precious Pokémon in the Pokémon world.

Even rarer than 'late blooming Pokémon' is successfully breeding them to their final evolved form.

Only by achieving this final breakthrough can it be regarded as a "late bloomer", surpassing many other Pokémon in one fell swoop, and ascending to the position of "quasi-god".

If you don't have the egg or initial form of the quasi-god Pokémon, then it is called 'quasi-god'.

Rather, only those who have completed the most difficult final evolution, these 'late blooming Pokémon', are eligible to be called 'quasi-gods'.

"Dr. Kukui? And everyone from Pokémon School?"

"You know me? It's not surprising. It seems that Lillie has already introduced me and her classmates."

Dr. Kukui said with a smile.


Lilia couldn't help but tilt her cute little head.

I,.... Have you introduced your classmates and teachers to Director Zhuo?

"It is very rare for excellent Pokémon trainers to appear in other areas of the Alola area. So I would like to take this opportunity to bring students to ask for advice from your two outstanding trainers and exchange information about other areas. The situation and Pokémon in other regions won’t bother you, right?!”


Cattleya looked a little unhappy and turned her head away.

Wearing sunscreen, playing beach volleyball, swimming, fighting Pokémon, on the tropical beach of Karawei Bay, she has basically played with Zhuowen once.

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