If Lao Wang wanted to make money, he would have already received a lot of money from Li Guoqiang.

Because Li Guoqiang told Lao Wang more than once.

If you want to invest or want to work in your own factory, there is no problem.

And it can train Pharaoh to become an administrator.

But Pharaoh thinks he doesn't have any outstanding working ability,

It would be irresponsible to Li Guoqiang to become a manager by force.

After all, their company is very big. If there is an incompetent person in charge, it is not appropriate to let them lose money.

This is why Li Guoqiang admires Lao Wang very much.

Because although Lao Wang said he had no money, he was not greedy at all.

Qin Huairu is a cruel person,

If you can use it for yourself, you can let the other party live a few more days, or let the other party make a small fortune.

For a person like Old Wang who is harder than a rock, Qin Huairu has only one thing.

That is to make the other party completely disappear in this world.

Because Pharaoh will definitely tell what happened today, and it won't be so easy for you to implement the plan if you don't have to.

Qin Huairu gave the other party another chance.

If he is willing to murder Li Guoqiang,

Then you can get rich, but if you don't want to, you will go to hell immediately.

Lao Wang is a man who has no desires or desires, and usually does not flatter anyone, except Li Guoqiang.

Chapter 294 False affection, unexpected

In this world, I don't trust anyone at all, and I don't believe that there is any kind of warmth in this world.

Lao Wang's marriage failed several times, and he was always cheated of dowry.

I feel that if someone in this world wants to harm a good person like Li Guoqiang, it is absolutely impossible.

Lao Wang said again that he would never do what Qin Huairu said, even if he died.

Qin Huairu, a heartless woman, immediately asked her bodyguards to put Lao Wang in a sack and throw him into the river to feed the fish.

After Lao Wang died, Li Guoqiang would of course investigate this matter.

But it's not easy to track down.

Because if a person evaporates from the world, even the body cannot be found, how can it be so easy to investigate?

Li Guoqiang also thought of Qin Huairu, but Qin Huairu was quite cunning and did not reveal any clues.

Of course, this matter can never be forgotten.

Because Pharaoh is indeed very important to him.

He still took good care of Li Guoqiang, almost to the point of meticulous care.

After Li Guoqiang arranged some of Lao Wang's relatives, he had an explanation to Lao Wang.

Qin Huairu is very excited now, because Li Guoqiang is indeed walking step by step according to his plan.

After Lao Wang died, he had to find another very lucky person, but Li Guoqiang couldn't find such a person so far.

Qin Huairu has already thought of this step, that is the uncle.

I also know that Li Guoqiang can't trust this old man at all. This old man is a very cunning person, and Li Guoqiang even looks at him too much.

Qin Huairu's next step is to let Li Guoqiang know that the uncle has changed his ways.

When the uncle heard that Qin Huairu had assigned him another task,

She was overjoyed, because she knew that Qin Huairu had never been stingy with money when it came to harming Li Guoqiang.

If this matter is done successfully, the rest of life will basically be worry-free.

It is impossible for ordinary people to see through. Even if Li Guoqiang wants to see through, he still needs to go through some investigations.

There is a large orphanage not far from the city, and there are hundreds of unadopted children in this orphanage.

If the uncle shows a great kindness here, you will definitely make Li Guoqiang full of respect.

Since then, I have changed my opinion of the uncle.

The uncle is a natural actor, and he is at the level of a hypocritical actor. Of course, he is familiar with this.

Under Qin Huairu's instruction, the uncle brought some food, drink and some daily necessities to the orphanage.

Qin Huairu knew very well that if he came every day, he would meet Li Guoqiang one day.

In order to kill Li Guoqiang, Qin Zhunru can pay any capital.

Basically, a tricycle of supplies enters the children's welfare home every day.

And all of them were donated in the name of the uncle.

The dean of the orphanage has never met the uncle.

But I think the uncle should be a good old man.

At such an old age and only have a pension, and spend so much money every day for the sake of child welfare.

It should be a role model for everyone to learn from.

"Old man, you are a role model for me to learn from. I have never seen an old man who is so enthusiastic about society like you."

The dean of the welfare home was moved.

The uncle felt that this was a waste of money. With so much money, it would be great if he could spend it himself.

You can think so in your heart, but you can't say it with your mouth.

"I have always been enthusiastic about public welfare. This is what I should do. Everyone should shine for this society."

Grandpa said.

After doing this for about ten days, I finally met Li Guoqiang.

Li Guoqiang donated a large truckload of supplies.

It can be said that Qin Huairu's donation for such a long time is not as much as Li Guoqiang's one-time donation.

And Li Guoqiang will donate once every ten days.

After seeing the uncle, I was quite surprised.

I thought this guy would only take advantage, but I didn't expect to care so much about children's welfare?

Of course, I also have doubts in my heart, because I have never seen this old man donate money before, why is he so active today?

Qin Huairu is indeed a scheming person.

I know that Li Guoqiang must have ideas, and he may doubt himself.

But the perfect solution to this problem is the director of the Children's Welfare Institute.

The dean directly began to explain for the uncle.

And told Li Guoqiang that it was not the first time that the uncle came to donate materials, but he had done so for more than ten days.

Li Guoqiang dispelled his worries.

Originally thought that Qin Huairu deliberately colluded with the uncle to do this, just to perform for himself.

Now it seems that I may have thought too much, after all, the uncle may be really kind-hearted.

When people get old, they will reflect on their previous self after all.

The uncle also hated Li Guoqiang to the core, but now he showed a repentant look.

Tell Li Guoqiang that the reason why he is going to be a new man now is because he has done a lot of things that should not be done in the past.

Li Guoqiang believes that as long as a person is willing to abandon evil and do good, then it is never too late.

Li Guoqiang asked the uncle what is the situation now?

The uncle said that he is indeed very free now, and has some spare money, but he also wants to find a career, because to support children's welfare, he must have funds.

If there is no work, this is just empty words.

Lao Wang just died, and Li Guoqiang is now looking for his own buyer.

Now that the uncle is dedicated to goodness, it is better to let him take on this role.

After Li Guoqiang finished speaking, the uncle was really happy.

I think this is indeed a very good job for myself.

Because it is very simple and does not require any technical content.

Li Guoqiang is now going to let the uncle know what the content of the work is.

Where is your own villa, and what route is used to enter your own villa.

After the uncle knew the road map, he was of course ready to tell Qin Huairu about it.

The uncle is a very chicken thief, and he even drew a road map in private.

When Qin Huairu held this picture, he couldn't be too happy.

Because if the ambush is carried out according to this picture, what can Li Guoqiang be no matter how powerful he is?

In order to be foolproof, this matter cannot be rushed.

If it is done the next day, Li Guoqiang will soon become suspicious, because no one can guarantee that it will be successful.

The best way is to wait ten or eight days before doing this

Soon after a week, the uncle purchased some necessary food and supplies according to Li Guoqiang's request, and was about to enter Li Guoqiang's villa.

It was only after the uncle entered Li Guoqiang's villa that he discovered that this villa had a hidden world.

The uncle's supplies appeared in Li Guoqiang's villa, and he was warmly welcomed by Li Guoqiang afterwards.

Now that this person has become a good person, Li Guoqiang no longer doubts him.

Because he also knows very well that everyone has their own past.

It's not right if you keep holding on to the other person's past.

After the uncle saw Li Guoqiang's villa, although the interior decoration was simple, it was also very delicate.

Everything is the best, but it doesn't look too luxurious and gaudy so that you can be a nouveau riche.

Li Guoqiang's requirements for the environment are like this, it must look simple, but not so luxurious.If you want to be like an upstart, it is not Li Guoqiang's personal style.

The old man brought red wine this time, the 82 Lafite.

Li Guoqiang is going to invite the old man to drink.

After living in the courtyard for so many years, I don't see people looking up when I look down, maybe the old man is thinking of the old neighbors in his heart.

It just so happens that the old man is hard-hearted, he doesn't care about any memories of the past, and he doesn't have any warmth. Everything this guy does is for money.

The acting is top notch though.

"Thank you, Guoqiang. I have never drank Lafite, and this is the first time in my life."

Li Guoqiang saw the tears in the eyes of the uncle, and felt that the other party seemed to have really reformed himself.

After the two drank a bottle of Lafite, Uncle - said that he seemed a little dizzy and was about to go home.

He didn't go home at all, but came to Qin Huairu's residence.

Tell Qin Huairu everything, and if he ambush in one place, he can basically catch Li Guoqiang all at once.

The most important thing is that the uncle understands a situation.

Li Guoqiang drinks a glass of Lafite every night, which is a constant.

After drinking, it is inevitable that you will be in a daze, so you have a good chance to be killed by others without knowing it.

Qin Huairu was going to take advantage of this opportunity to assassinate Li Guoqiang at night.

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