Li Guoqiang never imagined that Mr. Yi is so bad, and there is no cure at all.

But man is not as good as God.

No matter how smart Qin Huairu is, it is impossible to harm Li Guoqiang, because Li Guoqiang is like an immortal.

Li Guoqiang saved a man today, and this man was unkempt.

Even so, the words spoken are different.

And I hope that Li Guoqiang can take care of himself in the end, because there is a bloody disaster.

Although Li Guoqiang didn't quite believe this, he also felt that sometimes such a fortune teller did have some cleverness.

The great monk did save his life last time.

This time the slovenly man may be the man in his own life.

Li Guoqiang gave the other party 2000 yuan, and the other party immediately told Li Guoqiang that there might be big trouble tonight.

Although Li Guoqiang said he didn't believe it, he still arranged his own bodyguard group.

These bodyguards are all the most elite of Li Guoqiang, and there is a beautiful woman as the captain. There are about ten of them in total.

Li Guoqiang arranged them in the wine cellar.

If there is any trouble, the fastest speed will be to Li Guoqiang's side in 1 minute.

Of course, Qin Huairu is not idle here, and has also organized a fairly well-equipped bodyguard team.

In order to let his bodyguard team play the best role, Qin Huairu made an oath to them.

There are twenty people in this bodyguard team, and each of them is quite skilled.

Qin Huairu can be said to be one step ahead of Li Guoqiang this time.

This bodyguard team, after Qin Huairu went through a lot of scouting, it will never be the same as before.

In the past, Qin Huairu felt that her bodyguard team was already very strong, but after understanding, Li Guoqiang's bodyguard team was even stronger.

Now a group of stronger bodyguards has been found, in order to deal with Li Guoqiang's bodyguard team.

These more than 20 people all have a strong martial arts background.

Some are Sanda champions, while others have served as bodyguards for those big figures and retired.

So even if Li Guoqiang was really on guard this time, he would not be able to defeat Qin Huairu.

Li Guoqiang drank and slept as usual, and there was no sign of an ambush at all, in order to trick Qin Huairu.

Sure enough, there was a slight noise after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

Li Guoqiang is a person with very good ears, and he immediately heard what kind of situation it was, that is, someone came in over the wall.

Such people are certainly not ordinary people. If they were ordinary people, then the movement would cause a lot of trouble.Li Guoqiang would not go out from the house at all, and turned on the light.

In this way, the inside of the room will be dark, preventing the other party from shooting the inside of his room with a gun.

Li Guoqiang's bodyguard team also heard these subtle things at this time.

Especially the female bodyguard is a very flexible person.

Sure enough, after Li Guoqiang left his bed, a black shadow broke into the room.

It was Qin Huairu's bodyguard.

The bodyguard did not turn on the lights when he entered the house, because he also had a very high professionalism.

If you turn on the light, you will reveal your position.

If Li Guoqiang had prepared in advance, he would have hit himself.

If it is done in secret, even if the other party has left the bed, then they will not accurately attack themselves.

It was dark in the room after all.

Sure enough, this black shadow stabbed Li Guoqiang's quilt wildly.

But after uncovering the quilt, it was found that there was no one at all, but Li Guoqiang turned on the light at this time.

The figure was wearing a mask, so it was impossible to identify who it was.

Li Guoqiang came up and punched the opponent.

But what I didn't expect was that this guy dodged very fast.

While Li Guoqiang was surprised, he also knew that this was definitely not an ordinary person.

Most people can't hide from their own fists.

Soi Ying started fighting with Li Guoqiang, but no matter what, he was not Li Guoqiang's opponent.

It was defeated by Li Guoqiang in 1 minute.

But what I didn't expect was that five or six black shadows all appeared in front of Li Guoqiang at this time.

While Li Guoqiang was fighting with the opponent, of course his own people also rushed up.

Li Guoqiang's chief female bodyguard was quite skillful, and four or five people were abolished with three strikes and five divisions.

But what I didn't expect was that there were still more than ten people on the other side.

Chapter 295 Unfilial daughter, ready to take refuge

The chief female bodyguard is quite powerful, but the others are not good, they are better than ordinary bodyguards.

They were soon overthrown by the people sent by Qin Huairu.

The current battlefield situation is that Qin Huairu still has more than ten bodyguards.

And now Li Guoqiang was left with himself and the chief bodyguard.

Li Guoqiang has always been a person who is not afraid of fighting.

Hands will not be soft-hearted.

It is basically impossible for these individuals to do anything they want.

But her own female bodyguard is very likely to be injured or even sacrificed.

This female bodyguard has done a lot for herself, and Li Guoqiang doesn't want her to die here.

"It's fine to have me here, you hurry up, you must not die here."

Li Guoqiang said to the female bodyguard.

"How can I go? If you want to die, you can die here. If I die here, I will die well."

The female bodyguard can be said to be loyal, which made Li Guoqiang secretly nod in his heart.

Qin Huairu has been watching this matter in secret, and of course she will never get involved in the fight.

Because she also knows very well that if she is caught by Li Guoqiang, she will fall short again.

After seeing this situation now, Qin Huairu can be said to be more excited than ever.

He wanted to kill Li Guoqiang a long time ago, but failed again and again, today Huang Tian finally paid off, this time he finally succeeded.

Li Guoqiang and the chief female bodyguard are now ready to fight these mermaids to death.

But I didn't expect that after the two sides fought for 10 minutes.

Li Guoqiang and the chief female bodyguard became more courageous as they fought, and another person joined the battle at this time.

This person is none other than the homeless man Li Guoqiang rescued before.

The tramp looks sloppy, but his skills are quite good.

It only took 10 minutes for Li Guoqiang to see the hope of victory.

The speed of this person is not ordinary fast.

Dealing with these killers is like an adult beating a child, the opponent has no power to parry at all.

All the people sent by Qin Huairu were lying on the ground after a while.

Qin Huairu was very angry after seeing this scene.

Unexpectedly, someone would come out to rescue Li Guoqiang at this critical moment.

Qin Huairu can't do anything, but can only leave here quietly, and then proceed to the next step.

It can be said that if it weren't for the addition of this tramp, Li Guoqiang and his chief bodyguard would be here today.

Of course, this is also Qin Huairu's own idea.

"I really didn't expect that you could save me at a critical moment!"

Li Guoqiang laughed.

It seems that he did not misunderstand the person.

"You are a kind person. No one will kill you at all. My appearance is just God's will."

The other party said with a smile.

Li Guoqiang was going to give the other party a sum of money, but what he didn't expect was that the tramp didn't want it at all.

It is a very simple thing to think that money is something outside of the body, and if you want to make money.

On this day, Li Guoqiang was also very clear, because the other party actually had such an ability to foretell, making money is of course a very simple matter.

So what can make this tramp see it?

If there is, Li Guoqiang will definitely try his best to do it.

Li Guoqiang has always been a person who knows how to repay his kindness. In fact, the homeless man only has one wish, and that is that he is about to die soon.

And there is one person in this world who is worth caring about.

This person is his daughter, named Bai Xiaoting.

Li Guoqiang didn't believe it, because the other party had the ability to foretell.

And it seems that he is only 50 years old, why is he dying?

He can predict the future, why can't he avoid it?

The old man said that this was a secret that should not be revealed, but he was indeed about to die.

Li Guoqiang felt a little regretful. After all, he had only just met and saved his own life. It was really unacceptable to drive west so early.

But sometimes people are like this, and there is no way to do it, fate comes and goes.

Li Guoqiang agreed to the other party, if there is really something to worry about, he will definitely do it, for example, he can do other things besides Bai Xiaoting.

The old man felt that he had already seen through everything in this world, and he had nothing to worry about, only his precious daughter.

Li Guoqiang didn't know what kind of situation this Bai Xiaoting was in?

"My daughter is very beautiful, but very willful."

"Basically, I've been spoiled by me. I can do anything now. I just hope you can make her change her ways."

the other said.

"Why is this? You are a person with such a sense of justice, but you have taught such a daughter?"

Li Guoqiang was curious.

The old man told a story.

It turns out that the old man is not a person with any sense of justice, but a mercenary person. With his ability to predict and predict, he did many things that should not be done and made a fortune.

For example, tell fortunes to some people with bad intentions, and let these people become rich against God's will.

That's why, God wants to take the old man back early.

And after the old man became a rich man,

My daughter has also become very headstrong, spending money like running water. Although there is still a lot of money now, it will be spent one day.

Because the old man can no longer create any wealth, and the daughter has no ability to make money, and spends money like water.

Li Guoqiang felt that this matter was a bit difficult, but he had to agree.

Because the old man really helped me a lot.

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