"For such a mob, as long as their information is cut off, I don't even need to do too much in this regard, and they will fall apart on their own."

"So, do you see what I mean?"

Hearing this, the civil official, who had only a vague feeling at first, suddenly realized.

In fact, he also has a vague feeling about this, but he can't accurately describe the feeling in his heart, but he can vaguely perceive what the reason is.

But he was not very clear about what caused all this.

After listening to Pantalone's words, he completely understood everything in an instant.

This made him lament that he is indeed the wise and wise Master Pantalone, who can always grasp the essence of the problem straight to the point.

Sure enough, I can learn a lot from Master Pantalone, and being able to work under the hands of Master Pantalone is really a blessing from his eight lifetimes of cultivation.

He now follows Master Pantalone every day and just listens to Master Pantalone's speech every day. Master Pantalone will send him a bad check of 500 virtual currency every month, which in reality is [-] million Mora's income.

Although he is only a small civil servant now, his income has already surpassed the average level of most non-commissioned officers among the fools. This is the capital that he is proud of being a dog for Master Pantalone!

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that his 007 and 996 working day and night for Master Pantalone became worthwhile in an instant, which made him immediately feel his pride overflowing.

After all, others who want this blessing have not yet had the opportunity.

"But all of this is just the beginning. Killing those loud guys can't be called paying back. I will ask the people below to help me prepare for work, and find a way to make most people in Zhidong accept my plan."

After Pantalone explained all this to the civil servant under his command, he gave his new instructions to his subordinates by the way.

At this time, after hearing the new order from Pantalone, he has now come back to his senses.

While lowering his head respectfully, he asked Pantalone for more detailed instructions on the mission.

"what do you mean?"

"Remember what I called the opposition?"

He looked back at his civil servant and said with that kind side on his face.

"Most people are still ignorant after all. As long as my plan really benefits them, they will spontaneously support me. Then the plan I made will not only be politically correct on the political level, but will even become politically correct in the eyes of the entire Solstice people."

"Once they start to support me, they will regard all those who oppose my plan as obstacles that do not want them to live better, and once these people who oppose me are regarded by most of the Solstice people as resisting the political correctness of Solstice."

"So what do you think this will lead to?"

Looking at Pantalone's extremely kind smile, it made him instantly think of how Pantalone dealt with those people.

He didn't even do anything, but simply labeled those people as anti-thieves from foreign forces.

Whether they actually are or not, when the exec says they are.

Then even if they are not, they become yes.

This made him understand what Master Pantalone meant in an instant, and with a thoughtful look on his face, he gave his own answer.

"Once they start to resist and resist your plan, they are not only against you, they are against the entire Solstice. Whether they are or not, they will become the anti-thieves of foreign forces that you call."

"You are not too stupid, you can understand what I say."

Facing the praise from Pantalone, he just humbly replied to Pantalone with his head bowed.

"Where is the matter, all of this is the credit of the wise and wise Master Pantalone. I just barely comprehended your wisdom, which is less than one ten-thousandth of it. I still have a lot to learn from you."

Pantalone didn't care about the flattery from his subordinates, after all, he had seen a lot of such flattery during this time.

Even if he knew that in the eyes of his subordinates, every sentence he said was a speech from the heart.

"Compared to this, I want to know what other things you have reported to me. I don't like these boring flattery. You should understand what I mean."

"You are too modest, but I do have one more thing to report to you."

The civil servant first praised his object of worship again, and then continued.

"About the objects you let us detain last time, we made many of those who criticized your plan disappear, but among them, we also caught a person you might be interested in. people."

Hearing this, Pantalone couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

Someone he might be interested in?

This made him more or less curious.

He didn't think that the other party was aimlessly targeting. After all, since the other party dared to report to him like this, then there might be a high probability that he would be the one he was interested in.

And the other party didn't keep Pantalone waiting, but revealed the identity of the person he might be interested in.

"That person is actually the man named Ilya who challenged you and threatened to expose your plan. He was also dismissed from the military after the charges against you failed."

"Now when our people deal with those people and evaporate them from the world, this person is also brought in by the way."

After saying this, the other party paused for a while before continuing.

"But it's not so much that our people caught him in by the way, it's better to say that the man came in on his own initiative. According to him, he seems to want to see you again and plans to have a chat with you."

"We don't know how to deal with this object you once said to focus on. We have to ask your opinion on this."

Hearing this, Pantalone had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, this is a talent, but he didn't expect to come in and say he wanted to see him?

This made him suddenly more interested, so he ordered to his subordinates.

"Since he wants to see me, then let's get ready. I want to see what he wants to say to me."

"I understand what you mean, and I will arrange it."

Chapter 99 Your Hidden Plan Is a Thought Stamp! (3k)

In the dark and narrow room, which could barely accommodate one person, a man in this prison uniform sat with his head down on his seat, with his hands resting on the pure white table in front of him.

This is where the Fools used to hold those who were evaporated from the world, and some shady darkness that triggered the solstice used to hold those people.

They were imprisoned in the prison of fools and could not escape, and as detainees they had no possibility of leaving.

In addition to being imprisoned here, the vast majority of people here are sometimes taken away and some of them disappear forever. No one knows where those people went.

But men are not the same, he is different from other people.

The others were taken in by force, but he chose to come here on his own initiative.

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