As a former non-commissioned officer under the "servant" Arechino, the executive officer of the Fools, he knows a lot of unknown inside stories. Some of those who disappeared forever were disposed of, while the other part was used for the ultimate Those unseen darkness in the dark of winter.

Most often, those individuals are sent to other executives as experimental bodies and guinea pigs.

When he was a non-commissioned officer under the command of "Servant" Arechino, he often saw similar things, so he was not surprised by this.

Apart from being used consumables, these people detained here have no other identities. Even the other soldiers of the Fools will not regard these people as human beings, but as consumables.

Perhaps it is cruel to say this, but this is the most real and dark side of Solstice.

Of course, his status as a prisoner at this moment is no different from other people imprisoned here, and he has never felt that he is more noble than other people here.

The reason why he chose to take the initiative to come here is very simple, he has something he wants to do.

That was the answer he finally came up with after a long time of hard thinking and meditation after seeing what the adult did with his own eyes.

Ever since he tried to interpret the master's plan at the mansion of the executive "rich man" Pantalone, he thought he had got everything and all the answers, and then he spoke his answer confidently.

The adult just left a meaningful sentence——

'It's part of the plan. '

This made him think about what the adult said in his mind since then.

He was vaguely aware that there seemed to be a crucial part missing in his reasoning, and he pondered over that sentence for a long time after that.

But as for the plan made by the adult who is in charge of the Northland Bank and fiddles with the economic blood flow of the Seven Kingdoms, how can an ordinary person like him be able to pry into the mystery of it?

But even knowing this, he didn't choose to give up, but still tried to find the piece of the puzzle that he didn't find.

After Zina, he thought for a long time but did not come up with an answer.

Everything seemed to have been uncovered, but he seemed to be able to feel that there was still an unknown fog, just when he thought it was impossible to uncover the adult's plan with his own ability.

He accidentally glimpsed a corner of that lord's plan from what that lord did, which made him catch that sliver of inspiration in his heart, and he felt that he had found the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

It's just that he still doesn't dare to confirm that the crazy plan still has ideas.

Because the madness of this matter was even far from the madness of all the plans made by that adult, he didn't disclose everything about the guesses in his heart like other plans.

After all, all this is just a possibility that I deduced based on the clues in all the plans.

Such a conclusion is purely based on the possibility of one's own guessing. After all, this kind of thing cannot be used as a testimony against that adult at all.

Even he himself has no way to determine whether his conjecture is true, so he can only find a way to meet that adult again, wanting to confirm this point from that adult.

Even if he would end up in prison for this, or even cause him to be evaporated, completely erasing his traces in this world, he still wanted an answer.

However, he also knew that he, who had been reduced to a prisoner, had little hope of seeing that adult.

After all, the main reason why he was able to visit that lord unhindered last time was that he hadn't completely resigned at that time.

Now he is just a detained object without any identity.

But at least with this identity, it is easier to meet that adult than the general Zhidong masses.

For such a method, he himself did not actually have much hope.

But you have to try, don't you?

The door lock of the confinement room was unlocked, and the moment the door was pushed open.

With the appearance of that figure in front of his eyes, he couldn't help letting go of his hanging heart, but at the same time, he didn't forget to respectfully greet the adult he longed for in time.

"It's really a great honor to see you again, I hope you can still remember me, respected Master Pantalone."

"It really surprised me that you chose to meet me in this way. It seems that your complexion is not very good."

Pantalone, who stepped into the room, looked at the man sitting on the restraint chair in front of him and replied.

The man in front of him was the former non-commissioned officer who had visited him not long ago and revealed (given) his real plan, who claimed to be Ilya and was directly under Arechino's command.

To be honest, he was a little surprised at first when he heard that the other party was taken into prison by his people.

He really didn't expect that the other party would actually meet him in this way.

Compared with the confident and high-spirited appearance of the other party last time.

Now he is really a bit decadent and embarrassed, the original military uniform of fools is now mixed into a prison uniform, his decadent and sunken cloudy eyes, coupled with his spirit that doesn't look very good after being detained for a long time, and his fullness Unshaven face.

It can be seen that during this period of time in prison, this experience was still a great mental devastation and torture to him in a certain sense.

The huge contrast formed by this strong contrast is like a confident entrepreneur who plunged headlong into the financial market. As a result, not only did his business fail, he not only lost all his principal, but even owed a whole lot of money. In the end, he lived on the street and had to sleep in the bridge hole and compete with the homeless for a job.

This kind of short-term change makes others feel as if they have passed away.

But in fact, less than a few months have passed since the last time Pantalone saw each other. What happened in this short period of time made Pantalone a little confused about what made him become like this.

But in fact, he did not become like this because he was tortured and devastated by the prison, as a non-commissioned officer under the command of the executive "servant" Arechino.

His willpower is not that weak yet, which is why he looks so tired and decadent.

In the final analysis, the main reason is because of the truth of another level of purpose hidden by Pantalone, thinking day and night about the destruction caused to himself in the inner self-torture.

"For me who has become a commoner, this is probably the only way to see you. After all, I have no way to go back to Lord Arechino."

The man on the restraint chair shook his head with a wry smile.

"Compared to this, in fact, since the last time I said goodbye to your mansion, I have always wanted to see you again, and ask you for an answer that I have been longing for and getting during this time."

"I've heard about this before I came here. Tell me, what do you plan to tell me when you want to see me?"

Pantalone opened the chair in front of the restraint chair, then sat on the chair and looked at the man on an equal footing, and motioned for him to tell the reason why he wanted to see him.

"Thank you for your compassion and tolerance."

After getting Pantalone's consent, he first adjusted his state.

"After you allowed me to leave, I have been thinking about what else is in your plan that I haven't deduced. There are still some plans in your plan that I haven't understood."

"That's what you really want to hide. I've been thinking about that part of your plan that you haven't shown to anyone. After thinking about it for a long time, I think I finally got the answer."

"But I still can't be sure of this, so I want to personally complete the interpretation of your plan that I couldn't fully complete in the past. I want to complete him, so I chose to meet you in this way. "

I thought that the other party wanted to say that when he wanted to join him.

After hearing his answer, Pantalone froze again.

Where did this come from?

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