Speaking of which, Professor Binns is probably the only person in Hogwarts who is completely unaware of Moon's changes - whether it was when he was getting worse before or when he is getting better now, Professor Binns just cares about it. Talking about his history of magic while breathing heavily, just like now.

Gal, who was sitting behind Moon, raised his foot and kicked Moon's stool gently, then handed over a piece of paper that said, "Do you still have that candy? Give me another piece, I said I can take the tongue When the strings strummed, Milton believed nothing."

Moon looked dumbfounded at what Gale said, and had the urge to ask him if he was a big catfish named Tam in his previous life. [Note 1]

"Stop showing off, everyone will ask me for it later. When the sale officially starts later, you can buy as much as you want. Also, don't tell others that this thing will be sold."

He quickly wrote a few sentences on the note, and then touched it with the wand on the side of the table. The note spontaneously folded into an origami crane, and flapped its wings and flew slowly to Gal's desk.

After receiving the note, Gal really calmed down a lot, and there was no longer any sound of him and Milton mumbling and whispering from behind.

However, not long after, there was a sudden sound of huge footsteps in the corridor outside the classroom - and it didn't sound like a lot of people running together, but just a pair of feet.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, the only person in the entire Hogwarts school who can make such a running sound is probably Hagrid.But everyone knows that Professor Hagrid has never been so anxious in the castle. He never did this before when he was a gamekeeper, and he never did it after he became a professor.

Many young wizards tried to look outside. Even Professor Binns was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and looked outside the door with a frown.

A few seconds later, as the footsteps became louder and clearer, Hagrid ran past the door of the History of Magic classroom, probably heading towards the school hospital on the second floor - and his In his arms, he was holding something.

Although no one could see it clearly, there was no doubt that even by association, the little wizards guessed that there should be a little wizard in Professor Hagrid's arms.


[Note 1] Tam, a character in the League of Legends game, is a demon. Although he is jokingly called a toad, his actual image is a catfish.

PS: My work schedule has become increasingly chaotic this week. I fell asleep for two hours last night. I guess I won’t be able to adjust it until the weekend.I really can't hold it any longer today, and if I continue to write it, it will probably be another big piece of gibberish. I will update 4000 first, and I will write a chapter and update it on Saturday as a small compensation.

Chapter 69 Teaching accident

Professor Binns looked at the corridor outside with a happy expression. It wasn't until Hagrid's footsteps gradually softened and disappeared that he snorted and turned back to continue his lecture with satisfaction.

Although everyone is very curious in their hearts, the class cannot stop here, especially Professor Binns, who looks unhappy. There is not much time left before the end of class, and no one is willing to touch the professor's brow, so he starts sneaking around They chatted for a while, guessing who the little wizard in Hagrid's arms could be.

For Professor Binns, if you insist on speaking in a low voice during class, he will generally not care about you as long as your voice does not cover his voice.Unfortunately, if there are more than ten students in the classroom at the same time who think so - of course in fact it is far more than this number - then almost no one can hear Professor Binns' slow and slow breathing voice. .

As a result, that happy expression returned to Professor Binns' face again. He coughed twice, so cleanly that one couldn't help but sigh. If he could be so crispy in class, it would be awesome. That would be great.

Seeing Professor Binns' anger rising, Hufflepuff's fifth-year badgers had no choice but to shut their mouths and began to return to a more traditional way of chatting - passing notes.

A few minutes later, with countless paper airplanes, paper cranes, and paper dumplings flying around, the History of Magic classroom was about to turn into a large airport.For Professor Binns, this is not considered disruptive to the order of the classroom. After all, unless a paper airplane passes through his body, it will obviously not affect his lectures.

Just like that, when get out of class finally ended, Professor Binns walked out through the wall with a calm expression as usual, and the little wizards immediately swarmed out.

Some of them planned to go to the school hospital to have a look, some planned to go to the auditorium to have a meal while gathering information from young wizards from other grades and colleges, and some, like Moon and the others, decided to Stop by Hagrid's teahouse.

"So, which grade should be taking Care of Magical Creatures class this afternoon?" Demi tied up her hair and bumped Violet with her elbow. "Ville, do you remember?"

Violet pondered for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "I remember... Hagrid should have a morning class today, which should be the sixth grade NEWT advanced course."

Gal, who had just stopped to say hello to others, wandered up and answered their doubts. "Violet is right, Hagrid didn't have classes this afternoon. He is in the third grade. Harry and his group's Care of Magical Creatures class next week has been moved to today by Sirius."

"That means that the person who was just carried to the school hospital was a third-year classmate?" Demi shook her ponytail and put her hands back into her pockets. "Then... I hope it's not Neville, he's too Tough luck.”

As soon as Demi said these words, everyone was suddenly stunned.

"By the way...did Neville really take the Care of Magical Creatures class?" Arlin asked doubtfully.

"No...no?" Demi herself looked confused.

"No..." Cedric also blinked.

"Selected. Neville's elective courses are the same as those of Harry and Ron, which are Divination and Care of Magical Creatures." Moon chewed a strange chewing gum that Violet just handed him. , that thing tastes like a piece of rubber, but the fun thing is that every time you chew it hard, the thing will change its taste." Hagrid also said before that Neville's performance in the Care of Magical Creatures class was good, except that he always I don’t dare to touch those prickly ones.”

While chatting, they gradually walked out of the castle, passed through the courtyard and lawn, and finally arrived at Hagrid's small teahouse accompanied by the gentle wind and the setting sun.When they arrived, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were already sitting here.Hagrid was also sitting at the table with them, and there was a huge glass bottle on hand. Judging from Hagrid's slightly red face, it was obviously filled with wine, and the alcohol content should not be low.

Moon waved to the two tables and moved them to the long table where Harry and the others were sitting. Then, while greeting everyone, he sat down opposite Hagrid.

"It seems that this year is probably a very bad idea." Looking at Hagrid's slightly confused and depressed eyes, Moon took the lead to break the deadlock and said with a shrug: "I just got better, Hagrid, you are starting to feel depressed again. stand up."

"Oh... don't say that." Hagrid covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God, Moon, I'm glad you are the same as before, but the situation between us... damn, Moon, I'm sorry, I messed everything up. You tried your best to help me and gave me such a thick lesson plan, but I still made mistakes in class...I just hope that Professor Dumbledore will I won’t be fired.”

Ron helplessly mouthed to the few people who had just arrived, "He has been like this since he came back."

Hermione, who was sitting next to Ron, said to Hagrid bluntly: "Don't be stupid, Hagrid, Dumbledore will not fire you for this kind of thing. This is just a sudden teaching accident, you need All I did was—"

"Never let Malfoy come to class again." Harry muttered, twirling the teacup, "This is the only way, he is too stupid."

"Malfoy?" Arlin asked with some gloating: "So he was the one who was injured? What did he do?"

Hermione also didn't know what to do. She looked at Hagrid and explained: "Today Hagrid told us about the Bowtruckle - it is a very docile magical animal that is almost impossible to take the initiative. Harmful, especially in Care of Magical Creatures, I mean, you can't offend its territory. But Malfoy didn't know what he did, and according to Harry—"

Harry added at the right time, "Malfoy took advantage of Hagrid's answer to Neville's question and secretly took out his wand, used it to tease the Bowtruckle he was assigned, and stuffed his wand into it. It fell into the hands of the Bowtruckle. When Hagrid walked towards him, he tried to snatch the wand back, but when the Bowtruckle refused, he tried to break the Bowtruckle."

Hagrid let out a loud cry. He picked up the bottle and poured another swig into his mouth.

"-Yes, and then the Bowtruckle gave him a hard blow." Ron continued, "Hermione is right, Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore will not fire you for this kind of thing. Yes, Malfoy brought all this on himself. Before class, you repeatedly told him not to take out the wand, but he not only took it out, but also handed it to the Bowtruckle. Merlin's beard, I hope the Bowtruckle The Bowtruckle blow can poke a hole in his head, so that all the water in his brain can be released."

Arlin and Gal agreed very much with Ron. In contrast, Cedric and Hermione fell into the same entanglement.

It is true that the root cause of the matter does not lie with Hagrid. To be honest, there is really nothing that can be done about such a teaching accident caused by a clear violation of teaching rules. This class is a Bowtruckle. Even if it is replaced by a unicorn in the next class, whoever is like If Malfoy did this and tried to slap the unicorn on the butt, he might be kicked out by the unicorn in anger.

But no matter what, teaching accidents should be avoided as much as possible, and like Hermione, he couldn't think of any perfect solution - unless you cancel the Care of Magical Creatures class.The problem is, however, that in most classes at Hogwarts, accidents like this, or even more serious, can happen, as long as you don't listen to the professor.

After understanding the whole story, Moon said to Hagrid again: "Okay, Hagrid, everyone is right. Professor Dumbledore will not do anything to you, and no one will think that this is you." It's my fault. Unless someone is crazy, they won't think that you are the main person responsible for this matter. In addition, you have nothing to apologize to me. To be honest, you should listen to other people's comments. Everyone can I think your class is very good."

"The only lesson you have to learn from this is that you should pay more attention to students like Malfoy during practical operations."

As he spoke, he took the bottle from Hagrid's hand. "Besides, the Gryffindor in the same grade as Harry, the one named Seamus Finnigan, doesn't he do it every few days?" Want to cause a small explosion? Milton even burned many crucibles in potions class, and even used his potion pot to release poisonous gas several times. In the process of learning magic, this This situation is an inevitable problem that will arise. You don’t have to blame yourself too much, just learn from it and gain wisdom.”

Hagrid nodded, but he still looked a little confused.There was nothing he could do. After all, this was his first teaching accident since he became a professor. It would probably take a few days for him to get better.

"So, how is Malfoy's injury? Is it serious?" Moon asked while sealing the cork on the wine bottle.

"It's not serious." Hagrid sighed. "It was just a cut on his face. Madam Pomfrey healed him immediately with a spell."

"However, he screamed as if he was about to be stabbed to death by the Bowtruckle." Ron covered his face and imitated Malfoy's appearance at that time. "Ha! The wound wasn't even close to the wound I had the day before yesterday. It was quite deep when Seamus blew it up."

Under Ron's deliberate leadership, everyone shifted the conversation to more relaxed and humorous things.This move was indeed effective. After a while, Hagrid looked much more energetic than before.

And Harry seemed to do the same.

Luo Di Chapter 5: Voldemort and his Horcruxes [-]

Later, Gal showed his skills to everyone again. He used Hagrid's remaining ingredients to make a large pot of stew for everyone, and then baked a large pizza, leaving everyone satisfied.

Unfortunately, Moon did not enjoy this delicious meal. He hurriedly ate two pieces of rock biscuits and hurried to attend Professor Dumbledore's appointment.

While eating, Violet noticed that Harry seemed to have a lot on his mind, so she asked casually, which aroused Harry's desire to talk.While chewing the pizza, he poured bitter water with everyone.

It turned out that they had just learned Boggart in Remus's Defense Against the Dark Arts class a few days ago, and Harry's Boggart - to everyone's surprise, his Boggart was Voldemort.

Of course, it is the screaming soul in the photo, but the difference from the photo is that the soul has condensed into an entity, instead of looking like it is about to be completely destroyed by Munn.

This frightened everyone. The little wizards were all frightened and ran away. Remus was also frightened. God knows that the worst-case scenario he had expected was nothing more than Sirius falling on the ground.Fortunately, as a battle-hardened member of the Order of the Phoenix, Remus immediately regained his composure, pulled the Boggart's attraction onto himself, and then gave it a hilarious blow.

More importantly, after learning about this matter, Sirius and Remus talked to him very seriously two or three times, and their attitudes became visibly tense.

At this point, Harry stuffed the last piece of pizza into his mouth in annoyance, "But it's just a Boggart, isn't it? I mean, it's not the real Voldemort -"

Hagrid looked a little nervous and said, "Harry, don't call him by his first name."

"Okay, okay." Harry rubbed his messy hair. "I mean, it's not the real Mysterious Man, so what if he is? Professor Dumbledore is in his office. If the Mysterious Man If a person really appears in the castle, isn't he himself the one who should be unlucky?"

Everyone didn't know how to comfort Harry. Compared to Hagrid's matter, Harry's distress made everyone unable to deal with it.

However, this was not the only factor that made Harry feel bad. He went on to say: "There is also the Divination class. Professor Trelawney will keep mumbling about me from time to time, saying that I am going to be in bad luck. What's going to happen?" I'm almost tired of hearing words like "It's a pity to say goodbye to the people closest to me."

Ron nodded in agreement, because every time Professor Trelawney said this, he sat next to Harry. "She said it as if it was really happening. Harry was a little nervous before - —You know, because Moon looked like..."

Everyone smiled bitterly.

"But obviously, Moon is completely normal now." Ron shrugged. "If you ask me, the only thing Harry needs to worry about now is probably that I will be sent home directly because I am terrible at a certain subject. But , My academic performance is not that bad, right?"

Hermione was the first to laugh, and she said with a hint of annoyance: "If you could copy less of my homework, these sentences would be more convincing to me."

Even Harry couldn't help but laugh - although he didn't often feel bad, when this happened, Ron was always willing to try to find a way to comfort him, unless the reason for his bad mood was He and Ron had a fight.

Therefore, when he mentioned the last thing, he felt a lot less miserable. "Finally, it's Oliver. The Quidditch match is about to start. Oliver puts most of his energy into training us." . Of course, this is understandable, after all, this is his last year at Hogwarts, but as you know, his training intensity is sometimes... life-threatening..."

"Ha, it seems it's time for me to increase the training intensity for the Hufflepuff players." Cedric, who has become the captain of the Hufflepuff Academy team this year, said with a smile: "Try to win again this year. Llanffindor.”

"Don't even think about it!" Harry immediately sat up straight. "I won't let you snatch the Golden Snitch from me again this year."

Last year, because Cedric got the upper hand in the search for the Golden Snitch, their team lost the game and the Quidditch trophy. Even now, Harry seems to still be able to see it. When he applauded Cedric's wonderful performance, captain Oliver Wood looked in his eyes like he wanted to strangle him to death.

Everyone chatted and shared the last bit of warm stew in the pot until it was almost time for curfew before they finally left Hagrid's teahouse.


On the other side, in the principal's office, Professor Moon and Dumbledore were trying to think over the two destroyed Horcruxes in front of them.

"Look, we all know what kind of person Tom Riddle is." Professor Dumbledore said softly. "We have seen the memory of when I first went to the orphanage to meet him - from that time From the beginning, Riddle has already shown some of his unique nature, such as his crazy obsession with trophies. He is like a magpie and likes to collect all these things as souvenirs."

"Similarly, we also know that Riddle is very obsessed with his origin, but at the same time, he hates his Muggle blood very much. You see, he killed Riddle's family with his own hands, and for this I changed my name."

As Professor Dumbledore spoke, he wrote "Tom Marvolo Riddle [Tom Marvolo Riddle]" in the air with his wand, and then with a wave of his hand, he scrambled and reconstructed the letters into "IamLordVoldemort. [I am Voldemort]"

"Likes to chase trophies, likes to conquer and win, is obsessed with power, power, and having others worship him. Riddell is so resistant to ordinaryness and mediocrity, even to the point of contempt and hatred. All of this is actually A sign of his absolutely powerful self.”

"Including his pursuit of eternal life, the same is actually true. For him, making Horcruxes not only makes him stronger, but also a process for him to conquer 'death' step by step."

As soon as the old man moved his wand, the writings in the air disappeared. "And these -"

He pointed to the diary and ring on the table. "For Riddle, it just suits his needs."

"Having a commemorative diary symbolizes his past and the experiences he had in the magical world. At the same time, more importantly, we have reason to believe that he recorded his experience bit by bit in this diary. The process of gradually discovering that he was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and how he found and opened the Chamber of Secrets step by step, murdered Myrtle, and made the first Horcrux. So there is no doubt that , in Riddle’s opinion, the commemorative significance of this thing is quite significant;”

"The ring of the Gaunt family is proof of the origin of his wizard bloodline, and it is also a very meaningful trophy for him - he killed the Riddle family with his own hands, and framed the murder to his uncle, Mo Finn Gaunt.”

"Finally, through Slughorn's memory, what we can know is that Voldemort planned to divide his soul into seven parts. Because a person can only divide his soul to a limited extent, and in fact, from my memory Judging from his performance and the changes in his appearance when he faced Voldemort several times later, I think he probably achieved what he wanted."

"That is to say, in addition to his own share of soul, he has made six Horcruxes. Apart from the ones we have destroyed now, there are still four left."

Professor Dumbledore looked at Moon and whispered: "Do you have any ideas? Moon."

"Of course." Moon laughed. Even if he was not a time traveler and did not know the answer in advance, after the past few years of his and Professor Dumbledore's research on Voldemort and Horcruxes, he had already completely guessed the answer. "In the memory you have shown, Tom Riddle's mother once sold their family's heirloom locket to Borgin Burke."

"Then, in the process of investigating his own origin, Tom Riddle probably knew about this, so he went to work at Borgin Burke after graduation, trying to find the locket - Salazar ·Slytherin's relics. Moreover, he did show full greed after seeing Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's gold cup used by Hepzibah Smith."

"In other words, among the remaining four Horcruxes, there is at least a place for the locket and the gold cup. From this, since Voldemort is also interested in Hufflepuff's gold cup, it proves that he is very willing to use Huo Huo's gold cup. He used the relics left by the four founders of Gwarts as his trophies to make his Horcruxes."

"There is a sword sometimes hanging in your office. You said it was Gryffindor's sword, but I have never seen Ravenclaw's diadem here. It is possible that the sword was spared because it was in your place. However, Ravenclaw's diadem fell into Voldemort's hands and became one of his Horcruxes."

"That's it." Professor Dumbledore nodded happily. "What we already know is that by killing Hepzibah, Riddle must have obtained the locket and the golden cup, and made them into Horcruxes. Their current whereabouts are unknown. As for La Ravenclaw's diadem, unfortunately, that thing has long been lost. But may I assume that you may be aware of a Ravenclaw ghost in the school?"

To the old man's question, Moon quickly gave an affirmative answer: "What you are talking about...I think it is Mrs. Gray from Ravenclaw Academy?" [Note 1]

9 Luo Di [-] ① Zhang Lies and Sincerity > And

"Yes, the ghost of Ravenclaw House, Mrs. Gray - of course, this is actually just her pseudonym. Her real name should be, Helena Ravenclaw, the four founders of Hogwarts The only daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw."

Moon showed some surprise at the right time. To be honest, it was a bit fake, but fortunately it was just an ordinary chat between the two of them. Professor Dumbledore obviously didn't care too much about whether his surprise was true or false.

"Of course, Helena and her mother, the Ravenclaw lady, have an unusual relationship, and there is some... friction between them. This is the reason why Helena does not want to use her name, and it is also the reason why she The origin of the tragedy between her and her mother, and all of this is precisely related to Ravenclaw's diadem."

Professor Dumbledore said softly: "Back then, Rowena Ravenclaw cast a spell on her diadem, so that her diadem could increase the wisdom of the wearer. Then, for some reason, Helena stole it. took the diadem and never returned to Hogwarts again, until Rowena Ravenclaw's death, and until her own death."

"So, if anyone knows the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's diadem right now, it must be Helena."

The old man's eyes were quite meaningful. "And we all know that although Tom Riddle has now become the cold and cruel Voldemort. But before that, what Riddle was best at was pleasing others - Especially women. You will see that Hepzibah Smith was fascinated by his handsome face and appropriate words and actions from the first time she saw Riddle."

"What's even more coincidental is that when Riddle was still studying at Hogwarts, he was very interested in exploring the school's secrets and strange rumors-wonderful treasures and ancient magic, which naturally involved those who The Friendship of Ghosts.”

Moon nodded in agreement and said: "You mean that Voldemort probably found a way to learn the location of the Ravenclaw Diadem from Helena Ravenclaw while he was still in school. Is it right?"

"No -" Professor Dumbledore answered very decisively, and the content of this answer made Moon stunned.That’s all you have to say, don’t you think so?

Looking at the astonished Moon, the old man smiled slyly and said, "I mean, if there is anyone in Hogwarts today who can do everything that Tom Riddle did back then, Then I’m afraid this person must be you.”

Moon looked at Professor Dumbledore speechlessly, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether the professor was praising him or scolding him.

Of course, even ignoring this matter, Moon completely disagreed with Professor Dumbledore's statement. "I don't think so, Professor. In fact, although the professors like me, it's mostly just because of me." Study well and be polite. If you want me to use the media of newspapers or some formal enough methods to figure out people's hearts and take advantage of the situation, then there is no problem. But..."

"Like Voldemort did back then, relying on sweet words and false feelings to confuse others. I don't mean to shirk or put money on myself, but this is indeed a bit beyond my ability."

He originally thought that after he said this, Professor Dumbledore would use words of encouragement to let him try it out - after all, in terms of talent alone, as a natural legilimens, he was originally a good person in this regard. Could do better than Voldemort.

However, the old man just agreed with Moon's words and even smiled even more happily, "Of course I know this, Moon. Ha, please don't think of me as so dirty. I have no intention of letting you deceive Helena La." Vinclaw’s feelings.”

After hearing this, Munn finally understood.

Previously, he just didn't turn around for a while and had a little misunderstanding.But in fact, Professor Dumbledore is a well-known person after all, so how could he not understand something like this?Not only is Helena Ravenclaw not a fool, on the contrary, as the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, she is a very smart person.

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