And how could such a person be deceived twice by the same trick?If Moon still uses Voldemort's old methods to contact Helena, then I'm afraid he won't get anything else except Helena's boredom.

Obviously, the old man's real intention is to let Mun contact Helena and learn the truth from Helena in a more sincere way.

After thinking about this, Moon couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed - fortunately, after having been in contact with the old man for so many years, he had long been accustomed to this little embarrassment from time to time.

"I probably understand what you are thinking, professor - but I may need to think about it first." After thinking for a while, Moon finally spoke out his plan. "First of all, I think there may be someone more suitable than me." To contact the candidate of Helena Ravenclaw; secondly, even if I contact Helena Ravenclaw myself, I may need to determine what to do first."

"Of course, this matter is still on me after all. You can think about where he will hide the other Horcruxes and what is the mysterious sixth Horcrux used to replace the Sword of Gryffindor. What is it again?"

"Then it's settled." Professor Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "It's better to think about it carefully. After all, this is something that cannot be rushed."

Moon responded and turned to look at Fox on the shelf, only to find that Fox was staring at the pensieve in front of him, wondering what he was thinking about.He resisted the urge to communicate with Fox mentally and was about to stand up to leave when he heard Professor Dumbledore suddenly say: "Ah, by the way, Moon, I suddenly remembered something very important."

"Huh?" Moon's words were retracted as soon as they came to his lips. He looked at the old man curiously. He didn't know what else could be called 'very important' nowadays - unless the Ministry of Magic had something else. The new, unreleased resolution may be related to Professor Snape.Otherwise, he would either know the rest of the information soon, or it wouldn't be considered 'very important' at the moment.

"Oh - maybe you don't know, not only did Slughorn know Miss Evelina's grandmother, but I also had some friendship with Ms. Euphemia. She even served as a professor of Herbology for a time. However, because Sprout's character is more suitable for being a professor than Euphemia, and he is better able to take care of students, so this professor position is incompatible with her... I think it can It can be considered a missed opportunity.”

"However, this was all many years ago. If you think about it carefully, we probably haven't contacted each other for at least ten years."

As the old man spoke, he took out a letter from the drawer. "What surprised me was that just a few days ago, she suddenly wrote me a letter, saying something in the letter... that was not so nutritious. Say nice things, and then ask me if I’ve cared too little about you as a student this year.”

After a few words, Moon's face suddenly turned red. He looked at the letter in Professor Dumbledore's hand and wished he could grab it to verify the authenticity of the content.

But Professor Dumbledore obviously had no intention of showing this letter to Moon. Instead, he still said seriously: "Ah, I have to say, youth is really desirable. Even at my age, I still can't stand it." I can’t help but remember it at a time like this - it seems that the relationship between you and Miss Evelina is much...closer than I thought?"

For the first time in history, Moon felt that the distance between himself and the wooden door of this office was so far away. He touched the corner of his clothes hard and did not answer, but the meaning was obviously very obvious.

Looking at Moon's rare look, Professor Dumbledore's lips immediately spread a smile. He happily put away the letter, clasped his hands together, and said seriously: "Then you have to hurry up. If you If you can get married as soon as possible after graduation—at least if you get engaged, maybe I can be your witness."

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is!

Moon was completely stunned. He felt that if he stood here any longer, the temperature in the entire office would rise a lot.So, he simply no longer cared about what the old man planned to say, left a hurried farewell, turned around immediately, and strode out of the principal's office.

After taking Moon away, not long after, a portrait of a past principal hanging on the wall suddenly asked, "Evelina, is that the girl who came here to deliver the letter before?"

"Yes, that's her." Professor Dumbledore adjusted his clothes and laughed more and more amusedly.

"Then these two kids are quite a match."

"It's a perfect match indeed."

"Ha!" Phineas Black's voice suddenly sounded. "You are all concerned about this. Am I the only one who thought that boy's expression just now was funny? Huh, it's rare to see him crumbling in the principal's office. You are still too kind to him, principal, he even dares to make a fuss with you in front of you, or even lose his temper."

The other portraits on the wall suddenly lost their sound. Professor Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, not intending to explain or defend anything.

However, Professor Dumbledore doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that no one else wants to rectify Phineas's outrageous ideas.Soon, there was a portrait beside him that said faintly, "Look, Phineas, it's because of this that you have become the most unpopular headmaster at Hogwarts. Your mind always seems to be messed up." I don’t know the situation——”

At this moment, the expression on the portrait of Phineas Black began to show signs of developing toward the Moon just now.

?Yeah, 72 Zhang Hogsmeade

With the arrival of the weekend, the long-awaited three first trips to Hogsmeade this semester for the little wizards of Hogwarts have quietly arrived.Many young wizards, especially those who had just entered the third grade and had just received the application forms for Hogsmeade in their first year, all arrived in the courtyard early and began to wait for the arrival of Professor McGonagall.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were naturally among them.

For Harry, few things had made him happier lately.Sirius had already signed the application form for him at the beginning of the summer vacation last semester, and he was accompanied by Ron and Hermione. They could go to Honeydukes together to buy bags after bags of candy, and then go to Grab a broomstick and two tall glasses of the best butterbeer in Hogsmeade, then hang out around the Shrieking Shack.

Of course, the most important thing is that after they have gone around again, they can go to Werewolf Night to find other people to chat with, play wizard chess and crackle explosion cards.Then we will return to Hogwarts with everyone and enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

There are no courses that can never be taken, no high-intensity Quidditch training, and even the professors will deliberately leave less homework to avoid them having to worry about homework when they go to Hogsmeade.

Not to mention that there was a very sharp contrast in his mind - imagine if he was not living with Sirius in Grimmauld Place now, and only had to go back for a week every year; but he was still living in the Women's Place On Zhen Road, he lived with his uncle and aunt...

Well, Harry had to say, he didn't even want to think about it for a moment.It was so terrifying that he even doubted that he would be able to resist turning Dudley into a real pig that day, instead of just looking like one.

Well, then he will receive a warning from the Ministry of Magic and even be ordered to drop out of school.After all, if he lived on Privet Drive, if he dared to move his wand, he would be immediately visited by someone from the Ministry of Magic.

Even if Professor Dumbledore liked him very much, and both Moon and Susan were his friends, Harry didn't think that the seemingly stern Minister of Magic would spare him for this.

Unlike Harry who was thinking wildly, Ron and Hermione were bickering on the sidelines - they had been quarreling since they got up in the morning and have been quarreling until now.The reason is simple. Hermione is still trying hard to get him and Ron to do their homework honestly, but Ron firmly believes that if one person does the homework, isn't it enough? ?

To be fair, Harry felt that Ron was more or less influenced by Gal, because he always felt that he had heard similar remarks from Gal's mouth.

As for Harry's own thoughts...

Although he agreed with Hermione's attempt on the surface, in his heart, he still agreed with Ron's words more.

While the little wizards in the courtyard were making a mess, Professor McGonagall came over with two tall empty boxes, and let the two empty boxes hover in front of him.Mr. Filch followed closely behind Professor McGonagall, and at his feet was the skinny Mrs. Norris.

"Stop arguing, everyone line up and hand your application forms into Mr. Filch's hands one by one. Only those who bring the application form can go to Hogsmeade. If you cannot submit the application form, They will all be treated as if they are not." Professor McGonagall raised her voice and said loudly, "Longbottom! Mr. Longbottom! Why are you going?"

Neville, who was trying to rush back to the castle, tightened his expression and said hesitantly: "I seem to have forgotten the application form, Professor. I guess I left it somewhere in the dormitory."

"You didn't bring your application form when school started." Professor McGonagall waved her hand. "Augusta has mailed your application form. You can go directly and queue up to wait for departure."

Upon hearing this, Neville first breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly blushed under everyone's gaze, scratched his head in embarrassment and walked toward the door.

"Okay, everyone else, hurry up and line up, don't wait any longer - unless you don't want to go to Hogsmeade!"

Compared with these third-grade little wizards, the other senior students are obviously more foresighted and know better when to come here is the right choice-if they don't plan to compete with those third-grade little devils to queue up, It would be best to wait half an hour to an hour after Professor McGonagall arrives in the courtyard before going down.By then, there will be far fewer people queuing up, and everyone’s efficiency will be much faster.

There was no way, after all, it was already a long time late before we had the chance to set off. Everyone wanted to save more time and walk around more, so there was naturally less mess when queuing.

"Understood." Demi told everyone in a serious tone, "So, we should wait a little longer, um... it should be almost done in 10 minutes."

Facts have proved that the experience of these senior little wizards is not nonsense.After another 10 minutes, when Munn and the others followed Demi and Gal's footsteps and walked downstairs, the number of people queuing in the courtyard was almost only one-fifth of the original number.

The subsequent process is exactly the same as in previous years, submit the form, obtain approval, and leave the school.Then after arriving in Hogsmeade, everyone officially went their separate ways and went about doing what they liked in twos and threes.

Moon and Violet are undoubtedly a pair, as are Cedric and Autumn, and of course, Gal and Demi.Arlin, who became a loner, had to choose to wander around with Oliver, Terrence, Angelina, Nash and Hailey after searching to no avail.

Obviously this was not the case two years ago.

In the past, their dormitory was a world where no one was injured. This year, not only was he the only injured person in the dormitory, but the injury might last until he graduates.

After all, apart from himself, if he was serious about it, he had never thought that any of Munn, Garr and Cedric would be single again.

It's just scary to think about it.


After saying goodbye to his other roommates and friends, Moon took Violet to visit Honeydukes.Although neither of them are particularly fond of sweets, it’s always good to have some candies and chocolates on hand.What's more, Honeydukes has recently launched a new product, and flyers have been posted in many places in Hogsmeade, which attracted the two of them to immediately make it their first stop.

The not-so-big shop was bustling with people, and there were little wizards everywhere choosing snacks.Although several waves of customers have been sent away intermittently, it is almost visible to the naked eye that a steady stream of little wizards are still coming here.There is no doubt that this will be the case in the next few hours.

Busy, that is really busy, but after all, I have gained experience from being busy for so many years, plus I have a lot of money to make.When Moon and Violet went to check out with two bags of candies and chocolates, the boss of Honeydukes grinned almost to his ears.

After leaving Honeydukes, Moon and Violet suddenly felt that there seemed to be no place to go——

Their quills did not need to be replaced, and there was no need to go to the Literary Residence; the decoration inside Mrs. Puddieffe's teahouse and the cramped and ambiguous feeling of the space had received negative reviews from both of them. Ever since they visited After the first time, both of them immediately blocked Mrs. Puddifu's Teahouse.

For a moment, it seemed that apart from going to Werewolf Night, there seemed to be nothing worthy of further hesitation and discussion.

However, before she finally made her decision, Violet had a sudden idea and pulled Moon to the vicinity of the Shrieking Shack.

Naturally, Moon would not refuse this invitation, so just like that, a few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the small open space opposite the Shrieking Shack.

After finding a bench with a good location and sitting down, there was silence for a short period of time. Then, Violet spoke softly: "So, are you completely fine now?"

Moon took out two pieces of chocolate from the candy bag he just bought. After peeling off the outer packaging, he handed one to Violet and stuffed the other into his mouth.

"Well... not completely." Moon chewed the chocolate and said with a smile, "But it's gotten a lot better."

"Then...will you do the same thing as you did a few days ago?" Violet quickly asked again.

"Well..." Moon smiled bitterly, crumpling the outer packaging of the chocolate into a ball, and throwing it into the opposite trash can like a super-small basketball. "I can't say what happened this time. It's a bit special. In fact, it's more like a disease, and it's not something I can control subjectively. Maybe there will be, maybe not, but in any case, overall, it should be getting lighter and lighter."

Violet pinched the outer packaging of the chocolate in her hand. This small movement almost revealed her nervous state of mind at this moment, and she was the only one who didn't notice it at all.

"Okay, actually what I really want to ask is... if you become like this again, what should I do to help you?" The girl bit her lips gently, and the piece of chocolate just now In fact, it wasn't particularly sweet, but she felt as if she had eaten low-quality flavored chocolate, and her mouth felt a little dry all the time.

"Help me..." Moon looked back at Violet, and suddenly raised his hand to help her with the collar that had been rolled up at some point. "I don't know, because in that case, I It's completely different from the usual me. But I think, in fact, you don't have to worry so much. If you can come over and hug me hard occasionally, I will still feel very happy - after all, even if I do this again How come the temperament has changed so much, unless the person is changed, otherwise..."

"Obviously everyone will like it."

, and the ground 73 Zhang missed the appointment.

At this moment, Violet could clearly feel that Moon's fingers were probably less than one centimeter away from the skin on her neck. In the cold weather, Moon's fingers were exuding... The warmth seemed to penetrate her skin all of a sudden and seep into her blood. She suddenly felt as if her little head had been hit by something, and there was a faint "buzz" sound. .

"Well..." The girl lowered her head slightly, her slender and curved eyelashes swaying slightly, seeming to attract people unconsciously and get stuck in it.

"Probably, but I don't want to work in my father's department. In contrast, I would rather work under Mr. Crouch." Percy Weasley's voice suddenly started to change. After passing the message sideways, Moon retracted his hand slowly and turned his head, and sure enough he saw Percy and Penello walking over hand in hand.

The two of them obviously saw Munn and Violet. The distance between the two parties was not far and there was no barrier. Therefore, Munn could see clearly. Percy's first reaction was to instinctively let go, because There was a small movement of his arm pulling away - but he forcefully held it back.In contrast, Penello remained completely unchanged, except that he looked at Munn and Violet with a bit of curiosity and teasing.

"Hey, I didn't expect that someone else would come here." Moon laughed. "I thought that in order to see more of the Shrieking Shack, everyone would go to the small cliff on the other side. Not coming from this direction.”

"We were just wandering around, and I really didn't expect to meet you here." Penello greeted Violet generously, and then asked curiously: "Where are you two? ...?"

"Just chatting." Moon shrugged, "Just finding a quiet place to talk."

"Oh~ Then we won't disturb you." Penello shook the hand she was holding with Percy. Percy smiled awkwardly at Munn, but Munn noticed that under Penello When Law tried to lift the hands holding the two of them, Percy made no more attempts to cover it up.

Although Moon didn't know why Percy wanted to cover up his relationship with Penelo when he first saw him. After all, he was Moon Fox, not the old Barty that Percy admired. · Crouch.But no matter what, if Percy could reveal his love relationship with Penello openly and naturally, Moon would personally think it would be good.

"Okay, take your time and stroll around."

The four of them waved goodbye to each other. After Percy and Penello left, Violet immediately said curiously: "I always feel that Percy is different from when we first met him. I feel that he is different." At that time, he always had a very good airs, and he would treat everything in the same way. As for seems like he has become a lot more natural?"

Moon nodded and agreed with Violet's words.

Indeed, Percy has undergone some changes to a greater or lesser extent, and they are not too small - of course, this is actually completely understandable.The reason why Percy has always been so keen on power is partly due to his family reasons: there are too many children in the Weasley family, and Mr. Weasley has always been tepid at work, which has led to family problems. Every child will suffer some grievances in some way.

Among the Weasley children, Percy is still in the middle.At the top, there are the equally excellent and outstanding Bill and Charlie, and at the bottom, there are the twins, Ron and Ginny, who can make him more aware of the various inconveniences caused by having more people and less money at home.

Under the influence of these premises, it is strange that his desire for power can be small.

On the other hand, now, after Mr. Weasley has been promoted, the Weasley family's financial situation has improved a lot. They no longer have to use secondhand goods for everything like before, and everyone even has a small amount of money that they can barely afford. Considerable pocket money.Coupled with the impact of the overall transformation of Hogwarts on him, as well as some subtle influences of others around him, maybe Percy himself is more or less aware of the exuberant power in him. The mistake of desire.

In fact, even if you don't look at his few small actions today, Professor Slughorn has come to Hogwarts this year alone, and even invited Percy to the Slug Club party, and Percy But he is not too "enthusiastic" about praising Professor Slughorn for everything, and you can get a glimpse of it.

Percy's transformation is naturally pleasing to the eye, but at the same time, because of the appearance of Percy and Penello, the little heartbeat that had been brewing between Moon and Violet was interrupted.

"Ahem——" Munn sat up straight and looked around, but he could never find a suitable place to land.In contrast, the corners of Violet's robe were probably almost torn by her.

Once the brewing atmosphere is broken, it will naturally not be directly exposed by simply making two haha.

Fortunately, the pocket watch chain exposed from Violet's pocket inspired Moon, and he immediately found a very good reason to get over the embarrassment.He took out his pocket watch, glanced at the time, and then quickly said to Violet: "Well... it seems that the time is about the same. I may have to leave first. If I go to the Werewolf Night now, the time should be just now. good."

Violet breathed a sigh of relief, nodded hurriedly with her cheeks slightly red, and her hands were finally willing to leave the hem of her robe.

It was good luck, the journey was uneventful and nothing happened.It happened that when the two arrived at the Werewolf Night Tavern, sporadic light rain began to fall from the sky.

After trotting into the bar, Rideout quickly planned to take them to the private room as soon as he saw the two coming.Moon hesitated for a moment, thinking that even if it was over, he would have to go out again soon, so it would be better to go directly and wait for Rodriguez to arrive, which would save the trouble, so he asked Rideout to take Wei. Erlit sent him to the box, buttoned the hood on the back of his robe, turned around and returned to the rain.

He randomly found a deserted place and used the transformation and teleportation techniques. Only 2 minutes later, Munn had changed his appearance and appeared in another box on Werewolf Night.

Today's meeting with Rodriguez is by no means a trivial matter, except to verify whether he is really what he thinks and has not done anything that may lead to the breakdown of the alliance between the two.What's more important is that if the Ministry of Magic wants to solve the current predicament, the most useful key in the end happens to be Rodriguez.

Of course, this so-called "key" cannot be obtained casually. Although he feels that Rodriguez will not refuse, after all, the matter is very important, and Rodriguez must be willing to make a decision. Some sacrifices will do.Therefore, before Rodriguez arrived, he could take advantage of this free time to make more preparations.

For example, think about how to better convince Rodriguez later.

The appointment time he had made with Rodriguez was originally at three o'clock this afternoon. Logically speaking, with Rodriguez's temperament, he would probably come in early for that 10 minutes.However, to Moon's surprise, he still didn't see Rodriguez appear until 10:[-] - [-] minutes after the time they agreed.The door to the box was never pushed open a second time, and no one even entered the wrong room.

This is obviously very unusual.

Moon glanced at his pocket watch again, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to wait another 10 minutes.

So, 10 minutes later, Rodriguez proved to Moon with facts that he was not simply late, but actually let Munn go.

Looking at the half-bottle of whiskey on the table that was used to hide his identity, Moon took a deep breath, stood up from the sofa, and tried his best to clear up his ugly face.

He doesn't think Rodriguez will be the kind of person who lets him go without any reason, unless Rodriguez has really made up his mind to completely separate from Moon - if that's the case, Moon feels that it's more important now. What might appear in front of him should be two people from the Ministry of Magic who received the report, or a team of dark wizards rushing over, trying to blow up the werewolf night.

Therefore, it seems that at the moment, Rodriguez is most likely to have had an accident, which ultimately prevented him from being present today.

In this way, things are a bit complicated. Even if Moon wants to find another way and opportunistically overcome the current difficulties for the Ministry of Magic, it will be difficult without Rodriguez's support and cooperation. More difficult.

He changed his appearance worriedly, then teleported out of the box, and walked into the Werewolf Night Bar again from the outside.After seeing him appear, Rideout immediately understood. While telling Munn the number of the box where Cedric and others were, he quietly notified the others to pack up the box again.

However, just as Munn rushed towards the box with a heavy heart, an emerald-green bird suddenly flew past the window and screamed hard as it passed the window, attracting Munn's attention. passed.

Moon paused, then quickly changed direction, quickly ran out of the Werewolf Night Bar, and followed the emerald green bird towards the edge of the village - of course, he did not forget to put his right hand into his sleeve at the same time. He tightened his grip on his wand.

Wow, 74% of my requests are for help.

Moon trusts Rodriguez because he knows that Rodriguez is a smart man, and because he and Rodriguez have a very important relationship of interest. At least from now on, they are both prosperous and prosperous. The meaning of loss is loss.

But even so, when entering a room that he clearly knew that only Rodriguez had entered, Mundu still had to make arrangements as much as possible on the night of the werewolf, just in case.Now that this person is replaced by Debra, Moon will only be a little more careful and cautious.

Turn on the Life Awareness Technique, and give yourself the ability to see through invisibility. At the same time, he is ready to release the Lost Tracking Step at any time. The magic wand is already in place. If something unexpected happens, he will use the Lost Tracking Step + Big Spark Lifting + Ding Shengruo in minutes. Hong Zhong screamed for help + turned into a bear after shouting.

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