He trusts Rodriguez, but he doesn't trust Debra, because the two reasons for trusting Rodriguez don't apply to Debra - a person who can write 60% of his emotions on his face The word "smart" has nothing to do with people.

What's more, Debra and Sonia, who suddenly came to him and quickly disappeared, are both solid and suspicious people here in Moon.Trust them both?Before he figured out what Xiao Jiujiu was hiding behind these two people, Moon would not give them even half a ounce of true trust.

Following Debra all the way to the edge of Hogsmeade village, not even half a person could be seen around, and even the houses were mostly empty.Debra, who was flying in front, seemed to have finally found a satisfactory position. She flapped her wings and quickly landed behind an empty house next to her. Then she transformed into a human and walked out with her hands raised high, with a look of fear on her face.

"I don't mean any harm, Rodriguez asked me to come to you for help!"

After confirming that there were no other dangers around him with the Life Awareness Technique and the Invisibility Seeing Technique, Moon nodded slightly, slowly lowered the wand in his hand, and asked in a cold voice: "To make a long story short, what's going on?"

He deliberately kept his hand open when he ran all the way, and was not invisible. There was a 100% chance that someone would notice him and become curious - such as Slug, who was just standing there chatting with others and was heading towards the Werewolf Night. Professor Horn, this old man has wanted to catch Moon for a long time, but unfortunately, Moon still didn't give him the chance to catch him in the two potions classes last week.Well, it wasn't intentional, because he was called away by other professors both times.

Therefore, it is estimated that Professor Slughorn has already made up his mind and wants to take advantage of today's Werewolf Night to capture Moon.When he ran over just now, Professor Slughorn called him loudly once.

Debra seemed to understand the importance of the matter. At the same time, it was estimated that Rodriguez had really stumbled this time, so Debra almost spoke in a fast voice that was almost inaudible. The speed of speaking made it all clear:

"Rodriguez participated in a high-level meeting of the Crow Party a few days ago, but as soon as the meeting ended, he was already under house arrest. There was a spell on his pipe that was connected to another pipe in his room. If something serious happened to him, he would try to break the pipe in his hand, so that the pipes in his room would also be broken."

"I was working for him before, and as soon as I came back this morning, I found that the pipe in his room was broken. Because he told me before that once something happens to him in the base of the Crow Party, as long as he is not dead, I hurriedly came to you for help, so I hurriedly inquired about what happened and quickly slipped out again."

Moon nodded lightly, but then frowned and asked suspiciously: "Didn't the other high-level officials of the Crow Party notice that you went back?"

Debra immediately responded: "In the Crow Party, except for Rodriguez's die-hard fans, no one else knows that I am an Animagus. Every time I go back and come out, I use the bird Forms come and go.”

After realizing that Debra was not lying, Moon turned his head and glanced at the intersection in case Professor Slughorn suddenly appeared, and then asked, "Can you still see Rodriguez now?"

"Yes, but if he is under house arrest, I may not be able to see him soon. I can only wait and see when I have the opportunity to contact him again. It will probably take a few days - at most..." Deb La gritted her teeth and said, "It won't take more than a week."

"That's it." Moon's mind raced, and he quickly thought of a way. "Bring Rodriguez a mirror, an ordinary mirror will do, and tell him that when he takes out the mirror at nine o'clock in the evening, I will naturally Find a way to contact him."

"Okay, is there anything else you need me to do?" Debra quickly wrote down Munn's request, and then looked at Munn again.

"It's gone for now, please leave quickly." Moon said hastily - on the other side of the intersection, Professor Slughorn had already moved over, swaying and panting.

"Moon! Moon! Ha! Let me see where you can, phew, where else can you hide this time!"

Debra obviously heard Professor Slughorn's call, so she quickly walked back to the back of the empty house. Two seconds later, the emerald green bird flew out again.She seemed to want to say hello to Munn again, but suddenly she found that Munn had begun to unbutton her robe and reached for the waistband of his trousers, so she had no choice but to chirp, turn her head and flutter away immediately.

"I'm here, Professor." Moon didn't bother to pay attention to where Debra had gone. He held the waistband of his pants with his hands, pretending to have just buckled the belt, and turned around to look very apologetic. While buttoning up his robe, he said: "I'm very sorry, Professor, I didn't mean to ignore you. I really can't hold it in anymore."

Professor Slughorn's face was full of disbelief, and he even secretly glanced in the direction that Moon was facing just now.But Moon was well prepared and had already created a small pool of water stains there, which looked flawless.

"Why do you have to run so far to go to the bathroom? Isn't there a bathroom in Werewolf Night?" Professor Slughorn, who finally regained his composure, took another breath and asked, "And there's also a restroom in Werewolf Night." Quite a lot.”

Moon shook his head helplessly and said sadly: "After all, this is your first time to come to Werewolf Night on a Hogsmeade day that is open to students, so you may not be aware of it, although many toilets have been repaired on Werewolf Night. , but every time like this, there will still be a little bit insufficient. When school first started this year, they were already studying how to cast a traceless stretching spell on the toilets, and put a lot of cubicles and toilets in them."

Facing Moon's fluent answers, Professor Slughorn was dumbfounded for a moment, and even seemed a little confused. He opened his mouth and asked: "How did you -"

He originally wanted to ask Moon, 'How did you know?', but just after he uttered two or three words from his mouth, he suddenly realized and rubbed his bald head, "By the way, you are the boss of Werewolf Night. Hey, look. As I get older, my brain is indeed not as bright as when I was young."

"Don't say that." Moon hurriedly smiled and said: "The erudite way you looked when you were teaching us in the Potions class has long proved that you are one of those old and strong people. By the way. , I heard that you are planning to hold another club party in the near future? And you are still looking for me? Hey, it’s all my fault. I’ve been too busy this week. Several professors have come to see me one after another, and they want to calm down that woman Rita Skeeter. I had to take care of the school newspaper because of the public opinion. I originally planned to apologize to you today and invite you to have a drink at the Werewolf Night, but when I went to your office, I found that you had already gone out early in the morning. "

Moon lied without blushing, while suppressing all the remaining complaints in Professor Slughorn's stomach.

If other people in the school newspaper office heard this, they would definitely say that he was busy and lonely this week - he was not at school at all on Monday and Tuesday. After coming back on Wednesday, he only attended two classes, and then went to Dumbledore Professor there.School newspaper?He hasn't looked after her at all this semester; Rita Skeeter's public opinion?He didn't care at all.

There was only one truth in his whole paragraph, which was that many professors had indeed approached him this week - except for Professor Trelawney and Professor Binns, almost every professor who had taught him had I want him to be a teaching assistant in his subject starting from next semester.Previously it was because he was in a bad mood and would come and go without a trace every day.Now that he is getting better, the professors naturally start to come to his door.

As for Professor Slughorn's office?Don't be silly, of course he has never been there. The reason he knew Professor Slughorn had gone out early in the morning was entirely because he spent a long time playing the Marauder's Map there after getting up in the morning.

Of course, Professor Slughorn himself didn't know all this.

In fact, seeing what Moon said was true, Professor Slughorn not only suppressed all the complaints in his stomach, but most of the dissatisfaction with Moon in his heart also disappeared.He pulled his beard with his fingers and laughed and said: "Haha, yes, yes, early this morning, two of my former students came over. They are now working in the Department of Magical Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic. Let's go. Come on, let’s go back first and I’ll introduce them to you.”

"Oh, by the way, there's also the party. It's true. It's just after Halloween. You must come this time. You haven't been to my party for a long time. Those of my former students There are also many people inside who want to get to know you. I’ve spoken out loud, and it’s hard to recover, Moon.”

Moon had no intention of continuing to fly Professor Slughorn's pigeons, so he naturally smiled and nodded, and quickly responded with "Okay, okay, yes, yes."

Chapter 75 A more suitable candidate

"Okay, it's settled, Hesper, the writing is great." Moon put Hesper's manuscript aside, "And Nash, the overall control is also very good, if it weren't for you next year If you are about to graduate, I really want to hand the school newspaper directly into your hands."

"Don't even think about it." Nash smiled playfully and put the quill on the pen holder next to him, leaning back comfortably. "I've been preparing to go out and collect stories for a few years. Maybe I can still contact Gavin. Let's see. Look where he has been recently. Oh, yes, and there is no news from Gabriel for a long time. Don’t try to use this kind of thing to tempt me to continue working for you.”

"Tsk, you saw through it, damn it." Moon pretended to cooperate with Nash's words, and at the same time gathered all the manuscripts together and handed them into Qiu's hands. "Take one last look at the layout, Qiu. If there are no problems, We can start printing and distribute them directly tomorrow."

While sipping on the quill candy bought by Honeydukes, Garr asked casually: "So, on Friday, Moon, didn't you also say that you would lighten your defense and stop blocking the Ministry of Magic's knives and attracting attention? ? Why did you suddenly change your mind again today and temporarily asked Hesper to increase the intensity in the manuscript? "

Lian "Because the situation has changed, some things cannot go as planned. I may have to stand up and serve as a human shield for the Ministry of Magic." Moon sighed, and there was a little haze between his brows. "That's why it's called Hesper throws some serious news out there.”

The other people in the office looked at each other, and then they all couldn't help laughing.Anthony Goldstein even said more directly: "Then your information is too strong. Let alone a supporter of Rita Skeeter, I guess even the professors in the school will be looked at." Senseless."

"Huh? Professors?" Yaerin walked up to Anthony and patted his shoulder. "You are overthinking, Anthony, let alone the professors. I suspect even Moon's family will be dumbfounded. "

Hesper and Quaid nodded at the same time, fully agreeing with Yaerlin's words.Indeed, except for the little wizards like them in the school newspaper office, anyone else would be confused by this big thing that Munn himself had thrown out - after all, even Hesper himself had just heard Moon mention it. When I saw it, I couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"There is no way. If you want good results, you have to use strong ingredients." Moon smiled and waved his hand, "Okay, you can chat slowly. I will leave the printing matter to you. I still have to go to Mai." It’s Professor Ge’s office.”

He said goodbye to the others and left the school newspaper office. As a result, he heard a burst of unpleasant singing just as he reached the stairs.

"The big nose and small eyes are so thin that they become a rod~"

"Fox is the ugliest badger~"

"Don't ask why someone loves you~"

"They are all idiots~"

"They're all stupid—"


Peeves, who was happily humming his newly composed ditty, saw a ghost around the corner - this is definitely not a new experience at Hogwarts, especially for the most enthusiastic people everywhere. As far as Peeves wanders around.However, the ghost he saw at this moment was not the real 'ghost' like Sir Nicholas, but Moon, the 'ghost' that he absolutely did not want to see and who scared Peeves to death.

"I just thought you dared to scold Professor Dumbledore's pet. It turns out that I heard it wrong. You were scolding me..." Moon curled his lips and said with a hint of teasing: "That's a good story. Are there any other short paragraphs?"

"What do you want!" Peeves crossed his hips angrily, "I tell you, you can never get me downstairs again!"

Moon couldn't help but look at Peeves and said quickly: "Don't worry, don't worry, it won't happen today. Anyway, you are not bullying other little wizards at the moment. I really think you made it up well and the tune is pretty good. .”

Peeves's expression became even more distorted. He opened his eyes as big as a lightbulb and kept looking at Moon up and down. Then he couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with you? You took the wrong medicine." ?When Peeves met you some time ago, you were not like this."

"I really took the wrong medicine some time ago." Moon waved his hand and then suddenly blinked. "By the way, Peeves, I remember that you stopped passing us gossip later because you started to feel bored. Now, there’s nothing interesting to do, right?”

"Hmph, you have the nerve to say that." Peeves crossed his arms and tilted his head, "It's all because of you. Hogwarts is becoming more boring every day. Even the portraits are much more interesting than those little wizards now. "

"Well, Peeves, let me tell you something interesting." Moon smiled mysteriously. "You know Voldemort, right?"

"Voldemort? Ha! How could Peeves not know about Voldemort?!" Peeves said with an expression of 'Who do you look down on? Probably not as many secrets as Peeves."

Moon raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of disbelief, "I dare say, there is one thing you absolutely don't know."

"Huh? There are things in Hogwarts that Peeves doesn't know about?!" Peeves' hand reached behind him, and then he took it back unhappily as if he remembered something.

No way, the dung bomb attack is not very effective against Moon Fox.

"Of course." Moon spread his hands. "You must not know that Voldemort once deceived the Ravenclaw diadem from Lady Grey."

"Hmph! How come Peeves doesn't know about this!" Peeves' expression immediately became disdainful. "Of course Peeves knows. Peeves also knows the real name of Ms. Gray's guy. You must be unknown."

Moon could tell at a glance that Peeves was pretending, and he felt even more satisfied. "I know it, isn't it Ms. Grey's original name? She said it as if no one knew it. But I bet - two A brand new bag of dung bombs. I know Ms. Grey’s real name, but you definitely don’t know the answer Ms. Gray told Voldemort at that time.”

"Just bet!" Peeves shouted loudly, "You have the ability to tell me the answer!"

"Just say it."

Moon opened his mouth to come, but in the end, Peeves was shocked. He rolled his eyes and immediately raised his hand, "No, bets are all time-based. You have to make an appointment with Peeves, and No one can go as far as to ask Hai-Ms. Gray!"

"Okay, then you can't cheat." Moon reluctantly agreed, "It's next Sunday, how about it?"

"No, Peeves still needs some time to prepare his gambling funds. Filch will definitely hide all the newly confiscated dung bombs next Sunday! Just next Sunday! It's settled!"

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