Speaking of this, Munn's magic training has hit a wall recently - the new spells that appeared in the "Magic Book" are extremely difficult. Although the spell called "Flame Strike" requires far less magic power than the weather he learned before The replacement spell is more complicated. He has never been able to accurately use his own magic power to simulate the spellcasting effect of sulfur as mentioned above, which made him stuck on this spell for a while.Fortunately, new ideas have emerged in the past two days, and it is not too far away to fully cast and master the flame attack technique.

"Well, you want a banana?" Moon frowned and looked at the little kid in the stroller. "You want to taste a banana? Well... a child's curiosity..."

Babies will not hide their thoughts, and will even display them intuitively in their minds without any scruples. Therefore, even just waving their fists and feet in the stroller and making strange shouts can make Moon notice them and perceive their thoughts. and needs.This kind of scene was already familiar to Ern and Quaid. Therefore, before Moon could say anything, Ern jumped off the chair and ran to the coffee table to get a bunch of bananas. return.

Both he and Quaid were confined in the living room by Munn, and they had to wait until Munn coaxed all the younger siblings to sleep before he could take them out. Therefore, Owen seemed very motivated to "fulfill the younger siblings' requests." Absolutely, he wished that these younger brothers and sisters who could not walk on the ground would make enough noise and then close their eyes and fall asleep.

Moon took the banana from Ooen, and before he finished peeling it, he heard the savior's voice coming from outside the door, "Ha! Children, your uncle is back!"

Whenever this happens, Moon will always be rarely happy about the return of his uncle Edgar.Of course, the same goes for Owen and Quaid.Because Edgar's return means that Moon finally no longer has to tie Owen and Quaid around him.

Seeing his two younger brothers looking at him eagerly, Moon could only nod his head angrily and amusedly. At this moment, the wild horse was instantly unbridled. Owen and Quaid high-fived their hands, and then ran towards the door, ready to Go and meet Edgar.

Not long after, the sound of laughter came from outside the door. Before Edgar could enter the house, he was pulled by two boys and ran outside the manor.

The world became half clean in an instant.

Satisfied, Moon used his wand to control the strollers and rock them again, then picked up the book next to him and turned another page.

What a busy and wonderful summer...

What he didn't know was that at the same time, an owl was flapping its wings and trying to fly towards Shafiq Manor, carrying a letter.

No one wanted Moon to be bored in the manor house all summer except himself.No, the person who "disturbed" him was already ready to leave.

Chapter 2 Walking

Violet looked much cuter after taking off her black wizard robe than she did at Hogwarts.

At least that's how Moon feels at this moment.

A sky blue dress, a long hairband embroidered with butterflies, and a beautiful light yellow straw hat in her hand. Her small white leather shoes made a soft thumping sound from time to time when stepping on the stone road. Her cheeks were slightly rosy and filled with joy. The sweet smile she wore occasionally even made Moon's steps become brisk.

He had been following Violet walking in the forest and rarely spoke. He just listened quietly to the girl telling her about the trivial things in life.

That's right, Violet came, the day after the owl's message arrived.Therefore, Moon woke up early, said hello to his family, then packed his backpack and hurried to Violet's grandma's house - just as Violet had expected, she My grandmother's house is not far from Shafiq Manor, only about 10 minutes away.However, since they had almost no contact before, both families were only aware of the existence of such a neighbor. Moon didn't even know that the old woman living alone in the suburbs turned out to be Violet's grandmother.

After Moon arrived, Violet's grandmother invited him in for a drink of water, and then readily agreed to the two's request to go out for a walk. After all, the old man had lived nearby for many years and knew that there was no danger nearby.In addition, he learned that Moon was the child of the Shafiq family, and even the last bit of doubt was dispelled.

In the nearby area, probably no one would offend the Shafiq family without opening their eyes, unless Voldemort crawled out from some nook and cranny with his Death Eaters.

Violet talked a lot today. She was a little shy at first. After Munn asked two small questions, she gradually relaxed and started chattering to Munn about her summer vacation in the previous month - -Like Doreen and Greg, Violet also comes from a mixed-race family. Her father is a Muggle and her mother is a wizard.She had been staying in the Muggle world before, and most of her outings were in the Muggle world. In Violet's opinion, Munn, who came from a large wizarding family, might be very interested in all of this, so she later He spoke so enthusiastically.

Of course she didn't know that Moon knew everything, even more than she did.It was impossible for Moon to say such a thing openly, not to mention that he quite liked hearing the girl keep talking like this.

This made him feel a little guilty, and unknowingly, he seemed to have a little bit of a different kind of affection for this girl.


Moon rubbed his nose and watched as Violet bent down and picked up a leaf that had somehow fallen, and handed it over, "Look, Moon, does the hole in the middle of this leaf look like my straw hat?" "

He took the blade and put it in front of his eyes. He looked through the hole at the straw hat in Violet's hand. Before he could nod, Violet poked her head over. From a distance, their eyes met— —Violet was also looking at him through the leaves.

With a "swish" sound, Moon's face suddenly turned red, as if he had been roasted by a campfire for too long.But how could there be a bonfire in this secluded forest path?

Violet seemed to realize something. She felt that the deer in her chest kept banging and banging, and she might have almost knocked herself out.So she quickly stood up straight, turned away and looked at the dark brown trees beside her.Moon was finally able to relax and watch his toes move forward mechanically, almost tripping over the edge of the raised stone slab.

The blazing sunshine became much softer after passing through the layers of leaves. Spots of light fell on the bodies and shoulders of the boy and girl, quietly painting a beautiful picture.

"Hey, Violet, have you been drawing lately?"

A few seconds later, Moon took the lead to break the deadlock. While asking boring questions, he scolded himself in his mind. Why did he ask such boring words at such a critical time? He completely lost his usual wit.

Of course, Violet would not know what Munn was thinking, and she did not seem to find Munn's questions boring at all. Instead, she said enthusiastically: "Yes, in addition to the ones I gave you, I also drew many Well, but they were all left at home and I didn’t bring them. If you want to see them, I can mail you some more when I get home, as long as you don’t think my paintings are ugly.”

The girl smiled shyly, and Moon responded quickly: "Of course not. Your paintings are already great. The paintings you sent with owls earlier have been hung in my bedroom."

It was broken, and Violet felt that the deer was about to pop out of her chest.

She immediately changed the subject. Of course, Violet had already wanted to do this.Moon's replies always only mentioned very few things about himself. Therefore, Violet had been curious about Moon's holiday life for a long time. "By the way, Moon, did you enjoy your summer vacation?" ?”

"Uh... not bad." Moon thought for a while, but still felt that it had to be polished up. There was no way. He couldn't say that he spent the whole month just taking care of the children, reading books, and learning new magic every day.

Then he will really become a chat terminator.

"I have a lot of children in my family. I have many younger brothers and sisters, so my life is quite lively. Every day I have to take care of a few of them who haven't even gotten out of the stroller. I also have three older ones who follow me around everywhere. Brother Moon and Brother Moon surround me all day long, which is quite interesting, but I don’t have much time to read my own books.”

"You should read less books." Violet laughed again. "It's good to play more with your brothers and sisters. Otherwise, it would be unhealthy to stay indoors all summer."

"Indeed..." Moon had an idea and finally thought of something to share. "I think Owen thinks the same way - he is a cousin of mine. He always wants to drag me out of the house. Just now. During the summer vacation, one day I was reading in the house, and he suddenly came over and knocked on the door angrily, telling me that my other brother had fallen hard. I hurriedly followed him to see him, but as soon as I went out, I was arrested. My uncle splashed water all over him and was so angry that I chased him for 10 minutes."

It was hard to tell how funny it was, but Violet was so amused that she couldn't stop laughing. Moon felt a little confused at first, but soon he was infected by Violet's smile, and he felt inexplicable along with it. laughed.

One after another, the birds in the forest were frightened by the laughter and flew high into the air. Maybe one of them would severely reprimand these two naughty children for laughing for no reason.

But that has nothing to do with Moon and Violet, right?

Chapter 3 False Curse

At first, Moon wanted to invite Violet home for dinner.But he soon realized that this kind of invitation was inappropriate - this was Violet's first day at her grandmother's house, and Violet should spend some time with her grandmother.

Therefore, after wandering on the forest path for a while, the two of them found a place to sit and chat.Violet had endless things to say, and Moon could always find some interesting and embarrassing things to match Violet, so this ordinary chat was not boring at all.They chatted like this until it was getting late, and it was almost dinner time. They took two group photos, agreed on a time to meet tomorrow, and then went home.

As soon as he entered the house, his uncle Edgar smiled strangely and came to Munn's side. He stretched out his arms and pulled Munn in. "I heard that someone went on a date with a female classmate today~"

"...?" Moon complained to the 'snitch' in her heart, while shaking her head helplessly, "I went for a walk with my classmates, not a date."

Edgar completely ignored the second half of Moon's correction. He smiled and patted his thigh hard, praising: "Reliable! He is indeed my nephew! Under my influence, he found a girl after just one year of school. We are friends, Moon!"

Moon raised his hands to cover his face, feeling speechless. What does this have to do with? It has something to do with you as a ball of wool!

Edgar probably didn't notice Munn being speechless, or he might have noticed it - anyway, he didn't care. He dragged Munn to sit on the sofa, winked at Munn and asked, "Tell me about you guys." What did you do today? How is your little girlfriend? Does she look good? Do you have any photos? Whose girl is she?"

"..." Moon rolled her eyes at him, didn't answer, just stood up and left.Years of experience told him that it was no longer appropriate to continue the conversation at this point, otherwise Uncle Edgar would talk a lot of nonsense again.

"Hey? Don't leave, let's talk again! Moon, you are trying to destroy the donkey by destroying the mill and killing the donkey! Crossing the river and burning the bridge! You are ungrateful!"

Moon vowed again that he would soon learn to close his ears and listen with plug-ins. At the same time, he quickened his pace and walked upstairs, hiding in his room without intending to come out again.


In the next few days, Moon had to start walking around Edgar, because as soon as the two met, Edgar would immediately gossip - he would ask all questions, but not the serious ones.

Fortunately, a few days later, Uncle Edgar received a notice from the ministry and had to make a long trip to deal with the trouble caused by a few werewolves. It would take about ten days to come back, which made Moon Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

Violet did not stay in Peterborough until the end of the summer vacation as she had said at the beginning. Instead, she left her grandmother's house half a month later and returned to her parents.

The day before she left, Violet was still a little bit reluctant to leave, but her reluctance didn't last long and disappeared under Moon's deliberate antics.The main reason is that in a few days, the two of them will be able to meet again in school. Moreover, during this period of time, their relationship has improved a lot, although they still failed to hold Munn's hand. (Mainly shy and a little afraid), but for Violet, this relationship that is much closer than ordinary friends has made her extremely satisfied.

After all, children don't know what love is, and they can't tell where their good feelings come from and where they are going. All they want is to get closer and get closer.

When he formally said goodbye, Moon folded two paper flowers and gave them to Violet - he had almost forgotten the origami skills he had learned in his previous life, but he faced the sketch that Violet gave him. , and he really wanted to make some handmade products as a gift in return. Fortunately, after two hours of fussing, he successfully remembered how to fold paper flowers.

Violet obviously liked Munn's paper flowers very much, even more than the bracelet that Munn gave her for Christmas. She saw it clearly when Munn sent her back that day, and Violet carefully grabbed it. The two paper flowers were so beautiful that I was afraid they would be crushed even if I held them in my hands.

This became Moon's biggest emotion during the entire summer vacation.

Moon actually didn't have too many emotions about this parting. The only pity was that he had planned it for a long time, but in the end he didn't invite Violet to Shafiq Manor.Although his uncle Edgar had already gone out on business, his behavior reminded Moon that if he really invited Violet back, his uncle Golov and his mother Ann might also start gossiping. In addition, the two troublemakers Owen and Quaid are also at home, so there is no guarantee that there will be any trouble.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter. Violet seems to stay at her grandmother's house for a while every summer. Hesper, Owen and Quaid will all stay with Aunt Nora next summer. As long as they find a way to give Uncle Edgar a After leaving, you can invite Violet home for dinner.

Facing only Uncle Golov and his mother, it was always a lot easier.

After Violet left, Moon returned to his previous life, taking care of his children, reading books, and practicing magic every day, until one sunny morning, he received a letter from Hogwarts.

Of course, this couldn't be another acceptance letter. It just told him to remember to go to King's Cross Station on September [-]st and take the express train back to school.By the way, a list of books he needed for second grade was also sent along with the letter - there were not many new books, and most of the courses they still had to use the textbooks from the previous school year.

However, when he saw the letter, Moon suddenly remembered an interesting thing.

As we all know, the teaching position of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course at Hogwarts has been cursed by Voldemort. This has resulted in no professor being able to teach in this position for more than a year. They always leave for various inexplicable reasons, including And not limited to: injury, disability, death, etc.

In the years before Moon entered Hogwarts, this situation remained the same. Every year, Hogwarts had to change its Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

But the problem is... Professor Kang seems to be fine?

Although he did rest for a long time, that was all. After the rest, he quickly returned to his post and continued teaching. It was calm until the end of the semester, and nothing abnormal happened again.

In other words, their second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor should still be Professor Kump.

Could it be that...the curse is actually fake...?

Chapter 4 Dumbledore’s Letter

His doubts were quickly dispelled, because at breakfast the next day, Uncle Golov put a letter on the dining table in a state of laughter and tears.

"It seems that Dumbledore really has no one to turn to. He actually invited me to Hogwarts as a guest professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year." Golov rubbed the disabled leg with his left hand and poked it with his right hand. He picked up a piece of fried egg and put it in his mouth, "Let a school director become a teacher. Oh my God, Dumbledore can't think of it."

It was the first time that Moon felt that Uncle Golov could contain so much information in one sentence - and this was in a situation other than work.

First of all, Uncle Golov is actually the school governor of Hogwarts?

Secondly, what happened to Professor Kump?Why is Professor Dumbledore suddenly looking for a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

Moon looked at Uncle Golov in confusion and asked his doubts.

"Ah, this...haven't I told you?" Golov muttered, "In short, the Shafiq family has a seat on the board of directors of Hogwarts. It used to be your grandfather. After he passed away, he Became me. As for your Professor Kump, Dumbledore's letter said that he was attacked by something, probably a wandering dark wizard or monster. Now he has lived in St. Mungo's, and he is still there. I'm in a coma, and I probably won't be able to wake up in the short term, so I obviously can't continue teaching you."

"Ah this..." Moon looked at the fried meat on the plate in front of him and began to wonder if his crow's mouth was the reason for this.He had only wondered yesterday whether Voldemort's curse had not taken effect. Uncle Golov received such a letter today...

It’s hard not to think about it, right?

"So are you going?" Moon pursed his lips and looked at Uncle Golov with a complicated mood.

From a personal emotional point of view, Uncle Golov can indeed become a very competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and with such a kinship relationship, he is the best professor for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts course no matter how you look at it. Candidate.But the problem is, obviously Voldemort's curse is very powerful. If Uncle Golov really takes office...

Then send it?

Fortunately, Golov shrugged and said, "Obviously not. I am a school director. It is obviously not right to be a professor. Besides, I don't have the time to play the role of such a professor. I have a lot of things at home." It’s up to me to handle the matter.”

Moon breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay not to go, otherwise he would have to worry about it for the whole semester, fearing that his uncle would be cursed and suffer misfortune.

"But...if you really want me to go, Munn, that's not impossible." Golov said with a smile, "Well, there will always be time if you squeeze in."

"Forget it, uncle, I don't want you to be too tired." Moon waved his hands repeatedly, and then wiped away the last piece of fried meat on the dinner plate. "I've finished eating. Can I go back and change clothes to wait for you?"

Mom An couldn't stand the pleading of her three little kids, so she took Hesper and Owen to the lake for camping yesterday. My uncle Edgar stayed away all night, and he was probably drunk somewhere.At this moment, only Moon and Golov are left in Shafiq Manor, but they will have to leave soon - to go to Diagon Alley to buy second grade textbooks and supplies.

"Okay, you go back and change your clothes first. I'll call you later." Uncle Golov nodded and continued to enjoy his breakfast.


When he visited Diagon Alley again, Moon's experience was very different from last year.

This difference is mainly reflected in the fact that when I came last year, the person in charge of socializing was mainly Uncle Golov - his various acquaintances, former subordinates, friends... and so on; but this time this year, he will There are more people socializing than Golov.

Classmate*1, classmate*2, classmate*3... There are people from Hufflepuff, there are also people from the other three houses, there are first-year students, and there are more senior students.Along the way, at least half of the little wizards greeted him. Some were asking him when the latest issue of the school newspaper would be released. Some were asking him if he had bought textbooks. Others were already worried about choosing courses for the third grade. Problem.

This was also the first time that Golov knew that his nephew was so popular at Hogwarts. Moon didn't really like to tell his family about the big things he had done in school. In comparison, he was more I like to talk about my classmates, friends and interesting things I encountered in class.Fortunately, Gorov knew about the school newspaper, otherwise he would have to ask Moon what was going on later.

The only regret is that Moon thought he would meet his three roommates in Diagon Alley today - at least one of them, right?As a result, he didn't encounter any of them.

There has been no news from these three people for a while, and to be honest, Moon really misses them.

There were not many textbooks to buy, and there were not many new equipment to buy. Moon first followed Uncle Golov to buy a robe.It's the time when a child's body is growing. It's only been one year, and the robe he bought last year is obviously a little short.When I left the clothing store, I happened to run into the Weasley family - Mrs. Weasley, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and the Weasley family's youngest son, who will not go to Hog until next year. Ron, who went to school in Watts.

Fred and George were very familiar with Moon. After all, Moon saved their lives at that time.There are also Charlie and Percy. They also have a good relationship with Munn because of their two younger brothers, especially Percy. This guy is a study fanatic himself, while Munn is very good at studying. In addition, he has a strong understanding of power and background. He has extraordinary aspirations, and Moon's family background fits this perfectly.Therefore, in comparison, Percy's enthusiasm for Moon is even somewhat greater than that of Charlie.

Seeing several young wizards chatting happily, Golov was also happy to see this. When Mrs. Weasley revealed with a slight embarrassment that she brought several children to buy old robes (Ron will go to school next year , so Mrs. Weasley decided to buy a larger second-hand robe for Percy first, and give the replacement robe to Fred, so that Fred's robe can be left for Ron to wear next year), Golov With a wave of his hand, he bought a new robe for each of the five young people of the Weasley family.

At first Mrs. Weasley wanted to refuse, but Golov said that she would treat it as a meeting gift for the children and paid the money directly, eliminating the possibility of Mrs. Weasley continuing to refuse.

After chatting with the Weasleys for a while, Golov and Moon continued their shopping trip.Although in fact he only needed to buy more textbooks, Moon still took Golov to stay in Diagon Alley for a long time. By the time he left, he already had a dozen more textbooks in his bag. A mess of old and new books.

Chapter 5 Dempsey

"Hello Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, ah, Ron and Ginny are here too." Moon waved to the Weasley family of four and walked to them.

Today is back-to-school day, so it’s not surprising to meet the Weasley family at the 9/3/4 platform. Charlie and Percy are probably already on the bus.

Moon came a little late today, and the train was about to leave now, so he simply didn't let his uncle and mother accompany him to the platform. He asked them to go back as soon as he entered King's Cross Station, so he was alone at this moment.

"Ah, Moon, why are you here?" As soon as Mrs. Weasley saw Moon, she immediately urged: "Now is not the time to say hello, get in the car quickly, we are about to drive."

Ron originally wanted to chat with Moon when he met him - he already had a good impression of Moon, who was gentle and polite in dealing with people, and besides, he didn't need to wear his brothers' old robes to school next year. It was entirely because of Moon, which was enough to make Ron grateful.But Mrs. Weasley didn't give him this chance at all. After a few words of urging, she came up directly and pulled Moon to lead him to the car door.

Mr. Weasley watched this scene from behind. He was a little embarrassed at first and put down the hand he had just raised to say hello to Moon. Then he couldn't help laughing because this scene was a bit funny.

"Okay, okay, I'll get on the train right now." Faced with Mrs. Weasley's enthusiasm, Moon didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had to obey and quickly jumped on the train with the box, then turned around and waved to the four of them. Say goodbye.

Two minutes later, the whistle sounded, and the Hogwarts Express, which had been waiting for more than two months, once again carried a car full of little wizards and headed towards Hogwarts Castle.

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