
"Borrowed it - Hi, Jacob, I saw you, haha, not bad, not bad, handsome watch."

"Sorry, please excuse me. Yes, it's me, Moon. Uh-huh. The latest issue of the school newspaper will be published soon. Ah, don't be stupid. It won't be next Monday. There won't be enough time in one day tomorrow. If we publish an issue of the newspaper, it should be released on the [-]th."

"Nathan? Ha, it's okay, it's okay, your wand didn't poke my nostril - but just a little bit. Next time you want to perform magic for the first years, remember to go inside the cubicle."

After arduously walking through the crowded carriage for a while, Moon finally found a compartment that was not full yet and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It was so scary. Wherever I went, I would be dragged into a conversation. Those Hogwarts students who were passing by and had never seen him before, as well as this year's new first-year students, looked at him as if they were giant pandas. He, probably in all likelihood, was wondering who he was.

"Uh, hi, hello." Moon looked at the four people in the cubicle and said hello hesitantly, "My name is Moon, Moon Fox, from Hufflepuff House."

He didn't recognize any of the four people in front of him, but at least he was certain that they were definitely not from the same dormitory, because there was a girl here - besides, the four of them didn't look like they were very familiar with each other. When Moon came in, they didn't look like they were chatting, they were probably all doing their own thing.

However, it will take a long time for the train to reach Hogwarts. Five people in one compartment can't just go to school in such an awkward manner, right?

That's too weird.

The only tall girl in the cubicle tilted her head and glanced at him twice, then showed an expression of realization, "I know you. You are that particularly powerful second-year Hufflepuff boy, the one who founded the school newspaper. Right, Gemma talks about you a lot. Oh yes, hello, my name is Ashley, Ashley Bishop, from Slytherin."

After hearing what Ashley said, the other two boys in the cubicle also remembered who Moon was and hurriedly said hello to Moon.

Only the young boy who looked young at the end was left watching the three of them chatting with Moon. He opened his mouth but failed to muster up the courage to say anything. Finally, he looked away and looked at the car window.

Moon put the suitcase on the shelf, and then sat next to the boy - Ashley and the two boys from Ravenclaw sat on the other side, so Moon could actually only sit here.

"Hey, are you a new student?" After sitting down, Moon turned to look at the boy next to him and asked with a smile: "It looks like you are younger than me."

Moon's sudden words made the young man stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that Moon's words could obviously only be a question to him, because the other three people in the cubicle had already introduced themselves, and no one was looking. It looks smaller than Moon.

He nodded quickly, and then felt that his back was to Munn. Even if he nodded, it didn't seem like he was responding to Munn, and it seemed very impolite.So he turned his head again and nodded again with a shy face.

Several people in the same cubicle were all amused by the young man, and even Moon could hardly stand still.The boy also realized that his behavior was a bit funny, lowered his head and started laughing.

"By the way, freshmen, shouldn't they sit in the first few carriages? I remember there are carriages for freshmen over there." After laughing twice, Ashley asked, "Why did you run so far? ?”

The young man scratched his head and whispered: "I came a little late and couldn't find a booth with a seat over there. I walked all the way here and saw an empty seat, so I sat down here."

After he finished speaking, he added in a daze: "Are these seats for seniors here? Shouldn't I sit here?"

"It's not that exaggerated." A fat Ravenclaw boy named Dinis explained, "The train does have less obvious divisions - the sections for freshmen, and the sections for each of the four houses, but apart from The others are meant for people to sit in, just like the one we are in now."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, then remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet.

"Um...Hello, my name is Randall, Randall...Randall Dempsey."

"Dempsey, wait, could it be...that Dempsey?" Upon hearing the boy's name, Dinis was completely stunned.In fact, not only Dinis, but also everyone including Moon were shocked by this name.

As if he had already guessed everyone's reaction, Randall Dempsey quietly turned his head and looked out the window with some sadness.

There was no way, because he was indeed a member of "the Dempsey" family.

Chapter 6 Tags

Dempsey is just an ordinary surname, like many British surnames, nothing special.

But one person gave this surname a special meaning.

Forest Dempsey is a well-known astronomer, ancient magician, and a well-known dark wizard. He single-handedly established the secret society of dark wizards, the "Decath Moths", and carried out a large-scale killing three years ago. He was accidentally arrested during the incident and was officially sentenced by the Ministry of Magic to be imprisoned in Azkaban forever until his death.

It was because of him that the name "Dempsey" became the name of everyone in the same cubicle.

To be honest, Randall had already foreseen such a situation. As early as when he had just received the letter from Hogwarts and met Professor Dumbledore for the first time, he knew that he would eventually face such a scene. .

Because he rejected Professor Dumbledore's suggestion to go to school with his last name hidden.

Since he chose to use the surname "Dempsey", sooner or later he would be looked at with suspicion, alienation, indifference and even disgust.

He didn't do anything wrong, so why should he change his name and live in this world with another identity because of what his father did?

Thinking of this, Randall turned his head again, gathered up his courage, and nodded.

He should have been prepared to be treated coldly. After all, people always have to pay the price for their choices. He chose his own name. Isn't this the price he has to pay?

"It's true." Moon patted his cloak, feeling a little complicated.

He felt like he should say something, but he needed to calm down for a while.

Forest Dempsey once led his men to secretly kill many people, including wizards and Muggles. Among the long list, there was a woman named Ola Geller - Guy. Le is her husband's surname, and her original name was Ola Shafiq, who was Moon's aunt.

When she was young, Aura often visited Munn, and she often happily brought some childish candies and toys to Munn.Like Edgar, she was originally an Auror at the Ministry of Magic, and she had two very cute children: Oranda and Dana.Unfortunately, not long after the two children were born, Ola received the task of capturing Forrest, and died together with her husband in Forrest's hands.

Forrest's fault certainly had nothing to do with Randall, and Randall shouldn't be criticized for his father's faults.But when the name Forest Dempsey suddenly appeared, Moon was inevitably a little distracted.

However, not everyone feels that way.

Dinis and another Ravenclaw boy obviously found it difficult to accept Randall's identity. After Randall nodded, the two of them stopped talking and quietly lowered their heads and started doing their own things.A few minutes later, Dinis took the lead in making an excuse and left the compartment directly carrying the box.

As soon as Dinis left, the remaining Ravenclaw boy became even more restless. He kept stealing glances at the others, but Moon was still in a trance, Ashley was flipping through a magazine, and Randall He kept looking out the window in silence, no one could pay attention to him.

"Ah... I suddenly remembered that I made an appointment with several other classmates." The Ravenclaw boy pursed his lips and stood up, took it in salute and hurried out.

"Tsk--Ravenclaw." Ashley was very disdainful of the behavior of the two people. Before the second boy turned around and closed the door, she started to taunt him bluntly, "Why don't you just tell me if you want to leave? You still have to make a fuss. Such a poor excuse."

With a "bang", the door of the compartment was closed.Ashley sneered and became even more disdainful. She didn't expect that the boy didn't even have the courage to retort.

Moon glanced sideways at the door panel and shook his head slightly. "It goes without saying that their behavior cannot represent the entire Ravenclaw academy. What's more, it's normal for them to want to leave. After all, Randall His identity is a little bit... special."

"What's so special?" Ashley glanced at Munn, as if she even disliked him. "There have been dark wizards in my family, and you yourself said that the behavior of those two people cannot represent Ravenclaw." , then does it mean that if there are criminals in the family, the entire family is a criminal?"

"Of course not." Moon shrugged. "People just like to label each other. Regardless of whether he is a hero or not, the son of a hero will always be looked down upon by others; whether the son of a criminal has made a mistake or not, he will inevitably be looked down upon by others. .No one can change this, not even you and me, just like you just said, 'Tsk--Ravenclaw'? You didn't leave like them, in fact, it was just because you were against the 'dark wizard' I don't care so much about the label 'son'. Randall's identity is special, his father is a dark wizard, this is an indisputable fact, and it is certain that some people will not accept it because of this."

Ashley frowned and wanted to refute something, but after much deliberation she couldn't find anything to refute, so she could only say angrily: "So you deserve to endure all this?"

Moon glanced at Randall, who was clearly listening to their conversation carefully, but still pretending to pay attention completely outside the window, and said: "Yes, I can only endure it. Of course, for some people, labels are just A label cannot represent everything about a person. They will also label people, but they don’t care too much about that label. In their eyes, what really determines a person’s image is what that person does.”

"If you are born with an unsightly label, then all you can do is be yourself. As long as you can prove that the label is not real to you, someone will naturally realize it. . Of course, if you want everyone to realize this, it will be very difficult, and you can only do it slowly."

Ashley looked at Moon, and after a while she finally smiled and said with interest: "I finally understand why Gemma thinks highly of you and is even willing to join your school newspaper group. . At first, I didn’t believe it when she said that the impartial articles in the school newspaper were all due to you, but now... I kind of believe it.”

Moon also laughed. He was about to say something, but suddenly there was the sound of a dining car outside the compartment door. Soon, a familiar knock on the door rang.

"Dear little wizards, would you like some food? There are also new candies."

The chubby woman lifted a bag of green candies from the dining cart, shook it, and began to tantalize Moon's taste buds.

Chapter 7 Return to Hogwarts Castle

"What's in this? Chocolate or a frog?"

After hearing Moon's words, Randall seemed to have figured out something. Of course, it might also be because he realized that the two remaining people in the compartment had no resistance to him.So now, he was able to get along with Moon and Ashley with a relatively normal attitude. Not only that, he even took the chocolate frog that Moon handed him and asked the two of them questions of his own. .

"Um...it's a frog-shaped chocolate that's been enchanted so it can jump. Some people even enjoy watching how high these little things jump." Moon gave the correct answer.

On the other side, Ashley looked at Randall in disbelief, "Have you never eaten chocolate frog?"

"My family has never bought me snacks. They don't let me eat these things." Randall lowered his head shyly and carefully opened the box of chocolate frogs.

Ashley glanced at Randall with some distress, and pushed her pile of snacks towards him.

"Speaking of which, I remembered something." Moon held the licorice wand in his mouth and turned another page of the book in his hand. "Although it is a bit against the rules, it seems that everyone has made an agreement not to tell the details of the freshman sorting ceremony. , but I plan to tell you now, Randall."

Randall opened the box of chocolate frogs just when Moon spoke. As soon as he heard Moon's words, he quickly turned around, and the dark brown little frog jumped up from the box and landed on Randall's face. He kicked his legs and dove into the pile of snacks.

He wiped his face awkwardly, then quickly held down the chocolate frog and stuffed the still struggling gadget into his mouth.

Moon smiled, and then continued: "The sorting ceremony is performed by an old hat that has been enchanted and endowed with magic. That hat will judge your thoughts and decide which college you want to go to - but You don’t have no choice at all, if you have something on your mind, you can bring it up with the hat.”

"The thing that comes to mind is... if you really want to prevent more people from being affected by your label as soon as possible, among the four houses, you'd better give up Slytherin and choose Hufflepuff."

Hearing Moon's words, Ashley was furious again. She sat up angrily and said, "What about Slytherin..."

She is the kind of person whose mouth moves faster than her brain. Because of this, she understood Moon's meaning only halfway through her words. She did not continue to refute, but nodded helplessly and looked towards Randall: "Moon is right, but I'm still upset."

Randall smiled awkwardly, but his eyes still contained doubts.

Ashley sighed and explained: "It's like this. If you go to Slytherin, most people will think that Randall is indeed a complete Dempsey. He comes from a family of dark wizards and went to Slytherin." Lytlin will definitely be a dark wizard in the future. In comparison, Hufflepuff is a good choice, because among the four houses of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff has the smallest number of dark wizards. Yes. If you go to Hufflepuff, it will be much less common."

Randall nodded in understanding, as if he was lost in thought and entanglement again.At this moment, Moon put an unopened licorice wand into his hand.

"Don't think so much. It's all about your choice. If you are brave and determined enough, and your heart is strong enough, everything is just a side detail. No need to get entangled, just think about it clearly."

Randall took the licorice wand and looked at Moon gratefully. Munn, who noticed his gaze, turned his head and smiled, then continued to read with his head down.


The train traveled through the wilderness, gradually passing through the bright afternoon and entering the night.

At Ashley's reminder, the three of them had already put on their robes and taken off their luggage. The advantage of having fewer people in the compartment was evident at this moment. Even if the three of them put their luggage underneath, they would still be in the compartment. It doesn't feel crowded, but is still more than enough.

"By the way, Randall, we have to separate after we get off the train. The first-year students will take a boat to the castle and won't come with us." Seeing that the train was about to stop, Moon warned again worriedly. In other words, he was a little afraid that Randall would stupidly follow him and Ashley and miss the freshmen's boat to the castle.

Randall nodded. It was obvious that he was nervous and excited at the same time, just like all the other little wizards who were about to go to Hogwarts.

"woo woo woo woo--"

The whistle sounded one after another, the train swayed suddenly, and then stopped completely. Moon, Ashley, and Randall each took their luggage and got off the train with the crowd.

The familiar giant figure was standing not far away. He held the lantern in his hand high and shouted loudly, "Freshmen! Freshmen, come this way! Don't crowd! Walk slowly! All freshmen, come here!"

Moon and Ashley watched Randall leaning over there alone, until his figure disappeared into the crowd, and then they walked one after another towards the direction of the carriage convoy of old students returning to the castle.

"Speaking of it, Moon, I remember Gemma said that you have a good relationship with your roommates. Why were you the only one in the car who came to sit here just now?" Because he still had to walk a certain distance, Ash Li simply pulled Munn and started chatting again, "Are you having trouble with your roommate?"

"No, I'm about the same as Randall. I got on the bus too late, so I couldn't find an empty seat. There were too many people on the bus, and I was too lazy to squeeze all the way to the Hufflepuff compartment." Moon explained casually. Then he asked again: "From what you said, could it be that your relationship with your roommate is not very good?"

"Ha!" Ashley let out a short laugh. She obviously didn't like her roommates very much. "A group of idiots whose brains are occupied by pure bloods. I have no doubt that they will form a group and join some black people in the future." In the secret society of wizards. The supreme magic is suitable for them, huh."

Moon couldn't comment. After all, he was Ashley's roommate and he had never met him. As for the "supreme magic" Ashley mentioned, he had heard about it. A group of people were dedicated to killing all Muggles in the world. Idiot, one of the most flamboyant secret societies of dark wizards in existence.

The two walked while chatting, and after walking forward for a while, Moon suddenly saw a few friends standing under a lamp in front of them - Cedric, Gar, Arlin, Violet, Gemma, and Nash. , Angelina.

His mood suddenly became high. After pointing over there, he hurriedly took Ashley over.

Chapter 8 Sorting Ceremony

While chatting on the express train before, he had already learned about an important part of Ashley's interpersonal circle - Gemma Farley.

Yes, Ashley is Gemma Farley's good friend. One of the few people Gemma mentioned when she left school last semester wanted to join the school newspaper office was Ashley.

If this were not the case, Moon would not have been able to take Ashley to Gemma and Cedric's side.

In fact, Cedric and the others were waiting for Munn. However, because there were only some old wind lanterns with not strong light on the way from the station, they did not quickly notice Munn coming over. It was Moon who first noticed the people standing under the lamp.

"Hey! I'm here." Carrying the suitcase, Moon quickly walked up to Cedric and the others, and greeted with a smile: "I thought I had to wait until I got to the castle to see you. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Ashley Bishop from Slytherin, Gemma’s best friend.”

Ashley winked at Gemma and exchanged greetings with the others.Then, Yaerlin hugged Munn and said with a smile on his face: "We must wait for you here. You scared us to death. We were talking about whether you would not come to Hoge this year. Watts. If Violet hadn't told us that you might have just arrived late and just found a place to sit, we would have been looking for you all over the car."

"Hehe..." Moon rubbed his hair in embarrassment, "Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's all my fault, let's go, let's get in the car quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

After Munn said this, everyone suddenly felt the hunger that kept coming from their abdomens, so a group of young wizards boarded the two carriages next to them while talking and laughing - there was no way, there were too many people, and one carriage Can't sit down.

The invisible and silent Thestral carried everyone, running smoothly and quietly through the forest path, towards the direction of Hogwarts Castle.


Facts have proved that you have to endure hunger.

No way, the dinner didn't start immediately as soon as they arrived at the castle.They still have to wait for the freshmen to arrive at the castle and conduct the sorting ceremony. The dinner will not officially start until the sorting ceremony is over.

Just like last year, Professor McGonagall came out with the Sorting Hat and placed the old and worn hat on the high stool in front of a group of nervous little wizards.


The Sorting Hat suddenly cleared its throat forcefully, as if trying to get rid of the old phlegm that had been held in its throat for a long time, startling the new first-year wizards.

The next moment, a mouth-like opening suddenly appeared on the hat, and it started to shout loudly:

"I am a hat that has been around for a thousand years

You must never question my ability

Even though I can't wave a wand or chant a spell

There is no way to ignite the fire and light up the night

But I can listen to you and think what you think

No one can understand your thoughts better than me

Take me with you and let me see where you belong

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