If you are proud and brave and move forward indomitably

Then you must be the lion of Gryffindor

Stand tall and fearless

If you do whatever it takes to achieve your goal

Then you will become Slytherin's viper

Cunning and sophisticated, waiting for good opportunities

Maybe you prefer to use your brain and wisdom

Ravenclaw's eagle will be your beacon

It's a place that values ​​knowledge and shrewdness

Or maybe you decide that loyalty and kindness are what you want in your heart

I'll send you to Hufflepuff's badgers

They are not afraid of hard work, honest and tenacious

Come on, put me on your head

Let me understand your desires and guide you in the direction that belongs to you! "

In the audience, the senior wizards applauded one after another. Gal secretly bumped into Moon and asked in a muttered voice, "How come the lyrics of Hat's singing are different from last year?"

Moon was amused by Gal's sudden foolishness, and responded in a low voice: "It's like this every year, and the Sorting Hat will sing a different song every year."

"Then he's pretty good at making stuff up."

Gal's concluding remarks made Moon stunned for a moment. If he hadn't been worried that he was still in the auditorium, he would have laughed so hard that he would have died.

Compared to the "old-timers" on the seats, the first-year students don't have much time to joke around at the moment. They are still thinking about the upcoming branch.

After Professor McGonagall waited for the Sorting Hat to finish singing and salute, he unfolded the list in his hand and said loudly: "Those whose names I have read please come to the bar stool, put on your hat and wait for the sorting." .”

"Jonathan Beerbohm——"

A skinny boy who looked like a monkey ran forward quickly, and the big Sorting Hat almost "ate" his whole head.


Hufflepuff College had a good start, and a group of young wizards, led by Gabriel and several other prefects, almost had their hands smashed.

"Brandon Congreve!"

It's another boy, but his body shape looks much more normal, and his blond hair is messy. He might have slept on the train.He put on the hat nervously, holding on to the brim of the hat with both hands until the Sorting Hat struggled hard before finally letting go.

"Impolite little guy, let me take a look, ha, no need to look, Gryffindor!"

When the Sorting Hat spoke, Brandon was startled again and almost fell off his stool.As a result, he was busy doing it again. After the Sorting Hat announced the results, he forgot to take off the Sorting Hat, forgot to step off the stage, and just sat there stupidly.In the end, Professor McGonagall reluctantly tapped his shoulder with her hand, and he suddenly realized it, and hurriedly took off his hat and went down.

Professor McGonagall calmed down and continued reading the next name on the list.

"Cecil Darwin!"

A little girl with big emerald green eyes jumped to the high stool - she didn't look very nervous, and she even smiled when she put on the sorting hat.Only a few seconds after the hat was placed on her head, she shouted: "Gryffindor!"

The cute and beautiful little girl was sorted into her own house. The little lions of Gryffindor applauded loudly. Cecil jumped off the stage amidst the applause and went to On the Gryffindor table.

"Lan..." Professor McGonagall blinked and spoke a little faster, "Randall Dempsey."

However, many young wizards still heard the name clearly. For a while, many students on the four long tables began to talk about it. Even the teachers at the teachers' table all focused on Randall.

Randall took a deep breath, restrained himself from looking around, suppressed the fear that came from nowhere in his heart, and walked slowly and firmly towards the high stool.

Chapter 9 Interview at the school newspaper office

When the sorting hat gave Randall's sorting result, the discussion below suddenly rose a few degrees.

Moon sighed helplessly, put aside the fork holding the sausage in his hand, and looked at Randall who was looking for him in the crowd with encouraging eyes.

Randall did not choose to go to the safer Hufflepuff, but stubbornly chose Slytherin. Munn could guess it without even asking. Randall must have wanted to prove himself.

But at the same time, Moon is sure that Randall must not have realized what kind of criticism and criticism he will endure after entering Slytherin.

There was no other way. Now that Randall had made his choice, all Moon could give him was an encouraging look.

Finally, Randall successfully found Munn among a large crowd of people. He smiled shyly at Munn, then handed over the sorting hat and slowly walked off the stage.

If his face wasn't so pale, maybe Moon would still believe that his smile was sincere.


The dinner ended with the school song as always. Moon was too lazy to listen to other people talking about Randall, and he didn't want to express any opinions - because he didn't have any opinions. In his opinion, Randall was more of a shy person. Shy, shy, stubborn, a bit of a hot-blooded idiot, that's all.

If Randall's unlucky father, Forest Dempsey, appeared in front of Moon, Moon would find a way to fight him with real swords and guns, or if he couldn't defeat him, he would try some dirty tricks and bring in some reinforcements. possible.But all this has nothing to do with Randall.

After returning to the common room, he greeted his acquaintances one by one, exchanged a few words, and then returned to the dormitory early, picking up a book and reading.

Everyone is still talking about the new students, about the new semester, and about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who did not show up at the sorting ceremony and dinner.

Of course, it's mostly about Randall.

Yes, Randall became a man of the hour, but unfortunately he was a negative one.

Munn was chewing the biscuit, and a drizzle of rain began to fall outside the window. Drops of rain hit the glass. After a while, Munn's interest was aroused, and he put down the book and ran to the window to read. It started to rain.

There will be no class tomorrow, but he is already busy - preparing for the school newspaper and interviewing some new people who want to join the school newspaper.He didn't plan to recruit too many, just three or two, mainly to fill their manpower gaps in the third grade and up.

Gemma is usually too busy. She was originally a prefect of Slytherin. After participating in OWL [Note 1] last year, it was time to prepare for NEWT [Note 2]. She also got an E in her worst subject, and She got O's in many subjects, and there is no doubt that her next classes will only become more intense.Although Tonks is not a prefect, she is already in seventh grade this year. Unlike Gemma, who has more than a year of buffer time, she is about to usher in her NEWT.

Therefore, senior students will only become busier and busier. They must find a few more seniors to share senior content with them. The more people there are, the easier the work will be.

When he thought about the upcoming interviews tomorrow, Moon felt a little overwhelmed. He couldn't possibly recruit all the people from Gemma's friends - the school newspaper wouldn't be good if it didn't have Slytherins, but it wouldn't be good if there were too many Slytherins. What a good thing.

There were footsteps outside the door. It was probably that Cedric and the others were back. Moon rubbed his head and simply stopped thinking about what was and was not, and returned to bed with peace of mind.

Let’s talk about tomorrow’s matters tomorrow.


"Next person!"

Violet shouted loudly, and a young Gryffindor with flamboyant long hair walked in and sat down opposite Moon.

Moon put down the hand that was rubbing his temples and just raised his head when he heard the young man say arrogantly: "Hey, I want to join your school newspaper office. The name is really weird. Why not call it the school newspaper office - so ,do you have any requests?"

"...There is no requirement, you can leave." Moon resisted the urge to roll his eyes and pointed to the door.

God knows what kind of torture he has endured in this hour. Among the dozen or so people who came in, there was absolutely no one who was normal. The girl just started crying because she was refused to join.Earlier there was a Ravenclaw who had a crush on Gemma, and his words had the same meaning: could he work with Gemma?

In comparison, although this Gryffindor was a little too proud, he actually seemed a bit normal.

He didn't say anything. When he heard Munn rejecting him directly, he simply stood up again and walked out the same way he came in.

It would have been better if he didn't leave that disdainful laugh when he left.

"Next person!"

Violet continued to call people dutifully, and the classroom door was pushed open, and a pair of Moon's old acquaintances walked in.

Weasley twins, Fred and George.

"Haha! You didn't expect it! It's us!" Fred walked over quickly and extended his fist towards Moon.He definitely didn't mean to punch Munn, but he just knew that Munn preferred this way of greeting to hugging.

Moon bumped fists with him, and then asked in confusion: "Why did you two come to participate in the interview for the school newspaper?"

"We're not here for an interview." George shrugged. "Any form of club is not suitable for us."

"Because it's impossible for the two of us to obey and work honestly." Fred followed up.

"But we came here as soon as we heard you were hiring." This was what George said.

"The main thing is that we want to recommend someone to you." Fred finally got down to business.

Normally, Moon might have been amused by the twins' way of talking, but now he really lacked the energy, so he leaned back and weakly asked, "Yes." ?, so the person you want to recommend is..."

"Oliver Wood!" the two people said in unison.

"He is the goalkeeper of our academy team."

"He was too embarrassed to sign up."

"Maybe I don't have time to come over."

"But he did say he wanted to join the school newspaper and was very interested."

"Just yesterday."

"No, I remember it was the day before yesterday."

"Yesterday! You idiot! We weren't even here the day before yesterday!"


[Note 1] OWL, or Ordinary Wizarding Level, is a level test that fifth-year students at Hogwarts must take.

[Note 2] NEWT, the Ultimate Wizarding Test, is a subject test that seventh-year students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry need to take as a certification for their academic qualifications when applying for jobs after graduation.If you want to participate in NEWT, you need to obtain certain scores in the OWL exam, and then you can study NEWT level courses and take the corresponding exams.

Chapter 10 Change of opinion

After politely asking them to bring Oliver Wood in for an interview, Moon kicked the twins out without any courtesy at all - if they didn't let them out, the two of them might have killed Moon's head by arguing. It blew up.

The interview process was still going on, and at first Moon wanted to take a break before continuing later.But then he thought about it. Death sooner or later would be death. If he had to die today, he could die in one day. There was no need to extend the pain from one day to a week.

So he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and the ordeal ended successfully before lunch time. He also found the new people he wanted as he wished: Ashley Bishop from Slytherin, Laria Butterley from Gryffindor Oliver Wood of Ravenclaw, and Garforth Winters of Ravenclaw.

To be honest, Moon's requirements are not very complicated. They are just that he is not too popular, not too geeky, and that he can quickly get started with the work of screening manuscripts and discovering new content. It would be better if he has some manuscript editing and revision skills.

As a result, most of the people who came all morning were a group of people who came just for fun.

Moon angrily stuffed bacon into his mouth, as if he was going to eat all the anger he had suffered all morning, which made Violet opposite look dumbfounded.

"Moon? Moon?"

"Huh?" Moon raised his head and looked at Violet who called him softly, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Violet didn't have the nerve to ask him to eat slowly. She probably thought it was a bit too weird to say this. She hesitated and thought of another question, "What are you going to do in the afternoon? Uh, I I mean, do you have anything to do this afternoon?"

"emmmmmmm..." Moon thought for a moment and said casually: "Should I go see Hagrid? He should be fine this afternoon. Do you want to go with us? I should call Cedric and Gal. .”

In fact, at the beginning, three of Moon's roommates were also helping out in the school newspaper office, but soon they were pulled by Nash to prepare new manuscripts together, so they were not together at the moment.

"Okay." Violet nodded happily. She had just asked casually and was ready to go back to the dormitory in the afternoon to continue painting. She didn't expect that Munn would actually send out such an invitation.

The two of them speeded up the meal, swept away the lunch on their plates, and then headed straight to the Quidditch pitch.According to what Nash said before, they should take more photos there. Since they haven't seen them yet, it is estimated that all of them are there.


Just as Moon guessed, Cedric, Gar, Arlin, Nash, and Angelina were all on the Quidditch pitch - but they were not taking pictures, but were all surrounding Cedric. Talking about something.

"Hey, what are you doing..." Munn had just approached, and halfway through his words, he realized that something was not right in the atmosphere between the few of them. Except for Cedric, the faces of the other four people all had it written on their faces. I don’t understand.Especially Gal and Yaerin, both of whom looked like they were going crazy.

As soon as they heard Munn's voice, everyone felt as if they had met a savior. Gal quickly stepped forward, grabbed Munn, and led him towards Cedric. As he walked, he said : "Moon, please advise Cedric. I don't know what he thinks - he just rejected the invitation from our college's Quidditch team. They want him to be a seeker. This is rare. Opportunity."

Garr's words also confused Moon. If he remembered correctly, wasn't Cedric very happy last year when he mentioned that he was invited to join the Hufflepuff Quidditch team in his second year?

Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?

He looked at Cedric in confusion, only to find that Cedric smiled bitterly and scratched his head, obviously not knowing how to explain it for a moment.

"So... why did you refuse?" Moon waited for a while, until Cedric put down his hand and was ready to answer, and then asked the question.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just feel that I'm not that interested. Don't you know, I went to watch the Quidditch World Cup during the holiday." Cedric racked his brains to find a way to express his thoughts clearly. "And we also watched it. There have been several competitions this semester, and I feel like I can’t do well even if I play now, so I just want to wait until my flying skills become more proficient.”

Moon looked at Cedric and asked suspiciously after a while: "Is it really not because of the work of the school newspaper?"

Cedric shook his head decisively.

Well, he didn't lie.Although Moon couldn't remember exactly when Cedric joined the Hufflepuff Quidditch team in the original book, he could tell whether Cedric was lying. [Note 1]

If that's the case, it's Cedric's choice.

"Have you really thought about it clearly? The competition may be a better opportunity to train yourself." Moon provided another new idea, but Cedric still shook his head firmly, obviously very sure of his idea. .

Moon shrugged and looked at the others, "Well, he has thought about it. If he doesn't join, there is nothing I can do."

Gal and Arlin all hung their heads in despair, and Nash and Angelina also looked at Cedric with regret - he had the chance to become a rising star in the Quidditch Academy Cup.

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