After hesitating for a moment, Professor McGonagall asked with a serious expression: "Do you know the names of those two Gryffindor students?"

"I don't know yet. I only know their approximate appearance at the moment." Moon shook his head, but quickly said: "But it's not difficult to find them. It won't take long to know who they are."

"Well... I understand, you can leave first. By the way, Moon, please stay here for a moment. I have something to tell you." What confused the young wizards was that Professor McGonagall was not angry. He went to find out the two Gryffindor bullies, but instead issued an expulsion order to them. It seemed that he had no intention of solving the matter at all.

This made it difficult for them to accept for a while.

Moon seemed to have guessed this development. He comforted the others in a low voice and told them not to act rashly. Then he let them leave and stayed in Professor McGonagall's office.

"Professor?" Seeing several other people leave, Professor McGonagall remained silent, seemingly thinking about something, so Moon called softly.

Professor McGonagall came back to her senses, looked at Moon, and after thinking about it for a while, asked: "Are you sure about what you said?"

"Very sure." Moon nodded.

"Then I think it's best to shelve this matter for two days and wait until Professor Dumbledore comes back before making a decision." Professor McGonagall explained: "Professor Dumbledore is out on business, and I'm afraid he won't be back until next Wednesday at the earliest. Come."

"Professor Dumbledore is out on business?" Moon was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the reason for Professor McGonagall's difficulty.

"Well... I think you probably think that Randall's status is special. If we deal with it according to normal student conflicts, there will be some wizards and student parents who were harmed by Forest Dempsey when he did evil. Protest against Hogwarts. And once something like this happens, it's likely to get out of hand, right?"

Professor McGonagall already knew that Moon was smarter than ordinary young wizards, and had heard some praises for Moon from Dumbledore, but now that Moon had figured out what was difficult for her, she still let him She was a little surprised again.

She nodded lightly, and then said: "This matter is probably more serious than imagined. Hogwarts is not without enemies. If someone with care notices this matter and guides it, what will happen will be completely difficult." Expected.”

"That's true." Moon first agreed with Professor McGonagall's idea, and then said, "But I think we don't have to wait until Professor Dumbledore comes back to deal with it."

"Why?" Professor McGonagall did not immediately reject Moon's proposal - logically she should have done so, but Moon was different from other students after all.

Moon conceived the language for a while, and then smoothly expressed his thoughts: "It's very simple. First of all, I think that whether Professor Dumbledore is here or not, no matter how extensive the matter is, for this kind of thing, Huo Gwartz should be dealt with impartially. He should be punished how he should be punished. Otherwise, if the matter is not dealt with today because it involves Randall, what about the children of the school director in the future? What about the nephew of a certain professor? ? What about Harry Potter, who is famous in the British wizarding community? Is it because someone with a special identity appears in the accident that we have to hesitate on how to deal with it? "

"Secondly, what you are worried about is nothing more than public opinion. However, public opinion is often brainless. Whoever leads it well or who leads it early will follow whoever leads it. Since you are worried about the impact of public opinion, it is better to strike first. , it is up to us to guide public opinion and guide it in the direction we want."

"Finally, I think that even if Professor Dumbledore comes back, he will do the same thing - even because of his always strong sense of responsibility, it is likely that he will not choose the easier and less harmful way to guide public opinion. , instead he had to stand up to the pressure alone and announce to the parents who were indignant about the incident that he made the decision, which ultimately led to some...really bad results."

Moon broke the matter apart and made it clear one by one, and then said: "Therefore, this matter can be handled according to the following steps. In the school, you can handle it how you want to handle it. We will handle it tomorrow. The school newspaper truthfully reported what happened to Dempsey and helped you find the two Gryffindor students. The school newspaper, as always, stood on a neutral side and only reported, not commented. After finding those two people, Hogg Watts also acted fairly and dealt with the students who caused such serious harm to their classmates as is customary."

"But after tomorrow's school newspaper is published, I will contact several other social publications to not only provide this manuscript, but also add some commentary content. Small publications such as Knock on the Door with Gold Gallons and the Daily Prophet publications can exert influence through school directors, such as my uncle Golov.”

"Both the school newspaper and Hogwarts have lost their position. Students who bully others will get the punishment they deserve, and Randall can also get some rectification he deserves - an adult's fault should not be borne by his children. , Moreover, we will be the first to occupy the high ground of public opinion. Even if someone wants to make small moves secretly, we will be the first to take advantage in the public opinion war."

To put it bluntly, when the largest channel for news dissemination still relies on media such as newspapers, money, power and fame are the most invincible weapons in the war of public opinion. What's more, they don't even need to fabricate any facts, which even affects public opinion. The biggest weakness in the battle is gone.

Professor McGonagall listened carefully to Moon's words, and finally asked with some confusion: "What you said is very good, Moon, but the question is... what will you gain from this?"

Chapter 50 A Different Professor Snape

"What's gained?" Moon was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Well...if I have to say gain, you can think of it as me gaining what I want most - something more important than money and reputation."

Moon's answer was not direct, and Professor McGonagall stopped asking further.But she didn't agree immediately, but hesitated briefly.

For Moon, this matter was actually very rewarding.

Hogwarts is a place that everyone longs for, but in fact if you look carefully, you will find that it is not as good as it seems.

The conflict between the four houses, and a professor who is not so qualified in the position of "professor"...especially the former, can be said to be a shortcoming that has existed in Hogwarts since the beginning of the school.After all, as early as Salazar Slytherin's time, conflicts between Slytherin and other houses had already begun to emerge.

If you want to live a quiet life at Hogwarts, and even make the entire British wizarding world peaceful and stable, this shortcoming of Hogwarts must be solved as much as possible.

Because this place can almost be said to be the cradle of the British wizarding world.

In addition, even if we don't look at this long-term goal, if we can simply use this incident to curb the endless bullying incidents in Hogwarts, and then make the cohesion between the four houses stronger, it can also When Voldemort comes back in the future, he will exert even greater power.

In addition, and more importantly, this is also an attempt, a first attempt at a public opinion war.If he can succeed this time, it means that in the future, whether it is to rehabilitate Sirius or protest against Umbridge, he can use public opinion warfare to reveal the truth as much as possible.Of course, by then, the difficulty will naturally be higher.

After a long time, Moon finally heard Professor McGonagall's final decision and agreed to his plan.

"Okay, Moon, just do as you say." Professor McGonagall sighed, "That's it. I have to say, I can't find any reason to refute. As you said, even if Professor Dumbledore is still here He will use the same method at Hogwarts, and he will not try to manipulate public opinion to gain an advantage, but will stay there as always."

"Thank you for your agreement." Moon bowed, "Can you please give me an approval slip? I have to go to the school newspaper office to prepare the manuscript, and I might be so busy that I can't go back to the common room until after curfew time."

Professor McGonagall did not refuse. Without saying a word, he signed a permission order and handed it to Moon. Then when Munn came to pick it up, he repeatedly warned: "I know a little bit about your plans with Professor Dumbledore. Stay safe, Moon."

"Don't worry, Professor, I will do it." Moon nodded gratefully, then put away the approval slip and left Professor McGonagall's office.

His friends were still waiting for him outside, because the soundproofing of the office was very good, and they didn't know what exactly Moon and Professor McGonagall were talking about inside, so they had to wait until Moon came out.

Moon did not tell the whole story - a war of public opinion was not suitable for telling his friends openly, so he just said "there will be a satisfactory result" and asked his friends to find out about the two characters. After reading the names of the students in Lanffindor, he said goodbye to everyone and went to the school newspaper office.

If he can gain anything from this public opinion war, in fact, in addition to resisting the endless bullying incidents at Hogwarts, he can also "rectify" the three views of the naughty children so that Hogwarts can In addition to taking Ci's cohesion to a higher level, there is also some spiritual gain.

Be as busy as you can, be just as you can, be kind as you can.

Since you can do what you can, it's not a bad thing to help.


That night, Moon stayed in the school newspaper office very late, and did not come out of the school newspaper office until nearly eleven o'clock.

Tomorrow's manuscripts have been prepared and can be sent out on time tomorrow.In addition, he also finished all the manuscripts that were to be sent to other newspapers - in fact, it was not difficult at all. The same manuscript was commented on from several angles, that's all.More time is still spent on proofreading, revising, and polishing.

Moon stood at the door of the school newspaper office, lighting up the room with his wand and stretching his waist vigorously.Before he could finish stretching, a sinister, low voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"If I remember correctly, it should be curfew time now, Mr. Fox."

Moon was startled, but fortunately he recognized who the voice was, otherwise he might have thrown away a flame attack if he changed his hand.

"Professor Snape?" Moon looked doubtfully into the dark shadows in the corridor. Thinking about it, there is no one in the entire Hogwarts campus who can make his Legilimency talent not detectable at all. There are only a few of them.

Severus Snape took a step forward and looked at Moon coldly. There was no malice, no mockery, or even emotion in his eyes. He looked like a walking corpse. Such Professor Snape, For a while, Moon felt a little uncomfortable.

"You are still wandering in the school corridors so late at night, I think you should have a reasonable explanation, right, Moon Fox."

Moon nodded and took out the permission slip given to him by Professor McGonagall from his robe pocket. "There was some very important work to be done in the school newspaper office tonight, so I went to Professor McGonagall to apply for approval, and I have been busy here until now. .”

Professor Snape raised his hand and took the permission order from Munn's hand, glanced at it roughly, then slapped the permission order on Moon's chest, and said with a hint of impatience: "You should be busy now. It’s over, go back to bed quickly.”

Moon responded, put away the permission order, then bowed to Professor Snape, turned and walked downstairs.

After taking a few steps, he seemed to feel Professor Snape's gaze. He looked back to see if Professor Snape was still there, but the thin figure wrapped in a wide black cloak had completely disappeared. into the darkness.

Vaguely, he felt that Professor Snape was a little unusual, or that Professor Snape seemed a little weird tonight, but if Moon really wanted to tell him, he couldn't tell what was so weird.

Of course, one thing is certain, with such superb Occlumency, coupled with the complete lack of any strange words and deeds, there is no doubt that this is the real Professor Snape, not some kind of poor performance.

There was no need to overthink things that he couldn't figure out. Moon shook his head and threw away distracting thoughts, and patiently welcomed the arrival of tomorrow.

Chapter 51 Argument

The October 10th issue of the school newspaper successfully caused a huge sensation among all the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

Randall Dempsey, the little Slytherin wizard was bullied by Gryffindor students in school!

Oh, no, we seem to be fighting every day. Shouldn’t this be considered bullying?

In fact, a simple bullying incident is unlikely to cause any sensation at all. In the eyes of most young wizards at Hogwarts, this kind of thing has no value and significance even in the school newspaper - between the four houses, you Bullying bullies me, I bully you, this is nothing new in Hogwarts.

Smart people bully idiots, pure-bloods bully Muggle-borns, senior students bully juniors, handsome students bully slovenly ones, star students bully unknown ones...

Those who are bullied either endure it silently, or they rise up to resist and are bullied even more severely, or they go back to a weaker college where the bully belongs.

Isn't this everyday?

What really caused a stir was that Moon moved this matter to the school newspaper and clearly and firmly announced to everyone that this was bullying, was wrong, was intolerable, and should be severely punished.

Some people think that this cannot be taken seriously at all, and that Moon is making a fuss out of a molehill; some people think that it seems reasonable, and it is not a big deal for the senior class to bully the junior class, and they should be punished, at least to a few weeks of confinement; some people think that Lan Del Dempsey is the child of a notorious dark wizard, and he deserves to be troubled by Gryffindors. Some people feel that as the school newspaper article said, his father's mistakes made his children passive. What kind of justice can this be considered as complete and irresistible acceptance?

Everyone has his own ideas, everyone has his own understanding, everyone has his own point of view.

For children at the age of little wizards, the best way to resolve disagreements and doubts is to ask.

Ask the professor, ask the seniors, ask the people around you, or simply ask the author of the article, Moon.

The school newspaper never publishes critical content in order to maintain its complete neutrality among the four colleges.Therefore, Moon simply turned the auditorium into a huge debate venue at noon that day.Of course, after applying to Professor McGonagall.

"I want to ask, did Randall Dempsey do anything wrong?"

Moon's question is difficult to answer because, honestly speaking, Randle did nothing wrong.But Moon's question was easy to answer, and soon someone shouted loudly: "He is the son of Forrest Dempsey! He is the son of the dark wizard!"

"So, is Randall Dempsey a dark wizard?" Moon asked.

Someone else loudly responded, "He is not, but who can guarantee that he will not follow in the footsteps of his father?"

Moon changed his usual gentleness, sneered, and replied directly: "I can't guarantee whether you will become a dark wizard in the future. Does this mean that I can find someone to break your legs now?"

The man was scolded and said angrily: "My father is not a dark wizard!"

Moon raised his eyebrows, "What about your grandfather? Where are your ancestors? Since your family's bloodline has been passed down to this day, there has never been an invader? There has not been a murderer? There has never been a person who has done anything that violates fairness and justice. Can I judge what kind of person you will be in the future because of what your ancestors did? Your ancestors never stole anything? Never had evil thoughts? Never hurt others? Are you sure? Even if your genealogy is really so pure, how many of the many students at Hogwarts have evil people in their ancestors? Should they all be treated like criminals?"

"Should the innocent younger generations be held responsible for the wrongs done by our predecessors?"

The man stopped talking, but soon someone else said angrily: "You are just saying these things because the devil Forrest didn't kill your relatives. It doesn't hurt to stand and talk."

Moon turned to look directly at that person, which even made the sinister guy feel a little uncomfortable.

"My aunt died at the hands of Forrest Dempsey."

As soon as these words came out, all the little wizards below were shocked. Even Cedric and the others looked at Munn in surprise - Munn had never told them about this.

"Now that a relative of mine died at the hands of Forrest, you can check the list published that year, so what? What do you want to prove?"

The eccentric Ravenclaw student turned away and stopped talking. Not far from him, Nash glanced at him, rolled his eyes, and silently walked away from him.

There was silence in the auditorium for a while. It was not until a few seconds later that a tall sixth-year Gryffindor boy finally stood up. "It is only natural that the father's debt must be paid by the son. You are heartless and do not want revenge. It has nothing to do with us. Forrest T. Dempsey is dead and Randall Dempsey has to pay something."

"How shameless..." Moon looked at the Gryffindor boy in disgust. "Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Forrest Dempsey is dead, so you are looking for His son Randall paid the price-how shameless a person can be to say such a thing? Your loved ones died at the hands of Forrest Dempsey. You can contact Forrest Dempsey. To take revenge on Pusey, no matter whether you kill him or cut him into pieces, no one will say anything. When you are judged by the law as an abuse of lynching, there may be many people who will support you."

"But now, you want an 11-year-old kid who has never done anything evil to pay for the murders his father committed that he didn't even know about before? Even if Forest Dempsey dies, if you He is really a courageous person, a kind person, and a person with even a little sense of justice. If you want to avenge your relatives, you should know that your enemies are those gangsters who have not been caught and brought to justice. Wizards are the villains and scum who are still killing wizards and Muggles today, not an 11-year-old child."

"Your relative died at the hands of a dark wizard, so you want to take revenge on his 11-year-old child, who had absolutely nothing to do with what he did. You can even be proud of it and think proudly that you Are you avenging your relatives?"

Moon sneered and resisted the urge to slap the man. "If I were your relative, I would definitely treat you as a shame; if I were your father, I would definitely slap you twice and slap you." Stay at home and reflect on your mistakes. Unfortunately, I am only your classmate, so I can only express my contempt for you - this is really a pity."

Chapter 52 pause

The professors standing at the edges and corners of the auditorium looked at Moon, a 12-year-old wizard standing in the center "tonguing with the scholars", and suddenly felt a sense of unreality in the world.

The sense of incongruity is too strong.

If the person standing on the stage was an adult wizard, this scene would look normal. But the problem is that Munn is only in his second year this year. His expression of passionate writing and his speechless refutations...

Is there something wrong?

The last Gryffindor boy to take the stage received the greatest firepower. At this time, he was unable to speak out due to Munn's rebuttal, and his face became increasingly red.After a few seconds, he became so angry and unbearable that he simply pulled out his wand and pointed it at Moon's face, "How dare dare you say such a thing!"

Moon was also helpless. If this guy was only in the second grade, 12 years old, at an age when he was young and had nothing to do, Moon would never use such insulting words to refute him or even belittle him.

The problem is that this guy is a sixth grader. He is already 16 years old and will soon be 17 years old.

What is the concept of 16 years old? In modern society, you should go to high school. In two years, you will be an adult. You are already old enough to smoke and drink secretly, and you still don't understand shit like an idiot.Now that I couldn't explain it, I became even more angry and started to fight with him.

Facing such a person, Moon not only did not apologize at all, but actually applauded himself in his heart.

Squirts well!It should be more intense.

What kind of good person would it be to be able to say "finding trouble with a 12-year-old child who has no direct relationship with him" so confidently?

Moon didn't believe it.

But he didn't pull out his wand, because there was no need - did he really think that the professors surrounding him were all dead?

The two people's eyes met each other in mid-air. Moon's eyes were calm, even a little mocking, while the Gryffindor boy's face was full of anger, like a balloon about to explode.

The next moment, a disarming spell came instantly, bouncing the wand in the hand of the Gryffindor boy high. Most of the people in the auditorium looked back and found Professor McGonagall holding up her wand with a serious look on her face. Ugly.

"Mr. Flanagan, please come to my office now, immediately, if you want to continue preparing for your NEWT. Everyone else, the debate is over, go prepare for your afternoon classes!" Professor McGonagall turned around with a straight face and walked out of the auditorium in a hurry.

The Gryffindor boy named Hader Flanagan glared at Moon fiercely, and said "Don't let me touch you again, Moon Fox", and then hurriedly followed Mai. Professor Ge walked away.

The little wizards in the auditorium chatted in small groups about the debate just now, and gradually walked out of the auditorium. Moon adjusted his clothes, and then came to the other members of the school newspaper office who were waiting on the side of the auditorium.

"Wow, Moon, you were so handsome just now." Gal patted Moon's shoulder hard, handed Munn a bottle of pumpkin juice, and then looked at Angelina.

Angelina and Doreen looked at each other, and then said together: "He is indeed handsome, Moon. In addition, we also received news - the two people who injured Randall Dempsey, we We know who it is. The man from our college who was just taken away by Professor McGonagall is called Hader Flanagan. Among the people who injured Randall twice, one of them was his younger brother, Hardy Flanagan. Nagan, and the other is Hardy's roommate and good friend, Max Wright, both fifth-year Gryffindor students."

Moon was stunned for a moment, then shrugged, and while taking his book from Yaerlin, he said to everyone: "No wonder that Hader just now can even say such outrageous words, it turns out we are a family. Good guy, this can be considered as killing them all."

Doreen bit her lip hesitantly, and then chose to speak, "It may not be that easy, Moon. Although Angelina and I both agree with what you said, in fact, many little wizards in the audience were attracted by you just now. Convinced. But the problem is that Brother Flanagan is very popular among us in Gryffindor. And most of our Gryffindor students are quite...well, how should I put it...united——"

"It's a shortcoming, I know. I always feel that the classmates in my own college are closer than the classmates in other colleges. It's no wonder that the blatant competition mechanism of the College Cup is there, although I don't know what's so worth fighting about. "Moen let out a rant that he had been holding in his heart for a long time. He never knew the meaning of the Academy Cup, something that could not be won by winning houses or land.

Oh, no, it still makes sense. It can make the young wizards blush among themselves for a so-called "honor" that should not exist at all, and accelerate the division of the academy.

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