Don’t you even understand that healthy competition is needed in schools rather than vicious competition?These principals and professors in the school have never considered how to guide the College Cup competition into healthy competition instead of vicious competition. They even lack the means to punish vicious competition. Looking at the current situation, this bullshit College Cup actually doesn't matter. .

But... this is not the only problem with Hogwarts. Anyway, there are problems everywhere, and they have to be corrected one by one, no more, no more, no less.

Munn sighed, then glanced at his friends who were all speechless, and was the first to laugh, "I am the person who stands at the forefront of the war and attracts firepower. I don't have any worries. What are you worried about? Don't be afraid. I will take care of everything." . Let’s go, it’s time to go to class.”

Gemma looked at Moon's young and mature look, and suddenly there was a little bit of envy in her eyes.Ashley, who was standing next to her, decisively caught her friend's look and quickly turned her around and walked out. At the same time, she patted Gemma's arm with a narrow smile.Gemma reacted, gave Ashley a helpless look, and was immediately pulled out of the auditorium by Ashley laughing.

The rest of the people were a little confused by these two people, but the two girls had already run out a long way, and they couldn't ask anything. They could only chat and walk upstairs - in fact, Doreen and Angelina There was no class this afternoon, but the Gryffindor common room was in the tower, and they had to climb the stairs like other little wizards.

When he was about to walk out of the auditorium, Moon turned back and glanced at the scene inside.

Although the debate was over, Moon knew that a bigger storm was still to come.

Chapter 53 Bombshell

Once a controversy arises, it is difficult to dissipate quickly, especially without a public answer.

Even though Moon's words were indeed convincing, more and more young wizards began to feel that Randall's suffering was indeed unfair.But there are always some people who hold different attitudes and ideas, and even have some arrogance that "the truth is always in the hands of a few people", even though they have never been able to fully and clearly understand Moon's questions. The answer comes out.

The incident continued to unfold. On the night of October 10th, the Flanagan brothers and Max Wright were called to the office by Professor McGonagall. The three people completely confirmed their identity as the same front, became brothers in trouble, and were fined to pay fees. Erqi worked as a cleaning assistant for a whole month.In addition, Professor McGonagall was completely merciless when it came to deducting points - each person received 14 points, and Gryffindor's gem hourglass was half empty overnight.

But the real punishment is yet to come.

After deciding the contents of the confinement of the Flanagan brothers and Max Wright, Professor McGonagall went to the school infirmary to visit Randall, but happened to catch up with Madam Pomfrey delivering medicine to Randall. .As a result, Professor McGonagall knew something hidden that even Moon and the others didn't know.During the second bullying, Hardy Flanagan and Max Wright actually left a deep scar on Randall's body, right on Randall's back.

It was a line of writing, "Son of the Murderer."

Although Hardy Flanagan and Max Wright are not that powerful to prevent the wound from healing, Madam Pomfrey has used magic and potions to help Randall almost completely recover. .But the problem is that this has gone from physically beating Randall to using magic to harm his classmates and humiliate their dignity and personality.

After learning about this from Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall was furious. Early the next morning, she found Hardy Fletcher directly in the auditorium in front of all the students who were having breakfast. Lanagan and Max Wright announced that they would lose their NWET qualifications for the Transfiguration course - no matter how good their OWL scores were.

At the same time, also on this morning, the little wizard who subscribed to some social newspapers, such as the Daily Prophet, also discovered that there were articles related to this bullying incident in these newspapers, and among them Each article denounced the bully from a different angle, and unanimously stated that this was definitely a "complete bullying incident."

There was no hiding of Randall's identity in those articles - that would only allow interested people who might appear to seize the opportunity to use the point of "concealing the facts" to launch attacks.

But even if Randall's identity is not concealed, as long as we find ways to arouse the empathy of the wizards and make them aware of Randall's helplessness and weakness, most wizards will eventually side with Randall.

The order of guidance and speaking out can often determine many things. In a public opinion war, those who take the lead will be almost invincible as long as they make no mistakes.Unless the gap between the two authors is large enough, and the article itself is untenable.

Professor McGonagall's angry face-to-face punishment and brand-new articles pushed the incident to the peak again. More and more young wizards came to the camp to speak out for Randall, and still supported the Flanagan brothers. The number of people who bullied Max Wright gradually became less and less, and there were even only a few senior Gryffindor students left, and they were all the kind who had a good personal relationship with the Flanagan brothers.

Last night they were able to compete with the other group in the Gryffindor common room, but just after breakfast time, they began to feel that the eyes around them became strange.

Only Moon knew that this matter was not over yet, at least the public execution in the newspapers was not over yet.

In fact, it should have been over, but after seeing Professor McGonagall's appearance in the morning, he also realized that there might be something else he hadn't discovered, so he went to the school doctor's office again and learned that The scar on Randall's back.

In his second year at Hogwarts, he discovered for the first time that some people were as annoying as, or even slightly better than, Gavin Travers, that stupid guy from Slytherin.

So while taking advantage of his lunch break, he submitted a batch of spare manuscripts that he had prepared before and sent them to newspapers that would publish them in the next few days.

He has plenty of money, and Uncle Golov hopes that he can make more money. When he entered school last year, he was willing to buy a pair of knight toys, which would make Uncle Golov happy for a long time, not to mention that now he is doing business.

Well, let's just get down to business. Educating these little wizards who are not clear-headed can also be considered as a contribution to quality education in the British wizarding community.

As for going too far - he didn't think that letting these little bastards undergo a public execution without naming names in the newspaper would be more excessive than them carving such insulting words on a person's back.

After the Transfiguration class ended on Tuesday afternoon, Moon slowly wandered to the common room with a few roommates. After watching Gal and Arlin not doing their homework (Professor McGonagall, who was so angry that he left a huge amount of homework today) homework - I heard that several other classes that had Transfiguration classes today also suffered the same treatment), instead played wizard chess again, and vowed to prepare for the upcoming wizard chess competition, Mu En and Cedric didn't intend to persuade them anymore and went straight back to the dormitory.

Cedric went out with his textbook, paper and pen as usual, ready to finish his homework quickly.Moon unfolded the Marauder's Map, and he never failed to monitor Professor Quirrell for a day.

He was hoping that Professor Quirrell would reveal his clues quickly so that he could find a way to rely on Professor Dumbledore to send Professor Quirrell to where he should go - Azkaban.

As a result, not long after he unfolded the Marauder's Map and found Professor Quirrell, he received a bombshell.

On the Marauder's Map, Quirrell was standing in front of the door of the dungeon that Tonks had taken him to, but that was not the point.

The point is, there is another person standing not far next to Professor Quirrell.

Pettigrew Peter.

? ? ? ? ?

Moon was completely stunned. How could Quirrell and Peter Pettigrew come together?Shouldn't Peter Pettigrew be at ease in front of the mouse at this moment?

But three seconds later, he suddenly became ecstatic.Gan!This is a good opportunity, if Peter Pettigrew and Quirrell really meet and act together...

Moon took out his own brazier and crystal ball from under the bed.

If this really happened, then he could send these two guys to Azkaban at once to enjoy the dementor's silky kiss.

Well, by the way, it can also rehabilitate a certain unlucky dog.

Three birds with one stone!

Chapter 54 The event is approaching

Ten minutes later, Moon angrily stuffed the crystal ball back under the extinguished brazier and picked up his book.

He knew it was not that simple.

When Quirrell studied the big lock in the dungeon that was cast with the anti-Alaho Hole curse, Peter Pettigrew was indeed not far behind Quirrell - but it was always in the form of a mouse, and it never seemed to have any intention. Become human.What's more important is that Quirrell was only halfway through his research when the dead rat slipped away quietly.

Obviously, these two guys did not work together, and it was probably even possible that no one knew each other as before. Peter Pettigrew probably just saw Quirrell studying the dungeon lock and felt strange, so he stood aside and watched. a while.

This thing can't be used as evidence. He can't hold up this fragment in the crystal ball to Professor Dumbledore and say to him, "Look! Headmaster! The Weasley rat will peek at Professor Quirrell." Pick the lock! It must be Peter Pettigrew!"

Moon didn't know if Professor Dumbledore would believe this, but if it were his own words, he would definitely not believe it.

And the person who said this will be sent to St. Mungo's. It would be very good to be in the same ward as the future Lockhart.

Although Randall's matter will continue to stir up trouble for a few days, in fact, Moon no longer needs to worry about this matter.There is no doubt that Randall's situation at school will definitely get better, and at least for a period of time at Hogwarts, the frequency of campus bullying incidents will also decrease a lot because of such a big commotion this time.Unless someone is really upset and insists on doing it twice after Hogwarts has already taken the absolute advantage in the public opinion war, otherwise if there is a follow-up to this incident, it should be the next serious school bullying incident. It's time to show up.

Moon's main focus is to get back on track - how to make Quirrell reveal his flaws.

How to do it?

I can’t think of it, so let’s stop thinking about it.

Moon turned the page of the book and concentrated on absorbing the knowledge.

Learning makes me happy!


Everything was as Moon expected. In the next few days, the Flanagan brothers and Max Wright thoroughly experienced the feeling of "betrayal and separation". Even their good friends were no longer so firm. Support them.And the feeling that they wanted to inflict on Randall before, the feeling of being discriminated against, despised, and looked at strangely by everyone, has now turned into a bitter pill and fallen back on them.

When Randall came out of the school doctor's office, he began to feel the encouraging glances from students from various colleges, and even received letters from supporters outside the school, wishing him to enjoy campus life and get rid of the bad influence brought by his father. , Randall was completely confused.

He heard a lot from Madam Pomfrey about what happened in the past few days, about how the media praised his strength (of course, in other articles, Moon also pointed out that he was young and arrogant and did not understand how to adapt). Stupid), about how Moon defended him in the auditorium, about how Professor McGonagall got furious and punished the two bastards who bullied him...

But what you hear from others is never as intuitive and powerful as your own personal experience.

So, at breakfast time on Tuesday morning, he mustered up the courage to run up to Moon and thank her profusely.

Well, "hard" in the physical sense - Randall's bow was too wide and the angle was not right. In the end, the thank you turned into a headbutt. Moon, who was chewing bacon, was almost knocked out of breath.

This was just a small episode during breakfast. Although Moon's back had been aching, the attention of everyone at the Hufflepuff table quickly shifted to other things.

In half a month, this semester's Quidditch Academy Cup will begin.As usual, the first game is Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, in the first week of November.Then, right after that, it was time for the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw match in the third week of November.

Everyone in the college team has begun to actively prepare for the game. Gabriel excitedly told everyone what he learned yesterday when he chatted with the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team: The Hufflepuff Quidditch team this semester outlook.

"Better than Ravenclaw, yes, that's it. We have prepared a big gift for Ravenclaw this year. I also heard Herman say that they have an 80% chance of beating Ravenclaw this time. labor."

Yaerlin, who was sitting next to Munn, rolled his eyes cautiously, for fear of being seen by Gabriel. "He said it as if it was an honor to be better than Ravenclaw. Looking at Gabriel's appearance, he didn't know. I think our house has an 80% chance of beating Slytherin this year."

Relying on Munn's shield, Yaerin successfully avoided Gabriel's sight.But what he didn't notice was that Herman Wintingham, the chaser of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, had just finished eating and happened to pass behind him.

"Ouch!" Herman made a vicious look and knocked Yalin on the head with one knuckle. Yalin wanted to turn around and curse at first, but when he turned his head, he saw Herman After Mann stood there, he immediately suppressed the words that were pouring into his throat. "Aha! Herman! I didn't notice you were there. How are you? Is your recent training going well?"

Arlin, a guy who always runs to the Quidditch pitch when he has nothing to do, is very familiar with the people on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Now that he made a "mistake", he immediately thought about it. For his part, he hoped to drop the topic here.

Herman would not agree with his idea, and deliberately said in a sinister tone: "If it goes well, if it goes extremely well, there is almost an 80% chance that I can throw you through the goal."

Arlin was suffocated upon hearing this, and could not utter any of the words he had planned in his mind.

He eagerly looked at Moon, Cedric and Garr for help, but these three people were all snickering, how could they come to help him.

In desperation, Yaerlin could only slander the three roommates in his heart for their unreliable mentality of adding insult to injury, while trying to coax Herman away.

Herman had time to spend with him, but he couldn't, because the first period on Tuesday morning was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. If you dare to be late, you will be deducted points.

——Whatever you say, in this Transfiguration class, Milton became the darling of the God of Time and the God of Memory. Not only was he 3 minutes late, he also forgot to bring his paper.

Hufflepuff likes to give -5 points, Milton likes to give double the reward for homework.

This time, Arlin also became the "unreliable person who adds insult to injury" that he had slandered in his heart just that morning. He was one of the people who laughed most exaggeratedly.

Chapter 55 Professor Snape did not come to class

On Thursday, Debbie flapped her wings and delivered a letter to Moon, which was sent by Ann from home - in fact, except for the trivial matters recorded on the letter paper, all the attachments that came with the letter were from long distance travel. Come.

The heavy package fell on the table, and Debbie, who was finally able to catch her breath, trotted over to Moon's hand and gently pecked Moon's knuckles.

Moon took out a small handful of dried meat from his small pocket and opened the letter while feeding Debbie.

There was nothing useful, just a mother's trivial words, but Moon read it with great interest.

Quaid fell because he refused to get down properly when going down the stairs and insisted on sliding down the handrail. As a result, he made a mistake and fell from the handrail.The injury is not serious, the left arm is slightly fractured, and it will heal in a few days - but he will inevitably be laughed at by Edgar and Owen.

Hesper began to learn magic from Ann, probably inspired by his brother Moon. In the past two days, Hesper was able to successfully use the floating spell and the fire-making spell. He cannot be said to be a genius, but he is not a genius among young wizards. It can be said to be above average level.

The package that was sent contained books and clothes, which Aunt Nora bought for Moon.In fact, the clothes Aunt Nora bought for Munn were nearly twice as much as the clothes An bought for Munn. There was no way, when An wanted to buy new clothes for Munn, Munn would almost always do it. Say no unless you don’t have enough clothes.But Aunt Nora always buys clothes first, which is normal. After all, it’s impossible for her to write a letter back to ask Moon if she wants it, and then run out to buy the clothes.

Uncle Golov went on a long trip and seemed to have received a letter from an old friend in France, saying that he wanted to get together. The specific letter did not make it clear, but he just mentioned it in passing.

There are some instructions from An at the end, probably telling Moon to take good care of himself, remember to put on more clothes when the weather is cold, remember to cover himself with a quilt when sleeping at night, and remember to chew slowly when eating...

Moon happily read the letter from beginning to end, then put it away.

He has carefully collected all the letters and notes sent to him by his family since he was a child.These little things that are insignificant to others are quite precious to Moon.


In the herbal medicine class, the mandrakes are growing very gratifyingly. This is not a big deal to Professor Sprout. After all, she cultivates a batch of mandrakes every year.But for the little wizards, this is quite a sense of accomplishment. After all, unlike last year's Bai Xian, the Mandrake thing looks more like a strange thing than a plant. magical animals.

Transplanting and raising a "magical animal" is much cooler than taking care of a pot of fresh flowers.

The premise is that no one will drop his pot of mandrake to the ground again.

"Professor Sprout, when these mandrakes grow bigger, can we take a photo with them?" Taking advantage of Professor Sprout's lecture, Alma quickly raised her hand and asked Something went wrong.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the children below, Professor Sprout, who was originally gentle, could not find any reason to refuse. He nodded happily, "Of course, but just pat the leaves, but don't do it." Don’t pull them out.”

Milton, Arlin, Gal, and Kelly, all the little wizards, all showed disappointed expressions. They really wanted to pull out the mandrake and take a group photo.

After a pleasant herbal medicine class, most of the little wizards' faces dropped after coming out of the greenhouse.

The next class is Professor Snape's Potions class.

Is there any class in the world more annoying than Potions?

For most young wizards at Hogwarts, the answer must be no. How could there be anything more exciting than listening to the eerie Professor Snape in the dark and damp basement (the Potions classroom is underground)? What about the things people hate?

The naive little wizards were quickly taught a lesson. Because Professor Snape did not come to class, the lesson turned into a test-they had to prepare the potion that inhibited the growth of animal hair that they had just learned in the previous lesson. And it was Gemma who was watching their test.

Yaerlin and Gal originally wanted to beg Gemma for mercy, hoping that she would be lenient and stop staring at them, so that they could copy Munn's operation.

As a result, Gemma stood directly next to the two of them and refused to leave.

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. They had already guessed that this would be the result, but they still couldn't help but give it a try.

If you try this, you will die.

Fortunately, there were people who were worse off than them. The first ingredient Milton brought up was the wrong one. It was supposed to be Hertford purple needles, but instead he stuffed a handful of eucalyptus leaves into it [Note 1].

When you feel miserable, you will feel a strange sense of comfort if you find someone who is worse off than you.This was the case for Yaerlin and Gal at this moment. Milton's wise operation made the two of them instantly confident. They didn't even want to peek at Moon and Cedric, and just rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

At the end of class, they handed Gemma a tube of dry black cinders, with an expression on their faces that couldn't tell whether they were crying or laughing.

He was probably fooled by himself.

Moon and Cedric walked at the end of the line to hand over the potion. After handing the extremely standard tube of hair removal potion to Gemma, Moon asked: "Gemma, why isn't Professor Snape here?"

Gemma put the potion into the box and said, "I don't know. I received a notice this morning that Professor Snape was unwell and asked me to supervise a test class, so I came."

"Not feeling well?" Moon was a little confused. Although Professor Snape was not a very competent professor, he had to admit that he almost never missed class.

The physical discomfort that would prevent him from coming to class would certainly not be a minor problem.

But he couldn't rush to Professor Snape's office to ask what happened. He had the courage, but he didn't have the idea - who would be willing to go up and get scolded?

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