Subjectively, I'm afraid there won't be many willing people in Hogwarts; but passively...

During dinner, Tonks rushed into the auditorium carrying her book Feng Huohuo. As soon as she sat down, she poured a whole bottle of pumpkin juice into her stomach, and then mysteriously said to several people nearby: "Guess what? What happened to Professor Nepp?"


[Note 1] Hertford purple needles and fruitless eucalyptus leaves are original potion materials in the book and are not mentioned in the original work.

Chapter 56 Divination

Yes, Tonks is still persistently going to Professor Snape's office to ask questions. After being annoyed by Professor Snape too many times, Tonks seems to have developed antibodies, and now she can even go to Professor Snape's office. After the office, I came to the auditorium for dinner with a smile.

Things like this have to be supported by someone to be interesting. Fortunately, most of the little wizards in Hufflepuff don't like to make trouble. The only one who always likes to complain about Tonks and refuses to answer her words is the only one who wants to do it the most. The one who knew about Professor Snape.

Therefore, Moon was the first to ask: "What happened to Professor Snape?"

Tonks leaned forward and leaned closer to the table, as if she was going to tell a shocking secret. "I went to Professor Snape's office today to ask questions, and I found that his face was frighteningly white, and his walking posture was not right. ——It’s not the limping kind, it’s more like you have an injury on your butt so you have to be careful when walking and walk in a special posture.”

Gal asked stupidly, "How do you know that your butt is injured? Has your butt been injured too?"

Moon didn't even have time to put the bread in his hand into his mouth to block his broken mouth.

Tonks' expression became almost visibly angry, and even her hair turned into an explosive pompadour.She stretched out her hands and grabbed Gal's neck, and began to shake Gal crazily, "Your butt has only been hurt before! Your butt is hurt every day!"

Moon, who was helplessly watching the show, suddenly felt that something was wrong - why did Tonks' words become weirder the more he thought about it?

But it was obvious that now was not a good time to correct Tonks' mistake, which was evident by looking at Garr's pale face that was about to vomit.

Let's think about Professor Snape.

Moon held the piece of bread with jam in his hand and slowly moved his body back without leaving any trace, so as to avoid the battlefield and not be accidentally injured by Tonks.

As we all know, Professor Snape is a potions master and a master of dark magic, and he is very powerful - so the question is, if things are really as Tonks said, and Professor Snape is injured, then Where will he get hurt?

The entire Hogwarts was full of calculations, and there were only a few people who could seriously injure Professor Snape.

It can't be that the potion was blown up when the potion was invented. Unless Professor Snape was suddenly possessed by Milton, this possibility is really small and pitiful.

He very much hoped that it was Quirrell who did it, but no matter how stupid Quirrell was, he would not dare to attack a professor in the school before the task of finding the Philosopher's Stone was completed.Besides, whether Quirrell is there or not is a question.

Moon wanted to ask Professor Dumbledore, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.

It seems that this matter can only be left alone for the time being.

Moon sighed, his hunch told him that this matter would never be revealed.But at the moment, he doesn't have any good way to find out about this matter. The limitations of Motland's glass illusion are a bit large. He can't see what happened just by relying on the condition of "Professor Snape was injured". , what’s more, he didn’t even know where Professor Snape was injured.

But... maybe another spell can give him a little help...

So far, he has learned a total of two spells related to precognition from the "Magic Book". He has already used the Mortland Glass Illusion, but he has not yet used the other spell seriously.

He did what he said. After lunch, he said hello to his three roommates - they had made an appointment with Angelina and Doreen to go to the Quidditch field together in the afternoon. Moon originally planned to go with them, but at the moment Since there is something serious to do, the previous agreement has to be temporarily voided.

Moon, who left the auditorium alone, did not go back to the common room directly. Instead, he rushed into the kitchen and asked for a handful of tea from the house elves before returning to the dormitory.

Slowly brew a cup of tea, wait until the tea leaves are fully stretched, pour the tea water into another cup, and then place the tea leaves into a small porcelain plate.

Moon took a sip of tea, and then used divination to interpret the tea leaves on the plate.

He was trying to divine the possible entanglement between Professor Snape's injury and himself.

In a daze, some fragmented sentences emerged in his mind, and then, Moon began to murmur those words involuntarily:

"When Orion's glory streaks across the sky..."

"When the face of the crescent moon gradually disappears..."

"The gray-white God of Death walked out of his lair..."

"I want to take away the dying life..."

After just four sentences, Moon took a deep breath, and then shook his head vigorously, as if to completely drive away the erratic feeling just now.

"The brilliance of Orion? The face of the waxing moon?" Without any time to think about it, Moon quickly took out his piece of metal plate, imprinted all the contents he had just divined on it, and then looked at it sentence by sentence.

The appearance of the first quarter moon is best explained. In the standard sense, the first quarter moon should refer to the moon phase on the seventh and eighth day of the lunar calendar. In other words, the most recent first quarter moon is on the 24th and 25th of this month.But it is very strange to disappear gradually. The moon is placed in the sky and will never be eaten-unless there is a sudden lunar eclipse on the two days of the first quarter moon.

Moon thought for a while and wrote down a line of small words after the second sentence: "Lunar eclipse? Rainy day?"

But apart from this sentence, "Orion's Glory" and "Grey Death" are both a bit confusing. The former Munn can still vaguely make some guesses that need to be confirmed, but the latter phrase There are absolutely no clues to grasp.

He put on the metal plate, put away the tea cups and everything else, then quickly left the dormitory and went straight to Professor Sinistra's office.


"Moon?" Professor Sinistra tilted her head and revealed her face from beside her pile of star simulators. "Why did you come to me all of a sudden?"

"That's it, Professor." Moon told the story he had conceived on the way here. "I saw a phrase in an ancient book about astronomy called 'The Glory of Orion,' which made me a little uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure what it is, so I wanted to ask you, does this phrase refer to something like a very bright celestial body in astronomy?”

"The Glory of Orion?" Professor Sinistra repeated, and then quickly gave the answer. "If this appears in ancient astronomy books, then I think there is only one possibility for the celestial body it refers to. …”

Chapter 57 Prophecy Interpretation

"Orion——is Orion. In fact, this should be something you can think of quickly [Note 1], but you haven't learned about Orion yet, so it's normal for you to not think of it." Professor Sinistra explained: "So , strictly speaking, this is not a reference, because Orion means Orion in astronomy."

"Thank you for your help." Moon bowed to Sinista sincerely. He thought from the words "brilliance" and "across the sky" that this might be some astronomical term, but indeed, Orion's Latin name It is this point about Orion that involves his knowledge blind spot.

Saying goodbye to Professor Sinistra, Moon walked to the library while leaving the small words "Orionid Meteor Shower" behind the first sentence of the prophecy on the metal plate.

That’s right, the Orionid meteor shower, not just Orion.The prophecy says that "Orion's glory streaks across the sky one after another." This obviously does not refer to the simple Orion constellation, but to the brilliant meteor shower flowing across the sky.

He had to check the time of the Orionid meteor shower.


The Hogwarts library was full of strange things, including a lot of books on astronomy. Moon quickly found a few books that might be helpful and started rummaging through them.

"Ursa Major, Virgo, Aquila, Sagittarius...Cancer...ah, here, Orion...?"

Moon blinked and confirmed that he had read correctly.

According to the book, the Orionid meteor shower is active throughout October. If you want to observe it, it can basically be easily observed from mid to late October.And its maximum value, that is, the time when the number of meteors is the largest, is generally more common in the second half of the night on October 21st and 22nd.

That is to say...

"When the Orionid meteor shower streaks across the sky and the moonlight of the first quarter moon is blocked or disappears, a gray-white Death will appear to take away the dying people."

Moon engraved this sentence on the bottom of the metal plate.

The nearest times marked in the first two sentences should be next Wednesday and next Thursday, that is, October 24th and 25th. If it is not these two days, it will be postponed until next year.Now, all he needs to pay attention to is the gray-white God of Death and the so-called dying people.

Moon put the found book back on the bookshelf and scratched his head.

Are there really dying people at Hogwarts?

Unless Professor Snape is seriously ill and about to die, Moon really can't think of anyone who fits this description, and he has never heard of anyone among the students suffering from any serious illness.Besides, if he was really seriously ill, he wouldn't be able to stay at Hogwarts. He would have been sent to St. Mungo's long ago.

and many more……

Is that unfortunate Naftali still at Hogwarts?

The closest thing Moon could think of to the term "dying man" seemed to be Naftali. After all, Voldemort was not on the back of Quirrell's head now.

Seeing that his thoughts were getting more and more eccentric and chaotic, Moon quickly stopped himself from continuing to think - if this trend continued, his speculations would turn into endless guesses, and everything would just be... If it develops in an outrageous direction, he might drag the 665-year-old Nick Flamel to Hogwarts later.

At such an old age, it is very suitable for the dying person!

Moon laughed to himself and stopped thinking wildly. It is not advisable to make completely unfounded guesses. Instead of wasting time on such things, it is better to do something else.As for what the gray-white Death and the dying people refer to, just pay attention.

He copied the prophecies and interpretations on the metal plate onto paper, and noted below that this was a prophecy he accidentally made today. He then left the library and went to the Owl Tower, where he sent the prophecy to Professor Dumbledore. ——The principal is nowhere to be found on the Marauder's Map. Who knows where he has gone, so the owl can only be used to deliver the message.

After mailing the letter, Moon fed the little guys in the owl tower.Although he had actually only been here a few times before, these little guys obviously had excellent memories and knew that he was generous and generous in feeding, so when they saw him, they all gathered around him with their long legs.

After feeding a whole bag of owl snacks, Moon was finally able to escape from the owl tower and go to the Quidditch pitch to find Garr and the others.


"Yarlin is flying very well." As soon as he arrived at the Quidditch pitch, Moon spotted Yarlin, Cedric and Angelina flying in the sky.

Gal and Doreen were sitting next to the Hufflepuff Quidditch team members who were resting. When they saw Moon coming, they quickly made room for him and then agreed with his words.

"It's indeed good, but if you ask me, it's still a bit worse than Angelina and Cedric." Gal grabbed a handful of meat and stuffed it into Moon's hand, commenting, "If we really meet in the competition, I bet Yarling might not even be able to touch the ball."

Moon looked at the meat in his hand, and while mentally congratulating himself on washing his hands when leaving the Owl Tower, he threw a piece into his mouth. "Indeed, Cedric and Angelina seem to have better skills. They are already good enough." The playing level has improved, especially Cedric. But Yaerin is not bad either. After all, he has improved a lot. When he first started school, he was still a little afraid to move on the broomstick, but now he is much better."

After saying that, he waved to the three people in the sky. Cedric noticed him first and waved back with a smile, calling Angelina and Arlin at the same time.

Angelina was more courageous. She released her hands while riding on the broom and waved vigorously towards Moon.Arlin also raised his hand, but after waving it twice, he accidentally turned the broom around. He quickly grabbed the broom and started flying.

Gal looked at this scene and said with emotion: "To be honest, Arlin's mother made a wise decision not to let him ride a broomstick. The time when he fell off the broomstick when he was a child was probably not an accident."

Doreen was laughing beside her so much that she could hardly eat the meat. Moon didn't say anything, but she agreed with Gal's statement in her heart.

But, what if it doesn’t fly well?

As a human being, happiness is the most important thing.


[Note 1] The Latin scientific name of Orion is “Orion”.The name comes from Greek mythology and Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, the source of Orion is the son of the sea god Poseidon, a young giant who is good at hunting; in Roman mythology, the source of Orion is the son of the sea god Neptune.The sons of Poseidon in these two myths are both named "Orion".

Chapter 58 Origin of the injury

History has proven to us thousands of times that when you "laugh at" your friends, retribution will always come very quickly.

At this moment, Moon proved this truth again.

Ten minutes later, he was dragged onto a broomstick by his three roommates, and they soared over the court together.

Merlin testified that he had indeed never played with a broomstick toy. When he was six years old, he could hold a broomstick and go to the apple tree to pick apples for his younger brothers and sisters. However, the point of this sentence is that he was holding the broomstick at the time. And the maximum height of flight is only the position of the higher branches of the apple tree.

More importantly, that was not only the maximum height he had flown that time, but also the maximum height he had ever flown in his life - ever since he began to learn simple magic, he no longer needed a broomstick to pick apples.

Then he never rode that thing again.

Just like in the Muggle world, some people find the thrilling and satisfying feeling of riding a motorcycle at the highest speed on a desolate road, but some people think that motorcycles are a bit too much of a means of transportation. It's like dangerous.Moon is not very interested in flying broomsticks. Flying in the sky with this thing will make him feel helpless. After all, if you think about it carefully, it is true. There is only a broomstick under his butt. .

He would feel good if he rode a Thestral or flew with some magical power.

This reunion with the broomstick after several years of separation ended in a dismal ending.Oh, of course Moon didn't fall, and he wasn't that bad, but in the words of Doreen and Angelina who were watching from the ground, the way Moon held on to the broom and didn't let go made them feel it for the first time. I feel that Moon also has such a "cute" side.

Moon felt that these two girls must have deliberately used pleasant words to describe them, because if he were down there, he would only use the word "silly" to describe himself riding on the broomstick.

Who made him suddenly draw a circle in the sky when he wanted to take off?Those who didn’t know thought he was in the fire ring in the cosplay of a lion jumping through a fire ring.

It's outrageous!

After coming down from the sky, Moon's legs were still a little weak. He gave the broom to his classmates on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and then declined their invitation to "come and play often in the future".

Moon is really afraid that he will vomit on the broomstick if he does it again. He still feels uncomfortable in his stomach.

They chatted a little more with the classmates on the Quidditch team, and when the team was about to continue training, they all left the field together - Doreen had never been on the broomstick, and she didn't move as much as the others. It's been a while, so I feel a little cold now.Everyone came together, and there was no reason for Doreen to go back alone, so they just left together.

What the children didn't expect was that not long after they left the stadium, they saw Hagrid mysteriously walking out of the castle holding a huge iron bucket, and he looked really miserable. Not only was the moleskin jacket he wore all year round covered with scars, but there were also several visible wounds on his face and hands.

To be honest, it is not an easy thing to injure a hybrid giant like this. The same petrification spell can turn Munn to stone if it falls on him, but if it falls on Hagrid, it will probably follow him. He was wrapped in something like a sheet.

Moon and the others hurried over, but as soon as they got close to Hagrid, the strong smell of blood in the iron bucket made the young wizards flinch.

Hagrid looked at this scene awkwardly, always feeling that it looked familiar, as if it was like this at the beginning of this semester...

He repeated his old trick and pretended to slap in front of his nose - it wasn't that his sense of smell was so different from that of the little wizards, it was mainly because he had been exposed to these things for many years and was actually used to it - and then Said: "Well, as you know, they are all raw food for pets. You'd better not get too close. By the way, where have you been? Why does Moon's face look so bad? Good look."

"I just got off the damn broomstick..." When Moon thought of the big loop just now, his stomach, which had just calmed down for a while, suddenly started to churn again. He hurriedly knocked on his chest, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Normally, the roommates would definitely make fun of him, but right now Hagrid was obviously more able to attract everyone's attention.Especially Gal, he looked at the big iron bucket in Hagrid's hand with dumbfounded eyes, his face full of question marks, "Hagrid, are you kidding me? I can still understand the small iron bucket last time, but this time it's such a big bucket. Are you feeding a dragon?"

Hagrid raised his eyebrows and showed a longing expression, "Ha, I wish I had a dragon to feed, but unfortunately, I don't--ah, don't talk about this, this is a secret and I can't tell you."

"Then what's the matter with your injuries?" Cedric asked in confusion: "It looks like it hurts. Are you okay?"

"It looks like an exaggeration." Hagrid carried the big iron bucket with one hand while everyone looked at them in disbelief, and made a swinging motion with the other hand. "Look, I'm very good. These are all A minor injury, compared to Professor Snape's injury..."

The words stopped midway, and Hagrid slapped him on the forehead with a huge slap. "Damn it, I shouldn't have told you this."

Little wizards, you looked at me and I looked at you, and you all immediately knew why Professor Snape didn't come to class - it turned out that he was really seriously injured, and he was with Hagrid.

Everyone looked at Hagrid hopefully, hoping that he could finish what he said.Facing five or six pairs of longing eyes, Hagrid sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, the injury is not so confidential anymore. I can tell you, but you don't go out and talk nonsense. It's best." Don’t tell anyone. Although it’s not a secret, if you tell it, it will cause panic, you know?”

Everyone nodded together, and then Hagrid explained the source of his and Professor Snape's injuries, "You must have heard about the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, right."

"Actually, there are no werewolves living in the Forbidden Forest. After all, they are still in human form most of the time. But what is strange is that a group of special giant wolves suddenly broke into the Forbidden Forest a few days ago. I was patrolling in the Forbidden Forest. I found traces of them at that time, and there were also footprints left by humans. I felt a little strange, so I reported it to Professor Dumbledore, and he asked Professor Snape to go into the Forbidden Forest with me to check the situation to avoid any danger. Dark wizards are causing trouble..."

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