As we all know, there are only a few professors at Hogwarts, and you can almost count them on your fingers. There is only one professor for each class.

However, in contrast, Hogwarts has seven grades in total, and each grade is divided into four classes.Although the total number of students is not too many, the number of classes for each professor is still terrifying.

Taking Transfiguration as an example, it is a compulsory course from first to fifth grade, and it is optional for sixth and seventh graders, depending on the OWLs examination results.From the first grade to the fifth grade, there are two Transfiguration classes every week, which means a total of ten classes.Most of these ten classes are taken by each class independently. There are very few cases where two classes are taken together, which is almost negligible. Therefore, the ten classes are multiplied by four, that is, only grades one to five, McGonagall Professors give forty classes a week.

Moreover, every class here is a big class.Moon and the others have up to five major classes every day, and they have to include the time after nine o'clock in the evening. There are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. In other words, in fact, the Hogwarts class schedule can only accommodate up to 25 classes a week. class.

In addition to the elective sixth and seventh grades, Professor McGonagall is also the vice-principal of the school and has to handle various affairs of the school...

When he first got the class schedule, Moon was very shocked because it meant that even if he split all the professors in the school, they might not be able to complete the classes they were going to take.

Until Moon discovered that their third spells class was attended by a young witch.

Every professor has the right to apply for a teaching assistant. Teaching assistants can be divided into two types: one is student teaching assistants, which are basically composed of sixth- and seventh-grade students. They cannot help professors teach, but they can assist professors in completing other tasks.The composition of the other type is relatively complex. It can be any adult wizard. It can help professors take care of classrooms and students, and teach some unimportant courses, such as course knowledge that the professor has already taught in the previous class, and this class. Focus on the students' practice. At this time, if the professors schedule two classes at the same time, they will ask the teaching assistant to come to the classroom to help with this class - just keep an eye on the students and lead them to practice the spells, don't Just cause any trouble.

Yes, in most cases, teaching assistants do not teach. In fact, it is rare to recruit teaching assistants with sufficient skills to actually teach.Therefore, the salary of teaching assistants is not high, and it is of course difficult to find people. Therefore, most of the people who are willing to be teaching assistants are students who have just graduated a year or two and have not yet decided on their future development direction, as well as friends and relatives of each professor.

There are also some who are more extraordinary, like Professor Binns, his teaching assistant is a portrait of himself - he does not need to be paid, he can give lectures (anyway, he just reads lesson plans, without any practical practice), he can be said to be the most perfect teaching assistant.

Moon later asked Professor Sprout after class why the school did not expand the number of professors. As long as one or two more professors were recruited for each course, this problem could be solved more simply and perfectly.Professor Sprout's answer was that it seemed to have been tried before, but in the end it suddenly came to nothing for some reason. She was not very clear about the specific situation.

This made Moon temporarily stop inquiring about this matter. After all, if Professor Sprout didn't know, then he might have to ask Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, or the Headmaster for the answer to this question. The pile of paintings in the room has been hung.Anyway, it wasn't a particularly important question. Just to satisfy his curiosity, Moon didn't make another trip.

If Moon was just curious about the teaching assistant mode, then for Milton, who was always careless in mixing potions, he once thought that this mode could give him a second life in potions class.You know, he is not good at carefully and patiently brewing potions according to the steps, but when Professor Snape stands next to you, he uses his cold, sharp eyes full of sarcasm and disdain. When he sweeps back and forth between you and your crucible, and occasionally spits out two judgments that directly poke the sky, that feeling always makes Milton wish he could die.

Why did he once think that?

That's because Professor Snape may be too unpopular, or he may be so arrogant that he dismisses other potions scholars. In short, Professor Snape does not have a teaching assistant, and he doesn't even bother to imitate Professor Binns and move two places. The portrait comes out.

Of course, Moon secretly estimated that Professor Snape probably didn't want to find him. Over the years, there must be many students who are knowledgeable and can tell that Professor Snape is a master of potions. If Snape If Professor Pu really opens his mouth, at least there will definitely be graduates willing to come back and serve as his teaching assistant.

But most of the other young wizards agreed that the truth was that Professor Snape was too talkative and unpopular, and no one wanted to be his assistant.

In any case, Professor Snape is willing to be a master of time management, and the students have no choice but to continue to endure Professor Snape's mental torture.

"Idiot-" Professor Snape slapped Gal on the back of the head, successfully stopping his hand that just wanted to throw the porcupine quills into the pot.

The sudden sound attracted the attention of other students. Munn, who had just crushed the Aliote leaves, also raised his head and secretly glanced at Gal's pot of green potion, and then glanced at the porcupine quill in Gal's hand. There were no traces of it. Sighed.

"What are you stewing?" Professor Snape retracted his hands into the wide sleeves of his robes, his eyebrows were drooping, and his sallow face was full of mockery. "Green slime porcupine quill soup? Tell me, Gar Fuller, Do you not understand the words 'fully wet' in the third line, or do you not recognize the 'turn clockwise and stir until it is like clear water' in line No. 12? In addition, if you like to add random things to the pot, I suggest you go To be in the kitchen with the house elves cooking the food instead of sitting in my class cooking up a pot of disgusting garbage."


[Note 1] In the original "Harry Potter" series, there are some bugs regarding the number of teachers. The article clearly states that in order to be more logical, the author personally set up the concept of "teaching assistants", which is not the original design. Determined, hope everyone knows.

Chapter 22 Tonks' Midnight Duel

"I swear, I will always hate Snape." Gal said angrily, holding a licorice wand in his mouth.

They had just finished their morning class and were walking to the auditorium to have lunch.The weather today is terrible, and Gal's mood is terrible.He was also criticized in the second Charms class in the morning. Professor Freevey was never very critical, but Gal used the softening stone to create a small explosion. If Moon hadn't quickly covered Gal's backpack, Once there, Gal would be lying in the school doctor's room chatting with them.

Because of this, Gal can only walk in the corridor with a few surviving books that are not rotten, and at the same time bear the pointing of several Ravenclaw students passing by (they went to school together in the morning) Potions class).

"It's really annoying, really." He spit out the licorice wand, his face full of dissatisfaction and frustration. "Why can't we have flying lessons every day?"

Yes, they just took their first flying lesson yesterday afternoon, also with Ravenclaw.Most of the young wizards from Muggle families, and even some from wizarding families who had never experienced broom flying, had so much fun that in the end Mrs. Hooch had to use magic to amplify the sound to maintain order.

But you have to know that this is Hogwarts, a magical school, so just the fact that there are no accidents in class is already a very good thing.

No one answered Gal, because it was obvious that Gal just wanted to say something now and did not really want to communicate with anyone, so Munn, Cedric and Yalin all chose to be simple listeners in a tacit understanding.

When passing the entrance of the auditorium, several people happened to see a big man about three meters tall walking towards the castle holding two little red-haired boys.This scene obviously frightened the children at the gate of the castle. Even Gal, who had been chattering before, wisely chose to shut up for the time being.It was obviously not the first time for the children in the upper grades to see this kind of scene, and some even took the initiative to ask, "Hey! Hagrid, did these two little guys sneak into the Forbidden Forest?"

Hagrid nodded, glanced at the two little boys in his hands who had their heads hanging down, and felt that their heads had grown twice as big again. "Yes, the Weasley boys have only been in school for two weeks. This is the second time, and they don’t look like Bill or Charlie at all, so I can only take them to Professor McGonagall.”

Fred and George didn't say anything about this, obviously confessing to their crimes - but Hagrid couldn't see it due to the viewing angle, but the children below could see it clearly. Not only was he smiling, he was even winking and imitating Hagrid's mouth movements.

This scene made the surrounding students deeply believe in Hagrid's words.

After Hagrid took Fred and George away, Gal finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked in a low voice like inertia: "That guy, that big man named Hagrid, is the one who brought us here on the first day. That guy from the castle, he’s really tall, I mean, he couldn’t be a giant.”

"Humans must not be able to grow so tall. He is probably a giant." Yaerlin nodded in agreement. Cedric said nothing, and Munn also remained silent and did not participate in the discussion.

After entering the auditorium, the four of them had just sat down when a hand suddenly patted Munn's shoulder. Munn quickly turned around to look, only to see Tonks sitting on his left with a "whoop".

"Moon, I heard that you have gained a lot of favor from the teachers in class these past two days." Tonks said carelessly, and took two pieces of lamb chops from the table to her plate. "I didn't expect you. Still a little genius.”

"Your news is a little delayed..." Moon sighed helplessly, picked up the pepper shaker, ground it twice, and sprinkled some peppercorns on his portion of the pork pie.

"Hey, since you are so capable, how about doing me a favor?" Tonks bit the mutton chop, raised her eyebrows, and whispered, "If you agree, I promise to give you a surprise."

"Surprise?" Moon's mouth twitched. "Last time Mrs. Tonks took you to my house, I just asked you to look after my brothers and sisters for 2 minutes so that I could go to the toilet. You put on the youngest one." Na was so frightened that he couldn't stop crying. Now you tell me about the surprise. Do you want to become a rooster and scare me to tears?"

Tonks had an embarrassed expression on her face, and she coughed lightly, "This is my fault, but I really didn't expect Dana to be afraid of this. Children in the past would laugh very happily when they saw it."

Moon sighed and shook his head. Tonks was indeed not to blame for this. He just wanted to complain, "Forget it, no need for surprises. Tell me what you want me to do for you."

"Actually, it's quite simple." Seeing Moon's loose tone, Tonks breathed a sigh of relief, "I just want you to keep a whistle for me."

"Sentry?" Munn had a bad feeling in his heart.

Fortunately, Tonks did not say such outrageous words as "I want to go to the Forbidden Forest". Instead, she whispered the whole story to Moon - this girl was inspired by Gemma Farley. Under the law, he was provoked and agreed to a midnight duel.It was this incident that led Tonks to find Munn, hoping that Munn could help her keep an eye on her.

"You have an innate advantage that no one else has -" Tonks explained, but Moon had no desire to continue listening, because he had already passively read everything from Tonks' unabashedly excited thoughts "- —You are a first-year student, and there are only two weeks since school starts. You can use the excuse that you are lost or got carried away by the stairs to excuse Filch. Trust me, you will never have any trouble, I promise. Dear Moon, how about you just help me this time?"

We must help, this is Moon’s decision.Because Munn "heard" other things from Tonks's thoughts besides what she said, such as the real reason why Tonks agreed to the duel: that stupid guy around Gemma Farley. The stupid words coming out of the mouth of the big guy, Gavin Travers:

"...Together with each other every day, Hufflepuff, huh, your mother is a disgrace to the Black family, and the mother of that little bastard without a father is a disgrace to the Shafik family. You two are a perfect match. Oh, poor Nifa Dora, are you a pedophile?"

The question now is, how can we help ensure that the idiot of the Travers family pays the price he deserves?

Moon gradually fell into deep thought.

Chapter 23 Cedric’s flying talent

"It's not impossible to help you, and there's no need for a surprise, but you have to promise me one thing." Moon tapped the knife and fork lightly.He couldn't readily agree directly, otherwise Tonks would think about all sorts of things and feel weird.

Tonks pursed her lips and responded nonchalantly: "You tell me, anything is fine."

Moon's thoughts turned around and he said, "Well, let me do this for you, and then you will be my spell training partner for two days. Just this weekend, how about it?"

"That's it, it's a small thing, I agree." Tonks, who had expected to be given a little trouble by Munn, breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that the request was so simple, waved her hand, and made a heroic gesture. look.

"Just agree. Time and place."

Although he had "heard" the time and place of their agreed duel from Tonks's thoughts, Moon still asked - he didn't want Tonks to know that he had already decided because of her excessive mood swings. Involuntarily reading her thoughts.

"Wait for me in the common room at eight o'clock tomorrow night. I'll find you then." Tonks, who didn't know that Munn already knew everything, said mysteriously, and then turned to deal with herself. Lamb chops on a plate.Moon didn't say anything more, just smiled at the three curious roommates, and also concentrated on eating.


"Hey, Munn, what exactly did Senior Sister Tonks ask you to do?" Yaerlin, whose spirit of gossip was burning, approached Munn and asked in a low voice: "Just tell us, we promise I won’t tell anyone else.”

"Arlin Sutton!" Professor Sprout's voice suddenly rang out, "If you disturb Moon again, don't let him properly handle his basin of fresh food, and don't properly handle your own basin of fresh food." If you are fresh, I will turn you into a white fresh plant and plant it in the pot in my hand!"

The students laughed and looked at Yaerlin. Yaerlin blushed and turned back to carefully clean up the fresh white leaves.

Professor Sprout usually would not criticize a person like this. However, this was the seventh time that Arlin turned to talk to Moon in this herbal medicine class, although Professor Sprout did not notice it three times. He, but even just four times is clearly a serious enough infraction.

"Ahem..." Moon suppressed laughter and whispered while handling the fresh stems: "Stop asking any more questions, Arlin, and study hard. After tomorrow night, Tonks will definitely tolerate it." If you keep talking about it everywhere, you will naturally know it by then."

Arlin raised his head and wanted to say something, but Professor Sprout's stern eyes had already stared at his face. His lips moved silently, as if someone had cut his vocal cords, and finally lowered his voice silently. Headed.

A donkey brayed suddenly in the classroom, startling everyone including Professor Sprout - except Gal, because the brayed sound came from him who couldn't hold back his laughter.

Arlin's face was full of sorrow, and Professor Sprout walked up to Gal angrily and amusedly, and patted him gently on the back of the head.This time it broke, as if a switch was flipped, Gal completely gave up control and laughed loudly, even the other students in the class couldn't help but laugh loudly.

Arlin became more plaintive.

This incident didn't seem to be completely forgotten by Garr until after dinner, when Moon and the four people in the dormitory went to the stadium to watch the Hufflepuff team train.He would always laugh inexplicably from time to time, and then when he saw Arlin's sad and angry expression, he would laugh even more wildly.

Henry Bassey, Hufflepuff's Chaser, made a beautiful spin on his broomstick and threw the Quaffle into the goal, triggering cheers from several students who were watching carefully. .

"Hey, you owe me this." Milton came over with a big brown paper bag in his arms, chewing something in his mouth, and his words were a little slurred.

"Want some? My mother sent me some carrot cake. It tasted quite good. I told her no, but she still insisted on running to Hogsmeade just to make this for me." Milton looked at it It seemed like he was complaining, but the strong feeling of showing off in his words was self-evident.

"Of course, give me two dollars." Gal came close to Milton and looked at the bag in Milton's hand with bright eyes. Moon and the other three waved their hands to indicate that they were not using it.

Cedric looked both ways and asked a little strangely: "Why are you alone? Where are Ackerman and Atman?"

"We're playing wizard's chess in the common room." Milton stuffed another piece of cake into his mouth. "They started just after dinner. I'm going to get this -" he patted the bag in his hand "— At that time, Yatman had won three games in a row. Ackerman was very unhappy and insisted on dragging Yatman to continue. To be honest, I think if Yatman refused to let go, Ackerman would drag him tonight. He will go to class tomorrow."

"I hope they won't be like this." Gal said sympathetically, "The first session tomorrow morning will be Professor Sprout's Herbalism."

As soon as herbalism was mentioned, Gal's face started to smile again. Arlin glared at him and stared angrily at the Bludger that was being shot up again and again in the sky. He probably wished for that Bludger in his heart. The ball is Gal.

"By the way, Cedric, I heard that Mrs. Hooch talked to you and wanted to recommend you to join the team?" Milton seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned his head to stare at Cedric like a curious baby. gram.

In the first flying lesson yesterday, Cedric showed extraordinary talent - not only is he one of the few people who can fly a broomstick in one go, but also in the following first experience, whether it is for The control of the broom, the naturalness, smoothness and ease of flying are all much better than those of other students.In comparison, even Moon, who had been exposed to flying broomsticks early, could only feel inferior. [Note 1]

There is no doubt that this kind of flying talent made Mrs. Huo Qi very interested. After confirming that Cedric was flying for the first time, she immediately happily kept Cedric after class, which also made the students interested. I am very curious. In the past two days alone, many people have come to ask.

"It's not that exaggerated." Cedric smiled shyly, with a slight blush on his handsome face. "Mrs. Huo Qi just wanted to ask if I am interested in joining the team in the second grade, not now."


[Note 1] Many young wizards, even if they come from a magical family, will not actually fly on a broomstick before going to school due to the request of their parents for safety reasons, just like they will not be taught magic at a very young age. Same.

Chapter 24 The feelings of childhood are always poetry

After watching the training on the court for a while, the five little wizards returned to the common room together.Yatman and Ackerman were still playing chess, and Yaerin took Cedric with him to help Ackerman, thinking of gathering the strength of the three of them to bring down Yatman.Moon ran to the fireplace and nestled on the sofa to continue reading. Gal returned to the dormitory and took out a small basket. Milton generously said that he could not eat that much, and gave half of the carrot cake sent by his mother to Gal.

"Moon, you are reading again." A little blond girl dragged a short tree stool to Munn's sofa and stared at Munn's face with piercing eyes.

The fire in the fireplace was dancing, making a crackling sound from time to time.

Moon glanced sideways at the little girl, Violet Evelina, who was also a freshman, and smiled softly, "Well, what's wrong, Violet?"

Not sure if it was because she was roasted by the fire, or if she was a little shy inside, Violet moved her eyes to the side, pretending that she wanted to see the charcoal in the flames, and took out her homework book by the way: "This is Yesterday’s homework from the Transfiguration class, um... I want you to help me take a look at it to see if there are any mistakes or anything like that.”

It seemed that she realized that it was impolite to speak while looking to the side like this, so after handing over the homework, Violet quickly turned back to look at Munn, but she did not continue to stare into Munn's eyes.

Moon blinked, closed the book, took Violet's homework, and said harmoniously, "Okay, then sit down for a moment and I will help you take a look."

As if she had reached some difficult problem, Violet breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at her roommates with a smile on her face.


While Moon was reading Violet's homework carefully, Violet, who turned back and kept staring at Moon, suddenly shouted softly.


"Why do you like reading so much?"

"Hmm..." Moon picked up the quill from the table and marked Violet's homework. "Because there are a lot of things that I want to know and learn? Probably?"

"But you already know a lot." Violet supported her chin with one hand, and her beautiful light blue eyes smiled like two crescents under the light of the fireplace.

Moon shook his head, put down his quill, closed the homework book and handed it to Violet again. "There is always new knowledge waiting for me. Your homework was done very well. There were only a few small mistakes. I have given them to you." You marked it.”

Violet took the homework back, hugged it in her arms, and nodded, but still looked at Munn steadily and did not leave.

"Is there anything else Violet?" Moon coughed slightly, and he began to feel a little embarrassed.

Violet smiled brightly and stood up, "Call me Wei'er. That's what my parents call me."

After saying that, the little girl turned around and left with a bouncing step.

"Uh..." Moon raised his hand and touched the back of his head, shook his head helplessly, picked up his book and started reading again.


Facts have proved that although Atman is good at wizard chess, one against three, especially when there is a smart Cedric among the three opponents, is obviously beyond his ability.The next three wizard chess battles all ended in Atman's defeat.But it was not easy for Ackerman, Yaerin and Cedric to win, and almost every game was just a narrow victory.

After winning three games, Ackerman finally let Yatman go with satisfaction, and then fell asleep on the sofa. It was not until Gabriel was inspecting the common room that he discovered him and drove him back to his room. go.

"Huh? Moon, are you still here?" Gabriel, who had just watched Ackerman walk into the room, suddenly saw Munn, who was still reading in front of the fireplace.

"Well, there are still two pages left. I will go back to my room to sleep after reading, senior." Moon raised the book in his hand, and Gabriel saw the title - "Outsmarting Dark Arts".

He walked to the fireplace and sat on the low post that Violet had dragged over before. "For a first-year student, isn't this book a bit... ahead of its time?"

When saying this, Gabriel seemed to hesitate for a long time on how to word his words to make his words less abrupt. The best evidence of this was that he paused for at least two seconds before saying "ahead of the times."

There is no way, first grade wizards are easily sensitive about this kind of thing.

"Indeed, there are some contents in the book that I cannot fully understand, and I can only barely understand some of them." Moon admitted generously, "But this is more valuable for research, isn't it, senior?"

"Oh, I think you're right." Gabriel nodded in agreement, "Then, remember to go back to your room after reading. If you have any questions, you can take the time to ask me. It's best not to do random experiments - —Of course, I know you shouldn’t, you are one of the best freshmen this year, but as a prefect, I still have to remind you, haha, I hope you can understand.”

Moon was not impatient with Gabriel's long series of "nonsense", but listened carefully to everything Gabriel said, and then nodded sincerely, "No problem, senior, I will pay attention. , and thank you very much for your willingness to help me answer my questions. If there is anything I don’t understand, I will come to you."

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