"Ha, okay." Gabriel turned his gaze to the fire, then lightly scratched his head, "That..."

Moon looked at Gabriel and suddenly felt something. He smiled secretly, pretended to be sleepy, and closed the book in his hand, "Ah, I originally wanted to finish reading it, but it was probably baked in the stove for a long time. Suddenly I felt a little sleepy, so I went back to rest with the seniors. It seems that the question-asking session can only be left until tomorrow."

Although this explanation was a bit "forced", Gabriel didn't notice it at all. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Ah, then go back to sleep. I'll clean up the lounge and go back."

Moon nodded, held the book, and stretched himself again with the idea of ​​​​acting a full performance, and then said goodbye to Gabriel and walked towards the room.

It wasn't until a long time after Moon left that whispers suddenly came from the common room, accompanied by the low laughter of young girls from time to time.At the same time, Moon's dormitory was filled with Gar's gibberish in his sleep, "Ah... apple pie... apple pie... carrot..."

Moon looked dumbfounded and glanced at Gal, who was sleeping like a bear with his arms on the pillow. He covered him with a quilt, then returned to his bed and read the last two pages of the book with the light of his wand.

Chapter 25 Locked Dungeon

"Moon, are you ready to go? The midnight duel at ten o'clock is about to begin."

In the Hufflepuff common room, Tonks, whose face was full of excitement, approached Moon and asked in a low voice.

"Of course -" Moon took out a retro pocket watch from his pocket and flicked it in front of Tonks' eyes, "But at ten o'clock... it's only eight o'clock now. Are you sure we want to go out so early?"

A sly smile appeared on Tonks' face, "Believe me, Little Moon, now is the best time to go out. Although there are still two hours before the agreed time, it will do us no good to stay here. I After receiving a reliable tip, Gabriel will be out in ten minutes. You know, he is the most nosy among the prefects. To be honest, it would be great if he could be like Victor. "

"Victor?" Moon thought of the handsome, elegant, thin boy he had seen a few days ago.

"Victor Gray, our sixth-year male prefect, is very handsome and has a good personality. I dare say that at least a quarter of the senior girls in Hogwarts have a crush on him." Tonks "Tsk" laughed. Obviously, she did not belong to one of the quarter. "I don't have any thoughts about him, but you have to admit that that guy is very suitable for being a friend. He always does what he wants to do. He has a good sense of proportion.”

Moon silently said, "It's not as troublesome as you, right?"

"Anyway, just listen to me and leave now." Tonks patted Moon on the shoulder, stood up first, and walked out of the common room.Moon closed the book helplessly and followed Tonks.

After leaving the common room, Tonks first looked to both sides. After confirming that no one was in the corridor, she quickly walked towards the stairs with Moon.

"So now, where are you going to take me?" Moon, who was following Tonks, asked softly. "In other words, how are you going to spend the remaining two hours? Find an empty classroom and stay there. ?"

Tonks walked briskly and excitedly, "Of course not. I'm giving you an advantage today. I'll take you to a good place."

Moon wanted to complain about Tonks, hoping that she would stop saying such weird and "unclear" words in the future, but thinking of Tonks' usual style, he finally choked the words in his throat. .

At first, Moon thought that Tonks would take him upstairs, to some secret passage or some secret room in the school.Unexpectedly, Tonks stepped onto the downward stairs.

Restraining the desire to sense Tonks's thoughts, Moon followed him quietly. The two of them carefully went down the dim stairs and arrived at a room door with a heavy iron lock.

"Alohomora (lock-opening spell)!" Tonks picked up her wand and tapped lightly on the lock. The heavy lock popped open and was about to fall to the ground when she was caught by Moon.

"I can't imagine that you have been here alone..." Moon struggled to weigh the heavy lock in his hand. "The loud noise made by this thing falling to the ground will probably be transmitted to our common room. .”

Tonks smiled awkwardly, and there were two rare flashes of red on the side of her freckled cheeks, but this did not stop her from waving her wand again and opening another lock on the door.

Moon held the lock in his arms and asked in a suspicious voice: "So where is this place? Do you need so many locks?"

"There were only two locks before." Tonks explained. "I heard that because something happened later, another lock was added, which is the remaining one on the door. This is actually the dungeon of the castle. ."

"Dungeon...?" Moon looked at the heavy door in front of him, studded with iron nails and iron bars, and some plots he had read in the past came to mind - if he remembered correctly, Hagrid once Just hide Aragog in the storage room of the dungeon. Then, the so-called something happened should be that Aragog was reported by Tom Riddle.

Of course, this assumes that there are not two dungeons in Hogwarts. After all, in the original book, the ghosts also held a death anniversary party in the dungeon. God knows whether the two are the same dungeon.

"Okay, there is only the last lock left." Tonks took out a pin from the lining pocket of her clothes. "This lock has been cast with a very powerful anti-picking spell. It may be Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall's handwriting cannot be unlocked with magic, so it is usually unlikely to be opened by anyone, and Filch rarely comes to visit. But my lazy dad taught me some special skills, and I happened to be able to open it. .”

As she spoke, Tonks stuffed the pin into the keyhole and moved it up and down. After a while, there was a deep sound of the spring spring popping open.

"Come on, let's go in."

Moon nodded, thought about it, and took the heavy lock into the dungeon.


The world behind the dungeon door is not as scary as Moon thought. In fact, most of the facilities inside seem to have been demolished. Only cells one after another can barely tell that this is indeed a dungeon. Other than that, , there is only an empty hall and some debris piled in the corner of the hall.

"So, this place actually represents the unknown dark side of Hogwarts in the past, right?" Tonks pulled Munn to a corner. She should have simply cleaned up the place, and there were piles of things on the ground. There were a few mats and stalls, barely a place to sit, and there were some tattered books and chains around.

"The dark side?" Moon put the lock aside and glanced at Tonks strangely, "What is in your little head?"

"Torture, whipping, torture instruments, please, this is a dungeon, otherwise what else would Hogwarts use this place for? As a kitchen?" Tonks stared back.

"Don't you think..." Moon curled his lips, "Since the establishment of Hogwarts, all the dark wizards have been imprisoned in Azkaban. You know, Hogwarts was occupied by four enemies as early as the Middle Ages. The giant was founded, and Azkaban was built in the 15th century and did not become the British wizard prison until 1718. It was most likely just used to imprison some dark wizards to prevent them from doing evil in the outside world."

"Uh...is that so?" Tonks became confused, and even her hair began to turn gray.

Moon patted the mat on the ground. After seeing that there was no dust, he sat down. "Tonks, my dear distant cousin, read more books. This will at least ensure that you don't make such a joke. If I remember correctly, you want to be an Auror in the future, it will be good for you to learn more knowledge, really."

Chapter 26 The duel inside the door and the duel outside the door

For the next hour and a half, Moon and Tonks kept chatting. It was not until the last half hour that Tonks finally seemed to remember something and brought up the surprise that Munn had mentioned before but rejected. The insistence was given to him - a cold pipe that seemed to be carved from some kind of obsidian-like stone.

"...Is this the surprise you are talking about? Do you believe it? If I tell my mother that you gave me this thing, you will not be able to go home for Christmas this year. The roaring letter will also guarantee that you will receive a soft hand." Moon The corners of his mouth twitched as he took the pipe from Tonks.

Tonks choked half to death at Moon's words. After a few seconds, she rolled her eyes and said, "This is not an ordinary pipe. It has a very weird magic cast on it. I was in this room at the time." I found it among the junk in the dungeon, and I originally thought it was an ordinary pipe, but when I cast a spell on the pile of junk to sort them out, I discovered that the pipe was not affected by the spell."

"Later, I tried many times and used some detection magic, but I still couldn't figure out the weirdness of this pipe. It seems to be completely immune to magic. You read all kinds of books every day, I guess you will also like it Study these weird things, so I gave it to you.”

Seeing what Tonks said about having a nose and eyes, Moon rubbed the pipe twice more with his hand, and then asked his last question with some uncertainty, "You haven't smoked with this thing, have you?"

"I... thought about giving it a try." Tonks rubbed her hair that turned flaxen again, "But I couldn't buy the right tobacco."

Moon breathed a sigh of relief and put the pipe into his pocket.

"Okay, the time is almost up, let's go Moon, it's time for a duel." Tonks stood up and said eagerly, "I must show Gemma some colors tonight."

"I hope you won't be carried out by then." Moon shook his head helplessly. Although Tonks's strength is indeed good, it is definitely not easy for Gemma Farley to become a prefect of Slytherin. opponents to deal with.

Tonks rolled her eyes at him again and walked out of the dungeon silently. Moon followed behind, not forgetting to relock the big lock when she left.

"So where is your duel?"

"There are several abandoned classrooms underground. In fact, many classrooms in Hogwarts are not in use right now. Our duel will take place in one of them." Tonks walked quickly and asked Mu Mu at the same time. En explained.

A few minutes later, the two people arrived at the abandoned classroom that was used as the venue for this secret duel. Gemma Farley and her follower, Gavin Travers, were already sitting inside. .

To Moon's surprise, as soon as he and Tonks entered the classroom, that stupid Gavin Travers walked over with a face full of humiliation and unwillingness, and then faced the two of them. Bowed deeply.

Tonks was startled, and she pulled out her wand and pointed it at Gavin. However, Gavin Travers said angrily: "I'm sorry, Tonks, I shouldn't have said those insulting words that day. "

Moon, who was silent at the back, had already read Gavin's thoughts and turned his head to look at Gemma. It happened that Gemma was also looking at him at this time, and the two looked at each other silently. For a moment.

Yes, it was Gemma Farley who made Gavin apologize.This incident undoubtedly made Munn feel a little more fond of this Slytherin prefect who was obviously gentle and beautiful, but always rejected others thousands of miles away.

However, Gavin still had to teach him a lesson. After all, even at this moment, he was still cursing Tonks and Moon in his heart, and even Gemma Farley, and the more he cursed, the more unpleasant it was.

"Damn it, Farley, what are you doing?" Tonks glared at Gemma, "Do you want to admit defeat?"

Gemma Farley stood up from her chair and took out her wand. "Don't be ridiculous, Tonks. Remember, if you lose, go and apologize to Clyde. Although he is usually a bit arrogant." , but I didn’t offend you.”

Tonks sneered, "Of course he has not offended me. That's because he is not my opponent. Do you always turn a blind eye when he bullies others?"

"You can go to the prefects to teach him a lesson, or go to the professors instead of locking him in a cupboard and playing such a cheap prank." Gemma Farley said as she walked to Tonks' room opposite.In terms of height alone, Gemma was half a head taller than Tonks, which made Tonks look at each other a little uncomfortable.

But Tonks still refused to admit defeat and engaged in a duel with Gemma Farley's eyes. "Ha, it's as if confinement and deduction of points can make him calm down."

"Then come to me." Gemma Farley said calmly, "I'll find a way, but you must apologize. What you did was too much. If you think he is a bastard, then what you did is not the same as him." Any difference, he will pay for his asshole behavior and so will you."

Tonks took two steps back, raised her wand again, and bowed to Gemma. "Then come on. If you win, I will apologize."

Moon watched Gemma preparing to return the favor, knowing that the two were about to start a duel. He turned to Gavin's side and coughed lightly, "We should go out to look for the wind."

Gavin glanced disdainfully at Moon, who was too short for him, and walked out of the classroom on his own. Moon shrugged, followed closely, and walked out of the classroom.

The moment the classroom door was closed, the sound of two people's incantations suddenly rang out in the classroom, as well as bursts of "crack----" sounds.

"Big guy, you must be very unconvinced, right?" Moon took out his wand and looked up at Gavin, who had a straight face.

"Huh?" Gavin frowned and looked at Moon, snorting from his nose, clearly showing his contempt and disdain.

Moon did not answer, but took out his wand, bowed to Gavin, and then stepped back.

Looking at Moon's actions, Gavin was stunned for a moment, then smiled excitedly and pulled out his wand - however, he did not bow, just nodded, and then took five steps back.

"Stupefy (stunned out)!"

"Expelliarmus (expelliarmus)!"

Gavin stared blankly as the wand came out of his hand. Before he could react, he saw Moon's indifferent eyes that suddenly turned scarlet.

The next moment, he suddenly realized with horror that there seemed to be something in his mouth - something like flesh and blood that was growing crazily, squirming and filling. In just a moment, his mouth was almost completely filled. Stuffed.

Chapter 27 Winner and Loser

"Uh! Uh-huh-uh-!"

Gavin Travers frantically fumbled with his lips. Judging from the movements of his facial muscles, he was constantly trying to open his mouth.At the same time, he was anxiously asking himself what was wrong over and over again.At this moment, he finally had no time to curse anymore.

Moon's eyes had returned to normal. He played with his wand leisurely and stared at Gavin Travers quietly.

"Don't waste your efforts, Travers." Moon said softly: "This is a small curse. You can call it the Blood Tongue Curse. It can make your damn face never stop spitting out. Some dirty mouths can no longer be opened."

The movement of Gavin's hand suddenly froze, and he looked at Munn with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

"Remember, Gavin Travers." Moon and Gavin always kept a distance to avoid this guy jumping over the wall to use all his martial arts. "This is just a small punishment. If you dare to curse me and my family again, even Once, even if I just think about it in my heart, I will make your mouth never open again in this life, do you understand?"

Gavin nodded nervously and heavily, thinking that as soon as the spell was unlocked, Munn would suffer a lot immediately.

"I don't feel your fear or respect. Are you even trying to teach me a lesson?" A look of helplessness appeared on Moon's face. "Do you have to suffer more?"

At this moment, Moon really wanted to inflict some wounds on the big man in front of him, but unfortunately, he didn't know any spells that could heal others. If he really got any wounds, it would probably cause trouble.

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of a way.

"Damn it Moon Fox, please break this bullshit curse for me!"

Moon stared at Gavin quietly and began to repeat the words in his mind softly.

"How is this possible? What is going on? Get out of my head! Get out of my head! How did you do it?"

Gavin's expression became more and more panicked, and he took several steps back. He was frightened, confused, and several thoughts came to his mind - he had already begun to want to escape from here and escape from this weird first grader in front of him.

Moon stopped, he didn't want Gavin to escape.

"Do you understand now?" Moon put away his wand. He knew that the big man in front of him had no intention of resisting and even began to apologize sincerely in his mind.

Gavin nodded, sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.

"It's true that those who don't know are fearless." Mu En chuckled. "I really don't know what to say about you. Are you not smart? Someone else comes here. I'm afraid you were scared away when you were hit by the Blood Tongue Technique. Now, go Get your wand back."

Gavin turned around, picked up the wand on the ground, and then looked at Munn with panic and hope.

As Moon nodded slightly, Gavin Travers began to feel that the smelly flesh and blood in his mouth had finally subsided. He tried to open his mouth - and succeeded.

"I, can I talk?" Gavin said, startling himself.

"Remember, keep this all a secret, otherwise you will know the consequences. Don't even think about snitching secretly. You should realize that you can't hide it from me." Moon glanced at Gavin and said softly, and then He leaned aside and stopped talking to Gavin.Gavin was left to wipe the wand with his robe, put it away, then looked at Munn in fear, and did not dare to speak again. He just opened and closed his mouth again and again with the joy of surviving a disaster. Like a fish out of water.

Compared to Gavin and Moon's quick fight, Gemma Farley and Tonks in the classroom were obviously a lot slower. It is estimated that the two of them had a lot of chatter during the fight. Moon was very happy about this. A little, otherwise if they came out early, he wouldn't be able to kill Gavin Travers so completely.

It wasn't until nearly 2 minutes later that the classroom door was opened from the inside, and Tonks walked out first. Her face looked a little pale, and her robe was stained with a lot of dust.Gemma, who walked out after her, looked relatively better, except that her beautifully styled hair was a little messy, and there were some dust marks on the bottom of her robe.

Neither of them said anything, nor did they mention winning or losing. They just looked at each other again, and then left with Munn and Gavin - even though they were going the same way, neither one paid any attention to the other.

All the while, Tonks had a stern look on her face, as if Gemma Farley or Gavin Travers would be staring at her.It wasn't until she returned to the common room and closed the door that Tonks' expression finally changed. She looked at Munn with a grin on her face and settled herself into the sofa.

There was no one in the common room at this time, except for the roaring fire in the fireplace, which made one or two slight pops from time to time.

"Ah...it hurts." Tonks rubbed her abdomen with one hand and patted her robe with the other hand. Because she was nestled on the sofa, she looked like a Arched Lobster "Damn Gemma Farley, I'm going to have to teach her a lesson sooner or later."

Moon didn't even need to ask any more questions. It was obvious that the duel ended with Tonks' defeat.

"Huh, but she's not having a hard time either. It hurts me, and so does she."

Listening to Tonks muttering over there, Moon simply hugged a small soft sofa and sat by the fireplace to warm up the fire.It had to be said that it was a bit cold in the basement late at night, not to mention that when Tonks pulled him out, he was only wearing a thin lining and a robe.

"Hey, Moon, you weren't bullied by that damn Travers when you were outside, were you?"

Moon shook his head and put his hand in front of the stove to bake it twice more.

"Boom -" A dull thunder suddenly sounded outside, attracting the attention of both Munn and Tonks.Sure enough, a moment later, large raindrops fell from the sky and hit the grass. Water splashed up, leaving beautiful patterns on the windows of the Hufflepuff common room close to the ground.

"It's raining...that's bad." Tonks slapped her forehead hard, "I hope it won't rain until tomorrow. There will be Quidditch training tomorrow."

Moon glanced at Tonks blankly, "Quidditch? I remember you're not on the house team?"

Tonks laughed, which made her face look a little twisted in pain even more strangely. "Don't be stupid, little moon. Of course I'm not on the house team, but I'm on our Hufflepuff team." a loyal supporter."

Chapter 28 Halloween

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