In fact, Tonks was not a "loyal supporter", but she really wanted Hufflepuff to win the game, because victory meant extra points.

As we all know, Tonks is one of the few Hufflepuffs who gets a lot of points deductions.

Therefore, combining the two, it was normal for Tonks to hope that the rain would not affect the training.


In the period that followed, Moon's campus life gradually began to get on the right track.

On track means, bland and boring.Go to class every day, eat with classmates, play chess, and accept praise from professors - except for Snape, his mouth really can't say anything good to students other than Slytherin, even if he has never Moon and Cedric, who did not make mistakes (at least compared to what was mentioned in the textbooks and Snape), could only accept his cynicism every day.

Gavin, the big man who was taught a lesson by Moon, never dared to scold Moon again. In fact, not only Moon, Gavin also didn't scold anyone since that night.So sometimes, at least when he saw Gavin forcing a smile and then hurriedly avoiding him, Moon would feel that he had done a good thing - in a way that might not be so good.

Cedric's flying talent has become more and more prominent. He has become a complete favorite with Mrs. Hooch. Several people from the Hufflepuff Quidditch team have come to see Cedric even though he still has nothing to do. He hasn't joined the team, but they already want to train with him.Moreover, from Fred and George, Moon and the others learned that even many people on the Gryffindor team already knew about Cedric, and joked that he would be Gryffindor's strong enemy in the future.Of course, this also includes the current sixth-year captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Charlie Weasley.

Gal and Arlin still bickered every day, but apart from the bickering, ever since Munn took Gal to the Hogwarts kitchen when he missed dinner because he was lingering in the library, Gal fell in love with him. Got soaked in the kitchen.In contrast, Arlin, who was not so interested in eating, was naturally bored, which led Arlin to find his new favorite, Cedric.Ever since Gal was in the kitchen every day, Yaerin had been pestering Cedric all day long, clamoring to participate in team training with him.

Tonks was still the same as before, playing her same pranks and getting into trouble everywhere, which led to her being in confinement longer and longer, and appearing in public less and less frequently.Although she was often able to use her talent as a Metamorphmagus to avoid some punishment, her careless nature meant that she was caught far more often than she escaped.

Oh, and there's the unlucky Gabriel. Everyone knows that he's trying his best to hide and cover up, but he's really not very good at it.Therefore, his underground love affair has become almost everyone's knowledge in the Hufflepuff common room. He is the only one who knows nothing about it and thinks that he has hidden it well.Unfortunately, everyone was more or less aware of his secret meeting with Larian in the common room every night when no one was around.

It’s just that no one exposed him.

To be honest, if possible, Moon would like to be able to live a peaceful life like this forever.It's just a pity that on Halloween Eve, fate couldn't restrain its ready hand after all, and dropped a pebble on the calm lake.


"Happy Halloween! Moon!"


Moon sat up from the bed sleepily, looking blankly at Gal and Yaerlin in front of him, and then at the pocket watch hanging by his bedside.

"You two... why are you so crazy? It's only six o'clock in the morning..."

"Don't sleep, Moon!" Gal patted Moon's bed. "Get up! Today is Halloween! And it's our first Halloween in Hogwarts! Don't you want to see any changes in the school? ?”

Arlin ran aside and gave Cedric the same treatment that Munn received.

"...I would rather lie in bed for a little longer. Nothing will change in the school. How could a professor get up at six in the morning to decorate the school?" Moon lay down in pain and tucked the corner of the bed. "I last night It was almost one o'clock in the morning before I put down the book. You go ahead and I'll sleep a little longer."

"Moon! I bet you, the school must have been decorated. This is a magic school!" Gal was still a little unwilling. "Look, Cedric is up."

Moon slowly turned his head and found that Cedric had indeed begun to sit up with a wry smile and was putting on clothes one by one.

"Damn... Gal, you should be lucky that I didn't wake up angry, and Hufflepuff's dormitory is very warm, otherwise I would definitely kill you..." Moon muttered, and closed his eyes tightly for a few seconds. Then he lifted the quilt and said, "Let's go! I'll satisfy your curiosity and see if there is really an unlucky professor who gets up at six in the morning to decorate for Halloween."

A few minutes later, the answer to the bet was revealed - neither Moon nor Gal was the winner.

On Halloween eve, Hogwarts at six o'clock in the morning did not change at all as Moon said, but it also did not have to be completely decorated as Gal said.The fact is that it is decorated, but it is still in the stage of being decorated, and there is only one person busy in front and back.

"Ha! Xi Ke, this is the first time I see a few first-year wizards on the morning of Halloween. Aren't you supposed to be still sleeping in bed at this time?"

In the auditorium on the first floor of Hogwarts, an extremely tall figure was holding two pumpkins and looking around, looking for the best place to place them. The four Moons suddenly appeared at the door of the auditorium, startling him.

That's right, the man who got up early in the morning and was busy is none other than the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid.

"They really want to know if Hogwarts will be completely different on the morning of Halloween." The task of answering Hagrid fell on Munn. Garr and Arlin didn't seem to dare to talk to Hagrid. They are still a little afraid of Hagrid's giant status.This was mainly because a month ago, they accidentally read a lot of content about the dangers of giants in a book. "I thought it wouldn't be the case, but I didn't expect you to start getting dressed up for Halloween so early."

Chapter 29 Pumpkin Carving Team

"Early arrangement, early completion." Hagrid tilted his head, showed a kind smile, and gestured with the pumpkin in his hand to a certain location in the hall, "I still have to work, why don't you go out and breathe fresh air? I I always feel that you should go for a walk outside more so that you can have a healthy body. Of course, don’t forget to put on your clothes.”

Moon turned to look at Gal and the others. Seeing Gal and Yaerlin both nodding, he replied, "Okay, Mr. Hagrid, then we won't disturb you. I wish you good luck with your work. See you later."

Hagrid responded quickly, and at the same time couldn't help but take a second look at this rare student who called him "Mr. Hagrid".

"Okay, I lost, but you didn't win either. We're even." As he walked towards the yard, Moon shrugged and said, "What now? Where should we go? Go for a walk?"

Gal said with a disappointed look on his face, "How about we go back to sleep? Maybe the giant named Hagrid will arrange it when we wake up."

Moon patted his forehead, "Please, Gal, Mr. Hagrid is not a giant, at least not a pure giant. Didn't you see what was written in the book that day? A 'pure' giant would not be like Mr. Hagrid." What's more, he is at least a staff member of a school much larger than ours, so you should have some basic respect for him. The same goes for you, Yaerlin."

Gal stuck out his tongue and glanced back into the hall. "But Hagrid - I mean, Mr. Hagrid is so tall. If not a giant, what else would he be?"

Cedric, who had been silent all this time, suddenly put forward his own point of view, "I heard that there is a kind of hybrid giant, the descendant of a wizard and a giant, is that right?"

"That should be correct. Mr. Hagrid is most likely a hybrid giant." Moon nodded, agreeing with Cedric's point of view.

Ya'erlin looked at Munn in surprise, "But you are of pure blood, right? Munn, I remember you mentioned that your mother comes from the Shafiq family. Shouldn't you be the one among us who is most familiar with the status of a mixed-blood giant... …”

"What is the most? The most resistant?" Moon smiled and shook his head: "A person's origin may make him have narrow prejudices, but the books he has read will correct this kind of thing. In addition, I have never been taught Who should I have such prejudice against?"

Arlin and Cedric seemed to understand. Only Gal, who was born in a Muggle family, did not understand what they were talking about and remained at a loss.But that didn't mean that he didn't want to join the conversation, so he immediately spoke: "So, Mr. Hagrid, is... harmless to us, right?"

"That's right, Gal, unless you overestimate your ability and try every means to provoke him, even then, he will probably only give you a few lectures and then throw you to our Professor Sprout." Moon nodded. Call it yes.

"How about... let's go back and help him carve pumpkins?" Gal said eagerly, "I just saw several unopened pumpkins on the ground with water droplets on them. Believe me, I am very good at carving pumpkins - think about it. , the pumpkins we carved by ourselves will be hanging in the hall of Hogwarts today, isn’t this a very fulfilling thing?”

Looking at the excited Gal, before Moon could say anything, he noticed that Arlin and Cedric changed from looking at Gal in disbelief to the same expressions of eagerness to try.


Moon, who was still trying to say something, was suddenly picked up by Gal and Yaerin who exchanged glances, turned around and walked quickly towards the hall.

"Please, I didn't say I couldn't go, I just wanted to make sure that you can carve pumpkins..."

When Moon was only halfway through his words, the others had already been carried back into the hall, and they were greeted by Hagrid's doubtful eyes.

"...because I don't know how...Hello, Mr. Hagrid...uh, we meet again."

Moon saw Gal next to him open his mouth, as if he was trying to say something, but ultimately failed. Yaerlin didn't seem to be ready to speak, so he could only push forward again, "That's it." , Mr. Hagrid, it's a bit cold outside, and we think it's a bit troublesome to go back and put on more clothes. I wonder if we can... um, help you arrange these things, carve pumpkins, etc.?"

Hagrid was greatly shocked, but found that when Moon mentioned carving pumpkins, several other children also looked at him expectantly, their eyes shining, which made him a little at a loss.

"Okay, what I mean is, ah, you can try it with two pumpkins. We still have a lot anyway, but you must be careful not to hurt yourself. I don't want you to enjoy today at Madam Pomfrey's. Halloween dinner." Hagrid scratched his head.

"No problem, thank you very much, Mr. Hagrid." While thanking him, Moon gently kicked Yaerin, who was unresponsive next to him. Cedric also tugged on Gal's sleeve, and then the three of them joined in. Thank you again to Hagrid.

For more than an hour after that, the four people kept busy with Hagrid.Gal was right. He was indeed good at carving pumpkins, but only for normal-sized pumpkins. He had a hard time carving those pumpkins that were obviously under the expansion spell.Therefore, after carving several normal-sized pumpkins, with the cooperation of Cedric and Arlin, he finally succeeded in creating an oversized pumpkin head that was a little crooked.

Munn and Hagrid were responsible for setting up the venue, because he really couldn't carve a pumpkin well. The knife that was like an arm in Gal's hand was like suffering from polio in Munn's hands, and he couldn't control it at all.Fortunately, he could also use his wand to help Hagrid with some help, such as using a floating spell to move things.Although they haven't learned this yet, Moon has already practiced this a long time ago, so it's easy to get a few pumpkins.

During this period, Hagrid agreed to place the pumpkins carved by four people (actually three people), mainly the oversized pumpkin, in a more conspicuous position for everyone to watch.Of course, this is mainly because when carving, Gal and the others carved the names of four people on it, as well as several ugly villain heads.Later, at Cedric's suggestion, Gall also added Hagrid, which undoubtedly made the emotional Hagrid almost burst into tears after seeing it.To be honest, even Moon was surprised when he saw it - only for a moment. In fact, when they were cooperating with each other to make these things, everyone had already started chatting and laughing, so they were happy to If Hagrid is also added, it is naturally not so strange.

Chapter 30 Unrealistic Fireworks Show 1/3

"Okay, kids, it's time for me to leave. I have to go back and get some more pumpkins and other decorations, and wait for the professors to make the final decorations. You should also go to have breakfast and go to class. Well, I I think you might not mind taking the time to come to my place to drink tea and chat when you have time? I also have some other things over there, you know - oversized melons and fruits, mostly experiments product……"

When he said this, Hagrid was quite nervous and worried that the children would reject him, but it was obvious that Moon and the four of them would not do this.

Moreover, the person who answered this time was Gal, and he didn’t know whether it was the afternoon tea, the oversized melons and fruits, or the interesting stories about magical animals and wizards that Hagrid told him that attracted him.

"Of course, Mr. Hagrid, we are more than happy to do it." Garr replied, "We don't have classes on Friday afternoon, so let's just do it that day."

"Okay, no problem." Hagrid clapped his hands with a smile on his face, "Then I'll leave first."

"Goodbye Mr. Hagrid -" The four children waved goodbye to Hagrid together. Not only were the other children who were coming and going shocked, but even Professor McGonagall, who happened to be having breakfast, looked at a few people in surprise. , looked at Hagrid again, looking like he couldn't understand.Although Hagrid had been called by four children all morning, he still felt a little at a loss in front of so many people, so he could only wave his hand quickly and walked out of the auditorium with a silly smile.

Finally noticing the gazes of other people around him, Cedric blushed and quickly patted the shoulders of the other three people, then pulled them together and trotted to the Hufflepuff table where breakfast had begun to appear. He was a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed. The novelty giggled.

Looking at the four little wizards running away, Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and smiled, slowly walked to the teacher's table, and also enjoyed her breakfast.


At Hogwarts, a Halloween party is held on All Hallows' Eve - I don't know when this tradition started, but it is at least certain that it has been around for some years.

It turned out that the pumpkins that Moon and the others carved together with Hagrid in the morning were only part of the decorations for the dinner. At noon, the first-year wizards discovered that there were other decorations starting to appear in the auditorium.For example, there were more candles in the hollowed-out pumpkin lanterns, sporadic clouds were floating on the ceiling, and some little bats could be seen staring at them in hidden corners high up. Two little Gryffindors The wizards argued about this for a while. One insisted that these bats were real, while the other always believed that some teacher must have used transfiguration to create these bats.

The senior students are also talking about the banquet. The year before last, Professor Dumbledore invited a well-known wizard band to let the students have a good time. I heard that Professor Dumbledore has made another big move this year. , he decided to let every professor put on a magical fireworks show.At first, only a few Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students were discussing the matter. By the end of lunch, the discussion had spread to all four houses, and more and more people began to speculate excitedly about the fireworks. When will the show start, and what kind of fireworks will the professors conjure up?

As for this last question, so far, only the speculation about a professor's fireworks display can reach a consensus among the four houses - there is no doubt that Professor Snape must be the most annoying one anyway.

The so-called fireworks show, this idea is really stupid. According to Tonks, it is "so stupid that it bubbles up." The fifth-year prefect of Ravenclaw even bluntly expressed his negative thoughts: Unless the professor Everyone went crazy collectively, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for such an outrageous fireworks show to happen.

Moon is also not optimistic about the possibility of this fireworks show, but he thinks that the fifth-year Ravenclaw prefect named Robert Cilliard is even more wrong, because this fireworks show does not require professors to "go crazy", only All it takes is for Professor Dumbledore to "go crazy" alone.

On Tuesday afternoon, there was only one flying lesson for the first-year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, which made the little badgers and eaglets even more excited. Everyone was happily taking flying lessons. Chatting about the evening banquet.Munn, who was mediocre in flying and not very interested in flying, was flying on the edge on a broomstick. Unable to read, he focused all his attention on Cedric, Garr and Arlin. Of course, Mainly Cedric, because he was showing everyone his new idea of ​​flying.

It wasn't until Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle sounded and the little wizards returned to the ground that the four people in Moon's dormitory reunited.While arranging the messy robe, Arlin said excitedly: "Hey, Seid, you must teach me that move you just made in the next class. It was so wonderful. Oh, should we go to the auditorium for the dinner? ”

Gal nodded vigorously, and from his longing eyes, Moon could almost see the shape of the table filled with food.

"Of course it's no problem." Cedric responded to Arlin with a smile, "But should we go back to the dormitory to tidy up? The dinner won't start too early."

"Ah... I want to eat dinner quickly, I'm starving..." Gal's eyes widened.

"You are obviously the same as Moon. You just hung there and didn't move much." Yaerlin exposed Gale mercilessly. "You are not hungry, you just want to eat."

Gal hugged Yaerlin's neck and said, "Ha! You're right, I just want to eat. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Yaerlin, who was already panting from exhaustion during the flying lesson, gave up the idea of ​​escaping from Gal's arm and waved his hand, "Of course eating is important, very important."

Gal let go of Arlin with satisfaction, but he also had to admit that Cedric was right. Even if he ran to the auditorium now, he might not be able to have anything to eat.It's better to go back to the dormitory with everyone, tidy up a little, and maybe grab some food to fill his empty and lonely stomach when passing by the kitchen.

Several Ravenclaw eaglets walking next to them heard the four people chatting and said with a hint of envy: "It's good to live close to the auditorium. It makes my head hurt just to think that we have to climb the stairs to go back to the dormitory."

The first-year wizards walked into the castle in a chaotic manner, and then returned to their respective common rooms, preparing to take a short rest before going to the auditorium to enjoy tonight's delicious meal.

Chapter 31 “Crazy” Halloween 2/3

On the ceiling of the auditorium, a large group of bats flew noisily between the dark clouds and the suspended jack-o-lanterns, which was the prelude to the exciting events that followed.

The first one to take action was Professor Dumbledore, which should be considered a matter of course.I saw him waving his wand gently, and fireworks appeared out of thin air in the dark night. First, there was a strutting lion, then a soaring eagle, and then a vivid badger and a curled-up man with a red letter spitting out. Snakes also appeared one by one.After displaying the symbols of the four houses one by one, Professor Dumbledore flicked his wand, and the largest and brightest firework exploded, converging on the dome to look like Hogwarts Castle.

The little wizards clapped their hands wildly, screamed, and cheered for Professor Dumbledore.There is no doubt that Dumbledore had no intention of stopping everyone. Instead, he raised his glass, took a sip of wine, and then reached out to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall's cheeks were rosy, and she had obviously drank a lot of wine during the meal. She followed Dumbledore's support and stood up holding the edge of her robe. She tapped her wand and the fireworks went off one after another, becoming more and more gorgeous each time.

Then, professors such as Flitwick, Snape, Kamp, and Trelawney stood up one after another, and soon, the ceiling was completely occupied by fireworks of various colors.With the explosion of fireworks, the Sorting Hat, books, cauldrons, beds in the dormitories, Mandrakes, Hagrid's hut... all the little wizards were so dazzled that they even forgot to cheer for a moment. There was only a constant buzz of laughter and excitement.

As if infected and inspired by the children's laughter, the professors worked harder and harder. Only Snape stood there with a straight face and an expressionless expression. Unlike other professors, he only stood up. At that moment, a most ordinary firework was set off, and after that, I didn't even bother to wave the magic wand.

In Gal's words, he didn't even bother to mess with us.

When the students' emotions reached their peak, the ghosts slowly poured into the auditorium and danced lively to the music above the auditorium.Needless to say, the senior students stood up spontaneously - they all understood the intention of Professor Dumbledore, who was playing music slowly with his wand.Under the leadership of the senior students, the first and second grade wizards also stood up and walked to the center of the auditorium together.

The food on the tables was removed and then automatically moved to both sides of the auditorium, while the benches remained in place so that students who were not good at dancing or did not want to dance could rest.In fact, there are many such students, especially the little wizards in the first and second grades. Of course, there are also many senior students.

Gal wanted to sit down, but was dragged out by Yaerlin.Don't get me wrong, what Dumbledore played was not a ballroom dance, but more like the folk tunes at a campfire party, so everyone was dancing together.

Cedric didn't need to think about it. He was already dragged over by several seniors from the Hufflepuff Quidditch team just as everyone was jumping up.

Moon sat on the bench with a spoon in his mouth and a tray with ice cream in his hand. He was admiring Gal's busy dancing and almost threw the tray away with laughter.At this moment he was really grateful to the house elves in the kitchen, if for no other reason than that they didn't take the ice cream off his plate when they removed the food.

On the surrounding benches, Gryffindor had the fewest students left, Hufflepuff was no less, and Slytherin and Ravenclaw had more students.What Moon didn't expect was that Gemma Farley was also dancing. According to Moon's guess, Gemma Farley really didn't look like she would participate in such a lively activity.

But the fact is that Gemma Farley is not only dancing, but also smiling very happily, and even her eyes no longer have the coldness that used to repel people thousands of miles away.

Moon was looking around at the dancing people, but he didn't notice that among the cheerfully dancing students, a pair of beautiful eyes would look at him from time to time.

After dancing for a while, the professors' fireworks stopped.This makes sense. After all, there are some professors who want to come down and dance and have fun with the children, such as Professor McGonagall.Even before coming down, she used her wand to conjure a huge pumpkin head burning with golden flames.

After stuffing the last piece of ice cream into his mouth with satisfaction, Moon looked at the empty table, then at the plate in his hand, blinked, quietly placed the plate under the seat, and then acted with a guilty conscience. He looked around.

A pair of blue eyes hidden behind half-moon lenses looked into Moon's bright blue eyes.

Dumbledore glanced down like a naughty boy, indicating to Moon that he had discovered his little secret. Moon blushed and was about to bend down to pick up the plate again, but saw Dumbledore's empty one. With a flick of his hand, the dirty plate and fork completely disappeared.

When Moon was stunned, Dumbledore laughed, then made a "shh" gesture to Moon, then turned his head and continued to concentrate on playing music for the professors and students.

"Hi... Mu En." The sweet girl's voice, slightly breathless, suddenly sounded in Mu En's ears.

Moon looked in the direction of the sound. Violet had her hands behind her back, and her childish face was slightly flushed. She must have been tired from being too active while dancing with everyone just now.

"What's wrong, Violet?" Moon asked softly.

He could feel that Violet was a little nervous now, maybe she wanted to invite him to dance together?

So what reason should be used to refuse that is more appropriate and less likely to hurt others?

"Um... Do you want to dance together?" Violet's hands behind her back were tightly clasped together. She was so nervous that even the tip of her nose was sweating - although she didn't know why she was like this. .

"Of course, I mean, okay." Moon stretched out his hand towards Violet.

Say no to shit.

Wouldn't it be appropriate and harmless to agree directly?

Violet's eyes lit up, and her hands behind her back relaxed slightly. She pulled Moon and led him into the crowd of lively Hufflepuff students, and began to dance clumsily but cheerfully.

Moon couldn't dance, so he was following Violet and the others.Anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of, we are just having fun together. Even if the dance is ugly, isn’t it a kind of fun?

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