"Next, we're going to start some really interesting teaching methods - come on, Moon, let's take a look at what Forrest, the genius, did back then."


[Note 1] Just in case anyone is curious, I am just making this note. This is just a pattern, not a real Dark Mark.

Chapter 33 An appointment at the cabin

Until he walked out of Professor Dumbledore's office, Moon still felt that his throat was a little blocked, and he wanted to vomit but couldn't. It was extremely uncomfortable.

He never expected that Forest Dempsey would develop such a...perverted and disgusting spell.

The Secret Moth Curse is the root of everything.

Professor Dumbledore was not able to obtain Forrest Dempsey's memory, and it was impossible to obtain it. However, during the previous summer's investigation, he successfully captured a dark wizard of the Corruption Moth. , and used a little... not-so-glorious means to forcibly remove this memory (the less-glorious means were said by Professor Dumbledore himself).

Although this forcibly taken out memory will become fragmented, fortunately, in the few pictures that can be seen clearly, the two saw the gathering place of the Decay Moths, and followed the dark wizard to witness what happened many years ago. , the scene in which the dark wizards of the Decay Moth compete for supreme power after Forrest Dempsey is captured.

There are only a few intermittent clips, but almost every clip is filled with corpses whose lives have been taken away by the Killing Curse, mutilated limbs blown up by the Explosion Curse, and parts corroded by the Rotting Worm Curse that are no longer worthy of being called corpses. of pus...

More importantly, the underground secret room of the assembly hall, the most important room, was filled with broken, rotten, and even partially liquefied corpses of various moths - everywhere means, There is not an inch on the ground, on the vaulted roof, or even on the surrounding walls that is not the corpse of these moths.

According to the few clearly audible words that appeared in their memories, both Professor Moon and Professor Dumbledore knew that this room was the place where the Secret Moth Curse was learned. Only by performing a ceremony in this room could one truly learn it. Secret Moth Curse.The Secret Moth Curse is precisely the initial spell that derived from the Rotting Insect Curse and the Moth Powder Curse.Mastering the Secret Moth Curse will allow all those who learn the Rotworm Curse and the Moth Powder Curse to be counterattacked by the spell.

Obviously, this was the reason why Forest Dempsey controlled so many dark wizards of the Decay Moth.

The only regret is that this memory is missing some key parts - such as who won in the end and who survived.In other words, Professor Moon and Dumbledore were not able to see through this memory who the new leader of the Decay Moths was competing for.

However, both of them are very open-minded about this. It can be said that they are lucky to be able to obtain so much key information with such incomplete memories.

When he reached the corner of the second floor, Moon couldn't help it anymore and hurried to the bathroom to throw up. As he was vomiting, a ghost poked his face curiously out of the wall. .

Moon was frightened half to death, and Ghost was sickened half to death—both sides suffered losses, and there was no winner.

That night, Moon had a rare dream. In the dream, Randall put on his father's gray-white robe and pointed his wand at Moon's head fiercely.To be honest, this scene doesn't look scary, but a bit funny, because Randall is still the same as Moon remembers, which makes the robe too long and big for him, even covering his feet. In the robe.


The next day, the four people in Moon's dormitory slept in unison, including Moon.When they got up after ten o'clock, they realized that if they didn't hurry up, they would let others down.

After hurriedly getting dressed and bringing their belongings, the four little wizards hurriedly hurried all the way to the castle gate, while Violet, Demi, Qiu, Harry, Ron, Hesper and Quaid Seven A man was kicking stones and chatting out of boredom.

"Ahem... I'm sorry, I'm late." Moon took the three roommates and walked forward apologetically. He was the first to speak, "I've been really tired these days, so I got up a little late. Hurry up." Even if I’m late, I’m almost 10 minutes late.”

Fortunately, no one said anything. To be honest, except for Munn, no one took these less than 10 minutes seriously.

So Moon soon felt relieved and started racing with everyone.

The cause of the matter was that Yaerlin said in a narrow-minded manner that Gal accidentally put his pants on his head when he just got up. As it should be, Gal shouted that he would strangle Yaerin while chasing Yaer. Lin Feng started running - and then, somehow, the rest of the people started running too.

From a distance, it looks like a group of "runaway" teeth.

Well, that's Hagrid's assessment.

There were eleven people, not counting Hagrid. Obviously, there would be no room for them in Hagrid's hut.So everyone simply moved the tables out, and Moon used the wooden boards Hagrid had piled up next to the house to make two out of them on the spot, so that there was finally enough room to sit.Then a bunch of little guys started chatting and watching around Hagrid and Garr - otherwise there would be nothing to do. Muen could clean the tableware and arrange the items with a wand, and all that was left to do was to cook. , this kind of work must be taught to Garr and his "college apprentice" Hagrid.

There were two people, one big and one small, each facing a pot. Garr's pot was a small one, and Hagrid's pot was a large one. Garr could cook Hagrid's pot the same way.Of course, the premise was that Gal had to slow down and speak clearly, and even so, Hagrid was still a little in a hurry.

"How was your first grade life?" Moon rubbed his sleepy dog ​​head and looked at Hesper, Harry and the others curiously.

Ron shrugged. "It's much better than I thought before. I can't help it. Fred and George always like to make up things that are not there. I swear, at least half of my dislike of Slytherin comes from They - but as you said, Moon, the real Slytherin is not what I thought before, except..."

The four first-year kids looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Malfoy!"

Saying the same name so neatly, this behavior undoubtedly made everyone, including Gal and Hagrid who were cooking, look sideways.

"Well, I have to say, that guy is actually the Slytherin in my impression." Ron curled his lips in disgust, "But there's nothing I can do about it. My dad said that the whole family is like this."

"Actually, most people in Slytherin don't like that young master guy very much." Quaid said while passing the bottle of salt to Garr: "He is a bit out of tune with most people. On the contrary, he is a bit out of tune with those extreme bloodlines. People who like to bully underclassmen are better to hang out with.”

Chapter 34 It’s great to have a party or something.

"Ha, an old Slytherin." Hagrid commented: "If you ask me, you should really see that before Moon and the others came to school and there was no school newspaper, the Slytherins were all What is it like? There are purebloods everywhere, and it is difficult to find a few people among them who are not hostile to Muggle-borns. As for bullying the younger brats, it is even more common, and it is nothing. Something new.”

Demi tilted her head and watched Gal cooking from the side, and added abruptly, "I remember when I first came to Hogwarts, from time to time someone would cast evil spells on other students in the corridor. But it wasn't just that. This is Leitlin, other colleges also have this kind of thing."

"You remember correctly." Arlin suppressed a smile. "I remember very clearly that Tonks got a solitary confinement from Professor McGonagall for locking Slytherin's Clyde in the cupboard."

"Isn't that just two years ago?" Harry looked at everyone curiously. "Has the school changed so much in the past two years? I feel that most people are very friendly, including the Slytherins."

"Big change?" Suddenly, a tall figure completely enveloped Harry. Harry turned his head belatedly, only to find that the person coming was none other than Sirius and Remus, who were all smiling.

"Sirius! Uncle Lupin!" Harry's smile instantly brightened up another degree.

Hagrid put down the spoon that was stirring the cauldron and wiped his hands with his oversized apron. "After I found out that you were planning to come over today, I called Assistant Assistant Black and Assistant Lupin. I thought you would probably have no objections." Yes, right."

"Of course." Everyone laughed.

With the help of Remus, the subsequent cooking process became much smoother. Hagrid handed the big pot to him and ran to make some tea.While setting up the seats with everyone, Sirius continued: "Ha, you all don't know how surprised I was in the first two days when I came back. This is completely different from the Hogwarts I remember. I even I rarely see anyone using magic against others."

"This is a good thing, Sirius." Remus controlled the knife with his wand and cut all the remaining vegetables neatly. Gal looked envious and shouted to learn, "If it's still like what we did back then, That’s the bad thing.”

Sirius shrugged and agreed, but secretly made a face at everyone.However, despite this, he still said seriously: "Remus is right, if someone uses magic to deal with you, you should use your wand to fight back fiercely. But if you actively bully others, you really shouldn't - —It can’t be like what we were back then.”

Just when Moon was a little surprised, Sirius immediately added, "Although some people do... well, they deserve to be bullied."

"Sirius?" Remus turned around and glanced at Sirius, who quickly raised his hands in surrender.This scene made everyone laugh again, especially Moon and Cedric, because it looked so similar to the four people in their dormitory.

Not long after, the dishes and soup were all finished. Hagrid brought the last large piece of steak to the table on the oversized metal tray, then sat down on his largest chair and picked up the cup.

"I wish... um." He scratched his head and didn't know what to say for a while. He held it in for a while and finally managed to say, "Forget it, I just wish you a happy new semester!"

Everyone picked up the cups and drank the drinks and hot tea with smiles. This bright dinner scene made a lot of little wizards outside the castle look over curiously from a distance.

Gal complained about how arduous their courses were, and Yaerin "taunted" Munn, who had one more class than other third-year wizards.Ron expressed how much he was looking forward to the flying lessons [Note 1] because, like Moon and the others at the time, they would not start taking the lessons until the second week.But this time he didn't brag about riding Charlie's old broomstick and almost hitting a hang glider - this was because everyone present, except Hagrid and him, had ridden a flying broomstick, including him. Harry, Hesper and Quaid are all in the first grade.

Demi excitedly chatted about Professor Greengrass from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Everyone spoke highly of this old professor. Remus even bluntly said that he had learned a lot from Professor Greengrass recently. , learn how to teach better.As a result, the topic unknowingly got brought up in Professor Snape's Potions class.Harry and Ron complained repeatedly, and Quaid immediately started to concentrate on his food, because his performance in Potions class was also a bit bad.

Sirius originally wanted to make some comments about Professor Snape, but Remus turned him back with a look. In desperation, he had no choice but to imitate Quaid and concentrate on cooking. .

When lunch was about to be finished, Cedric took another photo with his camera - he also took one before eating, and then promised to give one to everyone after washing it.When everyone put away their things and started drinking tea, Violet took out a painting from her backpack and handed it to Hagrid. Hagrid didn’t hide anything, just unfolded it on the table and started looking at it with everyone. .

Everyone immediately recognized the scene in the painting as Hagrid’s hut. Interestingly, Violet painted a small pond next to Hagrid’s hut. Hagrid was sitting next to the pond, fishing with a fishing rod. Yaya was splashing around in the pond, splashing a lot of water.The vegetable patch in front of the cabin also grew a bountiful harvest of various crops, including the giant pumpkins that are used every year for Halloween.

Facing the vivid paintings, everyone was full of praise and praise. Hagrid was even more happy. If everyone hadn't stopped him, he looked like he wanted to find a frame to hang the paintings now.Instead, Violet was a little embarrassed by the praise. She held the tea cup with a red face and didn't dare to put it down for a long time.

Later, everyone talked about some things about Hogsmeade. As the last third-year wizard who knew that he could go to Hogsmeade starting this year, Garr expressed his dissatisfaction angrily to his three roommates. Because they were too busy this year, none of the three thought of telling him about this.But soon, Moon realized something was wrong.

"Huh? Shouldn't the fact that third graders can go to Hogsmeade be mentioned in the letter announcing their return to school? Did you miss a page of the letter?"

"...?" The dissatisfaction on Gal's face quickly turned into confusion.

"Then you didn't ask your parents to sign the application form allowing you to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Permission form?!" Gal's eyes widened. "It's over! The letters from the previous two years had the same content. I just read the textbook and tools page and threw the letter away! Why did this year's letter have three pages? !”

Arlin almost choked with laughter, and the others couldn't help laughing. Only Demi's face immediately turned a little sad.Moon shook his head helplessly, "You should take a quick look...forget it, don't worry, just go to Professor McGonagall and ask for one - but you won't be able to run away after being scolded."

Demi's complexion improved instantly, while Gal fell down at the table in grief and refused to get up.

Chapter 35 School newspaper work and future

In fact, everyone more or less wanted to stay in Hagrid's hut and have another dinner.I have to say that the lunch that Gal, Hagrid and Remus made together is really great. The steak is grilled with aroma and juiciness, and the stew made of potatoes, peppers and beef is even more exciting. The food is very good, and there are also the unique Austrian-style schnitzel and onion mac and cheese. Every meal is full of praise for the people present.

It's a pity that Moon and the others still have work to do, and there is still a lot of work to be done on the school newspaper. Besides, even if we don't mention this, Gal will have to go back and copy his homework early.

After saying goodbye full of reluctance and making an appointment to come back in a few weeks, everyone in the school newspaper office left Hagrid's hut together.In comparison, Harry and Ron had much more leisure, so they stayed here to drink tea with Hagrid for a while, and then left with Sirius and Remus.

To be honest, this agreement is not a temporary idea. Cedric's birthday is not long ago [Note 1], and it happens to be on a weekend.Therefore, everyone originally thought of coming directly to Hagrid's cabin to celebrate Cedric's birthday.

When everyone returned to the school newspaper office, most of the other school newspaper members who had time had already gathered here and started busy.Of course, Moon and others were no exception. Even though Yaerlin was drowsy because of eating too much, he had no choice but to work up his energy and start reviewing manuscripts and sorting out gossip with everyone.

"I have to say, thank you for having Munn here." Lai Ruien stretched his waist vigorously, then stood up and put the several completed manuscripts on hand on Munn's desk, and casually said: "Until I join You and I have just discovered that it is so difficult to publish a few campus newspapers at the beginning of the school year. There is absolutely nothing to write about. If it weren’t for the manuscripts provided by Moon, it would be difficult to produce a complete issue of the school newspaper. It’s difficult.”

Nash made a gesture very similar to that of a little bear spreading his hands [Note 2] - just sitting down, "Relax, Ryan, the first week of school is pretty good. At least it can fill in some things to note when school starts. , staff changes, classroom changes and other news, not to mention that at Moon’s suggestion, many clubs are recruiting new students for first-year students this year, which also provides us with a manuscript.”

"Actually, waiting for the next second and third weeks is the most difficult. There is no Quidditch match, no Hogwarts Tournament, and the club's large-scale recruitment has also been stopped. Everyone has not yet Starting to go to Hogsmeade, there aren’t that many interesting things happening in the school.”

He and Garforth looked at each other, and before they could say the next words, Angelina smiled beside him and took the lead. "That's when Munn will really show off his skills. Various spell tips." Seven out of ten articles on interpretation of difficult topics in textbooks were written by Moon himself. He can always give the best advice on what magic herbs, magic potions and magical animals should be introduced, and even interview scripts are required. He has the most flexible ideas among all, and he surprises everyone every time.”

"Although this sounds very powerful, I always feel that Munn is like a donkey..." Gabriel looked at Munn jokingly. Munn, who had just picked up a manuscript that had passed the preliminary review and was about to take a look, was He was so angry that he rolled his eyes on the spot.

"So... was this interview with the Fat Lady also Moon's idea?" Aaliyah raised the manuscript in her hand.

Angelina nodded and said: "Not only was Moon's idea to interview the Fat Madam, but even the questions we asked during the interview with the Fat Madam in the morning were designed by Moon."

"I dare say that this article will definitely arouse the liking of many people." Aaliya glanced at the manuscript again, and then said with laughter: "Have you ever thought about participating in a singing competition? What worries you most? What's the matter, my God, if there wasn't a photo attached to it, and if the person being interviewed was the portrait on the door of Gryffindor, I almost couldn't help but think that this was a living wizard being interviewed."

"The effect of this interview is probably only average." Moon read the submission from a seventh-grade Slytherin student and casually replied: "Although the Fat Lady's answer is very interesting, this article is the most interesting." It still arouses the interest of the young wizards at school. For readers outside the school, except for those who graduated from Gryffindor, most of the rest will just look at it and turn the page because they can't remember who the Fat Lady is, or even Just skip it. So when we layout, we need to enlarge the photo as much as possible, and the title should also be designed to be more fancy. Focus on highlighting that we are interviewing a portrait, and prominently mention the special features of this portrait, so that we can Let more people be interested in reading.”

"The reason why the questions are designed like they are being interviewed by an ordinary wizard is actually just to avoid offending the Fat Lady and to increase the interest of the interview. That's all."

After saying that, Moon turned his head and glanced at Qiu and Hesper who were sitting at the adjacent table. "You'd better remember it, including some other operational ideas and methods I mentioned in the future. After all, after I graduate, the school will The retribution will most likely be handed over to you.”

The two little girls looked at me and I looked at you. They quickly picked up their notebooks and wrote down what Moon just said.

When the topic of graduation was mentioned, everyone suddenly became interested again. Ashley looked at Moon curiously and asked, "Moon, have you ever thought about what you will do after graduation?"

"Uh..." Moon looked up from the manuscript, thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Either find a quiet place with a nice scenery to enjoy life and study magic, or go back to Hogwarts and become a professor."

"Huh? Aren't you going to work at the Ministry of Magic?" Bert looked over in surprise. Not only him, but most of the little wizards in the room looked at Munn, which made Munn a little confused.

"You all think you should go work for the Ministry of Magic?"

Except for Hesper, Quaid, and Violet, almost everyone nodded. Arlin even said bluntly: "I dare say that if you go to the Ministry of Magic, you will be able to become a magician in the future." Minister."

Moon looked at this group of friends who were more confident than him and couldn't help laughing. "Maybe, but it's up to whoever wants to be whoever they want to be. Well, I'm not interested in power."


[Note 1] In the original work, Cedric only mentioned that he was born in September or October 1977, and did not specify the specific date. Therefore, his detailed birthday is privately set for this book. Please pay attention to the difference.

[Note 2] "Little Bear Spreading His Hands" is a classic action once performed by Clearlove, a professional player in the Chinese division of League of Legends, and gradually became an interesting meme in the Internet.Readers who don't know and are interested can go to Baidu to view the original action video.

Chapter 36 Episode

Everyone's life at Hogwarts slowly started to run step by step as usual.

Get up early every morning, go to the auditorium for breakfast, then go to the classroom to spend some wonderful or not so wonderful class time with the professors, then go to lunch, then go to class, then have dinner, and then go back Do homework, chat, play chess, games, and sleep.

Nothing special happened, it was just another shouting letter sent to someone's home, forcing him to abandon his half-eaten breakfast and run out the door in a hurry to avoid encountering the horrific moment of social death; He played another prank on the lower-grade students, which resulted in him being put in a jail sentence and being publicly disliked by everyone - after all, it is no longer popular in Hogwarts to hang people upside down or stuff them into cabinets. .

The Weasley twins lived up to their title of mischief-makers. They broke into the Forbidden Forest three times in the first two weeks of school and even threw two dung bombs at Filch's door. The points deducted from Gryffindor were probably enough for both of them. You can't make any money back if you sell it.With this "great achievement", the two of them also successfully appeared in the issue of the school newspaper published on Monday of the third week (Professor McGonagall insisted on using the two as models of criticism to warn other students, Fred and George expressed [-]% agreement with this).

The enthusiasm caused by Harry Potter's arrival finally subsided. Little Harry was very happy about this. He no longer had to worry about a crowd of people watching him wherever he went.

Ron joined the Wizard Chess Club and became a rising star in the Wizards Chess Club. With his outstanding talent, most people in the Wizards Chess Club praised him and even said that if he could continue to grow If I continue, I will definitely be able to represent the British wizarding community in some major events in the future.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another more important thing happening.

Harry Potter joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team in his first year.

Neville's grandma still sent Neville a memory ball as usual, and Malfoy was still acting stupidly as before, taking away the crystal ball that Neville had left behind after he fell down during the flying lesson - it seems that The hurricane caused by Moon's flapping wings did not reach Neville's grandmother, and the changes he brought to Hogwarts did not make Malfoy restrain himself. According to Ashley, this little guy One look reminded her of Nathaniel Carlo from before.

But everything still had a slight deviation from the original world. In addition to Harry, the person flying into the sky to snatch the memory ball also had Quaid (although Quaid was not of much help due to his average flying skills), and Afterwards, with Hesper and Quaid taking the lead in testifying, Malfoy finally received the punishment he deserved: a solitary confinement and a fifteen-point deduction.

In addition, Harry also received a shower of celebratory fireworks. Everyone bought a lot of pop-up fireworks and firecrackers by mail, allowing Harry to enjoy a star treatment - he had not done so previously because everyone was celebrating Ron's becoming a wizard. He was envious of the new star of the club. If he hadn't been so good at wizard chess, he would have tried it along with him.

As a result, September NO.18, that is, Wednesday of the third week, when Munn and the others were preparing to return to the castle after finishing their Care of Magical Creatures class, they saw Noisy on the lawn not far from the castle gate. Malfoy's group, Harry and Ron were having a hard time.

After noticing this scene, Munn and the others immediately left the group of young wizards they had just attended class with and walked over there. Not long after they got closer, they heard Draco Malfoy's arrogant voice full of excitement. In a tone full of disgust, "Ha! Potter! I guess you must enjoy the feeling of being noticed by everyone. I guess this is probably the first time you have been so respected by others? Huh? Enjoy it! Harry Potter ! You'll have to pack up and leave soon!"

"It's better than having only these two stupid guys and a few people who are as miserable as you around you every day." Harry immediately retorted, and at the same time he didn't forget to mock Crabbe and Goyle.

Malfoy twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he was disdainful, but also seemed a little angry. He glared at Harry and Ron fiercely, and then turned around to leave. As a result, when he turned around, he saw someone walking this way not far behind him. Moon and others came - this shocked him. Obviously he knew the kinship between Moon, Hesper and Quaid. In terms of quantity, quality, age, height, and body shape, both parties When there was a big gap between Xanadu and Xanadu, Malfoy made a wise choice and turned his head and walked in another direction.

Harry and Ron, who witnessed this scene, immediately laughed loudly and greeted Moon and the others happily.

"Hey, Moon, Seid, have you just finished class?" Harry curiously glanced in the direction of the castle gate, where there were some scattered students walking inside.

"Yes, the last class was the Care of Magical Creatures class - by the way, those are the Malfoy gang you mentioned before?" Arlin curiously glanced at the backs of the three Malfoys who were about to disappear, asked super gossipy.

"Well, that's them." When they mentioned Malfoy and the others, Harry and Ron couldn't help showing expressions of disgust. Harry even said bluntly: "I originally thought I would never meet Bidalley in this life. He is also a peer that I hate, I didn’t expect to meet such a person not long after I arrived at Hogwarts.”

Ron shrugged. "I'm not too surprised. That guy is exactly the same as the Slytherin I knew before."

Several people walked towards the castle while chatting. Harry and Ron also explained why they ran outside the castle at this time - since joining the Quidditch team, Harry likes to drag Ron along whenever he has time. Running to the Quidditch pitch, today was no exception. The two of them obviously didn't expect that they would be so unlucky. When they were about to go back for dinner, they happened to meet Malfoy and the others.

Arlin lived up to expectations and once again grasped the key point, and found an opportunity to start asking Harry about Dudley, whom he had just mentioned casually.Harry didn't hide anything. He told everything about his past experiences at the Dursleys. As a result, everyone was filled with indignation. Garr even vowed to find an opportunity to help Harry in the future. Teach Dudley a lesson.

After returning to the auditorium, dinner was already placed on the long table, so they said goodbye to each other and went back to their respective long tables in the college.

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