Chapter 37 Birthday

For Cedric, this year's birthday may not be the most unforgettable birthday in the rest of his life, but compared to the birthdays in the past ten years, this will undoubtedly be a birthday experience he has never had before.

Moon and the others also celebrated Cedric's birthday in the past two years, but they were always in the dormitory. The four of them shared a piece of cake, laughed and played for a while, and it just passed.And this year, not only did everyone gather in the school newspaper office like that time to celebrate the New Year for Moon, but the number of people was much larger than last time.Fortunately, the school newspaper office is big enough, otherwise we would never be able to sit down.In addition, this was also the main reason why they did not choose to go to Hagrid's place in the end. It was too eye-catching for so many people to play together outside Hagrid's hut.

What's more, this is not only the first time that Cedric has so many people celebrating his birthday, but today is also a special day - a full moon night.

So this birthday party was naturally moved to the afternoon.

A large cake that took several owls to transport, a large rib rack baked by Gal and Hagrid themselves, a pile of colorful candies freshly ordered from Honeydukes, and of course, everyone did not forget to pick up some more The wool in the kitchen secretly took out a lot of scattered desserts, ice cream and other things.

Chatting and having fun, fortunately no one went too far and threw the cakes around, just poked some cream with their fingers and spread it on others.Gal took out a large piece of cheese that exuded a strange sour smell as if it was a treasure. In the end, no one except a few people who knew the product dared to try it.Hagrid played a messy tune on his homemade flute. No one disliked it, but no one praised him for playing it well.

Halfway through, Ron and Artman played a wizard chess exhibition match in full view of the public. In the end, Artman narrowly won - don't think Ron is weak. Don't forget, it was just out of interest. When Ron was playing, Atman would spend some time every day reading books about wizard chess, pondering the skills of playing chess, and playing with his own chess pieces.What's more, Yatman himself can be regarded as a young wizard with a high talent for wizard chess. Even in this case, Yatman's victory is not that easy, which shows how good Ron's talent is. .

Since it's a birthday, of course, giving gifts is indispensable.Although no one's gifts were opened immediately, everyone could tell that Sirius's gift was a broomstick at a glance.Moon knew better, it was a Nimbus 2000 like Harry's.It was expensive, but it wasn't considered a valuable item to Sirius.

The reason why Munn knew so clearly was obviously because Sirius repeated his old trick. Yes, he also asked Munn about the birthday gift for Cedric on the spur of the moment, and Munn provided him with several alternatives. ——Unlike choosing a gift for Harry, Moon is obviously much more familiar with Cedric, so choosing a gift is a little easier.Then, among several alternatives, Sirius easily and freely chose the most expensive broomstick, and also bought the best Nimbus 2000 on the market.

Moon smiled as he watched Gall chasing Arlin all over the place, while secretly wondering if Sirius would be like that if the two of them used Nimbus 2000 to compete on the Quidditch field. Diudiu regrets.

This was definitely just a joke. If Sirius regretted doing something like this, he wouldn't be Sirius anymore.

But as Moon thought about it, he still amused himself again, because it was really hard for him to imagine the scene of Sirius beating his chest.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Gemma walking toward him with a cheerful pace and a rare cheerful smile on her face.

Different from Gemma in the past - most of the time, the emotions Moon felt in Gemma were relatively calm. There were rare times when there were big fluctuations, and there had never been such obvious and extremely high emotions as today.Curiously, he picked up Violet's small bag on the seat next to him and made room for Gemma. After Gemma sat down, he asked softly: "What's wrong? Did something happy happen?"

Gemma nodded immediately, then raised her hand to touch her cheek with some embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Did I show it so obviously?"

"Yes." Moon said in a dumbfounded voice, "I didn't pay much attention when I first came here, but I missed it. Now that I think about it carefully, you seem to have been smiling all the time since you got here today."

There were two blushes on Gemma's cheeks. She took a sip of the pumpkin juice in her hand, and then lowered her voice as much as possible - but the excitement in her tone could not be hidden at all, "I want to tell you Thank you, um...remember what I asked you last semester, what would happen if I confessed to someone as old as you?"

Before Moon could answer, she continued to smile and said: "You must have guessed that at that time, I actually had someone I liked. Then...after asking you that time, I hesitated for a long time, until yesterday. Confess your love to him.”

"So he agreed." Moon looked at Gemma, raised the cup and touched her gently, and said with the same smile: "You have already written all the answers on your face."

"Well, he agreed - and I was probably carried away by my happiness, so I formally submitted an application to the Muggle dance company that I had always admired." Gemma glanced at the person who was playing with the accompaniment in the middle of the room. , Larian danced a brisk pas de deux with Gabrielle. "They also approved my application. I can join directly as soon as I graduate next year~"

"Wow." Moon looked at Gemma with sincerity and amazement. "This is really... To be honest, I know you like dancing, but I never thought that you would choose to join a dance troupe and become a dancer." A real dancer, amazing, congratulations~"

Gemma smoothed her hair, "Ha, I knew if I told you these words, you would only congratulate me, instead of feeling strange like others and then questioning my decision."

She turned sideways, stretched out her hand, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Munn. Whether it's the things you've done in the past two years, the help you've given me, or your blessing just now, I really appreciate it. grateful."

Moon shook hands with her gently, and then joked: "Thanks cannot be just words. Remember to send me two tickets in the future and invite me to your show."

Gemma's stern face showed another smile, "Of course, I won't forget it. Okay, I'm going to dance with them, won't you come?"

Moon scratched her head bitterly and pointed at Violet who was scooping ice cream in the corner of the room, "Forget it, I am a pure dancer. If I want to dance, I have to wait for Violet to come back and take me." "

Gemma looked at Moon, then at Violet, and suddenly whispered "Come on", then she lifted up the edge of her robe, walked briskly to Ashley's side, and pulled Ashley with her. Along with Shirley, they danced a pas de deux next to Gabrielle and Laryn.

Chapter 38 Full Moon

The birthday party finally came to an end only in the evening, when the sun was about to set.Everyone worked together to clean up the messy school newspaper office (actually, it was just a matter of waving a magic wand), and they also agreed that if someone's birthday happened to be on a weekend and everyone had time, they would gather here again. Just get together.

It should be a little change in the dull school life.

Not long after, everyone left one after another. At the end, only Moon, Burt, Professor Lupine and Sirius were left in the school newspaper office. Harry and Ron wanted to stay for a while, but However, after much hesitation, the two of them chose to go to the Quidditch pitch with Quaid.

"So, are you going to go there today too? Sirius?" Moon printed the school newspaper to be distributed tomorrow and glanced at Sirius curiously. "What, do you miss the Shrieking Shack?"

Sirius lazily leaned back on the chair, combed his hair that was messed up during the dance, and then said with a smile: "Of course, I miss that place so much, right Remus."

Professor Lupine looked at Sirius helplessly, "Don't involve me in everything, Sirius, I don't miss it at all, I just have to go."

Bert, who was helping Munn, glanced at the two of them with envy, but when he turned his head, he saw Munn looking down at the finished newspaper. Somehow, most of the envy in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Oh, by the way, Remus, Sirius." Moon put down the newspaper with satisfaction and let the printing press start working again. At the same time, he looked at Professor Lupine and Sirius who were bickering, "Professor Dumbledore asked me to tell you Let me tell you, after the full moon night, doesn't Remus have to rest for a few days? So Sirius, you must work harder and help with the extra classes. Then wait until a week later, Remus has rested, little Sirius, you take another week off. This way, we can claim to the outside world that the two of you were coordinated when you joined the school. Each of you will have a week off every month, and the risk of Remus' exposure will also become smaller."

"In addition, starting from next month, your rest time will have to be adjusted a little. Sirius, you will start your vacation in the week before the full moon night. The external caliber will also be determined to be that you will help take care of the transformation during the rest time. Bert in the front and back will be more secure when the time comes.”

The two of them nodded when they heard this. It was related to Remus' safety, and more importantly whether Remus could keep his job at Hogwarts for a long time. Naturally, they couldn't neglect it.After all, as long as the matter mentioned by Moon is settled smoothly, Remus will not need to live a homeless life at least while Burt is still attending Hogwarts, let alone worry about the Ministry of Magic in the coming year. There is the threat of a new law coming into force in January.

After enough newspapers had been printed, time was almost up. After confirming that the two people who were going to transform tonight had drunk the wolfsbane potion, everyone quietly left the castle and followed the secret passage under the Whomping Willow. All the way to the Shrieking Shack.

"Hey, this place looks even better than it did back then - I thought it would become shabby after so many years." Sirius said in surprise as soon as he arrived at the Shrieking Shack.

Remus smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "You're right, this place has indeed become dilapidated before, but because in the last few months of last semester, Bert and I went there every month. We want to come here to transform, so the three of us have tidied up everything inside and outside this place, otherwise how could it be like this."

Moon took out four bottles of milk from the cabinet in the room and distributed them to everyone. He also put down the shade cloth in the back and lit the brazier.Remus and Burt changed their clothes first, and then prepared food and water for themselves.After everything was in place, Moon arranged the cushions so that everyone could have a place to sit. However, when this was done, Sirius screamed again.

A few minutes later, with Remus and Burt groaning in pain, the wolf transformation began.

Probably remembering the past, Sirius looked at the two of them with some worry, and finally turned into the big black dog. Unexpectedly, this distracted Burt a little bit, and it was a little help to him. Reduced some burden.Munn also looked at the two of them quietly. It was not until the two of them completely transformed into wolves that he nodded lightly towards Munn. Then Munn responded and leaned against the wall while holding up the book.

There was nothing they could do. The two people who were still sane due to the wolfsbane potion were facing severe pain from time to time on their bodies and mental exhaustion. They had no idea of ​​moving at all.What's more, they couldn't speak since they had turned into wolves, and it was undoubtedly wishful thinking to chat for a while.In order to accompany the two of them, Sirius also turned into a big black dog, lying on the mat and looking at the two werewolves from a distance.Besides reading, Moon really had nothing to do.

It's something to be happy about - or actually it's not something to be happy about, but at least it's a good situation. With Remus and Moon by his side, Bob, who has been transforming into a wolf every month for more than half a year, (Remus also regularly went to accompany Burt when he transformed into a wolf during the summer vacation). Now he no longer feels so depressed and depressed because of his wolf transformation.Although he would occasionally howl twice, it could only be regarded as a small amount of catharsis at best, and it was nowhere near as shrill as the original scream.

By the second half of the night, Burt had fallen asleep on the floor, and Remus had closed his eyes to rest. Sirius then returned to his human form, went to the cabinet and found two bottles of pumpkin juice. Clinking glasses with Moon, he said with a smile: "It's outside school anyway. I think you can consider stocking some beer or something here. Oh, no, I forgot that you are only 13 years old. I'll buy some later. Let it go."

Moon drank half a bottle of pumpkin juice in a big gulp, then burped and said: "If you want to drink here, be prepared to be questioned by Professor Dumbledore. Anyway, I I can’t guarantee that he will come over and take a look at everything. If he finds out, you will be doomed. "

"What are you afraid of? I just said that I drank it by myself." Sirius casually leaned against the door, stroking the pumpkin juice bottle in his hand. "Otherwise, just drinking pumpkin juice would be too boring."

Moon looked at him speechlessly, "You just said that I'm only 13 years old, right? Do you still want me to have a few drinks with you?"

Sirius glanced at Remus who was lying quietly on the ground, and then winked at Moon, "Come on, I don't believe you haven't drank."

Moon was speechless for a moment. After all, strictly speaking, he did drink a little bit with his family every Christmas.

Chapter 39 Small daily life

In the early morning of the next day, when the four of them slowly walked out of the secret passage under the Whomping Willow, the sky was already bright.

Sirius, who was the first to come out to survey the outside environment in case a student caught him unawares, turned back into his human form and looked back at Moon worriedly, "Hey, Moon, you really don't need to go get some sleep? I'm going to sleep for a while today." There are no classes, Remus and Bert are both on holiday, so you still need to go to class."

"It's okay. It's over after a long morning. In the afternoon, there is a history of magic class. I can sleep in class." Moon waved his hand nonchalantly and said with a smile, "It's not a big problem."

In fact, he didn't look like he had just stayed up all night - looking at his energetic demeanor, he probably wouldn't be sleepy this morning.

Regarding Moon's blatant statement that he wanted to sleep in the History of Magic class, Burt and Sirius accepted it as a matter of course. Even Remus didn't say anything. It is estimated that he might have been in the class when he was in school. I must have slept in History of Magic class.

After successfully returning to the castle, Moon took Bert all the way to the school newspaper office, while Remus and Sirius went straight to their lounge.

When they arrived at the school newspaper office, Angelina and Aaliya had already started distributing school newspapers here. Owls squatted in rows by the window, waiting for the two to distribute the newspapers to schools in different areas. The reports are sorted.Seeing the two of them coming back, the two little girls, who knew what they were doing last night, hurried up to them and asked about Bert's condition.Although Bert looked weak, he still managed to muster the energy to chat with them for a few words, and then ran to the small compartment specially separated for him to continue resting.

With Munn joining in, the sorting work went much faster. After a while, the three people who finished their work left the school newspaper office together with newspapers in their arms - except for those newspapers that were to be sent to various places, the rest They are all reserved for professors and wizards at Hogwarts.


"How was last night? Did you stay up all night again?" Hufflepuff had already reserved a place for Munn on the long table. As soon as she arrived, Violet pushed a cup of coffee in front of Munn. Then he looked at Moon with a slightly worried look, "My face looks fine, and there are no dark circles under my eyes, but there is no history of magic class in the morning."

"Don't worry, this is not the first time. Isn't it the same way we came here in the second half of the semester last year?" Moon smiled and rubbed Violet's hair, looking at the narrow eyes of Gal and Cedric. , the little girl looked away with a slightly red face, but did not move her head away.

"Okay, whatever you want, remember to ask for leave if you really can't."

Larian and Gabriel, who were sitting across from a few people, looked at each other, and then Larian asked curiously, "Muen is not that old, he is just a child. How can he feel this kind of touching his head?" Do it as it should.”

Gabriel seized the opportunity and immediately put his hand on La Ruien's head. Then La Ruien turned around and retreated with a glare. He sneered and held up the cup to cover his face.

"Probably because he is Moon." Gal chewed the oily cutlet vigorously and said slightly vaguely: "Anyway, as long as it's him, I wouldn't be surprised."

Arlin glanced at him sideways, "What if Moon murdered Cedric tomorrow and then absconded to become a dark wizard wanted by the Ministry of Magic?"

Gal's mouth that was chewing suddenly stopped. He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "That is indeed quite strange, but if it were another classmate who I was not very familiar with, my first reaction would definitely be that there is something wrong with that person. Moon was misunderstood, or he was simply wronged."

Arlin wanted to choke him again, but when the words came to his lips, he thought about it again and realized that he probably felt the same way, so he gave up decisively.

Cedric was the only one with a look of helplessness on his face. If you two want to argue, just argue. Why did you have to let Moon kill me?

How about I go?

The two big classes after breakfast completely proved to Munn's classmates that Munn was indeed very energetic. During the entire four-hour class from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon, everyone was stunned not to see Muen. En dozed off once and didn't even yawn.

But this kind of spiritual leader was ultimately defeated by Professor Binns' "Hypnotizing Magic Sound". Only five minutes into the history of magic class, Moon fell headfirst into his "A Hundred Years of Transfiguration Overview" and continued until I couldn't even raise my head after class.

"Well, you two lost." Yaerlin smiled evilly and poked Yatman and Ackerman in the arms, and whispered: "Give me the money~"

Yatman and Ackerman looked at Munn who was sleeping soundly with pain. During lunch, they were bewitched by Yaerlin and made a bet. If Munn fell asleep in the History of Magic class in the afternoon, they would Each of them had to give Arlin one Silver Sickle. If Munn didn't fall asleep in the History of Magic class in the afternoon, Yaerin would give each of them five Silver Sickles.

Facts have proved that there is no free lunch in the world, and they should not be so confident that Moon can persist in not sleeping in the History of Magic class.

That's Professor Binns!

However, now, it was too late to regret it. The two of them could only take out the shiny silver coins and hand them into Yaerlin's hands, and then secretly vowed in their hearts that they would not make random bets related to Munn in the future.

How could the two of them have Moon's roommate who knew Moon better... They were not Violet.


In the next few days, everyone's life gradually returned to normal, and nothing major happened in Hogwarts.In mid-October, everyone celebrated Angelina's birthday together [Note 1]. Unfortunately, it was not as well attended as last time, because several people could not spare the time to come, but it was not a bit lively. It's no worse than last time.

After Angelina's birthday, everyone in the school newspaper office became even busier - in less than a month, the first Quidditch match of this school year will start, and the two sides playing against each other will be... Llanffindor and Slytherin.In other words, Oliver, Angelina, and Alya of the Gryffindor House team and Terrence of the Slytherin House team had to spend most of their spare time training.

Undoubtedly, the same goes for Harry, who has joined the Gryffindor house team. This has led to Sirius recently running to the Quidditch pitch when he had nothing to do, and charming a large number of senior girls.For this reason, many people joked that with the departure of a student (Victor) and the arrival of a professor (Sirius), ordinary boys at Hogwarts would soon have no way to survive.


[Note 1] Like Cedric, the original book only mentioned that Angelina Johnson’s birthday was in October 1977, and did not mention the specific date. This is also a private setting of this book, and it is for Angelina. My birthday is in mid-October, October 10th.

Chapter 40 A world where no one gets hurt is achieved

"Ah, it's almost Halloween again..."

In the principal's office, Professor Dumbledore held a cup of hot tea and said with emotion: "Year after year, it goes so fast."

Moon nodded, his expression still a bit dazed - not that he was lamenting the passage of time like Professor Dumbledore, but that he had not yet recovered from the memory that the old man had just shown him.

Just a few minutes ago, Professor Dumbledore took him to review a memory, an amazing battle scene performed by the greatest white magician of our time.And his opponents were six dark wizards with extraordinary strength.

One to six, a complete victory, without any sloppiness, and never got into a hard fight from the beginning to the end. From the moment the battle began, to the end, all six dark wizards were subdued. They suppressed the opponent with high intensity throughout the process, and even allowed those six people to join forces. No chance to breathe.

After seeing this memory completely, Moon just wanted to give Professor Dumbledore a thumbs up.

What is high-end?This kind of thing is called high-end.

"By the way, you can go to Hogsmeade this weekend. How about it? Have you thought about where to go?" Professor Dumbledore looked at Moon with a smile. "If you go out on a date with a girl, you have a good plan." It must be done well.”

"...?" Moon was even more dazed now. It is true that he and Violet have been much closer this semester, but this gossip spread too fast, and it reached the principal's ears. .

Hmm... No, this is Professor Dumbledore.It seems normal for him to know the gossip about students...?


Moon did not deny Professor Dumbledore's statement, but just gave the old man a helpless look, and then said: "There is really no good place to go, why don't you give me some recommendations?"

Professor Dumbledore suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Sure enough, Moon was still the same Moon, and he would never suffer a loss in this kind of thing - fortunately, he was prepared in advance.

"Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House is very good. If I remember correctly, student couples in recent years like to go there. In addition, if Violet likes to eat sweets, you must bring her She goes to Honeydukes. There is no need to go to the Shrieking Shack. You must have told Violet the truth there, so there will be nothing interesting." The old man said seriously, as if Moon It's like I really don't know this.

Moon sighed and responded perfunctorily, completely declaring his failure in this verbal "confrontation".

Professor Dumbledore had already mentioned Violet's name. If he continued talking, he might say, "You and Violet looked really good when they were chatting in the common room last night." It’s very comfortable.”

Wrong, he was wrong in the first place. He should let everyone come to Professor Dumbledore to collect gossip. In this way, it is guaranteed that the gossip section of the school newspaper will always have breaking news to read.

Professor Dumbledore, who had won the victory, let go of Moon with satisfaction. After chatting with him for a few words, he waved his hand and let him go.

To be honest, if Professor Dumbledore hadn't mentioned something, he would have almost forgotten to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow.But it's not a big deal if he forgets. He has booked the location of Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House a week in advance. At most, he will have to find clothes when he gets up tomorrow, which will inevitably lead to a lot of fuss.

As a result, after he returned to the dormitory, he discovered that Gal and Cedric were also picking out clothes to wear when going to Hogsmeade tomorrow. Only Arlin was sitting on the bed, flipping through books boredly, and complaining about the two from time to time. outfit.

Seeing that Munn finally came back, Yaerlin happily greeted him, but after the greeting was over, he realized that something was wrong. Munn seemed to have to join the "clothes-selecting army" of those two people.

After looking at Munn for two seconds, Arlin sighed, fell down on the bed, and covered his face with a pillow. "Change it! Change it! You can change it! I'll look at this Hogsmeade." It’s okay not to go!”

Obviously, this was probably not the first time that Arlin had said this tonight, because as soon as he finished speaking, Cedric and Gal immediately burst into laughter.Moon shrugged helplessly, then walked over and patted Yaerlin's bedrail, suppressing a smile and said, "You really don't want to go?"

"I'm not going!" Yaerlin held the pillow and said loudly, "I'm not going to say anything!".

"Okay, then I'll help you turn down the invitation from Emma Cross from Ravenclaw?"

"Who?!" Yaerlin threw away the pillow, sat up suddenly, and looked at Moon with wide eyes, "Emma Cross???"

"Yes, Emma Cross, the Ravenclaw girl you said was cute last month, the one who was almost knocked unconscious by you running wildly outside the greenhouse."

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