"No, no, no! Don't push, don't push! I'm going, I will definitely go, whoever doesn't go is a fool." Arlin excitedly got out of bed and went straight to the cabinet containing his clothes.Finally, when he reached the cabinet, he turned back suspiciously, "You're not lying to me, Moon, how could Cross suddenly ask me to go to Hogsmeade?"

Moon shrugged, took out the note from his pocket and handed it to Yalin, "Probably since that accidental 'bump', you have been looking at the Ravenclaw table every breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you were Qiu looked at Cedric and saw it, so Qiu asked Nash, Nash asked Violet, and Violet asked me - so I told what happened that day, and then you can probably guess Are you here? Passing it back one by one, Cross knew about it. He looked cute, but he was much braver than you. After you met me today, tell me that you want to invite you. As I said, if she hadn’t met me, she would probably be planning to come to you directly tomorrow.”

Arlin took the note with a bright smile, and after taking a look at it, he almost jumped up on the spot, but in the end he restrained himself, kissed the note hard, and then hurriedly turned over it like Cedric and Gal. Picked up the wardrobe.

Moon smiled and glanced at his three roommates, then opened the suitcase himself and began to think about what to wear tomorrow.

To be honest, he actually thinks this is good. It is the period when emotions are budding at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Gal and Arlin can both find the girl they like, and Cedric can also get to know Qiu Zhang in advance.It's better than actually gathering singles in a dormitory - this is not an auto-chess game, no matter how many singles you have, you won't be able to rise to a star level.

The only problem is...

Moon raised his head slightly and thought with amusement that it would be fun if the four of them accidentally bumped into each other when they were wandering around Hogsmeade with the girl they liked tomorrow.

Chapter 41 A trip to Hogsmeade

What Moon was worried about hadn't happened after all—at least it hadn't happened until Moon and Violet arrived at Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse.

However, this is most likely because as soon as Moon and Violet arrived in Hogsmeade, they went straight to Mrs. Puddieffe's Tea House, making this the first stop of their Hogsmeade trip today.

I have to say that this place is not as...beautiful as other little wizards say. To be precise, neither Moon nor Violet feel very good about this place.There are many tables and chairs placed in the small and cramped space, and there are crooked lace decorations everywhere: tablecloths, chair covers, curtains above the portraits, etc., even the cylinder for placing the spoon on the table. Wear a gauze cover with lace trim.

Oh yes, mentioning the spoons, the spoons here are all tied with pink bows...

In addition, even though it is not Valentine's Day, Mrs. Puddifu's Teahouse is always crowded with young couples. Although not every couple is too over the top, there are always people who can't wait to start kissing as soon as they sit down, and some people will deliberately He made a loud sound, as if hoping to make his lover feel his passion.

Well, that was the case for the Ravenclaw couple sitting at the table next to Moon and Violet.

Moon and Violet were forced to listen to the sound of the two kissing. Instead of feeling any sense of ambiguity, they would have been embarrassed. If not for Mrs. Pudifu's timely delivery of the pot they ordered. For black tea, they both wanted to run away on the spot.

Seeing that the cup and teapot were finally not covered with lace cloth covers like trays, Moon breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the teapot and poured tea for the two of them.As a result, when the black tea flowed out of the spout, he was immediately stunned.

To be honest, in his two lifetimes of about thirty years together, he never dreamed that he would actually see the light pink heart-shaped mist floating on the black tea.

Seeing the astonishment on Moon's face, Violet finally laughed sincerely. She pursed her lips and took the teapot from Moon's hand and put it down. Then she held Moon's hand seriously and said, "I'll be there too." It feels a little uncomfortable, how about we change places?"

Moon breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. The two of them completely abandoned the pot of black tea on the table and walked out of the teahouse together holding hands.

Fortunately, Moon had paid when he placed the order, otherwise they might have been tortured for a while longer, because the bar was already crowded with new couples.

After leaving Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse, Moon immediately took a deep breath, then smiled and said to Violet: "Thank you so much. If I stay in there for a while longer, I'm afraid I will suffocate to death."

Violet chuckled and used her free hand to help Moon take off the cat hair that got stuck on his clothes. At the same time, she said: "It's not just you, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable staying in there too, Paddy." Mrs. Fu used too many lace decorations and pink and peach-colored scenery, and there were too many people in the room and it was noisy, which made people feel depressed."

"Then do you want to go somewhere else later? If not, we can go to Honeydukes or The Three Broomsticks. I've been there once before, and it's not bad. Although we can't drink, we can also drink something else. . But... there should be quite a lot of people there." Moon pulled Violet to the side of the road so as not to block other little wizards coming and going. "I heard that Zoko's Joke Shop is also very interesting, but I think you There should be no interest."

Violet thought for a moment, then decisively chose the Three Broomsticks, "Let's go to the Three Broomsticks. If there are more people, go there. It's good to have something to quench your thirst. Honeydukes, we can go there when we leave soon." Ah, you must remember to remind me that Honeydukes must go, and I promised Hesper to bring her some new Honeydukes products back."

"Okay." Munn responded with a smile, and the two made up their minds and wandered towards the Three Broomsticks.

As Moon said, the business here at the Three Broomsticks is also quite prosperous, and the number of people there is not less than that of Mrs. Puddieffe's Teahouse, but even more.What's even more interesting is that they met many acquaintances here.

"Hey! Moon! Violet!" As soon as they walked in, Sirius, who was sitting handsomely in the armchair, waved to them - Sirius' seat was facing the door, so he could see it at a glance. Two people arrived.

Following Sirius' voice, most of the guests in the Three Broomsticks turned their heads and looked this way.There was no way, most of the guests here today were professors and students from Hogwarts. The only one who knew at a glance that she was not from Hogwarts, Ms. Rosmerta, also knew Moon.

Moon was startled for a moment, then quickly turned to look at Violet, and slightly loosened the grip on her hands so that Violet could pull her hands away.

Violet also turned to look at Munn, but she did not take her hand away from Munn's hand, but there was a bit of blush on her cheeks and a slightly shy smile.

A smile appeared on Moon's face again. He clenched his hand again, and then faced the mixed looks in the room and waved towards Sirius' table with his other hand. Except for Sirius, Lem Si was also at the table, along with Professor Greengrass and Professor Flitwick.

After saying hello to Sirius and others, he smiled and nodded to another table, where Gabrielle and Lillian were sitting with their roommates.

After greeting both tables, he started to lead Violet towards the bar, while responding to the others - nodding to this one, smiling to that one, and waving to the people at the next table... ...On the short walk to the bar, he and Violet walked for more than 30 seconds.

"Ms. Rosmerta." Looking at the teasing landlady, Moon shrugged helplessly, "Please bring me two violet drinks, the one in the second row on the board - it should be non-alcoholic, right?"

"Don't worry, it's non-alcoholic." Ms. Rosmerta responded, first bringing a small plate of snacks to the two of them. "Here, the newly researched snacks are given away for free today."

Moon was constantly talking to people along the way. How could he not notice that no one else had the same snacks on the table, or even the same plate?Obviously this was a snack "given to them for free". Moon didn't intend to tell the truth, he just thought of her kindness. As a result, just as he was about to turn around and chat with Violet, he was tapped on the shoulder again. , had no choice but to turn around, and was startled by someone coming from behind.

Chapter 42 Trip to Hogsmeade [-]

"Huh? How did you..." Moon stared at Uncle Edgar, who was wrapped in a thick cloak and wearing a hood even though he was in the bar, and asked in surprise.

Seeing that Munn recognized him, Edgar pulled down the hood on his head, covering most of his face again, and then chuckled and said: "It's okay, Munn, you can actually resist not touching my face." Now that I've called you by name, it seems like I've taught you all these years in vain."

"..." After hearing this, how could Moon not know that Uncle Edgar, just as he thought, probably had some mission to complete here.But the question is...what skills have you taught me over the years? !A hundred tips for picking up girls?

Not to mention, if it were replaced by "One Hundred Tips for Falling in Love", Moon might actually be willing to study it seriously.

Seeing that Munn was rendered speechless by him, Edgar couldn't help but smile with success, and then patted Munn on the shoulder, "Okay, keep busy with your little girlfriend, and pretend you don't see me. That’s fine, I won’t disturb you anymore.”

"...I wish for it." Moon sighed and whispered, then ignored Edgar, turned back, and picked up the violet water that Ms. Rosmerta had sent over.

"It tastes pretty good~" Violet shook the cup she had already taken two sips from. "So, do you have any ideas for the Halloween dinner in a few days?"

Moon took a sip of the bright-colored drink in the cup - the taste was a bit bland, but it had a special aroma that was very special the first time he drank it, and the aftertaste was even more amazing, compared to several similar drinks he had drunk before. The drinks named Violet are better.

"I don't have any special ideas. If I have to say... I kind of want to get two giant monsters and place them at the gate of the castle."

"Troll?" Violet was startled for a moment, then laughed. "It sounds a bit weird, but when you think about it, it seems to be quite suitable for Halloween."

"So, do you want to dress up as a troll with me?" Munn tilted his head, and halfway through he was amused by this ridiculous statement.

"Hmm..." Violet tilted her head and looked at the cup in her hand. After pondering for two seconds, she said to Moon seriously: "It's not impossible."

"Ahem -" Moon, who had just taken another sip of his drink, almost choked himself. "Farewell, farewell. Even if you have to pretend to be a ghost, you can still pretend to be something good-looking. And there are only some rumors about how to arrange this year. Maybe it will just be..." Let’s have an ordinary dinner party.”

Violet smiled and handed Munn a tissue, then nodded, "Okay, you're right, let's wait until there is news."

The two of them huddled in the corner of the bar and chatted quietly for a while. After drinking two glasses of violet water, they finally left the Three Broomsticks and wandered outside.

Originally, the two of them had agreed to wander around the village for a while, take a look around and look at the scenery, and then go to Honeydukes when they were done. Then they could go straight back to Hogwarts.After walking around for a while, the countless owls visible to the naked eye in the window of the Hogsmeade post office piqued the two's interest, and they went straight to the store.Among them was an extremely cute Owl [Note 1] that looked like a big-eyed sparrow that Violet couldn't stop teasing for a while.

Naturally, the owl at the post office cannot be sold to outsiders, but seeing that Violet really liked it, Moon found the staff at the post office, and after asking for permission, used the camera he brought to Violet and the little one. The guy took some photos.Fortunately, this little thing, which is no bigger than Moon's palm, is not afraid of strangers at all, and even looks at the camera when taking pictures. Otherwise, it is impossible to see any of these photos clearly.

After coming out of the Hogsmeade post office, the two of them quickly ran to the quill shop in Literary Residence. Violet mysteriously ran away from Munn and went to the clerk to buy two quills. Pens - obviously two, because looking at the box the clerk took out, it was difficult to fit more.

While Violet was shopping, Moon looked around himself. Not to mention, the quills here...

It's really not cheap at all.

Although there are affordable models, they are only a minority. The prices of more styles on the shelves here are almost a few galleons.Some of the very beautifully made ones even cost more than ten or even dozens of galleons - it would be understandable if quills with magic and other functions, such as shorthand quills, are so expensive. , but Moon saw that a blue-purple quill with no features other than beauty was actually priced at forty galleons.

Moon couldn't help but take a second look at the quill, and an idea came to his mind.

Why don't you go back and pick up two Fox feathers to make quills?

It's a pity that this idea can only be an idea after all. Let alone put it into practice, I don't even dare to think about it.Today he dared to pluck the hair from Fawkes' tail to make a quill, and tomorrow he might have to let Professor McGonagall hang up on the Quidditch goal as the goalkeeper - without Professor Dumbledore having to take action himself.

After a while, Violet came back with a satisfied small gift bag, and then naturally took Moon's left hand and said, "I've bought it, let's go."

Moon responded and walked out of the store with Violet.

Afterwards, they bought two full boxes of strawberry and hazelnut ice cream from an ice cream shop. They found a rare place on the edge of the village with no people around, and sat on the roadside chatting for a while.After the two boxes of ice cream were completely dealt with, he went straight to Honeydukes.

Shuttled among countless little wizards who were obsessed with candies and snacks, the two of them squeezed for a long time before finally buying all the candies they wanted to buy. As a result, they had to wait behind a long queue of people when paying. Move forward slowly.The two Gryffindor teenagers behind him were also complaining about the long queue. One of them said helplessly, "The first and last time we come to Hogsmeade every school year are the most crowded times. This time again." Just in time for Honeydukes to release new products, I can only bear it for a while..."

Munn and Violet looked at each other while listening, and then they laughed together inexplicably. For some reason, instead of shrinking, the smiles became stronger and stronger, as if they heard something funny. Same thing.As a result, nothing happened to them, but the two Gryffindors behind them were confused first. You look at me and I look at you, expressing the word "bewildered" vividly.


[Note 1] The owls are the smallest owls in the world, with an average body length of only 12.7-14.6 cm. Interestingly, these tiny owls will live in the holes dug by woodpeckers in column cactus.

Chapter 43 Holiday preparations

In the two days after returning from Hogsmeade, the third-year wizards began to share their joy - mainly with the first- and second-year wizards who had not had the chance to go to Hogsmeade.Everyone talks about how lively Honeydukes’ shop is, how sweet it smells like, or how delicious the butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks is, and who showed up with whom at Mrs. Puddieff’s Teahouse, etc. of.

Of course, the scandal about Moon and Violet is also inevitable.

In this regard, Moon had to clarify several times that they were not talking about a scandal, and that he and Violet did walk into the Three Broomsticks hand in hand.

Such a generous admission was almost equivalent to a declaration of puppy love, which inevitably made everyone a little surprised, except for the little wizards of Hufflepuff. After all, they had seen Munn and Violet sleeping together at every turn. The scene on the sofa by the fireplace.

Violet had no intention of hiding it at all, but the two of them did not directly say that they were indeed in puppy love - although this kind of thing is not a strange thing in Hogwarts, and its seriousness is even How about you put two magic sparkles in the hallway.But the problem is, the two of them can't really be considered in puppy love now.

Because so far, neither of them has confessed to each other.

You haven't even confessed your love yet. What kind of puppy love is this?

What’s interesting is that most of the young couples who hang out in Hogsmeade quickly become more enthusiastic after this trip to Hogsmeade, and even the interaction between Gal and Demi becomes... More and more, Arlin began to write love letters to Emma Cross of Ravenclaw, the number of times Cedric mentioned Qiu also increased significantly, and Milton looked at Louisa Petty and giggled every day. .

Only Munn and Violet seemed to have never been to Hogsmeade at all, and looked completely the same as before.When we stay in the common room together, we sit on the sofa, one reads a book and the other does his own thing; when we are not in the common room, it is still the same as before, there is not much interaction, and occasionally we chat in a low voice. sentence.

Only a few girls in the school newspaper office who had been paying attention to the two of them were keenly aware that although Violet would still look in Munn's direction from time to time, when Munn happened to turn around and come back, her His reaction gradually changed from a blushing and slightly panicked look away, to a bright smile and looking at Moon.


In the new week's school newspaper, the violet water from the Three Broomsticks Bar occupies the best advertising column in the school newspaper.At Moon's suggestion, Ms. Rosmerta hurriedly asked someone to design an elegant bottle, and Violet helped draw the decorative pattern on the label.Just like that, just before Sunday night, a few photos and advertising fees that had been discounted by Moon were delivered by owl, and Three Broomsticks Violet Water officially began to be bottled and sold.

Two days later, Ms. Rosmerta, who had received far more orders than expected, sent another letter. In addition to thanking them, she also sent them two boxes of filled violet water. The four poor The owls dragged this huge package all the way here. If these owls were not ordinary owls, and if Hogsmeade was not far from here, I would have lost at least half of the weight when we went back.

Everyone in the school newspaper office, who had originally wanted to buy some violet water to prepare at Moon's suggestion, finally agreed (mainly because the drinks prepared in the Hogwarts kitchen five days out of seven are pumpkin juice and milk). In just two days, I poured all these two boxes of violet water into my stomach.Fortunately, Ms. Rosmerta's price was not too expensive, and the profit sharing from the school newspaper made everyone quite wealthy. So after discussing it, everyone bought a lot more, just waiting for the owls to deliver it again. When wrapping the package, Moon could really see the sadness in the eyes of two familiar faces.

Thursday was Halloween. Just like every year, the little wizards in the school newspaper office got up early again and hurried to the auditorium on the first floor.Hagrid had also been waiting here early with pumpkins of large and small sizes, as well as a lot of the necessary tools.Although it was announced the day before yesterday that this year's Halloween party would be just an ordinary dinner, with no extra preparations, everyone was still very motivated.Those who knew how to carve pumpkins followed Garr and started working on the pumpkins, while those who didn't knew how to carve pumpkins helped out by moving things, handing over tools, or using magic to help Hagrid make the work at hand easier.Harry, Ron, Hesper, Quaid and other first-year wizards were having a great time wandering around. From time to time, they would help to check the angles and other things, but they didn't feel bored at all.

Moon dragged Violet and Gemma outside the castle gate early in the morning and did not help inside - because he had some other big projects to do.

"Is there anything wrong there? For example, is it crooked or different from your picture?"

"There's something wrong with the legs. The left leg is not vertical, and the direction of the toes needs to be changed, and the details on the face are a bit bad." Violet said while looking at the tall monster in front of her: "There might be something wrong with the belt. I have to do it again.”

Moon responded, then manipulated several giant pumpkins that had been fused into one and continued to change their appearance. "It's a pity that there is no snow this year. Otherwise, the effect may be better if it is made with snow."

Gemma, who had just added the fog special effects, thought for a moment and said softly: "I can try to make some snowflakes float down out of thin air, but it's not real snow. Do you want to add it?"

Violet thought for a moment and shook her head, but then she said, "Can you add two lights? It doesn't need to be too bright. It just needs to add a little more atmosphere when you see it at night."

"Okay, you can just choose the location." Gemma agreed quickly.

After a while, when Hagrid and others in the auditorium finished their work and came out, everyone was startled because right next to the three of Munn, there was a huge seven or eight meters high. The Pumpkin Knight is holding a pumpkin sword, pointing at the door in the distance, with a sinister smile on his face, and faint green flames burning in his eyes.Even though the sky is getting brighter now, it looks impressive enough.There is no doubt that the effect will be better if you wait until night.

"Running Gorgon!" Hagrid looked at the Pumpkin Knight with wide eyes, holding the iron bucket containing tools. "You are really capable."

Chapter 44 Pumpkin Knight

When the little wizards at Hogwarts woke up and ran out to see the Pumpkin Knight at the urging of other students, almost everyone was shocked.Everyone was still talking about it until breakfast.

"So handsome!"

"It's so cool to have such a big pumpkin knight!"

"Did the professors do it? Could it be Assistant Professor Black?"

"It must have been done by the professors. It wasn't even there last night."

"It wasn't the professors who did it. It was done by Moon Fox, Violet Evelina, and Farley from our college together with Hufflepuff."

"Ah? Such a big statue, wasn't it made by professors?"

The Slytherin table, the Gryffindor table, the Ravenclaw table... almost every table had a bunch of people gathering around the members of the school newspaper office to ask questions, Mr. Hufflepuff It was even more straightforward at the table - everyone crowded over to Cedric and the others.Fortunately, Moon had anticipated this. As soon as breakfast was served and everyone was still enjoying the Pumpkin Knight outside, he took the breakfast and dragged Violet away.

You can have breakfast anywhere, but if you stay in the auditorium, you will definitely not be able to eat this breakfast.

What is this called?This is called prediction, accurate prediction.

"Impossible, I just went outside to look at the pumpkin statue. Although it looks like just piled pumpkins together to look like a knight, so many pumpkins of different shapes and sizes must be perfectly blended together. And to make the details so clear is definitely not something that a third grader can do, let alone in such a short amount of time." Hermione, with her disheveled hair on the Gryffindor table, was extremely serious. Said: "If you observe carefully, you will find that the joints of the pumpkin knight are completely made, the rivets are positioned accurately, and the belt is even separated separately. I dare say, as long as the spell is cast, He thought he could even make the pumpkin knight move and fight like a real knight."

After saying that, Hermione raised her head and waited for Harry and Ron's reply, but found that the two guys were staring behind her and not looking at her at all.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked back, only to catch a glimpse of Professor McGonagall behind her.


Professor McGonagall pressed her palms to stop them from wanting to say hello, and then nodded to Hermione, "The observation is very detailed, Miss Granger, but it is not enough. That is not a pumpkin knight, that is a statue." For a real metal knight, all the pumpkin parts have been replaced with solid metal inside, so that the knight is not just a showpiece. But you are right about one thing, if the caster wants to, he can indeed make it That knight moves and fights like a real knight. This is not at the level of a third grader. I dare say that many graduates cannot do this."

At this moment, the auditorium was completely quiet. Not only the Gryffindor table, but also the little wizards at other tables were secretly listening to what was going on here, trying to see what Professor McGonagall was talking about.

Hermione opened her mouth slightly in surprise, which made her rabbit-like front teeth somewhat obvious. "Professor, you mean..."

"Yes, Miss Granger, that is indeed the work of a third-year wizard." Professor McGonagall probably felt the silence in the auditorium, and simply looked around, while striding towards the teacher's desk, "If you If you really think it's cool, I suggest you listen more carefully and do your homework more carefully in the Transfiguration class in the future, because it is completely made of Transfiguration."

Professor McGonagall's serious words immediately made the originally noisy scene in the auditorium become a bit depressing. Even after she finished speaking, everyone did not dare to continue shouting in a group immediately, but for the time being they started to eat obediently.Until a while later, Sirius strode in and asked the students at the Gryffindor table with a smile, "Does anyone know who caused that big guy outside? I need to get to know him." "

The gloomy atmosphere finally disappeared, as if he was responding to Sirius, or as if he finally breathed a sigh of relief and talked about the previous topic.In short, there were chaotic sounds, and it took a lot of effort for Sirius to understand that it was caused by Moon and others.Just when he was about to continue asking, he looked up and met Professor McGonagall's cold eyes.

"Ahem..." Sirius rolled his eyes and thought of the quiet auditorium when he came in. Then he looked at the little wizards who were making noise like a pot was boiling. How could he not know that he had gotten into trouble? ?In desperation, I had no choice but to complain quietly in my heart, and then quickly came to the teacher's desk.

"Morning, Professor McGonagall."

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