For example, Caster and Saber have a relationship as masters. It turns out that Caster's master is the other person's sister.

In other words, Saber and Caster are very likely to be united.

Although he did not kill Sajo Ayaka, he also completed another mission of Masta Reilongkan Misaya, collecting as much information as possible on other masters and servants.

I probably won't be scolded too harshly after I go back.

Cu Chulainn looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, his eyes became sharp, and he said:

As a caster, it's not wise for you to reveal your true identity so quickly instead of hiding in secret, but I quite like it.

Those magicians who always hide in the dark and perform small tricks are the most annoying. They are like flies and make people want to slap them to death.

Just, can you explain what the name 'Wang Jiang' actually means.

Wang Jiang, who was endowed with modern knowledge by the Holy Grail, was hard-pressed not to notice when Mo Yi called her her name again and again.

A nickname like Wang Jiang is simply a naked mockery to Cu Chulainn, who is known as the Cullan Bulldog. It would be strange not to be angry.

It's just that Wang Jiang is angry and has nothing to do with Grandpa Mo Yi who is teasing him. The original purpose is to tease the other party. The angrier the other party is, the more sense of accomplishment he will have, isn't it?

Wang Jiang, you seem to have some misunderstanding about the caster class. You must know that your master Scathach is also a caster.

After hearing his master's name, Cu Chulainn naturally knew that his identity had been revealed, but compared to such trivial matters, he cared more about his master.

Although Wang Jiang always complains that Scathach is an old woman, in fact, what is going on in his heart that the person who knows him doesn't know?

However, Wang Jiang, the humanoid self-propelled cannon known as Ireland, who has not spared even Scathach's sister, may not be able to fulfill his wish.

Cu Chulainn's pupils turned into two vertical pupils and asked loudly:

Do you know my master?


Compared with the Wang Jiang who had gone through a lot later, the current Wang Jiang is still too tender. Mo Yi's casual remarks immediately revealed Sima Zhao's heart.

After all, the Holy Grail War and other things exist in all parallel worlds. No matter who you meet, isn't it a normal thing?

Speaking of which, your master is still my employee. His main job is to stand in front of me and let me draw pictures and dress her. Don't get me wrong.

Sajo Ayaka: ...

If you say this, it will be difficult for others not to misunderstand!

I didn't expect that Mo Yi, who I had gotten along with before and thought he was a very nice person, would actually have such a wicked side. With just a few words, he could anger the blue heroic spirit opposite him.

However, she also got some information, that is, the local heroic spirit is Cu Chulainn, the son of light in Ireland. For magicians and people with sufficient skills in history classes, Cu Chulainn is a famous existence, that is, one of the representatives of warriors. One, another demigod-like existence.

Compared with his own servant, the Knight King Arthur, he is no less mysterious and famous.


Wang Jiang roared:

My master is an immortal being, how could he be summoned as a heroic spirit!

Furthermore, those who participate in the Holy Grail War are just clones of heroic spirits. When they participate in the next Holy Grail War, they will carry the memory of another Holy Grail War with them.

You can't fool me, cunning caster!


Mo Yi looked at Wang Jiang funnyly, the way you are so angry now is not at all as sure as you said.

Moreover, not to mention your master, even you yourself also worked in Fuyuki City and became a glorious fish shop owner.

With Scathach's ability, is it really impossible to participate in the Holy Grail War?

You know, her dream was to find someone who could kill her. Unfortunately, the disciple she looked forward to most did not fulfill her dream.

In that case, participating in the Holy Grail War and fighting heroes of all eras can not only satisfy Scathach's desire for an opponent as a warrior, but also find someone who can kill her. Isn't it a good choice?

Furthermore, as a caster, is it really difficult for me to retain the memories of other worlds? You must know that the Holy Grail system is a magic system created by modern magicians. For a caster who can ascend to the Throne of Heroes, cracking this system, is it difficult?”


When Mo Yi told Scathach's wish, Wang Jiang began to believe the other person's words, and the other party must know Scathach.

When I thought about what the other party said, Stand there and draw pictures and put on clothes for me, such deceptive words, the resentment in my heart burned like a raging flame.

Caster, who are you!!

As a temporary complaint servant, Sajo Ayaka complained in her heart:

How could anyone take the initiative to reveal his real name? It seemed that Cu Chulainn was really angry at Shi Lezhi due to Mo Yi's words. Listening to the topics they talked about, the center seemed to be Cu Chulainn’s master, the mythical and legendary Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, Scathach.

But, Mo Yi, no, this name may not be the real name. At least Sajo Ayaka has never heard of a hero named Mo Yi in legends or myths, and he can also serve as a caster, who must have full magic ability. figure.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the two of them were talking about Scathach, something between two men and a woman. There is no need to ask about that one thing.

It seems that I need to have a good talk with my sister about this matter when I go back.

I am the founder of the Yakumo House, Master Yakumo, the world's number one literary master, a former brave man, the devil who rules the world, a traveler in the void, the top demon king of Fuyuki High School, the lord of Fuyuki City, the lord of the roots— —”

Mo Yi revealed his identity as if he was naming a dish, and finally concluded:

I have many identities, just call me by my name Mo Yi, Wang Jiang,


The series of things the other party said are not related at all. Aren't the brave and the devil opposite?

Especially the last master of identity, what a joke!

How could something like the Root Vortex have an owner? If so, it would probably be the Almighty God that some fanatical believers call it.

If he is really the God who claims to be the Omniscient and Almighty, he still participates in the Holy Grail War and realizes all his wishes. Otherwise, how can he be called the Omniscient and Almighty God? This is simply a paradox.

Cu Chulainn was very angry now, and even his handsome face became a little distorted, and he shouted loudly:

It seems that only the spear in your hand can make you tell the truth, caster!

Mo Yi: ...

Seeing the disbelieving looks of his friends around him, Grandpa Mo Yi muttered helplessly:

Why do people in the world want to believe lies but don't want to believe the truth? Why don't they understand that the truth of the world is often more absurd than lies?

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