No matter how emotional Mo Yi was at this moment, his teammates and Wang Jiang would never believe a word he said.

And Wang Jiang burst out with strong magic power, and the spear in his hand emitted ominous red fluctuations, as if it was about to explode in the next second.

It's no wonder that no matter who it is, after knowing that their goddess has been painted without clothes, they will be as angry as Wang Jiang. Those who are incompetent will curse behind their backs, and those who are capable will do it.

Arthur: Leave Lancer to me——

Before Saber Arthur could finish speaking, Grandpa Mo Yi had already completed the one-click change of clothes. With a black trench coat and two long swords behind his back, he walked to the front and said:

It's better for me to do it. I'm the one the other party is looking for.

Besides, Saber, you might not feel at ease if you leave your master to the protection of other servants.

Saber wanted to say something, but in the end she remained silent.

The other party was right. Although the other party saved his master, from a standpoint, he was an enemy after all.

Especially when the other party is the caster class who is best at playing tricks.

As a caster, you actually want to fight head-on with me, a Lancer?

Wang Jiang didn't expect that Mo Yi would jump out. He thought that Mo Yi would cooperate with Saber to beat him. After seeing this abnormal situation, he calmed down.

As Scathach's most proud disciple, Cú Chulainn cannot really be a reckless man. Usually, he is reckless because of his confidence. When it is time to calm down, he can still calm down quickly and think about the current situation.

Are you really a caster?

Looking at the double swords behind Mo Yi, Wang Jiang couldn't help but wonder. In fact, the guy in front of him was Saber, and the guy behind him who used invisible weapons might be from other ranks.

The words he said before were just to confuse himself and give him wrong information.

Wang Jiang, I told you, do you have any misunderstanding about Caster?

Mo Yi pulled out the weapons made using the Caster class skill Item Making (EX) from his back - Frostmourne and Fire Joy.

After two man-made treasures comparable to the highest level were drawn out, a terrifying realm of ice and fire instantly formed around Mo Yi. However, under his control, the two opposite forces did not explode and spread out, but interacted with each other. Magical states of transformation intertwine, coexist, and disillusion.

Every caster has a dream of close combat. At the end of the magic path, he will be invincible.

If you don't even understand this, it seems that your training in magic is not enough.

You talk nonsense, I will never believe another word of yours.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the Joy of Fire and the Sorrow of Frost, Wang Jiang could not believe that the other party was the so-called Caster. How could the Caster's Noble Phantasm be two top-level holy swords?

Damn it Saber, we still need to see the real deal.

Arthur, who was making soy sauce, felt the slightly suspicious gaze of Sajo Ayaka, and explained with a grimace:

I don't know what's going on.

But my rank is indeed Saber. You can check it with your master's authority.

After seeing that Arthur's class was indeed Saber, Sajo Ayaka was confused. What class was her sister's servant?

Possessing magical healing abilities, it looks like the highest level of double holy swords in hand.

Caster, it is impossible to caster.

Archer's ability is to shoot things, which is impossible.

Cú Chulainn holding a spear should be Lancer.

Assassin is also wrong. There is no assassin who dual-wields machetes and wants to confront others.

Could it be berserker?

But, after getting along with the other party, I found that the other party didn't look like a madman at all? He even often said some thought-provoking and philosophical words.

Then there is only one answer, and that is rider!

Dual-wielding machetes, riding a horse, or a mount like a dragon, charging towards others, think about it, the style of painting finally becomes normal.

In other words, the opponent's real Noble Phantasm, Rider's unique mount, has not yet appeared, and the Holy Grail War has just begun. It is very frivolous and reasonable to hide his real trump card.

That's right, Mo Yi's real job rank is rider!

Now, finally, I am no longer short and weak.

Chapter 374: Ai Aotian: Pretending is addictive

I'm a bitch in society, I'm ruthless and don't talk much!


Wang Jiang looked at Mo Yi who was holding two swords, muttered in a low voice, then disappeared in front of everyone with a 'swish' sound.

The Lancer class originally requires a high overall ability value, an extremely high agility ability value, and a heroic spirit who mainly uses long weapons.

Cu Chulainn is a heroic spirit that is very suitable for this class. As a Lancer, he burst out with agility A+ speed at this moment. Not to mention ordinary people like Ayaka Sajo can't see his moving figure, even as a Saber Without the help of intuition, it was extremely difficult for Arthur Pendragon to keep up with the attack speed of Cu Chulainn, who was exploding at full strength.

However, the vigorous stab that appeared in Mo Yi's back as if teleported, was easily avoided at an unpleasant speed as if he could foresee the future.

I told you I am Caster, and Saber is still watching from behind.

Caster's honor made Grandpa Mo Yi look back at Wang Jiang with a cold expression and explain.

Wang Jiang didn't hesitate because of the explosion and missed a hit. The spear in his hand stabbed out wildly, but Mo Yi, who was always unpredictable, dodged it at an unpleasant speed.

Wang Jiang won't stop looking at him.

Let the brave man attack at the beginning, and then easily resist it. This is the basic quality of the Demon King.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi will definitely not let Wang Jiang continue to attack endlessly. Even if the opponent's flat A output is very high, for Grandpa Mo Yi who has the EX of clairvoyance that can predict the future at will, no matter how the opponent attacks, , will only be missed.

Although Grandpa Mo Yi is in the state of a servant at this moment, a weakened body after being reduced twice, but Grandpa Mo Yi has become weaker, which does not mean that Wang Jiang has become stronger.

After once again dodging Wang Jiang's sweep, Mo Yi finally took the initiative to attack with Frostmourne in his hand, making a simple slash.

As Scathach's most proud disciple, Wang Jiang naturally has more than two brushes. He did not take it lightly because he kept attacking and seemingly suppressing Mo Yi. Instead, he was always on guard against the opponent's thunderous counterattack.

This simple horizontal slash was naturally blocked by Wang Jiang's horizontal spear.

But Grandpa Mo Yi had already predicted his defense, and the Fire Joy in his left hand happened to get stuck in the weak point of Wang Jiang's defense, interrupting Wang Jiang's plan to retreat.

As a spearman, he is the kind of assault hero who rushes forward to deal a wave of damage. If he cannot kill the enemy, he retreats and looks for an opportunity to deal more damage.

Especially when facing Mo Yi, who he thought was Saber, he needed to be even more vigilant.

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