Because in terms of statistics, Saber is often the servant with the highest overall ability value in the Holy Grail War. She may not be as good as Lancer in terms of agility, but in other aspects such as strength and endurance, she is often much better than Lancer.

In other words, it is very irrational to fight or engage in a protracted battle with Saber without using the Noble Phantasm.

Wang Jiang naturally knew this kind of thing, so when Mo Yi counterattacked, he planned to retreat. Unexpectedly, Mo Yi's double swords were like poisonous snakes. Although the strength and angle were very ordinary, they struck at the critical moment. Where he has to defend.

Moreover, the opponent's attack speed and strength seem to stack up with the number of attacks.

If this is the case, Wang Jiang, as a first-class heroic spirit, can still handle it, but the opponent's two holy sword-level swords, one cold and one hot, are still very uncomfortable even if he can withstand it.

Every man likes the two worlds of ice and fire, but if it is excessive, it will be very uncomfortable.

It's not a good idea to go on like this.

Feeling that Mo Yi's aura gradually accumulated frostbite and burns with the increase in combos and defense, even with the reduction of magic power, Wang Jiang's defense still became more and more difficult.

It seems we can only forcefully leave.

With some injuries and Cong's inherent skills in posturing, Wang Jiang made up his mind to forcefully break away from Mo Yi's combo storm.

However, there is no good thing in this world where you can fight whenever you want and run away whenever you want.

Wang Jiang's thoughts have long been read by Mo Yi's clairvoyance (ex).

Xia Ji Eight Cuts!

Mo Yi shouted out the name of Ai Yi, and then slashed out Ba Ji with two swords in his hand, but it seemed like he just hit Wang Jiang's gun as he was about to escape.

A huge crescent sword energy composed of flames and cold air appeared in front of Wang Jiang, and Wang Jiang had to block it with his spear.


Under the impact of the sword energy, the spear that pierced the death thorn seemed to be cut off by the sword energy at the next moment, and it was already bent.


In the end, Wang Jiang landed a powerful and heavy slash to the crotch. This was thanks to Scathach's craftsmanship in forging weapons. No matter how much the spear was bent by the impact, it was not cut off by the sword energy, which showed how hard it was.

This is the maximum power output of Mo Yiping A in the slave state.

It's just that Wang Jiang doesn't feel well at the moment. Although Mo Yi's sword energy was blocked just now, how could a person with such a bad taste like Grandpa Mo Yi attack so straightforwardly? It was a two-stage attack.

When the sword energy could not break through, the balance of the strange sword energy composed of flames and cold air was instantly broken. When ice and fire met, it naturally exploded violently.

Wang Jiang, whose face was hit by the explosion, was covered with burns and frostbite scars, and even one-third of his flowing long hair was burned away.

Then he couldn't hold it on anymore, squatted on the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, wiped it with his left hand, looked at Mo Yi, and asked with anger and confusion:

Why, why do I want to cry so much.

After hearing what Wang Jiang said, Sajo Ayaka woke up from the battle just now that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people and was like a mythical description.

You know, although the two of them only used weapons to chop at each other, Wang Jiang's spear hit the ground, and the ground immediately scattered like tofu dregs.

Mo Yi's double swords are even more exaggerated. Although he doesn't know the true name of the treasure in Mo Yi's hands, whether they are twin swords wrapped in flames or exuding cold air, every time they collide with the spear, there will be a small explosion. The only difference is the flames. Still cold.

Fortunately, this place has long been blocked by Mo Yi with magic. Even if it explodes, no one will come to see the fun.

However, it might be on the news tomorrow as another gas pipe explosion occurred in Tokyo.

This is?

Sajo Ayaka also noticed that Wang Jiang's eyes were actually red, with two traces of tears streaming down her face.

Could it be that he was crying because he was hurt by someone?

No, the opponent is a great hero. In mythology, he has been slashed several times, but he can still deal with the ruthless person who slashed him as if nothing had happened.

Saber Arthur looked serious, but still couldn't understand. He said very carefully:

The double-knife combo just now was very exquisite. It could hit Lancer's weak point every time. The most terrifying thing was the last blow. Eight blows were combined into one in an instant. Even I might not be able to do that. Wushang will follow.

Although Mo Yi can be regarded as an ally, as long as the Holy Grail continues, they will eventually come to a confrontational situation, unless someone takes the lead in advance.

Not being able to understand the opponent's moves is a big no-no.

It's just that I don't understand why Lancer is crying.

Ayaka, do you know the allusion to 'Natsu Ji's Eight Cuts'? ​​I am not a heroic spirit from the sub-dimensional world, and I don't know much about the heroic spirits in this world.

Xia Ji eight cuts, Xia Ji, eight cuts?

Sajo Ayaka said no, she hated magic and the Holy Grail War in her heart, and wished she could stay away from these things. But over the years, she has not relaxed, and she has reached the master level in terms of mythology and historical knowledge and skills. It seems that this can bring her something. sense of security.

Xia Ji should be the princess of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn Period of the ancient Chinese Dynasty. She was one of the four recognized beauties in the Spring and Autumn Period. She was seductive by nature and committed adultery with many princes and officials, which triggered a series of historical events. According to historical records, she became the queen three times, one after another. She married others as wives seven times, and a total of nine men died because of her. She was known as Killing three husbands, one king and one son, and destroying a country and two ministers.

There are even rumors that she is a witch with the ability to absorb male essence and stay young forever. She is still active in unknown corners.

Even in the mysterious world, she is a famous witch. Of course, she is not a good name.

Saying this, Sajo Ayaka's face turned red, and she felt ashamed of telling dirty jokes to strangers.

Finally, he changed the subject and said:

It's just that I haven't heard that Xia Ji has superb martial arts, but because the other party is a person who has been active for more than two thousand years, and he is also a Celestial figure who claims to be one with the mysterious system, I can't say for sure.

I see.

After all, he was the male version of King Arthur, so he figured out immediately that he was similar to his sister Morgan, wasn't he?

However, he didn't expect that the timid little loli back then would grow into such a knowledgeable magician. It seemed that the other party had also worked hard over the years.

Thanks, Masta.

Need not--

When Sajo Ayaka heard someone complimenting herself, she waved her hands awkwardly and inappropriately and said:

It's nothing, just something that all magicians know.

Ignoring the crooked Saber team, Mo Yi sheathed Frostmourne and Fire Joy and explained seriously:

Onion, I used a magic called onion in the attack just now.

It turns out to be onions——

Cú Chulainn came to his senses and roared loudly:

What the hell is an onion!?

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