This forest was also strange. No matter how hard they tried, they would always find their way to the city. However, it took a lot of effort to reach the city. He didn't know what kind of strange technique it was. After tormenting themselves for a long time, Shui Qinan and Zhu Er were finally about to step into the city.

"Master, I keep feeling that something is strange, but I can't say where it is weird." Zhu Er paused, she stared at Shui Qinan for a while, and suddenly felt that the town was enveloped in something, and was oppressing to the point that it was hard to breathe.

Shui Qinan had the same feeling, she only felt that this city was strangely tight when night fell.

For some unknown reason, Shui Qinan had the nagging feeling that the moment she and Zhu Er walked towards the city gate, the entire city had a subtle atmosphere.

When they stepped through the city gate, the night had already shrouded the entire land. On the streets of the city, there were many red lanterns that were used to illuminate the road. There was no one on the streets. The wind blew through the leaves on the roadside, causing them to rustle. Everything looked extremely eerie and terrifying.

The moment Shui Qinan stepped into the city gate, she felt that there was some kind of unknown power in the town, and in an instant, a group of people rushed out from all over the place. They were girls and children dressed in bright clothes, cutting at each other with swords, and their blood started to spread continuously, sprinkling onto the ground.

For some unknown reason, there were quite a few girls and children who began to sniff something in the air. It was as if they had smelled some fragrance, and they were enjoying it immensely. Then, they walked towards Shui Qinan and Zhu Er step by step, like puppets and meat walking corpses that had smelled something excited.

Shui Qinan and Zhu Er subconsciously retreated two steps back, because lunatics were extremely scary. The miscellaneous items in the hands of the women and children were all being thrown towards Shui Qinan and Zhu Er. Fortunately, some of them were fruits and stones. As for others, they were the ones who began to throw their axes at Chu Feng.

Shui Qinan and Zhu Er turned around to the side, and Zhu Er became a little anxious, "Master, are you alright?"

Shui Qinan shook her head. She looked at the soulless zombies, and only felt a little curious, because most of the women and children had blood that flowed out from each other. The blood covered their faces, making them look extremely terrifying. These people were even more powerful than those puppets in the Demon World, which made Shui Qinan a little excited.

"I'm fine. Look at these people, they seem to be people who live here. " Shui Qinan looked around, and felt that these people looked familiar, "Zhu Er, are you injured?"

Zhu Er immediately said 'no', and then stuck close to Shui Qinan, afraid that his master would be in danger, "Master, hiding here isn't really a solution. This group of people have long since become inhumane. We can't just sit there and wait for them to die. "

Shui Qinan nodded her head, she was not a saint with good intentions, all of their faces and hands were stained with blood.

"Master, they want to kill us?" Zhu Er stared at those people who seemed to have lost their souls and took a deep breath, "Master, let's do it."

Shui Qinan saw that these people were getting closer and closer to them, as if they were attracted by something. The empty and charming eyes made one think of extreme terror.

"Let's do it." Shui Qinan said to Zhu Er. To be honest, she did not want to harm innocent people, but these people had all lost their souls long ago, and only had a body moving about, trying to pull them down into the abyss.

Those puppet beasts looked like corpses, as if they wanted to put Shui Qinan and her companion to death. It was as if Shui Qinan and Zhu Er were fresh meat to them, tempting them to come over to the two people who had a different smell.

He saw a petite woman and a few cute children holding a kitchen knife. The kitchen knife looked extremely sharp, as though it was cutting through steel. If it was aimed at someone, it would be bloody. Just as those few kitchen knives were thrown towards Shui Qinan and Zhu Er, as Shui Qinan and the others were preparing to take action, in that moment, those puppets like people stopped moving.

"Master, what's wrong with them? "Is it the magic barrier?" Zhu Er picked up a branch and looked at the puppets who were standing still. Suddenly, the puppets moved, and Zhu Er shook her body, "Ah?"

"Interesting." After Zhu Er exclaimed in shock, she started to giggle. After he finished speaking, she saw that the people in front of them were all heading in the same direction, and behind them was an endless stream of people, all of them following the people in front, who knows where.

Shui Qinan indifferently stared at the girls and children that were walking past them, as if their pupils didn't have the slightest hint of life. They had lost their original function, even the most basic human emotions.

Zhu Er stood beside Shui Qinan. Even though she knew that these people were temporarily unconscious and had gone somewhere else, she was still afraid that someone would harm her master. It was as if they wanted to completely protect Shui Qinan. Even though Shui Qinan's ability was already very powerful,

"Ai." Zhu Er. "Have you noticed …" Shui Qinan suddenly snapped out of her daze, and spoke seriously to the group of people just now, "Those people just now, did not have the same group of people as the inn's Lady Boss."

Zhu Er was a little surprised, but carefully thought back, and realised that it was indeed like that. Just now, she had carefully stared at those people, but she did not notice the Lady Boss's figure.

It seemed that the Lady Boss of that inn was not an ordinary person.

"Yes." "Master, the group of people just now did not belong to the inn's Lady Boss." Zhu Er muttered as if she was giving herself an answer. As a result, she started to feel that the Lady Boss was different, "Master, then what should we do now?"

Shui Qinan looked into Zhu Er's eyes, and their four eyes met. It was not like they had caught onto a lifesaver. She just felt that there was a turning point in this matter.

"To the inn."

Shui Qinan said softly as she scanned her surroundings. As expected, there was not a single person around her. She knew these people were lost, but, she thought, there was someone else who knew these things better. Perhaps, that woman knew the ins and outs of this matter.

The road never seemed so long. Shui Qinan strode forward step by step and she followed closely behind Shui Qinan as well. However, on this spacious road, everything seemed to have started to turn silent.

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