This road was very quiet. In fact, the current Snow Moon Town was like a deserted town with no people.

After a long while, Shui Qinan and Zhu Er finally arrived at the inn. The flag hung at the entrance, swaying in the cold night wind. It was very eye-catching.

Zhu Er was still very polite as she knocked on the closed door. In this quiet night with no one around, this knock on the door seemed very unique.

"Master, no one is opening the door." Zhu Er tapped on the button, and could only turn around to look at Shui Qinan, and not long later, a voice came out from the other side, "Hey. There's a sound inside. "

Shui Qinan walked towards where Zhu Er was standing, and not long after, the door opened.

As expected, the person who opened the door was the Lady Boss of this inn. This inn was brightly lit, but in such a large inn, she was still awake and in the room.

"Why is it you guys again? Didn't you all leave? " The Lady Boss gently sighed, and then signalled for them to come in. She then closed the door, "Even if you want to come back, how can you come back at night?" Why haven't you come back in the clear sky? "

Shui Qinan listened to the Lady Boss's rambling. Although her tone was somewhat unwilling, but her words were for their sake, so she felt much better.

Zhu Er criticized her in her heart, "How can this be because we don't want to leave? We've been walking all day today, but we just can't get out of this town. "

"No. More accurately speaking, no matter how we go, we will still return to Snow Moon Town. It's the only exit from the road. " Shui Qinan spoke softly, she was a little tired, and then she brewed a cup of tea, "I think, maybe no one knows more about this town than you."

Hearing Shui Qinan's words, the Lady Boss did not feel surprised at all. She let out a light sigh, and followed Shui Qinan to drink her tea.

"Since we cannot leave, let's temporarily stay here. This place is truly not one that anyone can come to." "And here I thought, 'If I force you back a bit earlier, you guys can leave this place a bit earlier.'" The Lady Boss's words were full of lament and regret. "Meeting is fate. It's better to just let it pass."

Zhu Er was not used to the Lady Boss suddenly instigating him. Actually, in this place, it was very relaxing and pleasant during the day, and the relations between neighbors were also very harmonious. Just now, she had witnessed how bloody those kitchen knives and axes were.

As time passed, some noises could be heard from outside the window. The Lady Boss already knew what was going on. She had already locked up the room. In short, she had almost gotten used to all the noise. That kind of habit was a form of physical and mental pain.

"Is there any way to see the situation outside without opening the windows?" Shui Qinan asked the Lady Boss. After all, this was a demonic beast, so she could not act rashly. She did not want to get into trouble that she did not need to get into.

Moreover, the situation outside was simply too grand. It seemed that the magical beasts were coming in large numbers.

The Lady Boss nodded her head, and then pointed upwards. Shui Qinan looked in the direction that the Lady Boss was pointing at, and at the top of the room, there was actually a skylight.

Shui Qinan then stepped onto the chair and looked through the skylight and the gentle moonlight. Her pupils continuously dilated and she could clearly see the world outside the window clearly.

"Zhu Er." Shui Qinan called out to Zhu Er, and then she got off the chair, and when Zhu Er stepped on the chair, she was truly a surprised and stunned person.

The streets outside the inn were filled with countless people. Those who were unconscious squeezed their way through the crowd. They were all howling in pain, or perhaps in pleasure. Some of them had already turned into magical beasts. They were all women and children that he had seen during the day.

Under the moonlight, they were swarming with people, sticking closely to each other. In that instant, not long after, those people all turned into demonic beasts under the moonlight.

Zhu Er took a deep breath, "This, so the sounds last night were made by them."

Zhu Er was extremely surprised, yet Shui Qinan was staring at the Lady Boss. She thought, maybe she was right about one thing, 'I need to look for a place with broken iron shoes, and it won't take me any effort'. This place was truly vast. Fortunately, they didn't have the chance to leave this place today.

Shui Qinan looked at the demonic beast outside, with its long tail and two golden horns on its head, and felt suffocated for a moment. She asked in a daze, "Lady Boss, I want to ask you this, is this place called Shenlong Island?" Shui Qinan seriously stared at the Lady Boss, the pearl hairpin was very conspicuous under the bright light, "Isn't that so? It's important to me. "

Zhu Er was startled, but after confirming that she did not hear wrongly, she looked out the window. Wasn't the beasts outside a dragon?! Zhu Er was also nervously staring at the Lady Boss, as if she was thinking that up until now, Shenlong Island was really something that was within reach.

"This is Snow Moon Town." Don't you know what's going on? " The Lady Boss's thoughts seemed to drift off into the distance, as her eyes started to get busy.

The Lady Boss laughed lightly. The sound of her laughter was very light, and no one could figure it out. ah, Shenlong Island, indeed, it had been a long time since she heard these words. She stared at Shui Qinan, as if she could see through him completely.

"Yes, this place was indeed called Shenlong Island a long time ago." The Lady Boss paused, "It's been a long time since I've heard these words from others. The Shenlong Island s are all too far away. "

Zhu Er looked at the dark expression on the Lady Boss's face and started to listen carefully.

Hearing the Lady Boss's sincere and earnest words, Shui Qinan felt that there was a lot of helplessness in her words. Hearing that it was Shenlong Island, Zhu Er immediately got off the stool and looked at her with surprise.

"But this place does not resemble the legendary Shenlong Island at all! "Why is that?" Zhu Er looked at the Lady Boss in excitement, hoping to hear an answer.

Zhu Er was suspicious, after all, the sudden appearance of the Shenlong Island in front of her made people feel like it was not real.

"You don't know. The Shenlong Island have been cursed. " As the Lady Boss heard this short, long cry outside the window, she frowned deeply, "I don't know how long it has been. Anyway, for a very long time, every night, Shenlong Island has always been like this."

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