Urban Superboy

Chapter 169

Cao Yue has seen the world and has dealt with all kinds of people. What he is most afraid of is dealing with women.

When I met Zheng Han and Tong Weiwei for the first time, they were not oppressed by their beauty and huge aura. When they could face it calmly, other girls would not bring him any pressure.

Among Zheng Han's three roommates, Zhu Xiaopin met him for the second time, while Chen Xiaohui and Zhu Lishuang met for the first time.

Zheng Han's three roommates are actually beautiful women.

Zhu Xiaopin looks good-looking, also has temperament, but the figure is a little thin, as if the development is not good enough.

In fact, Chen Xiaohui's face is very good, and her figure is not bad, but she lacks temperament and self-confidence. She gives people the feeling of being weak in literature, and she is not very particular about her clothes and clothes. If you dress up well and have more confidence on your face, you will be a beautiful woman.

Zhu Lishuang has a good temperament. She has a classical melancholy beauty, but her facial features are not very good. The more Cao can judge from her external temperament, this is a very talented girl, a little bit of Lin Daiyu's temperament.

However, compared with Zheng Han, the three of them still have a big gap, no matter what.

Zheng Han is Honghua, and her three roommates are the green leaves beside her.

"Hanhan, your boyfriend is really handsome." Julie Shuang, who looks weak but actually quite bold and lively, looks up and down Cao Yue and says with a smile to Zheng Han, "it's also very mature and steady. It's more delicious than other boys. No wonder it will move your heart."

Zheng Han looked at Cao Yue, smiling but not speaking.

"You all saw his speech in class last time. It was so wonderful and exciting to listen to. Han Han's boyfriend is not only good-looking, but also very talented. In every aspect, he is very compatible with Hanhan, "Zhu Xiaopin, sitting on Cao Yue's right hand side, looks at Cao Yue and Zheng Han, and says with a bit of vinegar:" they are really a couple of gods and Fairies, which people envy. "

Chen Xiaohui didn't speak, but chuckled and looked at Cao Yue from time to time.

Both of them have boyfriends or have had boyfriends. Chen Xiaohui and Julie Shuang have a good relationship with their boyfriends now, but after seeing Cao Yue, they are filled with disappointment.

Sometimes the difference between people is really big, God is so unfair.

Cao Yue is really excellent. The first feeling is that their current or former boyfriends are not at the same level compared with him. Cao Yue's easiness, confidence and humor are not comparable to their boyfriends.

Moreover, he is tall and handsome. It is said that he is a rich second generation.

Zhu Xiaopin said that the second generation was rich. She told the other two roommates that Cao Yue drove a car with millions of yuan.

Gao Fu Shuai is always the perfect boyfriend image in a girl's heart, and they are no exception.

"Hanhan, you've been waiting for so many years, and now you've finally arrived at your own prince charming. We're all happy for you." Zhu Lishuang looked at Cao Yue and Zheng Han, and said meaningfully: "we all hope to see a fairy tale love story around us Play

Zheng hanpin put out the implied meaning of Zhu Li's double words and said with a smile: "well, originally I wanted to hide it for a while and then introduce him to you. But suddenly I found that if I didn't take the initiative, Cao Yue would become someone else's boyfriend."

We all understand the meaning of Zheng Han's words. Several women look at Cao Yue strangely.

Chen Xiaohui finally whispered: "at the new year's party, your ensemble of" high mountains and flowing water "is very reminiscent. You are really a talented woman and a perfect match. Cao Yue's younger brother, Hanhan treats you like this. You can't let her down. "

"Don't praise me, praise me again, I'll be too excited to find the north," Cao Yue said with a smile and quickly changed the topic: "whatever you want to eat today, please don't mention it. Even if I eat instant noodles every day this month, don't be sympathetic to me. "

Being praised by a group of women in turn, Cao Yue's heart is a little empty. He knows that if he goes on with this topic again, maybe these women will warn him not to be promiscuous everywhere. Chen Xiaohui already means that.

He is very aware of the talent of Chinese Department girls in this respect. They should not be led by the nose. They should take the initiative in the scene.

"Since Cao Yue wants to be a local tyrant, you can satisfy him. Don't be polite to him," Zheng Han, smiling, echoed Cao Yue. She knows Cao Yue's mind and knows that he doesn't want to talk about Tong Weiwei and others in front of so many people.

She doesn't want her roommates to start this topic, not for the sake of face, but because she knows that she and Cao Yue don't need to worry about these things.

Listening to Zheng Han also said so, the other girls had to start ordering.

West paradise's mutton is famous in Hangzhou, and other mutton products taste very good.

Mutton soup rice is one rice and one soup. The soup is white thick soup boiled by sheep bone, mutton, lamb feet with onion and ginger. It is a famous dish here, and is very popular with customers. In addition, there are more than ten famous dishes, such as Manchu and Han lamb leg, fish and sheep Tongxi, garlic fried lamb slices, braised mutton pot, hand grilled mutton, Xihu mutton roll, Sichuan pepper mutton, fish and mutton slices.But the girls are afraid of getting fat. They will go to bed soon. They don't dare to order too much meat. They just ask for two portions of rice in mutton soup and some other snacks to eat separately.

Cao Yue was hungry. He carried Tong Weiwei on his back for half a day. He consumed a lot of energy. He wanted to eat a big meal to solve his hunger, so he ordered a lot of things.

"Cao Yue Xuedi, you order so many things, but we can't eat it," Julie couldn't help but remind her of the joy Cao Yue ordered. "Waste is shameful, we want CD action."

"If you can't finish eating, I will clean up all the rest of you. If you think it's delicious, you can pack it and eat it tomorrow." After saying this, Cao Yue finally closed the menu and stopped ordering.

In the interval of waiting for a meal, Zhu Xiaopin couldn't help being curious. He asked Cao Yue, "Cao Yue, did you really become a soldier?"

Last time she added Caoyue's wechat, but Cao ignored her, so she could only ask questions in person if she felt curious.

"How could there be a fake?" Cao looked at her more and more.

In fact, he has not really retired from the army. He still retains his status as a soldier, but has been assigned to the military intelligence department. In the eyes of those who know his situation, he has become a member of the secret front related to military intelligence.

"Don't you have to be 18 years old to be a soldier?"

Cao Yue glanced at the baby like Zhu Xiaopin and said with a smile, "I am a special recruit, and I have no requirement for age."

"What do you do in the army? What kind of arms are they? " Zhu Lishuang also inquired curiously.

"It seems that you are going to find out all the details of me for Zheng Han today," Cao Yue drank tea and looked at several girls in front of him with a smile.

What a bunch of gossipy women

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