Urban Superboy

Chapter 170

After joking, Cao Yue honestly answered the questions of the girls: "I have been in the Yanjing military region for four years, and have carried out several missions. I only left the army in July this year."

"What rank were you before you demobilized?" Zhu Xiaopin asked Cao Yue in front of several other girls.

"Captain!" Cao Yue hesitated for a moment, or said it.

"Captain? Isn't that company commander? Isn't it that you haven't been to a military academy now, and you can't take care of them? " Zhu Lishuang has a cousin who graduated from the military academy. She has a little understanding of these situations. Therefore, after Cao Yue said that he was a captain before he was demobilized, she couldn't help expressing doubts.

"Because I was very good in the army, I was luckier than others and got the rank of captain." Cao Yue still answers with a smile. But the real reason, he certainly won't say.

"Well, you don't check the household registration," Zheng Han knew many things, the more Cao couldn't say, so he immediately stopped several of his classmates from questioning. "After a while, he was scared away by your women. You are so gossipy."

Zheng Han's play round, in exchange for Zhu Xiaopin's dissatisfaction: "Hanhan, now all protect Cao Yue, really see the color forget friends."

However, Zheng Han didn't pay attention to it. He just smiles at Zhu Xiaopin, and then he shows a sweet smile to Cao Yue.

"Hanhan, Cao Yue's younger brother, is the most beautiful and talented school flower of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University. If you want to catch up with this beautiful and talented girl in our Chinese Department, you can't just rely on appearance and eloquence, but also have real talent and real learning." Chen Xiaohui whispered to Cao Yue, "today we are several sisters, but we want to test you to see if you and Hanhan match. Dare you accept our examination?"

"Oh? "Cao Yue looked at Zheng Han. Seeing that she did not object, he could only promise:" then I can only accept your examination, otherwise my image score will be lost a lot. Come on, want to test me what, please come up with the question, the big deal I check Baidu. "

"That can't do, how can google?" Chen Xiaohui immediately protested, but she soon understood that Cao Yue was just playing jokes.

"Don't let me write poems and lyrics. That level is too high, unless I go back to ancient times and ask for advice from my predecessors."

These women must have discussed with each other today. They want to give him some problems. Maybe Zheng Han also supports them.

Although he is very confident in his talent and learning, he is still a little bit lacking in confidence because these women are all excellent students in the Chinese department.

Cao Yue's words, naturally attracted a few girl's laughter, each other's formality no longer.

Several girls looked at her, and finally Zhu Xiaopin said, "Cao Yue, you are not only outstanding in skill, but also very good in talent. Otherwise, you can't play such a wonderful piano with Hanhan. We also watched the video of your speech in class that day. It was really wonderful. We all believe that you are a man of many talents. "

The more Cao didn't interrupt, he just listened quietly.

First give him a high hat, and then a kill move, such a routine he saw more.

"What we Chinese Department girls like to see most is beautiful articles. I believe you can see them. It's really amazing," Zhu said after a pause. "Cao Yue, can you please enjoy your writing? Or write a love letter or a love poem to Hanhan on the spot

After Zhu Xiaopin finished, several women's eyes were all staring at Cao Yue, trying to see what reaction he had.

"Do you think I'm not worthy of Zheng Han because I can't compare with Zheng Han?"

"That's not," Zhu Xiaopin quickly shakes his head. "We're just curious to know how good it is to get people who are in favor."

"I'm relieved," Cao asked with a smile as he sipped his tea. "It's not good to write love letters and love poems on site, right? To write this kind of thing, you should write when you are calm, so that you can write your true feelings. If I don't go back today, I'll think about one night and let you see it tomorrow? "

"Let's change the subject matter and write a essay, or show us what you wrote before." Zhu Xiaopin took the initiative to reduce the requirements.

"It seems that I have to show my writing today?" Cao Yue continued to drink tea with a smile and asked Zhu Xiaopin in a funny tone: "it seems that in the eyes of your Chinese Department girls, the literary grace of a boy is a very important condition for choosing a mate, isn't it?"

"It's right, it's not!" Julie said. "We all want our other half to be so talented that we can communicate more harmoniously. But there are still many things in this society that are more important than a person's literary talent, especially after entering the society. "

"It's true that only when you are full of warmth can you think about immorality. After you solve the livelihood problem, you will pay attention to other higher-level things, spiritual pursuit. If you are affected by the livelihood problem, you may give up. The brilliance of Tang poetry and Song poetry is based on the premise that the people are extremely rich. So are we small people. When we step into society, our livelihood is the first. However, I have great respect for those who are still pursuing literature in this materialistic age. I also like to associate with you talented students in the Chinese department. "

Echoing Zhu Lishuang's words and feeling two sentences later, Cao Yue took out his mobile phone and said to the four girls with a smile: "I'll send you my essay once written by myself, and you can comment on it. It was written before! "The more open the QQ, the more Zheng Han wanted to find a chance to talk to the public.

"Zheng Han, please forward it to them." Cao yuechong laughed at Zheng Han, and then said to the four girls, "this is what I wrote down when I was wandering in Daming Palace Ruins Park after dark when I was traveling in Chang'an. How about your evaluation of literary talent. If you find it hard to read, please be more subtle in your criticism. You can never let me lose face in front of Hanhan. "

Cao Yue's words, immediately made several girls laugh.

"Hanhan, your boyfriend talks very funny!" after Zhu Lishuang praised, she sighed helplessly: "if only we Fang Haijun had such a sense of humor."

Fang Haijun is Zhu Lishang's boyfriend. He is very talented and has a very good personality, but he is a bit dull and not good at talking.

"Then you throw him away and compete with Hanhan," Zhu Xiaopin said with a smile.

"Then compete with Hanhan. You haven't been robbed." Juliet replied.

"I don't want to look for shame from myself," Zhu Xiaopin pinched Julie and said with a smile, "I'd rather find a boyfriend at will, rather than Hanhan."

At this time, Zheng Han had already forwarded the essay Cao Yue sent to her to the other three girls, and she read it carefully.

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