Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 28 Efficiency

The two continued to move forward in the passage, while constantly activating biological detection, following Qin Mo's orders to find the psykers he needed.

After traveling about one thousand meters, a purple mark appeared on the HUD.

"Psychic reaction detected, target marked."

A cold electronic sound sounded in the visor. Gray looked in the direction of the purple mark, controlled the shoulder cannon to aim in that direction, and burned a path on the metal wall.

Since there could be no aliens inside the wall, Groat at the back was responsible for the main attack.

Originally, Grote thought he could defeat these aliens with a gravity hammer, but he saw the combat system's analysis of the aliens on the HUD.

The claws on the alien's hands are enlarged and marked with the word danger.

Grote immediately inserted the gravity hammer into the weapon slot behind him, raised his hands and used the shotgun laser to aim forward.

Once again, a large number of aliens emerged at the end of the passage, and Groat easily blocked the aliens' path after firing.

Those aliens were very resistant to being beaten, but unfortunately there were too many shotgun lasers and they were too dense, and in the end they could only leave corpses on the passage.

"These aliens smashed a lot." Groot raised his hands and waited for the shotgun laser to dissipate heat.

The heat energy generated by the weapon fire is quickly absorbed by the energy engine, and in less than a second, Groot can pour firepower on the alien again.

"You can just stand there and wait for the gravity shield to crush them." Gray reminded as he walked.

"I know, but I just like shooting them. Otherwise, why would this power armor be equipped with weapons?" Groat said with a smile.

After walking to the end of the opened passage, Gray once again used his shoulder cannon to clear the way.

Groat was still shooting at the rushing aliens.

It was more like a walk than a fight, and the two of them could even chat for a while.

"Didn't the brothers encourage you to ask the legion commander to name the power armor before?" Grote asked, "What is the name of this power armor?"

"Power armor, the name of power armor is power armor. That's what he said." Gray replied indifferently.

"Then our power armor must be distinguished from that of ordinary soldiers, right?"

"That's what I said at the time, and then the legion commander was annoyed by me and made up a name at random, called the Imperial Guard."

"Prisoner? Sounds okay."

After half an hour of walking down or to the left or right, Gray saw that he was only ten meters away from the psychic reaction mark point.

When the shoulder cannon fired again, emitting 70% of its energy and 2%, a path leading to the underground cavity was melted open.

The enemy already knew that the two men were coming, so they were prepared here.

When Gray scanned the entire underground cavity, he saw large groups of rebel soldiers hiding behind bunkers, pointing laser rifles or live ammunition weapons at themselves.

In the corner of this underground hollow, a soldier of our own was holding an alien long knife and waving it weakly to fight with two rebel infantry.

"Albert." Gray recognized the identity of his own soldier. He still remembered the time when he and Qin Mo rescued Albert and Duncan.

Albert's fight with the rebel infantry was more like an execution. He was suppressed unilaterally, lost an arm, and was covered with wounds.

The focus of this mission is not to rescue Albert, but Gray is willing to save him, but only if he completes the task of catching psychics given by Qin Mo.

The rebel psyker stood behind the rebel infantryman, with another psyker beside her.

When he observed them closely, Gray discovered that there was not only one psychic reaction mark, but two overlapping marks.

"Fire!" one of the psykers roared.

A large number of beams and live ammunition were fired at Gray and Grote, and the two stood in the hail of bullets and reacted calmly.

Gray raised his hands, while Groat turned off the gravity shield and pulled out the gravity hammer from behind.

After the shotgun laser fired from Gray's hand, the rebel infantry and the bunker were riddled with holes in two seconds, and even a single intact body could not be found.

There may still be people who are not completely dead, but the defenses they deployed have indeed been shattered.

The jetpack on Groot's back spurted flames backwards, and he rushed towards the two psykers at great speed.

As he was running, one of the psykers raised his hand, and a large amount of debris floated up and flew towards Groat and wrapped it around him, temporarily stopping his forward progress.

Just as Groat tried to free himself from the debris, another psyker unleashed fire.

"I'm a guard! Bichi!" Grote roared in the flames. The jetpack behind him was fully powered and he quickly broke free from the restraints. He swung the gravity hammer and smashed the psyker's dog's head hard.

When Groat smashed one of the two psykers into a flat surface, Gray had already raised his left hand to pull the other psyker over and grabbed her neck fiercely.

The psionic suppressor integrated into the power armor took effect, leaving the psyker Gray was choking unable to fight back. He could only weakly tap the arm armor to show that he could not breathe.

The battle ends here.

Grote ran to Albert to check on him. After a biometric scan, the outline of Albert's body was highlighted, with a line of words floating in the center of the outline.

Excessive blood loss, survival probability 0.

"He's dead," Gray said.

"Yes." Grote nodded, his eyes falling on Albert's face, "He had a smile on his face. He must have seen the scene of us slaughtering the rebels."

Gray silently released biological detection, found the enemy who had not been completely killed, and blasted his head with telekinesis.

After there was no one alive in the underground cave except for the two of his own and the captured psyker, Gray turned around and looked at Grote: "You can't leave his body here, take him back with you."

The two of them didn't kill all the aliens on their way here. When they set out on their way back, the passage was already crowded with aliens showing their teeth and claws.

Groat was ahead this time, clearing the path with his shoulder cannon while carrying the body.

After the beam is fired from the shoulder cannon, the aliens in the front channel are instantly reduced to ashes, which is more efficient than using a gravity hammer or shotgun laser.

No one spoke on the way back.

Gray and Grote were thinking at the same time that the difference between themselves and other ordinary soldiers might just be that they wore Guards power armor.

Without this power armor, they would have died countless times.

Grote was a man who looked reckless but was delicate at heart. He began to worry about the soldiers who were only wearing ordinary power armor in various positions.

Gray was wondering if he should undergo more transformations so that he could still fight even without the Guards Power Armor.

After walking out of the collection well, the two jumped on the transport plane and returned to the fortress where the 47th Regiment was stationed.

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