Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 44 Star God’s Choice

late at night.

In the underground cave of the fortress, Qin Mo continued his research.

Through sleepless and tireless research, a prototype of a dimensional teleportation device has been produced, and the next step is experimentation and improvement.

While Qin Mo was preparing for the experiment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in."

Grote pushed open the door and brought a man into the room: "Legion Commander, this is the man you want to see."

Upon hearing this, Qin Mo immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at the man.

He knew this man's name was Yao En.

An officer reported not long ago that he received a report from a civilian that a man named Yao En was a rebel hiding in the city.

As for the reason... because Yaoen makes everyone who sees him feel disgusted. People think that this is someone secretly reminding them to help them find the heresy hidden among the crowd.

After hearing about Yao En from the officer, Qin Mo immediately ordered him to bring him over.

Now Yao En is here.

"I remember you." Qin Mo suddenly remembered something, "During the defense battle of Cato City, were you among the people who fought side by side with me on the main road?"

"Yes!" Yaoen was so excited that he went crazy. He didn't expect that God would remember such a little person like him.

And just like before, God didn't show any disgust.

Qin Mo moved a chair and motioned for Yaoen to sit down, then waved to Grote: "You go out first."

Grote glared at Yao En and walked out as he said: "If he does anything strange, just call me and I will rush in and smash him to pieces."

"Don't worry, he is safe." Qin Mo didn't worry at all.

When Grote walked out and closed the door, Qin Mo asked Yaoen: "Does everyone hate you?"

"Yes, except you." Yaoen nodded.

"Hahahaha." Qin Mo suddenly burst into laughter that confused Yaoen.

Qin Mo now feels like he picked up money on the street, because Yaoen is an untouchable.

The Untouchables have no souls and are completely insulated from the subspace. They cannot be corrupted even if they call the Four Gods of Chaos by their names. Psykers who are not very strong cannot even release their psychic energy in front of the Untouchables, and may even panic and become incontinent. .

But the untouchables are basically hated by everyone, and even the high lords of the empire have the idea of ​​​​executing all untouchables.

"I really didn't expect you to be untouchable." Qin Mo was pleasantly surprised. "I didn't notice it during the battle. I thought you had done something sinister, so everyone else stayed away from you."

Recalling the Cato defense battle, Qin Mo found that he had no feeling in front of Yaoen, even now.

"God, what's wrong with me?" Yaoen couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

"You just have a special constitution." Qin Mo answered first, and then became confused: "What did you call me? God?"

Yaoen then told everything about why he was called Qin Mo Shen and who served him.

After hearing Yaoen's explanation, Qin Mo felt dumbfounded. Although he had expected that some people might believe in him, he was still shocked to hear that there were such people.

The Star God is not a god in the subspace. Regardless of whether he can gain the faith of mortals or not, the Star God will always exist and will not become stronger because of faith.

"It's meaningless to believe in me, and I don't need your faith. Stop immediately." Qin Mo first warned Yaoen, and then picked up the communicator and ordered Gray, "Take someone to the south of the city tavern and monitor everyone inside. personal."

"Why?" Yao En asked puzzledly.

"Because..." Qin Mo wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he decided not to because the reason was too complicated.

The value of the existence of waiters is that they will try their best to learn to imitate the logistics machinery and make themselves cold and calm, but how many of the waiters really suppress their emotions instead of thinking that they have suppressed their emotions.

Qin Mo also believed that it was better for these people to believe in the Emperor than to believe in him. At least their souls could return to the Golden Throne after death, but he could not protect their souls.

"Tell me about yourself." Qin Mo valued Yaoen very much, so he planned to find out about him.

Yaoen told his story again.

He has only one family member, his wife.

He and his wife were both orphans who were abandoned in the bottom nest. They struggled to survive together since childhood, and became husband and wife because they didn't dislike each other.

Apparently, both of them are untouchable.

This is very rare.

"Do you know other people like you?" Qin Mo asked.

"No more." Yaoen shook his head.

"You and your wife have extremely rare characteristics. You may be the only two in the entire hive." Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Why do I cause other people to feel disgusted when they see me?"

"It's a long story. It starts with the first life that was born in the universe after the Big Bang... But the story is meaningless. You just need to know that you are a special person and you are very important in my eyes."

When he heard the importance of Qin Mo's words, Yaoen felt that he had reached a turning point in his destiny, and his entire life would change because of this meeting.

"You go home now. I will send someone to find you tomorrow morning and bring you and your wife to the fortress." Qin Mo stood up and opened the door for Yaoen, "You were chosen by me."

"Can I be your messenger?" Yaoen stood up and asked.

"More than just being my messenger, you can play a role far beyond your imagination." Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

Although he has not yet begun to think about how to use Yaoen's talent, Qin Mo already has preliminary ideas in his mind.

It is impossible for Yaoen to be a general, because no matter how powerful he is, he cannot make the soldiers listen to him.

He can only become a warrior, a powerful warrior, everything from body to weaponry is top-notch, and he can kill everyone on the battlefield, spreading destruction and fear to the enemy.

Even if he enjoys fighting like Groat, there will be no risk, because he is untouchable, and he will not be corrupted even if he calls the four gods by their names.

"I...I..." Yaoen trembled all over, his eyes full of surprise and admiration, "I don't know if this is a dream or reality...I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you...if you want me now I can cut out your heart!"

Qin Mo patted Yaoen's shoulder to calm his excitement, took him out of the room, and ordered Grote outside the door: "Send him back on a transport plane and pick up his whole family the next morning."

Although he was very disgusted with Yao En, Grote still took Yao En away: "I will obey your order."

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