Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 45 Dimension Teleportation

After sending Yao En away, Qin Mo began to prepare for the dimensional teleportation experiment.

The dimensional teleportation device was transported to the experimental site.

This experimental site is located in a newly opened cave under the fortress. Two cells were built in the left and right corners of the huge underground cavity.

The people used for the experiment have been imprisoned in the cell on the far left.

This man was not a rebel bishop but a criminal who was convicted of trying to dismantle logistical machinery and sell it for money.

After Grote put Yaoen on the transport plane, he immediately rushed to the experimental site, ready to obey his orders as Qin Mo's assistant.

"Put this thing on the experimental subject." Qin Mo pointed to the metal backpack placed on the table.

Grote immediately picked up his backpack and walked into the cell. The prisoner did not dare to disobey him and put on the backpack honestly. He even took the initiative to close the cell door after Grote left the cell.

"Is that a gravity backpack?" Grote asked curiously.

"No, it's a protective device." Qin Mo explained while activating the dimensional teleportation device. "There are locators, soul binders and shield generators in the backpack to ensure that he can be teleported and that the teleportation is complete."

"Sounds very profound..." Grote couldn't understand these complicated technologies, so he turned his attention to the teleportation device.

It was a square object with a height and length of two meters. It was made of alloy and had energy patterns on the metal surface.

When Qin Mo raised his hand, a large number of cables penetrated the wall into the experimental site and were connected to the transmission device.

"The first experiment, let's begin." Qin Mo raised his hand and placed it on the transmission device, and then activated the entire device with his mind.

Grote quickly raised his head and stared at the criminal.

The criminal's body began to twist and deform and let out heart-rending screams.

At this time, the backpack released energy, and a humanoid energy body gradually appeared above the criminal's body. This humanoid energy body tried to grab his body but was unable to touch it. However, it was not pulled out of the body, but was firmly fixed by the energy. in the flesh.

"That thing is his soul." Qin Mo said.

"That backpack doesn't seem to be working." Grote reminded quickly.

"It worked, but it didn't work completely." Qin Mo continued to observe for two seconds, and then raised his hand.

At this time, all the devices inside the backpack were activated, and an oval-shaped barrier enveloped the criminal's body and soul.

The next second the criminal appeared in another cell, the barrier on his body gradually dissipated, his soul and body merged together again, and he fell to the ground gasping in pain.

"Are we going to use this thing to teleport out of the nest?" Grote asked worriedly.

"Of course, the teleportation device is only the first step. We will have to use this device to travel through various galaxies in the future." Qin Mo nodded.

Grote looked at the criminal with a pale face. He felt that the teleportation device was more like a torture device used to torture people.

"If the protection device is turned on before the teleportation starts, he will not feel pain." Qin Mo said, walking to the cell and asking the criminal how he felt: "What did you see during the teleportation?"

"Before the teleportation started... I saw a lot of lines... everything in my field of vision became transparent... After that, I seemed to see a lot of things... but I didn't seem to see anything." The criminal said in confusing words. .

Qin Mo listened quietly and finally came to a conclusion.

The criminal was briefly sent to another dimension during the teleportation, but his human senses were not sharp, and his sensory organs were unable to hear or see anything more in that dimension.

But it didn't matter, he was successfully teleported.

"You're lucky. I thought you would be sent into the wall during this experiment." Qin Mo said with a smile.

"What?" The criminal raised his head in horror, realizing that he had just been lucky enough to escape a catastrophe with a high probability of death.

Qin Mo turned around and walked to the transmission device. Instead of continuing with the next experiment, he began to meditate.

The principle of dimensional teleportation is very simple. It is to use sufficient energy to open a dimensional channel and then stuff people or objects into it and transport them to the other side of the channel.

Suppose the material universe is a chessboard. If a chess piece wants to move from the left to the right of the chessboard, it must move one square at a time. Dimensional teleportation is equivalent to someone picking up the chess pieces and placing them directly at the end point.

When the transmission device starts transmitting, it will call the computing power of the main control intelligence to accurately calculate various data between the person wearing the protective device and the target location. However, if there is no locator near the target location, then the calculation results will inevitably be biased.

It may be off by one or two meters, or it may be off by ten meters or even a hundred meters. It doesn't matter to the battleship, as long as it is not directly transmitted to the planet, it doesn't matter if it is off.

But for people, a deviation of a few meters means that it may get stuck in the wall, or even merge with debris...

It is also very simple to solve this problem, which is to let the main control intelligence perform calculations for a longer period of time in order to achieve more accurate results.

As long as the first person teleports safely, it will be safe. They can place a beacon at the teleportation point, so there is no need for the main control intelligence to perform calculations, and the transmission error will not exceed one meter.

"Xincato suddenly had a power outage. The reason is still under investigation!" Klein suddenly opened the door and shouted a report, interrupting Qin Mo's meditation.

"I used the electricity from the new Cato for experiments." Qin Mo explained to Klein.

The disadvantage of dimensional teleportation is that it consumes too much energy, but this is not a big problem for Qin Mo. He can use lightning to pre-charge the teleportation device.

This time, the power of the new Cato was used just to test how far the city's power could allow a person to teleport.

The test results are obvious. Just letting criminals teleport between two cells less than 100 meters apart will cause the new Cato to lose power. If it is further away, it will really not work.

"What's the result of the experiment?"

While asking questions and waiting for the results, Klein looked at Qin Mo nervously, fearing that he would say the experiment failed.


"Great! So we can go in and out of the den freely?"

"Of course, in five days, after I mass-produce the protection device, I will be able to freely enter and leave the bottom nest."

Klein was extremely happy. After so many days of waiting, he was finally able to leave this nest and return home to meet his family.

"Mobilize all troops in three days and prepare them for mass teleportation."

When Klein was excited, Qin Mo issued an order that he couldn't understand. He was stunned for a moment and then asked tremblingly: "Why...why? Aren't all the rebels in the bottom nest dead?"

"But the person who tricked us is not dead yet. I don't intend to start a war, but we must be ready for battle to prevent anyone from trying to attack us after leaving the bottom nest." Qin Mo replied.

"Yes...yes..." Klein nodded thoughtfully.

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