Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 204 Shadow in the Cave

Happy people always have the same joy.

Unhappy people, on the other hand, tend to be depressed in different ways.

Not even the Astartes warriors, not even the Primarchs, even those who are more powerful than them, cannot escape this pale and ridiculous law.

And when Ahriman figured this out, he was already standing on the wide and cold tarmac of the Polar Star as the envoy of the Fifteenth Legion.

A steady stream of Dawnbreakers were circling around him, like gray-white water cut by the scarlet rock in the center of the river. All the Sons of Morgan revealed a physical characteristic derived from their Primarch. : The light-colored hair and cold-colored eyes.

The Son of Magnus looked at them, looking at these battle brothers from the Second Legion who also exuded psychic energy. He subconsciously counted their numbers: more than nine hundred, but less than a thousand.

The reason for doing this is because Ahriman knew that at this moment, passing by him were all the psykers in the Dawnbreaker Legion: the son of Magnus instinctively wanted to understand who he was here. How many of the same kind will there be on a battleship?

While the Lord of the Second Legion was conducting her visit to Prospero, Morgan sent all her psychic descendants to the surface of this world and brought them all to the city of Tizca. Gnus issued this order in front of him. At that time, they were in the Crimson King's Great Pyramid of Light, admiring what he had written about the communication, insights and possibilities of interaction with various creatures in the subspace.

Magnus was happy to hear that more Dawnbreakers would come to Tizca instead of just thirty followers. This indecisive warp observer had an almost natural trust in his blood relatives, and even In the eyes of Magnus, it was the best thing for Morgan to bring all his descendants to Tizca City to appreciate the prosperity and glory here together.

Immediately afterwards, the Crimson King immediately sent more heirs to arrange for them to receive the second batch of arriving Dawnbreaker visitors, and he himself ordered the mortal servants to prepare a room for his blood relatives to spend the night: Mag Nuss had already prepared the fantasy of Morgan staying here for a few days, talking with him at night by the light of the lamp, sleeping under the feet, and discussing, learning and exploring the subspace together.

He has long wanted to do this: in the Crimson King's view, academics cannot be too lonely, especially after his subspace travels with the Lord of Mankind became a lingering memory in his mind. Magnus has been waiting for a good opportunity to be able to travel to the subspace with others again and study together.

Even Magnus knew that this was a fantasy: a powerful figure with the same wisdom and rationality as him, and the same understanding and addiction to the subspace. The probability of his appearance is enough to be considered even if you look at the entire galaxy. It's more than a fantasy.

But today, the fantasy came true.

How could this not make him happy, how could it not make him excited, how could it not make his beating heart beat wildly, wantonly accumulating infinite favor for this blood relative?


【My blood relatives. 】

[Being here with you really opened my eyes. I can even guarantee that each of my descendants will be shocked by every plant and tree in Tizca City until they can't say anything. 】

[An impressive day. 】


[Sorry, brother. 】

【I gotta go. 】

【Right now. 】


But, unfortunately, Magnus's fantasy was soon shattered.

When the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion told his blood relatives about the great future plan, he discovered that he and Morgan had spent dozens of hours together. For a visit, this was nothing. It's time for a short break.

But Morgan's request went further: the Primarch of the Second Legion, in a tactful, friendly but determined manner, planned to end her trip in Prospero, return to her fleet, and head towards Sail to more distant destinations.

For a moment, Magnus even doubted whether he had unintentionally offended this rare blood relative and confidant.

Is it because the knowledge he talks about is not profound and profound enough?

Is it because the success he displayed was not successful and shocking enough?

Or... the city of Tizca is not glorious and great enough? Not prosperous and bright enough? Haven’t shown the power of subspace yet? Isn’t it enough for his blood relatives to agree with his great ideals from the bottom of their hearts?

Thousands of worries flashed through Magnus's mind, until Morgan smiled and took out a letter, a beautiful reply from someone else.

The letter came from the Iron Lord of Olympia, Perturabo.

The letter clearly stated: As early as when Morgan returned to his legion, that is, several Terran standard months ago, the Spider Queen had already made an agreement with her Iron Brother.

They will have a meeting in Olympia to discuss cooperation between some legions. According to the time, if Morgan delays in Prospero for a few more days, she may not be able to attend the appointment on time.

Having said that, Magnus no longer forced his blood relatives to remain.

With this letter under his arm, Morgan slowly came to Magnus, took his hand, and patted it. The westward sunlight clearly cast the shadows of the two Primarchs on the Great Pyramid of Light. On the pure white stone walls, they look like Goethe and Mephisto in mythology.

[Actually, I really want to stay here for a few days, Magnus. 】

[The shock I felt in these dozens of hours exceeded my ten years in the Ran Dan War. 】

[During the Randan War, I witnessed the power of the Emperor. 】

[He is the master who can control the sun and stars. 】

[He is the king who can decide between the empire and the world. 】

[He is St. George. 】

[He is King Asa. 】

[He is Hercules walking in the mortal world, grabbing the head of Hydra. 】

[He is the one who slays gods and monsters, the personification of dusk. With a raised hand, he kills the Leviathan from another empire, another hegemony, and another throne into the blood and madness. Turned it into one of the countless corpses under his throne. 】

[He is so great, so powerful, he dares to dream about great things that millions of people dare not dream of, and he launches an expedition across the galaxy. 】

[There are few things in the galaxy that our father would not dare to do. 】

[But what you did is still something that even our father would not dare to imagine. 】

[Do you know what this means? 】

[Whether it is Tizca City or you and your legions, they all opened my eyes. I never dreamed that in this era, I would see these scenes in front of me with my own eyes. These are shocking existences. A beautiful melody that is enough to make me cry silently and leave me speechless. 】

[But you did it, Magnus, you did it all, and you aspired to do more: I don’t think I have the wisdom to judge what you did, but I believe in one thing, Magnus Sri Lanka. 】

[The day you succeed, the day Prospero really becomes the bridge between the subspace and the real universe as you said, and allows spiritual energy to awaken and become the shadow of mankind. 】

[Trust me, Magnus. 】

[Whether it is our father, most of our brothers, or even their followers and heirs, as well as those who can represent the endless mortal auxiliary army, the fleet of the entire galaxy, and the will and power of the entire empire. figure. 】

[They will all come to your Prospero, and they will bring endless flames and shocks that resound to the heaven and earth. The whole of Prospero will be completely submerged by the waves they set off. 】

[Everyone will whisper to the Thousand Sons, everyone will whisper to Prospero, everyone will whisper your name Magnus: then, in the long time to come, maybe no one will be able to call you by your name, and you will become A certain code name and symbol has become a special existence that even the bravest people will not mention easily. 】

【Do you...understand what I mean? 】


Morgan looked at Magnus.

Those blue eyes flashed with dangerous light, staring straight at the helplessly stupid brother.

Spurred by some inner emotion, with some minimal compassion, and with the pursuit of the ultimate benevolence, she looked directly at her blood relatives and softly uttered this almost revealing language.




Magnus was silent and thinking. For a moment, he seemed to really listen to Morgan's words and really be able to grasp the evasive truth in these words.

The Spider Queen even felt that she had an hallucination: in the stupidly clear pupils of her blood relatives, there seemed to be a glimmer of real wisdom shining through.

But the next moment, with that familiar and annoying smile returning to Magnus's face, Morgan knew: this was just an illusion after all.

Yes, Magnus figured it out.

He "figured it out."

The Primarch laughed. He took a step forward, grabbed the hand of his blood relative, and patted it with relief and gratitude.

"You're right, Morgan."

Morgan looked at the smile in front of her and suddenly had a very uneasy feeling: her instinct was telling her that the string of words she just said didn't seem to have any effect.

Or maybe they didn't seem to work the way she imagined?

Before she could finish thinking about it all, Magnus' clear emotion slowly came to her ears.

"They won't call me by my name anymore, that's true, Morgan, and I really wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't reminded me."

"Our brother Horus, who was called the Wolf-Wanderer, and our other brother Sanguinius, who all would call him an angel or an archangel, deserved it all, for their fame had eclipsed Their original name was given to them, and their great strength and great achievements made all of this possible.”

"If that day comes, when my great ideal comes true, I will be like them. People will no longer call me by my name, but a title, a title that symbolizes respect and admiration."

"As you said, Morgan, I really need to think about it. What should I be called when the time comes?"



Morgan raised an eyebrow, and she took a serious look at her blood brother.

【Are you serious? My Magnus?】

The Crimson King smiled, with a hint of obvious shyness in his laughter.

"Oh, Morgan..."

"Although as a scholar, theoretically, I shouldn't care about this false reputation, but you know, in a sense, this also symbolizes the glory of the Thousand Sons Legion, and I should really pay attention to it, not to mention, Crimson The title King is indeed not very satisfactory..."

Magnus smiled, lowered his head and touched his neck, like a somewhat introverted researcher who was embarrassed by the most straightforward compliment.


She wanted to sigh.

She wanted to take a deep breath.

She even missed the lion a little bit.

The Spider Queen blinked her eyes. She looked at the Primarch in front of her who was minding his own business and immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future. She once again fell into brief doubt: was this the true expression of Magnus? Or is it his acting skills that are so superb that no one can tell them apart?

Was he playing a trick on her?

But anyway, Morgan decided to give the final touch.

[That sentence is not the point, my Magnus. 】

Morgan's words seemed to be accompanied by some kind of sigh.

[You should listen carefully to the middle part of what I just said. 】

[My Magnus, the title is not really the issue. 】

【But them. Our fathers, our brothers, and those mortals. 】

[They will come to Prospero: They will come when you realize your great ideals. 】

[They will bring fire, they will bring shock, they will bring waves, that may...]

She hesitated.

[Harm your legion and everything in front of you. 】


By Morgan's standards, this statement was too straightforward.

But even so, before the Spider Queen could come out of this self-condemnation for her reckless behavior, Magnus' hearty laughter had already replaced his previous shy whispers, crackling in Morgan's ears. Exploded.

"Don't worry, Morgan."

"I expected all this."

The Primarch's chest crackled as he slapped it.

"When I decided to start this plan a long time ago, I had anticipated all of this. They were already within my expectations!"

"As I told you, even among our brothers, even among the best of the men our fathers created, there are still some hopeless fools who resist the power of the psionic. Power is ignoring the real future and using their shallow understanding to use their hands as a cart."

"I know what they will do. I know that when my great plan is finally realized on Prospero, when this world becomes the passage and bridge between the warp and the real universe, and becomes a safe eyeball, they will Things to do."


"of course."

"Of course they will come, and they will bring the fire, the fire in their hearts, the fire that burned because of endless jealousy, savagery and fear, the fire that has burned countless great explorers to death."

“They will let their flames, their savage roars, their waves of ignorance sweep over Prospero, and they will eagerly engulf Prospero, the kingdom of reason that leads to the true future.”

"They may deceive others, spread rumors, turn psykers against the masses as the tyrants did in the Age of Strife before, and pour vicious slander into the ears of our Emperor. In the presence of everyone, my great plan is revealed as a sad sacrifice of viciousness and stupidity.”

"This is their fire, the vile fire in their hearts."

"Thank you for the reminder, Morgan. The word flame is indeed suitable to describe the rumors I will encounter."

"But I expected it."

"It might be a meeting, a meeting they convened, where they would want to put me on trial, make me bear the charges they had already written, and let my great ideals die. In their bellies, let the despicable flames in their hearts swallow up the truly beautiful future of mankind, crushing their bones and turning them into ashes."

"Just like those conservatives on Terra used their fire to burn so-called witches in the most distant past, they will do the same thing to me."

"Don't worry, Morgan, I have already made plans for all this. I have made plans to face the flames in their hearts and mouths. I have nothing to fear!"

"I will fight them!"

"I will win!"

"Then start a new future!"

When it comes to this. Magnus raised his head, his face was so solemn and calm, like a pioneer who was about to sacrifice for the truth.



"Even sending those savage small forces to burn down my library, to scare my people, to scare me away."

"I've expected it all."

"Neither I, nor the Thousand Sons, nor everyone in Tizca City will be afraid of these actions. We will hold high the banner of truth and the future, and use irrefutable speeches and truth to eliminate those shadows. The one who hides in the world reveals the completeness of the earth.”

After saying that, he raised his head and seemed to remember an ancient story.

"Do you remember a fable we discussed earlier, Morgan?"

【...The shadow in the cave? 】

"You really still remember?"

A smile formed on his lips.

"The flames burned outside the cave, scattering light and shining into the cave, making the people living in the cave have shadows, but those people could not see the flames outside the cave, so they regarded the shadow as It’s something that already exists.”

"And now, I am the one who walked outside the cave. I am the one who picked up and understood the flame. I will hold the flame and return to the cave to tell them the truth of the world and the falsehood of the shadow."

"Of course they will be horrified, of course they will attack me with despicable words, they will even want to throw flames on me to verify their vicious thoughts: I have known this for a long time."

"I know them, just like I know all the truths in the world and all the fates in the world, so I have nothing to fear, Morgan, because the fire can't hurt me, and it can't hurt my legion either. "

"After all, even the most vicious flames in the world are so insignificant compared to the devastation brought by fate. And under my leadership and salvation, my legion has already defeated the test of fate. A mere flame, that Not to mention of course.”

"Even if they really force me to walk into the flames, I will walk towards Nirvana in the flames and use iron-clad facts to crush those hypocritical lies and stupidity."

The words of the original gene were a kind of light and the highest self-confidence. There seemed to be something very different from Morgan's thoughts in his vision and brain. His words were blown into the sky lightly, never to fall again. Not coming down anymore.

Facing Morgan's words that were so clear that even a mortal could feel something was wrong, Magnus just couldn't understand the depth of them.

In other words, some of his arrogance and thoughts made him understand the meaning of Morgan's words in his own way. He didn't even bother to put himself in Morgan's shoes and think about the most rare thing about Morgan. Yes, the most benevolent and righteous words.

At this moment, Morgan even had a sense of realization, and she even figured out why.

Ultimately, Magnus is just a scholar.

And scholar, in many cases, is not actually a complimentary term.

The Primarch of the Thousand Sons has returned to the Empire for thirty years, but has never truly fought a war in the strict sense. His experience of blood and fighting, his understanding of the cruel and ruthless truth of this world, and even Not as good as Morgan, who just returned.

His understanding of the world, the despicability between people, and the tests he would face in the future seemed to be limited to the flames in his heart and a grand debate in his imagination.

Yes, in Magnus's mind, the worst thing that happened to him was that his father listened to the slander, convened a grand trial meeting, and gave him the rightful opportunity to debate.

His words can overcome it all. Therefore, he has nothing to fear.


It comes down to it.

Along with the Thousand Sons Legion's long rest and replenishment, along with Magnus's smooth sailing experience since his birth, along with his innate and most powerful power.

The current Crimson King is just a child who has never even fallen over.

Morgan raised his head. When Magnus did not see her, but looked towards the distant city of Tizca and expressed his ambitions, the face of the Spider Queen returned to its original coldness and rationality for a moment. And that natural indifference.


So be it.

She was completely benevolent and righteous.


For Morgan now, her only expectation for the Prospero brother is to see what wonderful drama he will perform for her in the future.


Some things still need to be done.


Ideas are ideas,

Work is work.


Magnus heard a sigh, which came from his blood relatives. From that short and slight sigh, he heard some kind of submission for his endless knowledge and ambition. He couldn't help but evoke The corners of his lips.

[That’s it, Magnus. 】

【You convinced me. 】

Magnus chuckled.

"Don't be so depressed, Morgan, my dearest blood relative."

"Actually, to be honest, you are the only person who can talk to me in such depth over the years, and you are also the only person who can raise your concerns so clearly. Even my most proud descendants, they It’s impossible to maintain a clear mind after such a long communication and communication.”

"Of all our brothers, your wisdom and knowledge are second only to mine."

She thought about it and seemed a little shy, but also a little grateful.

[This is actually your credit and the Thousand Sons’ credit. My brother, after all, the period of time my Thousand Sons lived allowed me to possess and understand this wisdom. 】

Magnus smiled.

"You've made me a little embarrassed. Morgan, I don't dare to covet this credit. You have only been in my legion for less than two years. No matter how you say it, this is not a long time. .”

[No, Magnus. 】

[True wisdom, true teaching and enlightenment have never anything to do with the world. 】

[The flash of a wise man's understanding of the truth is enough to outweigh the decades of wasted effort. 】

[Every moment I spend with the Thousand Sons Legion, and I spend time with you, is more precious to me than gold, than gems, and than all treasures in the world. 】

[Whether it was in the Dawn Star or now, you have given me an impression that I will never forget, some truths that may take me decades, hundreds of years or even longer to discover. In the Thousand Sons Legion, in Around you, I only need a moment to see them clearly and clearly. 】

[After all, for true wisdom, the most important thing is never the passage of time, nor how much material value it can bring. 】

[It’s about whether it can light up the light in people’s hearts and open the way forward at that truly important moment. 】

[Epiphany is a momentary thing. 】

[Just as you did here in Prospero, my brother. 】

[Just like the city of light you built for everyone. 】

[At least, you really helped me a lot here, Magnus. 】

[When I saw what you did with my own eyes, I thought I was finally truly sure and understood. 】

[What is true wisdom? 】

[What is true rationality? 】

[What is the real truth in the world that I should try to practice and abide by? 】

[I see it in you. 】


She didn't lie.

Everything she said was true.

Every word and every note in her shocking words are the most sincere words from the bottom of her heart.

Magnus stared closely at the face of his blood relative and recognized the words, and he finally came to this conclusion.

This is what Morgan says from the bottom of his heart.

This conclusion is unquestionable.

Because, everything Morgan said was truly from the bottom of his heart.


Magnus's laughter had never been higher, more cheerful, more exciting.

For a moment, there was even a sincere teardrop rolling in the Crimson King's eyes. Those were the tears that any wise man would shed when he saw his light finally shining on someone else. That is the most sincere joy of no longer being alone.

What more needs to be said?

Nothing more needs to be said.

In excitement and joy, Magnus bid farewell to his blood relatives, and ended this brief exchange between the legions with satisfaction and some regret.

Almost without thinking, he complied with Morgan's request, and Captain Ahriman became the official envoy of the Thousand Sons Legion. He was about to pay a visit to the Dawnbreaker Legion, a long period of mutual learning.

The Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion even waved his hand and promised Morgan's next hint: Ahriman would stay under Morgan's command and remain in the Second Legion. Until the Thousand Sons Legion returned to the Great Crusade again.

Until then, he will fight alongside Morgan and Daybreaker.

That would be a long time.

And this is the last question discussed by the two Primarchs.

With the end of this question, those psykers of the Second Legion who were wandering on the streets of Tizca City, shocked, opening their eyes wide and looking at the wonderful sights in all directions, were stunned by their mother. They grabbed them one by one and stuffed them into the fighter planes returning to the battleship.

Magnus made it all the way to the space station, and on the tarmac of the [Wanting Light] where he and Morgan met again, he said goodbye to his blood relatives.

Although the Thousand Sons seemed to have nothing to support in terms of legions, King Prospero still tried his best to recruit a group of people from the Tizca Great Library that he thought could help the Dawnbreakers. Psychic books.

These books are all the hard work of him and his heirs. Now, as a batch of the most important materials in Mas' heart, they are donated to the Second Legion for free.

The Crimson King was satisfied to see that both his blood relatives and her descendants accepted these precious gifts with the most solemn expressions.

And at the last moment when the two parties separated, Morgan whispered the spell. When she was about to return to her battleship, she turned her head and looked at the smiling face of her blood relative, and hesitated for a moment.

Still said the last words.

[Maybe you should think about it, Magnus. 】

"What to consider?"

[Consider some of the dangers. 】

[Do you still remember what Perturabo said back then? At that time, there were only three of us present. 】

[If even the Emperor dares not explore some places in the subspace, then why should we go? 】

[Our father may not really want you to explore some places in subspace. 】

Magnus smiled.

In his pupils, a layer of radiance flashed.

Morgan could see clearly.

That is hopeless arrogance.

That's pathetic stupidity.

It is a kind of deception, playing, and is formed in the smooth sailing protected by a higher level of existence, which is indescribable ignorance and madness.

"If our father really didn't want me to explore that."

"Then he will tell me, he will tell me clearly."

"After all, his love for me was unique."

"But the fact is..."

"He didn't tell me."

"He doesn't think it's a thing to worry about, Morgan."

"And me, too."

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