Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 205 Ahriman’s experiences studying abroad

I am Azak-Ahriman.

Now, I'm going to show you what it takes to survive in some of the most extreme and dangerous places in the galaxy.

I had to face a host of challenges: legends from Terra, monsters who captured fortresses single-handedly, and legions of zealots willing to fight to the death for the honor of their primarch's toenails.

In a place like this, if you don't have proper survival skills, you won't be able to survive even one day.


When Ahriman counted [946], the last psyker Astartes warrior belonging to the Second Legion finally slowly walked away from him, and those silver-white armors bypassed him. Ahriman passed silently across the tarmac, finally arrived in the dim battleship corridor, and soon disappeared without a trace.

From beginning to end, they are...


Yes, quiet.

There was no kind greeting, nor was there any malicious challenge as expected. Just like the rushing water bypassing the rocks in the river, the silvery white torrent bypassed Qianzi as it should.

It was as if there was some deadly virus from Prospero in his body.

Thinking of this, in his heart, Ahriman laughed helplessly at himself.

Of course, he doesn't care about these indifferent attitudes. He has never been a vulgar person who cares about these small things. His vision will only stay on those more practical or greater things.


Ahriman blinked.

For the briefest moment, Ahriman stood alone on the empty tarmac. He frowned slightly. Under the cover of the scarlet helmet, the sight from the Achaemenids was looking unscrupulously into the distance. The Dawnbreaker think tanks weighed their strength, determination and talent, as well as the possible outcome of the battle between him and each of them.

There is no strong person.

The memories of all the Dawnbreaker Libraries were quickly sifted through his mind, but only the proud son of Magnus let out a disdainful snort: just now, he did not feel threatened by any individual.

not a single one.

These Dawnbreakers under Morgan are experienced, they are passable, they are loyal, they...

But mediocre.

Disdainful laughter came from under the Thousand Sons' armor and quickly disappeared into the cold air. Ahriman moved his neck indifferently.

No, you can't think that, Ahriman.

At the very least, you cannot express this attitude too obviously.

In his heart, the company commander of Thousand Sons admonished himself without sincerity: to be respectful to friendly forces.

And it was at this time, accompanied by a few slow and familiar footsteps, that he finally arrived on the tarmac, and Ahriman also waited for the two figures he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Zosimos, Myrddin.

Ahriman smiled and stepped forward to greet him.

He knew that these two seemingly ordinary psionic masters of the Dawnbreakers were the two undoubted leaders of Morgan's psionic group. They were also the sons of Magnus carrying out his attack on the Second Legion. When all psykers are counted, the first two are chosen by default.

Although, their power is still far inferior to Ahriman: Ahriman can clearly judge all this with just a ritual handshake expressing self-restraint.

In the self-estimation and deduction of the son of Magnus, he can definitely fight one against two, and only need to pay some time and price to kill the souls of Zosimus and Myrddin. .

There's nothing difficult about it.

By the standards of think tanks, these two sons of Morgan are indeed strong: but their strength is the kind of mediocre strength, the kind that is slowly built up through repeated accumulation and following rules, and can be achieved by anyone. powerful.

That is the power of mediocrity, but not the power of genius.

And Ahriman was a genius.


Sure enough, just like the time in Holy Terra, the only one in the Second Legion who truly deserves his attention and awe is the self-proclaimed knight...



Zosimus and Myrddin also brought with them a third figure, one who delighted Ahriman: Balak-Uhisar.

This rising star of the Thousand Sons Legion from the Sky Owl School, a native of Prospero, is the companion chosen by Ahriman's genetic father for him, and the one he will fight side by side with in the next few decades. Characters: They will spend a long time together in the Legion of Dawn, under Morgan's silver throne.

After all, under Magnus's generous promise, he agreed to Morgan's request almost without thinking: the two Thousand Sons will conduct a long-term mutual learning plan in the Dawnbreaker Legion until the end of the war. The moment the Fifteenth Legion returns to the Great Crusade, they will return to the order of battle of the Thousand Sons.

At first glance, this may seem like nothing, but if you think about it carefully, this is an extremely long commitment.

You must know that it is only the seventy-eighth Terran standard year since the beginning of the Great Crusade. According to the timer of the warp, it is 876. M30

And although Magnus reunited with his Thousand Sons Legion on Prospero thirty years ago and successfully [saved] his descendants, in the past thirty years, The progress of the Thousand Sons in rebuilding the Legion has always been very slow, and their enthusiasm for devoting themselves to the Great Crusade has not been that high.

Even according to the most optimistic estimates, Magnus and his legion will not truly return to the Milky Way until the 100th Terran Standard Year when the Great Crusade officially begins, that is, around 900. M30 of the subspace timer. , fighting for the Emperor's cause.

In other words, even with a conservative estimate, Ahriman will stay in the Legion of Dawnbreakers for more than ten or twenty years: this is not without precedent. You see, the second company of the Legion of the Emperor's Children is almost ready. Have you become a regular employee of the Iron Hands Legion?

However, that is not something that Magnus will care about: he has neither the ambition to be aggressive in the Great Crusade nor the pressure from the Emperor's mission progress. If possible, Magnus is not even very He wanted to devote his experience and time to what he regarded as barbaric and meaningless conquest and destruction.

As for Ahriman: Magnus even hopes that his proudest child can win glory for Prospero's ideas under Morgan's command, so that more people will realize that the path of the Thousand Sons is the right one.

But, that was later.

For Ahriman, the most important thing now is to establish a relatively friendly relationship with the two mediocre Dawnbreakers around him. After all, he still needs the guidance of these people to help him become familiar with this battleship. .

Fortunately, although he was facing an unknown environment, there were not many things that he really needed to worry about: Balak, who was traveling with him, stood behind him with great self-knowledge, as if he was headed by this veteran of Terra, and Ahriman His luggage was quickly delivered by the slaves: it was only a medium-sized package, not even one-fifth of the large packages and rolls beside Balak.

Balak, who has a pale complexion, is a guy who is easy to like. He has a gentle attitude and is polite to others. He is a rare diplomat among the descendants of Magnus. This is also something that makes Ahriman quite satisfied: he He couldn't imagine how he could live with guys like Hathor or Forsis for more than ten years.

This rising star of the Sky Owl School is obviously still a little uncomfortable with it: just a few Terra Standard Time ago, he was still standing in the glorious light of Tizca City, responsible for receiving the host of the Dawnbreakers who came from afar. But in just a few hours, he followed an idea from his Primarch and became the guest of the Dawnbreakers: and the time for being a guest seemed to be a little long.

Balak packed up his belongings almost in a panic. The wine he was brewing could only be entrusted to his comrades in the legion. He even envied Ahriman: Ahriman's only luggage , is his staff and ancient scrolls, which record spells and decrees from the ancient Achaemenid Empire. Ahriman has been dedicated to deciphering these sacred treasures.

The young Prospero stood behind Ahriman like a shy attendant. He kept looking at the ancient and broken reliefs on the Polar Star, and pricked his ears to listen to Ahriman and the A conversation between two psychic masters.

In private, through the special spell of the Thousand Sons Legion, he established a private psychic communication with Ahriman beside him under the eyes of the Dawnbreaker think tank, and used it to ask some questions in the conversation.

For example, Ahriman kept mentioning his name in conversations, intentionally or unintentionally.


"Why do you care about him so much? Ahriman? Is there something wrong with him?"

The words from Balak reverberated in Ahriman's heart, and the First Captain of the Thousand Sons just kept his smile and continued to chat with the two Dawnbreakers on the surface, but in his heart, his words were brief and clear. In response to Balak's question.

"Because of the danger."


"Yes, dangerous."

A few rays of light flashed in Ahriman's pupils.

"Perhaps my next words are a bit unfounded and alarmist, Balak, but please remember: If in the next period of time, you find that I am forced to frequent the arena, please do not have the slightest doubt."

"Most of those Dawnbreakers, or maybe all of them, can't do anything to me. I am the first company commander and temple lecturer of the Thousand Sons Legion."

"Of course, except..."

"Except Bayar?"


"Yes, except Bayar."


"He's a complete monster."



In the following chat, the young Tian Xiao was almost out of his mind, thinking about this name that was enough to make Ahriman feel taboo and fearful, and its owner.

And he himself seemed to have entertained this perhaps very powerful figure in the previous dozens of Terra Standard Hours: In Barak's impression, in addition to his unusually kind and humble attitude, this Dawnbreaker also had a lovable demeanor. There doesn't seem to be anything noteworthy except for a little bit of weirdness.

Why should Ahriman be afraid of him?

Can't figure it out.

Qianzi's thirst for knowledge burned like this.

And when the two Dawnbreaker psychic masters temporarily left to deal with the business at hand, the Thousand Sons duo, who were resting temporarily in the corner of the hall, finally ushered in a continuation of questions and answers.


The First Captain of the Thousand Sons, who was closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes. He turned his head and looked helplessly at the battle brothers beside him. As always, he did not use words, but used the psychic communication channel between the two.

"What do you want to ask about Bayar?"


"That actually has nothing to do with you, Barak."

"I know, I'm just curious."


Ahriman sighed inwardly.


Well, to be fair, if he were in Balak's position, he wouldn't be able to suppress his curiosity.

Curiosity, this seems to be the most deep-rooted part of Magnus's bloodline. It affects every move of the Thousand Sons every moment, giving them unrivaled courage and determination to pursue knowledge and Heading into the unknown world.

The captain of the Thousand Sons closed his eyes and was silent for a while, as if he was remembering and taking a deep breath. After a while, just when Balak's patience was running out, Ahriman opened his eyes again.


"He is a monster."

"You are not from Terra, so you may not know how scary he is."

"...Let's put it this way, Balak, if you were asked to choose the most powerful Astartes warriors in your heart, what kind of answer would you give?"

"...doesn't contain psychic powers?"



"Astelan of the Dark Angels, Akudona of the Emperor's Children, Sejanus and Abaddon of the Luna Wolves, Santo of the Iron Hands, Gage of the Ultramarines..."

All kinds of things, in Balak's closed mouth, spit out dozens of names of more than a dozen legions, each of them is a famous existence, a symbol of victory, conquest and legend.

Ahriman listened patiently and nodded from time to time: Every character cited by the young Tian Xiao came from Terra or the earliest veterans of the Great Crusade. This is a matter of course. After all, those who came from the original body mother Although the warriors of the Star are also rising like meteors, they are too young after all and are far less sophisticated and famous than the Terran people.


Ahriman raised the corners of his lips. With a kind of arrogance unique to the Terran people, he looked at the somewhat confused Balak. The son of Magnus recounted bit by bit what his battle brothers had recommended. Those characters gave their own answers in a leisurely manner.

"The examples you gave are indeed all important figures in each legion."

"Invincible, unstoppable, inescapable, invincible..."


Ahriman smiled and motioned for Balak to come closer so that his words could echo in the ears of these young owls.

"He, Bayar."

"He beat everybody."

"The characters you listed are those from Terra and Cthonia, those from the Dark Angels and Ultramarines, the proud ones of each legion."

"Bayar defeated them all. He knocked their swords to the ground, leaving their arms bleeding. They could no longer hold on to anything and could only swallow the bitter pill of failure."

"Yes, you heard that right."

"That's what he did on Terra, before the Great Crusade began."

"Except for Akudona, the chief swordsman of the Emperor's Children's court, no one can be Bayar's opponent."


Ahriman was very satisfied with Balak's current expression: with the most vivid brushstrokes, shock and astonishment, absurdity and doubt, incredulity and bewilderment were skillfully blended into the same color to outline Balak's expression. Lake's current face.

Obviously, his mind was filled with so many problems at one time that he couldn't even think, talk, or pick out the one that he valued the most and was the most confusing to hit Ali. Manna's carefully groomed shawl.

He stammered and hesitated, like a confused child rather than a proud warrior under Magnus: this state of things continued for a while, and then with a few deep and heavy breaths, he slowly Slowly moving towards calmness.

with more doubt.

"...Are you kidding, Ahriman?"

Ahriman said nothing, but pointed at his serious face.

This made Balak silent for a while. When he raised his head, he involuntarily moved closer to his battle brother, as if he was afraid that his words would be heard by someone who might be lurking in the shadows.


"What about Sigismund? The powerful new star of the Imperial Fists?"

"Then I don't know. Although Sigismund is also from Terra, he joined the Legion and became famous not long ago. He missed the heyday of the Second Legion. He and Bayar did not have a direct confrontation. Record, the only few times we met, it was just a point-to-point discussion."

"Then...then why, even though Bayar is so powerful, the Second Legion is..."

"Because he is just an Astartes warrior: Although it is said that he is the first Astartes warrior of the Second Legion, he is not the Primarch after all. He cannot... use personal force to save it. Big picture.”

"No one can do this."

"Except the Primarch."

As if he had expected it, before Balak could finish his question, Ahriman waved his hand casually and answered his battle brother's doubts.

And then, he faced the last question, a question that he had been prepared for.

"Ahriman, you just said..."

"Except Akudona?"

Balak's pupils were shining, flashing with a pursuit of sword blades and glory.

They were the Thousand Sons, they were the virtuous sons of Magnus, that was true: but beneath the surface, they were also warriors of the Astartes, eager for any great duel, war. man of.

This is common to any legion: strength, victory or defeat, real sword duel...

To date, no Astartes warrior has been able to reject these words from the bottom of his heart.

Thousand Sons is no exception.

And this is why Ahriman remembers Bayar so deeply.

Because of that duel.

The duel that he witnessed with his own eyes was the only duel that he watched from beginning to end, and was so mesmerized that he remembers it to this day.

Duel between Bayar and Acudona.


It was the eve of the Great Crusade, and the final years of the War to Unify Terra.

The agreement with Mars has been signed, and the power of Luna and the Jupiter Federation has surrendered to the power of the Emperor. In the past, the human home planet of Terra, where bulls, demons, and snake gods were rampant and full of mutant warlords and technological barbarians, has long since All surrendered under the emperor's throne.

There are only a handful of stubborn resisters, hiding in the cracks and shadows, shivering, and becoming the first prey of the newly formed legions of Astartes.

It was a tense era, because preparations for the Great Crusade were in full swing. Unimaginable logistical supplies and weapons and equipment were flowing into the Emperor's cause through the furnaces of Mars and the docks of Jupiter every day. In the grand scheme of things.

But it was also an easier time. For more than a dozen Terran standard years, none of the Astartes legions had an opponent worthy of their all-out efforts. Faced with this sudden idleness, many warriors felt at a loss as to what to do. Training and rest obviously could not consume everyone's energy. Energy, so. Competition and competition between legions became popular at this time.

Which Legion has the Emperor's most powerful warriors?

This has become a topic of great concern to everyone.

It was also at that time that the Emperor's Children Legion, which selected its soldiers from the noble sons of Europa, welcomed a group of special guests.

They came from one of the two most prosperous Legions of Astartes at the time: the Second Legion.

The purpose of their coming was to participate in a real sword duel held by the Third Legion, which was held by elite warriors from each legion.

The conference lasted for several months, with hundreds of legendary warriors competing against each other under the cheers and attention of everyone.

The competition between Astartes is as fierce as beasts, but they always maintain rationality and modesty. Amidst the screams of metal collisions, the atmosphere in the arena is infinitely closer to a real bloody battlefield, but it is always There is a thin red line separating it.

And a few months later, only two fighters stood on the final stage.

Bayar of the Second Legion.

With Acudona of the Third Legion.

At that time, they were recognized by all Astartes warriors present as the well-deserved top figures.

In fact, as one of the hosts, Acudona did not participate in competition at the beginning until Bayar achieved a rather exaggerated record in the Arena of the Emperor's Children.

He single-handedly knocked down almost all the palace swordsmen in constant real sword duels. Those who achieved great fame in the war were also defeated by Bayar's swords. It's just a difference overnight, or in a few rounds.

And when the number of palace swordsmen defeated by Bayar's sword was about to approach three digits.

Acudona appears.

He first gave Bayar a real break, and the two greatest Astartes warriors chatted incessantly in the arena until they both realized that the other was at his best.

Then they drew their swords.

For the next twenty hours, everyone was mesmerized.

Silent confrontation, fierce fighting, unimaginable skill and determination, and a sword dance that is complex and fast enough to confuse the Astartes warriors: in the hands of the two top angels of death, this... Everything was so easy and so natural.

At that time, Ahriman was among the crowd watching. He watched the entire duel meticulously with almost a pilgrim mentality and piety. He opened his eyes wide and allowed the harsh sunlight to sting his skin. Those powerful sword storms passed by his eyelids and nose, but they were not even close.

He didn't even want to avoid it, because it would make him miss the excitement of the next second, miss the eternity of the next second, miss what might happen in the next second...the difference between victory and defeat.


"And then!"

Ahriman's sudden stop obviously made Balak feel dissatisfied. The young Tianxiao sect warrior was widening his eyes at this time, just like Ahriman had witnessed Bayar and Akudo. Naked, his face was occupied by an emotion called longing, staring closely at his battle brothers, waiting for the end of the story.

"So, who among them wins?"

"Who is the person still standing twenty hours later?"

Ahriman smiled.


"None of them lost."

"Obviously, their strength, skill and will are so powerful that their sword blades are not worthy of these noblest qualities."

"In another collision, the four swords broke at the same time, and the four most shining edges fell to the sand at the same time, causing the duel to end as abruptly as my words."


"In other words, there is no winner or loser."

"In other words, we will die together."

"Just like the life-and-death duels and legendary stories between countless great heroes in history."

"This is a regrettable but regrettable ending."

"They tied."

"No one wins."

"However, after that, the two of them fought countless duels."

"If I remember correctly, there were a total of forty-nine games, and if you count the first game, twenty-five were draws, and in the remaining twenty-four, everyone got a win. Twelve wins.”

"Then, the process of the Great Crusade spread to the point where each legion had to act separately, and the Second Legion also fell into their lonely history."

"As far as I know, since then, Bayar and Acudona have never started their fiftieth duel."

"But at some future date, if ever."

"Then I will definitely go see it."


The tracing of history and the emotion of the legendary story were carried out just right. When the last character from Ahriman's mouth quietly landed, Zosimos and Myrddin also got away from their temporary official duties and appeared again in the two worlds. In the sight of a Thousand Sons warrior.

In this way, the group continued to move forward. Balak silently followed Ahriman just like before. An Xin played the role of his silent follower and could naturally be immersed in what he had just heard. In the emotion and remembrance of those legendary stories.

Ahriman, on the other hand, was striding forward. He and the two psychic masters were almost walking side by side. Their joint research on psychic power and their common desire for rich knowledge greatly drew him into the relationship with the two novices. The distance between those who know.

As they gradually approached Zosimos' room on the Polar Star, the topics they discussed gradually extended to some academic issues and some personal views on psychic powers.

In this field, there is no doubt that the recklessness of the Thousand Sons is definitely more dazzling, more radiant, and more triumphant than the caution of the Dawnbreaker. Accompanied by Ahriman’s louder discussion and louder With emotion, he seemed to have become the leader in the conversation.

The proud son of Magnus picked out one or two somewhat dangerous but also extremely valuable ideas and theories from his endless knowledge, and casually threw them to the Dawnbreakers beside him, and Full of anticipation, waiting for their emotions and desires.

But this time. He had to be disappointed.

Because when Ahriman's triumphant words finally reached the ears of Zosimus and Myrddin, these sons of Morgan just looked at each other, and in their eyes, there was something that Ahriman had never seen before. of light.

This light obviously symbolizes some kind of information, some kind of information that can only be understood and used by the Legion soldiers of Dawnbreaker.

And a moment later, Myrddin whispered to Ahriman with a sincere tone.

"I have to admit, distinguished guest from the Thousand Sons Legion, you are quite far ahead in terms of psychic powers. Far ahead of every psyker among the Dawnbreakers."

"The suggestions you just made are of great practical value and may be a very good research goal and direction."

"We will establish a project for this project, but before that, we must first compile this project into a report document, indicating as much as possible its main research content, main purpose, research direction and possible risks, and then Submit it to our Primarch and ask her to approve the project, allocate resources and manpower, and establish a project team."

"...Project establishment?"

"Reporting documents?"


"Project Team?"


What are they talking about?


For the first time since Ahriman officially boarded the Polaris, he felt genuinely surprised.

Because, although he could understand every word spoken by the Dawnbreakers in front of him, why did these words make him so...



"Polaris, Polaris, this is the Mayflower, can you hear me?"

"Mayflower, Mayflower, this is the Polaris, I can hear you. Is there anything you need to report?"

"We encountered a ship that should belong to the Mechanicus. It claims to be an envoy of the Forging World. It has the most important things and the most precious gifts to send to our Gene Mother."

"Forge World? Which Forge World?"



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