Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 237 Peace under the Queen

[I sometimes wonder, if I use the genetic sequence extracted from my descendants, or even myself, as a blueprint, and modify and reshape it to a certain extent, will I be able to create another individual with the ability to think independently, or will I be able to create another individual with independent thinking ability? A brand new race? 】

[Alternatively, I can try to adjust the gene seeds of the Astartes warriors and the XX chromosomes to test whether this behavior is really biologically impossible. 】

[Or, the simplest and most boring step, we may be able to complement and fuse two gene seeds from different legions, try to eliminate their respective disadvantages, draw together the advantages, and create a unique, unique A warrior who belongs to any legion but has the best of both worlds. 】

[What do you think, what do you think we will create? What do we get when we combine the bloodlines of two genetic fathers? 】



Blinking her eyes, the petite maid pushing the dining cart used her wisdom to provide the answer that seemed to her the most reasonable and unshakably unique.

This concise, absurd but somewhat reasonable answer made her silver-haired creator stunned for a moment, and then revealed a helpless smile.

【Not unreasonable. 】

[You really have the simplest kind of wisdom, my Virgo. In the past few months, I have devoted so much energy and experiments to you. Now it seems that this is a very correct thing. matter. 】

The maid of the Primarch, Anya, or [Virgo], under such sincere praise, simply blinked her eyes and nodded, as a response to the praise of the Lord of the Second Legion,

Her weak brain could not read any more invisible words, so she chose an action that was absolutely infallible: pushing the dining car, Virgo brought today's afternoon tea tower in front of Morgan, and then watched After thanking his hostess softly, he quickly destroyed the dazzling array of pastries with an elegant but swift speed.

Witnessing this scene, Virgo tilted her head: even though she has undergone no less than a dozen modifications, renovations, and enhancements, large and small, even though her brain processor has already surpassed the proud creation of the Mechanicum in terms of calculation speed. No different, but her incomplete thinking circuit still couldn't understand some things.

For example, why could the silver-haired and blue-eyed Creator in front of her destroy an entire dessert tower that was taller than the Astartes warriors every twenty-four Terran standard hours? She stuffed baskets of apple pie and tiramisu into her mouth, even licking the stickiness off her fingers one by one, and consumed jugs of sweet black tea and drinks: but she had never been seen before. I have gained a little bit of weight.

But where does all this heat go?

Out of curiosity, she once asked, and the answer she got was the most confident and casual answer that the Primarch proudly pinched her psoas muscles.

【Psychic energy. 】


Virgo doesn't know much about psychic powers, but she still feels: Is there something wrong with doing this?

But she didn't ask, because she knew that this was not the scope of her mission: in the transformation and renovation again and again, Virgo had been emphasized countless times, and her biggest function was to protect the battleship and Morgan's personal space. The safety, then, was to satisfy the Primarch's every whim.

These tasks are not difficult, especially the second point: Virgo clearly remembers that during the three years since returning from Ultramar, the life of the Lord of the Second Legion was actually quite monotonous and regular, except for commanding her The 23rd Expeditionary Fleet continued to recover and fight, and checked the construction status and political system progress in Avalon from time to time. She spent most of her time in her private laboratory. , with endless test tubes and gene seeds.

The Dawnbreakers, as well as the Rogue Traders loyal to the Second Legion, collected all kinds of technical knowledge from all over the galaxy so that their queen could realize the ideas that kept popping up in her mind, and in this With the constant supply, the Spider Queen's technical ability is still far inferior to that of her most terrifying brothers, but it should not be underestimated.

Ania is the best embodiment of this kind of progress. After the sixth large-scale modification and upgrade, she received the title of [Virgo], which means two things: first, her strength and thinking circuit The future has basically taken shape. Secondly, Morgan has figured out how to mass-produce a creation that is no different from Ania, so the former little maid has now become the first machine of the [Constellation Series] [Virgo].

In addition, Virgo also knows that her creator has created at least two of her kind for her. The Queen of Avalon named Semiramis has officially received a body and spiritual spells all over her body. While continuing to serve the Lord of the Second Legion under the name of [Cassiopeia], at the same time, it is said that Morgan also created an individual named [Orion] to help her oversee the future Avalon Federation Department of Justice.

Supervision: This is the Spider Queen’s biggest request for her creations, her [Constellation], and her [Daughters]. She uses the rarest metals, the most powerful firepower, the most majestic spiritual energy and the most powerful Stubborn control shapes these real-life projections, possessing their focus and investment in certain things, making them agents of the Primarch in all aspects, becoming increasingly larger Avalon spiders. On the Internet, those are the most critical and solid core hubs.

Some of these [Palace Maid] inherited the powerful firepower given by Morgan, enough to single-handedly fight against battleships or multiple companies of Astartes; some were given psychic powers by Morgan that were enough to tear apart hives and mountains. Storm; they are all monsters with a little bit of personal will and eternal blood and tears, with Morgan's order as the only driving force, and at any time, the Spider Queen can descend on them using their bodies as a focal point. Anywhere in the galaxy.

They are so arrogant that even the descendants of the Spider Queen are far inferior to their violent fighting power; they are so ruthless that even the veterans of the inner circle under the Lord of Dark Angels are sentimental compared to them; they are So loyal, a will from the Spider Queen is enough to completely overturn and change all their operating logic.

And they are so expensive, precious and cumbersome: after almost three years, Morgan just built one such creation with his own hands, and then modified two more based on the existing ones.

When she thought about the three to five years of shaping and renovation time, and when she thought about the cost that was no different from that of a new main battleship, the Spider Queen somewhat understood the mood of the Lord of Mankind when he was shaping the Imperial Army.

In the plan and expectation of the Lord of the Second Legion, there may not be more than a hundred creations like [Star Maid], but when she gathers them together, it is enough to tear thousands of Aspens apart. Tater warrior.

Or maybe beat the iron lumps under Zhuang Sen's command into scrap metal.

Thinking of this, Morgan couldn't help but smile with jealousy and a hint of revenge.

Yes, when Morgan created these [Maids of the Stars] of hers, what flashed in her mind were exactly those that her brother Jonson had brought with him when he came to confront her on Sisyphus. An extermination machine: Although he was joking on the surface, at that time, Morgan did read a trace of power from those cruel and ruthless killers that was enough to make her afraid.

You know, at that time, she was not the majestic leader of the Second Legion, she was just a weak, pitiful, helpless, but very edible [mortal] who was working hard to support herself: Judging from the age when she landed, she was only eight years old at that time, and she had to face a Caliban lion with countless crazy robots.

But from that moment on, an unobtrusive obsession quietly took root in Morgan's heart: without even noticing it, Morgan secretly swore that one day, she would also be as successful as Zhuang. A ruthless war machine like Mori's Extinction Machine.

If she cannot be satisfied from the gifts of the Lord of Humanity like the Lord of the First Legion, then she will create it with her own hands to satisfy her own desires: just like everything she has experienced.

[The Maid of the Stars] is like this, and other things are also like this.

Thinking of this, the leader of the second legion couldn't help but laugh. Then, a natural tiredness hit her, making her weakly grab the pastry beside her and stuff it into her mouth. The ground vents the dissatisfaction caused by fatigue.

Virgo blinked her eyes. She looked at her creator showing a look of sleepiness that desperately wanted to rest, while forcing his cheeks to be stuffed with desserts, just like a squirrel when storing pine nuts, and she didn't feel anything. How strange: She has seen many such scenes in the past few years. No matter how busy, irritable or tired her creator is, she will always hold today's dessert with an extremely determined attitude. After eating, he devoured the two- to three-meter high-calorie tower, and then fell down on the sofa bed next to him.

Just like a devout believer.

Virgo blinked.

"You need rest, my lord."

[Hmm...I know, wait until I finish processing the latest files...]

The Primarch, who had not slept for two weeks, rubbed his eyes, and then opened the secondary display next to him, allowing hundreds of messages to flow and report aloud in sequence.

She couldn't help but laugh.

[Sometimes, I think, maybe I should make the next maid specialize in document processing to solve these problems for me. 】

The unintentional words made Virgo's pupils begin to glow with a serious red light.

"My Lord, three Terran Standard Years, six Terran Standard Months, and twelve Terran Standard Days ago, you gave me an order with the highest authority: the general authority to handle matters between the Second Legion and Avalon. It is not allowed to be transferred out in any form. If there is such a risk, I must remind you at all costs and stop it when necessary, including using force to destroy any individual who tries to seize your power."

[Still as serious as ever, my Virgo. 】

"This is the highest level of authority, sir. Any palace maid must obey and fulfill this highest level of instruction at all times the moment its master processor is running."

[I know, I know, my little Virgo, maybe during the next transformation, I should install some software about humor for you. You don’t seem to have the ability in this area now. 】

"You don't seem to have it either, my lord."


Morgan didn't speak. She turned around and started the automatic flow of reports from various sources. Virgo also spread out her electronic board and reported the same content.

"The various initial activities carried out on the newly returned core world No. 53 already have data results. Lord Hawthorne has input them all into the general database, waiting for your inspection and acceptance at any time."

"According to Lord Hawthorne's report, the Speaker family in this world who received our support to restore the country has accepted all the conditions. The temporary governor from Ultramar has moved in, the Ministry of Justice fortress and the garrison fortress have started, and Aspen Tate’s selection activities have also ended.”

"The results of this selection are very good. The Second Legion has obtained fifty-three recruits who can match your gene seed at No. 53 in the core world. Except for Avalon, this has been the highest ranking so far. A huge achievement for the top ten.”

[Yeah, top ten. 】

Morgan sighed softly, with a hint of sarcasm mixed in with her sigh: It has been three years, and she still doesn’t have a good idea about her gene seed, but she is studying the various things left by the [Blonde Beast]. While cultivating technology, I made many unintentional discoveries.

After the Randan War, which Morgan had gradually forgotten, Morgan devoured her ruthless blood relative, Heydrich, the lost Primarch of the Eleventh Legion, and abandoned him on an unnamed world next to the Tuckers system. Those memories and weaknesses, she also copied a copy of the knowledge in Heydrich's mind.

However, unlike Heydrich, even though they were both Primarchs, Morgan could not "know it from birth" to the rich knowledge in the mind of the blond beast. She could only act like a hard-working student who had obtained excellent teaching materials. Lay the foundation bit by bit and learn from scratch.

But it has to be said that her paranoid and almost crazy brother did leave her a treasure: in Heydrich's knowledge, in addition to biotechnology that has almost reached the extreme, there is no shortage of other technologies. , such as mechanics, physics and chemistry, and even forging technology, although it is not as good as that of Ferus, Perturabo or Vulcan, who are specialized in one party, but it is more comprehensive and extensive.

After more than three years of hard study, Morgan could only understand part of it, but this was enough to bring her benefits: for example, she could temporarily concentrate on copying a copy of the armored vehicle from the memory of the blond beast. Designed the blueprint, and used it as a gift to a small and medium-sized forging world named Tigres that had just turned to her, to equip the armored forces under her command.

She even remembered that in the memory of the blond beast, the design ideas for this tank were actually lying among the endless battles in the forges and factories of Mars, waiting for the day when she could join the Great Crusade: in this kind of early advantage, In spite of his bad taste, Morgan did not change the original name of this tank:

Brutal Blade.

(Note: The IA2 excerpt I found is that the Cruel Blade joined the service in the last few decades of the Great Crusade, and it is still at least more than a hundred years before the Great Rebellion, so Morgan is in this timeline forerunner)

In addition to this war engine that is enough to make the primarch shine, there are also a large number of ruthless machines that can be mass-produced in the memory of the blond beast. Their technological content may be far inferior to the secret weapons of the Iron Hands, but As a strengthening element for the increasingly large Avalon auxiliary army under Morgan, it is enough.

As for the Avalon Auxiliary Army: There are also good people who like to call them the Queen's Army. They are the fastest-growing force in the newly born Kingdom of Morgan. A large number of candidates who were unsuccessful in the Astartes selection have been proven. Those who are also not suitable for the Zhongsi Academy will mostly become the grassroots backbone of this mortal army, eager to use their talents and military exploits to win a second admission to the Zhansi Academy on the Zhongsi Planet.

From the very beginning of its birth, this Queen's Legion has received treatment and weapons and equipment that would be the envy of its colleagues: large-scale armored forces, a specialized fleet, plasma weapons and drone support provided by Reza's family, and even the support provided by Morgan. A group of Ogryn warriors specially found, which makes them comparable to the Sun Auxiliary Army of the same size, and the only gap between them and the latter is their years of combat experience.

In a sense, the Mortal Auxiliary Army was the first of Morgan's many policies to receive feedback: Although the establishment of the Loyal College was of great benefit, it was obviously impossible for those governors, judicial officers and technocrats to train them within three years. After all, these cultivated seeds still need more time to grow and allow the Spider Queen to pick rich fruits. Before that, she is the important person who helps the Lord of the Second Legion safeguard her interests in various core worlds. Thousands of mortal bureaucrats were temporarily borrowed from the five hundred worlds of his brothers. These elites were carefully selected by the Lord of the Ultramarines. Some of them now serve in Zhongsi Academy, and some serve as temporary governors of various core worlds.

It is with the help of these Ultramar elites that the Second Legion is able to carry out the plans of their Gene Mother.

Each recovered world must be graded and positioned based on its resources, location, political environment and many other factors, and those most important [core worlds] will become the top priority: the Dawnbreaker Legion is in When they regain these worlds, they will carefully create a balance of political forces. Not only will they leave enough military support and the Ministry of Justice directly under Avalon, they will also integrate the forces in the world to form A [World Parliament] allows the largest but internally weak family to become the speaker of the generation, while other families and forces use their abilities and loyalty to occupy the position of parliamentarian.

Whether they are the Speaker or the Councilors, their bloodline is encouraged or even semi-forced to join the selection of the Astartes. Except for the most mediocre characters, the rest will serve as the Emperor's angels, or under Morgan's command. The mortal political elites are forever far away from their homeland and operating in another star region.

Under this general premise, the governors and judicial officers from Zhongji Academy will parachute into the world with technical bureaucrats and control administrative and judicial power: they are not permanent positions and need to be rotated regularly, or Accept all kinds of assessments and tests, needless to say, those who fail, those who succeed can get a lifespan that is unimaginable to ordinary people, or even go further.

What’s interesting is that these mortal elites who replace Morgan’s pastoral side often come from the families of speakers and parliamentarians in another distant world. Of course, a considerable number of them are inspirational hive city essayists who force themselves to be involved. Come up.

In this way, amid the violence of Dawnbreaker and Morgan's smile, the local forces in each core world had to lower their heads and allowed the officials loyal to the Lord of the Second Legion to come and go in their territory and issue orders. : This situation may never be promoted throughout the human empire, but focusing on the dozens of core worlds now in Morgan's hands, it couldn't be simpler.

As compensation, various forces in the [World Parliament] will receive certain legislative powers to modify the general constitution of Avalon to a limited extent according to the special circumstances of their world. Such powers are strictly supervised, and those who have performed well in similar activities will The family elders will be promoted to the higher-level Star District Council to gain more benefits for their world and family: for example, the direction of interstellar trade lines. Of course, the premise of this is that they can get involved. Old foxes from other worlds.

In such an interstellar parliament, temporary alliances and weak transactions are allowed, but any attempt to join forces to expand their power will be looked upon by the sons of Morgan who are on the verge of retirement: Dear Lord Hawthorne, although He is only the [Chief Clerk] of the Grand Council of Avalon, but he has always had a good relationship with the Ministry of Justice, and the elders can never guarantee that their feet are clean.

In this way, the World Parliament, the Star District Council and the Avalon Grand Council, these three Senates constitute the theoretical governing body of Morgan's kingdom and enjoy the highest power.

Morgan's identity is nothing more than the [Chief Member] of the Great Council of Avalon. He also serves as the [Supreme Arbitrator] of the Ministry of Justice, the [Chief Interpreter] of the Will of Holy Terra, and the [Global Tribune] of the Federation of Avalon. ], the [Mother of the Nation] of the Far Eastern Frontier of the Galaxy, and the Supreme Commander of the Avalon Armed Forces.

These are the powers and responsibilities that she has to shoulder with the endless trust, respect and love of elite elders from all over the world: and all of this has been gradually established in the past three years. With the rise of management and order, the Dawnbreaker's troops swept away those stubborn elements who were unwilling to surrender, allowing the hymns directed at the Lord of the Second Legion to be sung in the far east of the galaxy.

Everything is ready, right?

The last thing Morgan needs now is a calm enough supervisory department: the Ministry of Justice is obviously unable to take on this job. Although they have accepted mental brainwashing and partial human modification that are no different from the Astartes warriors, Morgan does not intend to let himself Any department under its command has power across the group.

A supervisory department, preferably one with the execution ability, ethics and loyalty of an Astartes: this is a problem she needs to solve in the future.

The leader of the Second Legion secretly remembered this content in her heart. At the same time, she listened to the two-way report casually. Although she was serious, she did not care.

Many times, Morgan is not an all-around ruler. She prefers to leave professional matters to professionals and give them all the help, but she will not blame them. Even if things fail, she will not get angry for no reason. : The Lord of the Second Legion knows very well that even if you look at the entire galaxy, talents are very rare and should not be destroyed casually in a moment of anger.

Of course, she also felt confident in doing so. Morgan knew that as long as she cared about something, she could regain any power at any time and at any time, without having to worry about the irreversible consequences of her absence. : On the one hand, she doesn't really pay attention to anything for a long time, and on the other hand, she has more than 20,000 heirs under her command who are ready to shoot anyone who disobeys her order.

Violence may not be the only element of power, but any character who masters enough violence will never lack power: if they lack it, they will let everyone know the value of violence.

It was also under the influence and urging of this kind of thinking that Morgan agreed to almost every request and plan of Luther. She could feel the growing gratitude of the old knight of Caliban almost through the letter, especially when she During a busy period, I wrote this answer to Luther's request for war.


I have your request, Luther, another request.

Well, let me get it straight, my Lord Luther, you must know that I gave you a fleet and supply requirements that can be met at any time and at any time. I let battleships, titans and even my offspring join you. under your command, and at your command: you should know what this situation means.

Stop writing to me one after another, asking for permission to surrender or conquer a new world: I gave you my fleet, everything I could give you. This is not a trust between friends. , but a more serious entrustment. You can use your judgment and experience to decide whether to start a new war or make a temporary retreat and compromise. I have already ordered them to follow your instructions. If your order encounters obstruction in the fleet, let me know.

Decide for yourself, Luther, and I will support your choice. Isn't it that the great knight who became famous in the deep woods of Caliban and who, together with Jonson, gave peace to the dead world, is not worthy of such trust and trust? Could it be that the best friend I knew, the Luther who I drank and chatted with, was not worthy of my fleet?

Work hard, friend, stop being so mother-in-law, and lead my fleet just like you once led your knights. I believe in the calmness and rationality of an old warrior, and I believe you will not let me down.

But at the same time, my friend, I hope you will care about the possibility of failure. Please don't forget, Luther, I am not only a Primarch of the Legiones Astartes, I am your friend. If you If you really encounter a problem, then please forget all my previous words and tell me immediately: I have lost too much in this galaxy, Luther, and I don’t want to lose another close friend of mine.


The general meaning of the letter was as mentioned above. Since it was Morgan's reply in a hurry, it was inevitable to panic, but the effect was better than the Spider Queen imagined: Luther did not send her any more application letters. And the fleet he commanded continued to advance and retreat in an orderly manner as always, constantly expanding territory for Morgan's country.

The only thing worth worrying about is that this old knight seems to be too addicted to war. Morgan's descendants under Luther have reported to their genetic mother more than once. Luther is almost burning his life to command the battle. His rest time It was short enough that Abaddon, who came by chance, couldn't help but express concern.

This made Morgan think that she should put the operation on old Luthor on the agenda: simply have her almighty beast brother, and she already had a general idea and plan at this point.

Thoughts like these floated through the mind of the Lord of the Second Legion, and the two words reporting information beside her formed a torrent like a whip dipped in water, constantly beating the primarch's shaky energy, Fortunately, she lasted long enough to hear them all.

[Is this the last one? 】

"Yes, sir, this is the last piece of recent information."

"But apart from that, I still hope to get your confirmation, sir. The squadron of the former Sixth Fleet of the Second Legion recently appeared in Avalon. They returned from the other side of the Gulf of Damocles. , it is said that with a gift that is enough to satisfy you, you have ordered that no one should handle this task, they can only be handled by you personally."

[Hmm... I have an impression. 】

[What about other than that? 】

"There's one more."

"The exploration fleets and Rogue Traders you previously sent to the eastern border area of ​​the Galaxy have sent back reports one after another. They discovered about four star regions in the future expansion of the Avalon Federation. None of them have surrendered to the empire. rule, and each is rich in at least one rich resource."

【Four? 】

"Yes, according to the local language, these four star regions from near to far are..."

"Aegis Sector."

"Triple star area."

"Gurgrad Sector."

"And finally, the farthest but also the richest..."

"The Salamas Sector."

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