Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 238 The Originator of Blood Crow

"Good evening, Ahriman."

A rough but humble voice came from behind him. The son of Magnus, who was thinking about something, turned his head when he heard the sound, and then showed a smile.

"Good evening, Hector."

"How is it going?"

"For now, it's no different: defeat, annihilate, cleanse, and clean up every fortress and every resource mine we can find. Those priests of Reza are very good at doing these things in the alien world. They The enthusiasm is also beyond imagination.”

"After all, the resources must belong to them, or most of them must belong to them."

Hector casually scrubbed the blade that was stained with strange dark green blood, and slowly came to Ahriman's side. His huge shadow enveloped the entire son of Magnus, like an unshakable mountains.

Hector seemed to want to say something, but seemed to suddenly forget it.

The warrior from Prospero has recently made a new friend.

Hector, Morgan's proud son, captain of the 23rd company of the Dawnbreaker Legion, is also the youngest captain in the entire Second Legion: he may be an Astartes warrior known to the son of Magnus. Among them, he was the tallest and strongest one. Even if an ordinary Space Marine stood up straight, it could only be barely level with his chest.

What's even more amazing is that in Ahriman's constant observation, he found that Hector's size seemed to continue to grow: although the speed was extremely slow, the trend was obvious.

The moment he discovered this, a kind of fanaticism and loyalty unique to scholars was vividly reflected in the son of Magnus, and countless questions suddenly filled Ahriman's head: How did he do it? ? What's so special about him? Will he continue to be like this? Or is it that even the Astartes' frame and strength will one day be unable to withstand this strange redevelopment?

Yes, Ahriman is a powerful and experienced psychic, but this does not mean that as a scholar, he does not care about things other than psychic powers. Hector's strange body attracted his attention, In the eyes of the son of Magnus, the proud son of Morgan was like a walking pile of academic papers.

As a result, he soon became a true friend with Hector. Although his gaze occasionally made the son of Morgan feel uncomfortable, Ahriman's gaze was compared to the warm light radiating from the pupils of Abaddon who often came. It's too normal.

"Yes, Reza, or every character who comes out of the forging world, is very good at carrying out this kind of thorough destruction and correction. They are born for this."

Ahriman softly echoed his friend's words, and at the end of his field of vision, a group of terrain reconstructionists from the Mechanicus brought movable rock burners and cut a path in the broken landscape left after the battle. The huge chasm buried tens of millions of alien corpses together with their savage ruins under the displaced rocks and crushed mountains, and then burned and erased them uniformly for their sanctity. The forge clears enough space.

In less than a Terran standard day, the Mechanicus-Priests eradicated almost all remaining traces of a glorious civilization, turning the alien nation conquered by the Astartes into a vast expanse of pungent scorch. A decadent work of art that smells like the smell of promethium, plastic steel and flesh and blood tangled into billowing smoke, irritating the noses of everyone present.

"Will this place become a Forge World?"

Ahriman covered his nose. Even a month-long siege was not enough to make him irritated. He looked at the gray threads in the sky and maliciously speculated on which alien wizard they might come from.

"Almost, this will become a mineral world, and at the same time serve as one of the dozens of sub-bases and supply centers of the Militant Titan Legion. In essence, it will be no different from a small forge world."

Hector's movements were the same as Ahriman's, and his heavy voice sounded from the deepest part of his throat, like thunder on a sultry afternoon, plunging people into a state of irritable panic and wakefulness.

"I don't really understand this stuff."

The son of Magnus frowned. He was like any warrior who came out of Prospero. Apart from [knowledge], his pupils would not admit anything.

"I don't quite understand either."

Hector snorted, his eyes passing over the ocher robes.

"But in the past few years, Ryza's Tech-Priests and their Skitarii have proven themselves to be extremely staunch allies, so most of their requests will be recognized by the Primarch. This is what we can see. The reason for more and more Reza people.”

"It's not just the Reza people: look at those robes of different colors. The team of those people is much sparser. They are avoiding Reza's skitarii, just like young lion cubs picking up food on the outside of the lion pride. Residue, they obviously belong to other forging worlds."

"Yes, they are from Corinth and Tigres respectively. They are two forge worlds in the east of the galaxy. They are not large in size. They just joined the Federation of Avalon not long ago and swore service to the Emperor and the Primarch. .”

"Forging World, what do you want with so many forging worlds?"

Ahriman was confused.

"Generally speaking, a larger forge world is enough to bear the daily operations of an Astartes Legion? This is the case for our Thousand Sons Legion and Zhao-Arkadar. We only need this one for the Mechanicum. For partners and trading partners, there is no need to consider legion equipment issues.”

"After all, the Astartes Legion itself has the ability to forge basic equipment. The cooperation with the Forge World is not mainly for the Titan Legion and their special treasures."

"Special treasure?"

There was a light shining in Hector's pupils that Ahriman was not aware of.

"Yes, Zhao-Arkadar can produce an artificial object infinitely similar to the spiritual bones of the Eldar. It may be one of the most bizarre psychic creations known to the Human Empire. This is also the reason why Magnu The reason why Mr. Si would choose to cooperate with them.”

"Other than that, they don't have anything more worthy of our attention. After all, the forging world is too far away, far to the south of the Milky Way. On the edge of the Storm Star Territory."

Ahriman talked eloquently, while Hector nodded silently. When he realized that the Thousand Sons Captain was not aware of what he had said, the descendant of Morgan appropriately changed the topic.

"This is the first step for the Avalon Federation to expand eastward. Starting from these two well-established forging worlds, our fleet is penetrating into the Aegis Sector, where more than a dozen star systems have fertile land. They produce enough food to feed the population of ten sectors."

"Expanding eastward? Is this your next strategy?"

"Probably, after pacifying Avalon and its surrounding three star sectors, we actually have no new direction for expansion. The south and southwest are Ultramar's territory, and the southeast is the Gulf of Damocles. , and to the northwest is the Olympia Star Territory that the Iron Warriors have conquered early, and the only direction is to the unexplored far eastern frontiers of the Milky Way in the east."

"In fact, you can also go west. Many star areas near the Maelstrom have not yet submitted to the empire's rule. The recovery and conquest there will continue for at least several decades."

"No, Ahriman."

Hector shook his head, his pupils shining with a cunning light that the son of Magnus did not understand and had never cared about. It seemed to be some kind of wisdom.

"You know, Ahriman, the Second Legion is different from other legions. We can carry out [Ultramar Mode] on the worlds we have recovered on our own."

"Ultramar mode?"

"A word invented by my mother: self-governing like the Ultramarines. Neither taxes nor levies can be commanded by Terra. It symbolizes a high degree of independence and autonomy."

"That's true...but I've never heard of the term [Ultramar Mode]."

"Me neither, but this word will become popular in the future."

"How to say?"

"I don't know, that's what Mother said."

"...Okay, let's talk about the previous topic: Why don't you choose to go west?"

"Because of [Ultramar Mode], my friend, although our privileges were given by the Lord of Mankind, and although the establishment of the Avalon Federation was approved by the Emperor, this high degree of independence is destined to From the moment we open up our territory, we must fight our way to the edge of the galaxy, and we must be the pioneers and thugs in external development. Our country can only stretch from the borders of the empire to places that Holy Terra has never heard of. Distant location areas: For example, the eastern edge of the Milky Way, headed by the Salamas Sector."

"Our country can only exist in those wilderness worlds that have not been illuminated by the light of Holy Terra. It can only exist as an extension of the empire's rule over the edge areas of the galaxy: only when these premises are established can the Federation of Avalon be taken for granted. Earth maintains [Ultramar Mode]."

"And once we change direction, once our expansion tip shifts from the unknown frontier to the known maelstrom, even if we are still recovering lands that are not part of the empire, we must make a choice: either give up on humanity The [Ultramar Mode] given by the Lord himself, as a support force and a pure expeditionary force, will hand over the conquered world to Terra. Otherwise, we will become the second Ultramarines, or even more Oops."

"Because we are no longer the distant loyal servants of the Shepherds in Terra's eyes, we have become villains who dare to steal food in their eyes: it is such a huge difference between a pair, and it is such a simple truth."

"So, until we stop [Ultramar Mode], we're only going east."

Hector's answer was slow and sure, like a young student reciting a familiar piece of knowledge. His eyes were always staring at the wave of exhaust gas set off by the Omnissiah believers in the distance, recalling that unknown moment. It’s so important, but it’s also the little things that you should remember.

Ahriman blinked as he considered the topic and quickly asked another question.

"But I remember that Ultramar has been expanding irregularly. Whether it is the barren space outside the galaxy or the star areas near the maelstrom, the flag of the Five Hundred Worlds has been constantly raised over the years. Even Octadius has sworn to Guilliman: it is not far from Prospero.”

"Yeah, that's the biggest difference between them and us."

"So, the only ones who are ambitious are the Ultramarines, right?"

Hector's soft smile made Ahriman's heart tremble, and he realized that there was no point in continuing the topic.

"How do you know so much about this...political topic? Hector?"

"Because of the order of the original body: every high-level and junior commander must submit a plan for the next step of the legion, and ordinary soldiers are also allowed to join this activity. According to Mother's words, every company commander They must be trained according to the standards of a regiment commander, and every soldier should have a dream of becoming a company commander, and looking at the overall situation is the first step."

"Will this add any benefit to the legion's strength?"

"It doesn't hurt, right?"

Ahriman was silent, hummed softly, and did not answer. He began to listen intently to Hector complaining about the difficulty of writing the plan. He sighed in his heart that such a seemingly tall and thick man was actually trained by the leader of the Second Legion. A person who can articulate words.

In particular, Hector's description of the Legion's next target [Aegis Sector] was so lifelike. The richness and power in his words made the son of Magnus raise his eyebrows, feeling that the Dawnbreaker was talking about the divine. Terra is average.

"So rich, it looks like there's going to be a bloody battle."

The unspoken gazes reflected each other in the eyes of the two Astartes warriors. They were both old men of the Great Crusade. Naturally, they knew the deep meaning behind some intelligence and information: rich and powerful people like this. It is difficult for independent human colonies to immediately surrender to an illusory human empire. The frightening blood and fire must fall on their heads before the empire has the reason and confidence to take away their resources.

"It doesn't matter whether it's war or peace. The choice of those human colonies has no impact on the final result. Their thoughts are not worth mentioning in front of the will of the Primarch."

When Hector said these words proudly, Ahriman couldn't help but blink his eyes. The son of Magnus could clearly feel that these dawns were different compared to when he had not met Morgan a few years ago. The mental state of the victims seems to have undergone a huge change, which can even be said to be [rebirth].

A pride, an arrogance, a sudden arrogance and toughness, a proud attitude that is no longer afraid of standing in the sun, or in front of anyone, is being recorded along with more and more victories. , as more and more worlds and galaxies surrender to the dawn flag of the Second Legion, and as Morgan's glorious light shines across the vast territory visible to the naked eye on the Milky Way star map, it becomes more and more determined.

The changes brought about by the original body.

Ahriman sighed silently. He was no stranger to all this, because his own genetic father was just like Hector's genetic mother, who also saved their children, but the Dawnbreaker could already rely on the former The foundation and the power gathered have written their own traces in the galaxy, and Magnus's legion is still painfully accumulating strength, always ready to return to the waves of the Great Crusade.

This process is destined to be slow. Even from the most optimistic perspective, it may take at least twenty Terran standard years: whenever he thinks of this, Ahriman's eyes flashing with jealousy when he looks at his friend.

Hector did not see the twisted light. He just casually looked at the various Forge World teams rummaging through the poisonous wasteland, looking for the recycling items they thought were suitable. It wasn't until his eyes swept across a group of Reza Skitarii that he suddenly remembered something.

Hector remembered why he had come to Ahriman.


"What's wrong?"

"Are you busy now?"


"Well, come with me."

"What are you doing——"

Before he finished speaking, Hector easily grasped one of Ahriman's arms, just like a rough brown bear grabbing a small tree as thick as the mouth of a bowl. He pulled Ahriman and quickly disappeared into the dusty road. on the horizon.

"Tell me first what you want to do, Hector?"

"Are you interested in getting rich?"

"What? Get rich? No!"

“What about scientific research and cultural and artistic protection activities of ancient creations?”

"Also... uh... you can consider this."

"Then it's okay, come with me."

"I will take you to your fortune, Ahriman."



"Is this what you call getting rich?"

"Hush! Not so loud, Ahriman."

Four Dawnbreakers and one Magnus warrior were bending their waists, carefully advancing through the ravine-ridden ruins, and not far above their heads, driven by the Omnissian believers, The huge machinery is crushing the last stone walls and ruins. From time to time, the technical priests stop the operation of their precious machinery and drag back the strange objects exposed in the air as their next research materials and treasures.

"Look at those guys, Ahriman."

"When they go through it, we can't even get a screw out."


Ahriman had nothing to say.

The son of Magnus squinted his eyes and looked at Hector, who was trying hard to shrink his huge back next to him. His eyes then bypassed this extremely tall warrior and saw the other three companions. They were the three members of the original Hecht team. He was acquainted with them and thought he knew them very well...


Salieri, a new star think tank who was originally humble and powerful in his eyes, was holding a captured map with a silent and excited face at this time, constantly distinguishing the direction, and whispering in his mouth things that Ahriman could not quite understand. His words were so rough that he didn't look like that young man who could speak fluent spells.

And Ajax, who was as rough as a barbaric stone statue, his movements at this time were gentler than the most experienced ballerina, and the eyes in his pupils were more careful than the most compassionate mother. This tall and thick man pinched his fingers and pulled the ball from the soil. Little by little, Zhong counted out the things he was interested in and carefully placed them in his hands, just like an old woman preparing a wedding dress for her daughter to get married.

As for Lord Chiron, who even in Ahriman's thoughts has always appeared as a stable and reliable figure, and can even be called his predecessor, he is not wearing a helmet at this time, and there is a kind of expression on his darkened face. A helpless hearty smile and a pair of white teeth as bright as new appeared with the tiniest discovery.

"What do you think this is?"

"Hobby, or habit."

It was Chiron who answered him.

"……How long."

"It's always been like this, but once our Gene Mother teamed up with the oil guys, it became some kind of underground business, and you know, they didn't like it."

Chiron blinked at Ahriman indifferently, making the son of Magnus feel that something was wrong.

What did they ask themselves to do?

"Is this... allowed?"

"Not allowed."

After completing the [exploration], Hector retracted into the passage, and the five-man team began to advance rapidly under the leadership of Salieri. Hector adjusted his breathing while explaining the contents to his friend Ariman.

"According to regulations, we are not allowed to carry out archaeological and cultural relic protection activities in this world that will be classified as Mechanicus in the future. If caught, we will be punished."

"How to punish?"

"Write a review and then read it in public."

"Have you ever been punished?"

"We've all been punished, four times."


“One person at a time, so no one wants to write that thing again.”


"So we brought you here."


"...just kidding, actually what we need is your psychic power."

Grabbing the son of Magnus who was trying to retreat, Hector tried his best to show a convincing smile.

"Actually, during the previous operation, we discovered a place similar to the Alien Royal Palace. It was a semi-underground civilian building. The group of oil guys couldn't touch it for a while. There should be many good things there. Something worth taking a look at.”

"How do you know they didn't go over?"

"Because that palace is actually our mission scope, but during the battle, we can't stay there for too long, and because it is not a military building, its importance is not that high. I won’t pay attention to it for a while, but there must be something good in it, don’t you want a few exotic souvenirs?”

Ahriman blinked.

He said no more.

"However, Hector, places like this usually have sufficient safety protection measures. Have you not considered the dangers?"

"If it were before, I would indeed have concerns, but this time is different, Ahriman. There happens to be a master in this military operation. He can serve as our leader and ensure that this event is safe. "


The son of Magnus raised his eyebrows. In his heart, he didn't really trust Hutt's vague explanation until he followed several Dawnbreakers to the door of the half-buried underground palace. , he saw a few flickering glares, and he knew that they were the light reflected by the silver armor of the Dawnbreaker.

Sure enough, as soon as I got closer, I saw several small teams of Dawnbreakers gathered in front of the door of this alien underground palace, working hard to dig or break the door.

He thought this was just the personal hobby of Hector and others.

There was no further communication between the various Dawnbreaker teams gathered together. Their greetings and words were all replaced by the gazes in their pupils, reflecting a deep and fearless understanding, although there were a few rays of suspicion on Ahriman. However, under Hector’s raised eyebrows and silent reply, those eyes quickly moved away.

In this environment, Ahriman naturally kept quiet. While following the instructions of the Dawnbreakers, he used spiritual energy to destroy the defense at the entrance of the underground palace, while he couldn't help but whisper to his friends beside him.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"For me personally, twenty years."

"What about collectively?"

"...one hundred and twenty years."


Before Ahriman could finish his emotion, he heard another distinct set of footsteps behind them. The son of Magnus quickly turned his head, only to see a figure approaching rapidly.

As he approached, the surrounding Dawnbreakers let out low-pitched cheers of admiration.

Ahriman heard Chiron's words.


"We've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sergeant Trazin."


Ahriman looked suspiciously at the technical sergeant who hid himself under the hood and walked quickly past. This highly skilled think tank instinctively sensed a hint of something amiss from the person in front of him, but He didn't say it.

Because, in the silent expectation of the Dawnbreakers, Sergeant Trazin really lived up to expectations. He completely destroyed the confidentiality measures that made everyone helpless in three strokes and five divisions. His skills were as skillful as if He has been specialized in this industry for hundreds or thousands of years.

Morgan's heirs did not continue to cheer. They turned their inner excitement into pure driving force and walked nervously and orderly into the underground palace in front of them. Of course, the brave and fearless Sergeant Trazin was naturally at the front. One, he selflessly used his own life to provide safety for those who came after him.

The son of Magnus was the last one. Just when Ahriman was still hesitating, the Dawnbreakers had happily disappeared and began a silent treasure hunting competition, and this man from Prospero's Thousand Sons warrior looked around, and then at the dazzling array of objects visible to the naked eye in the depths of the underground palace. After much hesitation, he chose to go in.

For some reason, when he realized that he was really participating in such a non-compliant [archeology] and [treasure hunt], a rather strange emotion flashed through the deepest part of Ahriman's heart.

Thousand Sons recognized that sentiment immediately.

It was excitement and anticipation.

All right.

That's not a bad thing, is it?

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