Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 414 The Brotherhood of the Original Body (3)

【Eat. 】

【Pick one you like. 】

[This is the fate of the Primarch. 】


"You seem to be playing an old joke on me, sister: and it's not funny."

The archangel of Baal pursed his lips, with the corners of his mouth downwards, squeezing out his own dimples. When he looked at the back of Morgan's arm, the spiritual rift that was quickly disappearing, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Because he smelled something uneasy in it.

“Excuse me, please ask: Where did you get these fruits on your own?”

【Who knows? 】

The Lord of Avalon curled her lips without a smile, and spread out the five fingers of her right hand, holding the full fruit plate: She was sure that the weight of this fruit plate was enough for the smart mind of any Primarch present to serve it. A very beautiful opening.

[Perhaps it comes from that land of abundant water and grass, a place of reincarnation? 】


This metaphor full of religious flavor made Sanguinius frown: perhaps because of his too misleading appearance and the external rumors about him that carry a [holy] meaning, this archangel On the contrary, there is a vague but firm resistance to anything [faith].

But even so, he blinked and made a slight guess.

Inside the Palace of Terra...

A land of abundant water and grass...

"Did you go to the palace kitchen to buy the goods?"


[Is there a kitchen in the Terra Palace? 】

The frown on the brows shifted from Sanguinius's holy face to Morgan's perfect mold. Then, the Lord of Avalon subconsciously asked a question, causing the two Primarchs to fall into this pragmatism at the same time. Thinking about philosophical issues.


"There should be, not to mention the mortal guards patrolling the outer dynasty, just the inner dynasty where we are now: although no one is allowed to stay here except the Forbidden Army, but the Forbidden Army also needs to eat, right?"

[I don’t think they use it. 】

The Spider Queen curled her lips and looked at the shield bearers passing by from the edge of their shadow: these emperor's guards did not hide their attitude that they were supervising the six Primarchs. Most of them, He seemed to truly believe that he could compete on an equal footing with the Emperor's heirs, and even defeat them.


It should be said that it is worthy of being a creation made by the Emperor himself: this incomprehensible arrogance is really the same as that of most of the Primarchs.

Morgan snorted.

"Then where did you get it?"

Sanguinius smiled next to her, but his pupils shone with caution, and his hands seemed to be behind his back: obviously, if he didn't get an accurate answer, the archangel didn't look like he was going to say anything. .

Morgan smiled. She wasn't going to freeze here anymore. She looked silly dragging the fruit plate around.

[I stole these fruits from the presence of the supreme authority: so eat them with gratitude, brother, and don’t forget to bear the responsibility with me when the time comes. 】

"You mean...father?"

Sanguinius asked with a smile.

[What, don’t believe it? 】

"Not really."

The archangel looked into the distance, and there seemed to be some emotion and surprise in his eyebrows.

"I just didn't expect that our genetic father would be so generous: sharing food with his offspring. This kind of vulgar interaction between a mortal father and his son would actually appear in our great and loving emperor. Aren't you afraid of tarnishing his pure and flawless golden body?"


[You seem to be very malicious towards our genetic father, brother. 】

Morgan narrowed her eyes, but she was not offended by Sanguinius's words.

"Malicious? Me?!"

The archangel's wings trembled, and he immediately laughed.

"How is it possible? I have just been deeply moved by our genetic father: He just hid the truth and secrets from us that are comparable to the entire galaxy, but he is willing to make up for us with a whole plate of fruit. Could the galaxy have found a more generous father?"


Morgan blinked, and she discovered something amazing: whenever she felt that the Emperor had handled the issue of father-son relationship badly enough, a new brother would jump out and take her. The lower limit set for the emperor in his heart was trampled to pieces.

So, the Emperor...

It can't be some evil god.

In a daze, Morgan thought of the indescribable shadow she saw on the Lord of Humanity: that shadow was even more terrifying than the power of the two subspace gods she had witnessed with her own eyes, and it was also more terrifying. It carries some kind of indescribable illusion, and even Morgan can't tell it clearly to this day.

Was that a hallucination, or something she actually saw?


So the Emperor can't really be an evil god: others are gods of war, change, disease, or pleasure, while the Emperor is the god of bad family relationships.


Emperor: Lord of Mankind, God of Fatherly Love and Family Harmony.


Morgan's head tilted once, and his shoulders shook involuntarily.

"why are you laughing?"

[No, it’s nothing, I just thought of something happy: Do you want to eat or not? 】


After several hesitations, Sanguinius still stretched out his hand: It was not for other reasons. The archangel instinctively felt that if he really rejected Morgan's hard [goodwill], maybe the next second, here A bloody conflict will break out.

Definitely not because: he was hungry, and these fruits still stained with dew looked really delicious.

Then, Sanguinius stretched his finger to the top of the fruit plate: the bright red pomegranate was so conspicuous in terms of size, color, and location.


#Dangerous Eyes from Morgan#


With the premonition of danger in his heart at its maximum, Sanguinius' fingers bypassed the pomegranate in time and casually took away a fruit he couldn't recognize: Looking up again, he saw that Morgan's smile was still the same. Warmth seems to be no different from before.

But Sanguinius was certain that at a certain moment just now, he felt an aura more terrifying than a row of warlord-level Titans.

This blood relative of mine is really hidden: if it were Morgan, most of the Primarchs would not be the opponent of this [weak person].

The archangel sighed, biting the fruit in his hand, and looked towards the final destination of their trip.

"You know what, Morgan: They say that in the beginning, when the Terra Palace was first built, it was originally intended to be an amphitheater for large meetings or grand opera performances, but the designers quickly They discovered that the owner of this palace is different from what they imagined. He seems to have no interest in these luxurious public activities."

"So, this place was temporarily put aside and used as an ordinary square inside the palace. It was not until the beginning of the Great Crusade, with countless trophies and tributes pouring into the Terra Palace, that this empty land was taken over. Come recycle the waste and display all kinds of miraculous things collected from the galaxy."

[Really: But when I look now, I can’t see anything miraculous? 】

"Because people find out quickly."

Sanguinius looked at his blood relative and winked playfully.

"Because soon, people discovered that compared to the various primarchs that returned to the empire one after another, other treasures in the galaxy were far from miraculous objects. Therefore, those priceless tributes were It was thrown into the hundreds of thousands of rooms in the palace, and this square was commandeered to show off the appearance, sanctity and great deeds of the emperor's children."

"That's when it started to be called the Square of Heroes."

One of the archangel's hands was spread out, and his passionate voice echoed in the cold wind. Under his feet, there were rows of seats that were first used as seats, originating from the steps of the ancient Greek amphitheater, and then It is a flat ground about two kilometers wide, all the way to the foot of the perfect walls on the other side.

Around the arena, the faces of the Primarchs were shaped into tall statues, overlooking the world from top to bottom: Morgan could see his own statue in it, a snow-white one. The marble built up her original appearance very well, and even the details on her hair and her softer contours compared to her other brothers were impeccable.

But the only fly in the ointment is this: all the statues of the Primarchs present are all fully armed, wearing swords, and showing majesty. They either stand with long swords on the ground to guard one side, or they shine their sharp blades in the sky and swipe at the other side. Qiu, all in all, are extremely tough military commanders.

Even well-known [civilized men] like Vulcan and Magnus were wearing their own armor, holding weapons tightly, and looking like they were fighting: the sculpture of the Fire Dragon Lord even described him in The heroic figure fighting against the Dark Eldar predators on his home world.

But when it came to Morgan, something was wrong: the sculpture of the Lord of Avalon was indeed perfectly carved, and no one could find any faults with it, but it did not shape Morgan into a strong and determined general. Just like her brothers.

In fact, the Spider Queen in the Square of Heroes is not only wearing a gorgeous dress and cloak compared to her brothers, but she doesn't even have a weapon: she In one hand is an unfolded book, and in the other hand is a huge bright lamp.

Although there was a sword hanging on her waist, anyone could tell that it was a ceremonial sword, and if Morgan remembered correctly, she didn't use a sword very much.

"Any questions?"

The archangel of Baal noticed that a trace of gloom flashed across the face of his blood relative.

[No, it’s nothing. 】

Morgan shook his head and pointed to his statue.

[If I guess correctly, the person who carved this statue has not actually seen me with his own eyes, nor has he been active in the Dawnbreaker fleet, right. 】

"How do you know this for sure?"

Facing Sanguinius's inquiry, Morgan just raised his head proudly.

[Because I remember the smell of the soul of everyone I have come into contact with: I found the breath of no less than a hundred souls on that statue, but I have not smelled any of them, and it There seems to be some discrepancy in my description. 】

"That's true."

The archangel nodded.

"The ones responsible for completing these statues are the clans of craftsmen in the Royal Palace of Terra who have served the emperor for generations. Because of their special status and the important knowledge and insights in their minds, they are not allowed to leave Holy Terra. land, so when they carved our statues, they relied largely on the assistance of portraits, rumors, and official records of the empire."

[I can already imagine what sad rumors that would be mixed with. 】

Morgan grinned.

[In fact, if the rumors in the empire are to be believed, this statue actually did not portray me as a Virgin crying while holding a dead mortal. It is really merciful. 】


The archangel let out two dry laughs in embarrassment in response.

"In this regard, Dorne and Horus are very popular. You can see that their statues are also the best. But for you or Kant, they are at a disadvantage."

Sanguinius seemed to be comforting his blood relative with his gentle smile, but Morgan always felt that he was taking the opportunity to gloat.

[It’s nothing, brother, I’m just a little curious as to why they arranged a book and a lantern for me: I can understand the book, but what about the lantern? 】

"Perhaps it's the imperial propaganda department's contribution again."

Sanguinius took out another fruit and gnawed it leisurely.

"Don't you know: The propaganda department of the Great Expedition wrote a lot about your establishment of the Far Eastern Frontier. After all, this large-scale civilization construction itself is extremely rich in propaganda. What can be compared? How can establishing hundreds of civilized and wealthy worlds in remote areas of the galaxy prove the justice and fruitful results of the Great Crusade?"

"Indeed, the vast majority of the Empire's Middle East will be inspired by the victories and legends of the Great Crusade, and can't wait to devote themselves to it and contribute their own strength. However, there are always some groups that are more realistic. They want to see the Great Crusade [more positive That part], your Far Eastern frontier is a weapon for the propaganda department to deal with them."

"So, in the promotional copy of the Human Empire, you are the goddess with the lantern born from the emperor, bringing the light of imperial civilization to the worlds on the Far Eastern frontier that were originally suffering from war and barbarism in the chaotic era. , and the savior of order and law: these two points are what that book represents. Of course, that book also represents the psychic scripture you wrote, which is used in many expedition fleets of the Empire. It’s very popular.”


【That's really interesting. 】

Morgan's smile surfaced.

[All of you are generals who fought bloody battles for the Great Expedition, but I am the one who carries out construction and spreads civilization...the goddess? 】

"Specifically, Guilliman."

Sanguinius pointed to the other side: the statue of Archon Macragge was a little different from the other brothers. While the other Primarchs were fighting with swords, Guilliman was upright. Stand still. Ping waved the sword in his hand, as if he was pointing out the direction of attack for a large army, rather than fighting the enemy personally.

"Originally, the craftsmen of the palace wanted to portray Guilliman as a builder of civilization, but as you know, for some reasons that are not convenient to disclose, many people thought that this image would cause unnecessary misunderstandings and panic. So they combined it and made Guilliman the commander of the army and the conqueror of the territory."

The Lord of Avalon followed her brother's guidance and looked over, leaving a sigh.

[Really, even these marble statues must take into account the so-called political and propaganda needs: How can those mortals with misunderstandings and panic come to the interior of the palace in person to view these statues of the Primarch? Can't? 】

"It is true that they can't do it, but in their mortal hearts, anything related to the Emperor or the Primarch can have profound meanings and can be the ground for conspiracy theories: this is how mortals are, they Too weak, so they think too much.”

The archangel looked at his blood relative with a smile. This time, his smile was a little more sincere.

"And in most cases, this kind of delusion is harmless, so we don't need to care at all, right: let them enclosure there, and we don't need to harbor hatred for these small things, nor do we Don’t let those annoying discussions put unnecessary pressure on our hearts.”

"Horus just doesn't understand this, so he's always a little unsure."

Morgan snorted.

[Zhuang Sen doesn’t understand this either, but on the contrary, in many cases, he is too confident. 】



"It looks like we have the same kind of troubles, doesn't it?"

[I think my worries are higher than yours, brother, after all, you only have one Horus, and I also have Conrad. 】

"That's not necessarily the case: I think Conrad was taught very well by you, but Jonson still has a little problem, and overall, our Caliban brother is still very reliable, no Like Horus.”

The angel shook his head and sighed.

"You don't know, many times, Horus has some whims, and wants to rely on so-called political negotiation and gentle means to solve those worlds that are obviously disobedient: These whims of his often consume a lot of energy of the expedition fleet. And tons of expedition supplies.”

Morgan chuckled.

[That is quite economical. Believe me, Sanguinius, you don’t want to know, and you will never guess what Zhuangson’s occasional whims will consume. 】

"It can't be more exaggerated than Horus's. Sometimes I really think he's quite stupid."

[No, I think Zhuang Sen is more stupid. 】

"No, no, no, you are being humble, my dear sister, Horus is more stupid."

[No, you don’t understand, Zhuang Sen is even stupider. 】

"Horus is even stupider."

[Jonson is even stupider. 】

"Horus is even stupider..."

[Jiang Sen is even stupider...]


"What do you think they were talking about?"

The Wolf Shepherd smiled and patted the Caliban man next to him on the shoulder.

"I don't know, but they look quite happy. It should be a good thing."

Zhuang Sen frowned and thought carefully before giving an answer, and this answer only made the smile on Horus' face become brighter.

"Indeed, I also think it will be a good thing: Look, brother, what Morgan seems to be saying, she may be bragging to Sanguinius about your wisdom and achievements, maybe."


The Lord of Caliban unknowingly puffed up his chest, but in his mouth, he still shook his head quite humbly.

"You've gone too far, brother. In the narratives sung by the narrators, my current achievements are still far inferior to yours. Maybe Sangliese is telling Morgan about you, your wisdom and great deeds, That’s a shining star that no one can deny.”

Horus did not speak, but smiled and touched his smooth forehead.

"It sounds like it is something Sanguinius would do. He always likes this. Sometimes when the two of us get along, he likes to introduce my affairs to others: To be honest, I was listening. , will feel a little embarrassed."

"If it's the real thing, why should you be ashamed, brother?"

Jonson grinned slyly at his blood brother: in his decades of life, this was extremely rare.

"Even on the Indomitable Truth, there are good news about the Luna Wolves or you almost every month, almost flooding my desk: honestly, maybe all the other Legion's victories Added up, there are only as many as you have."

"You're exaggerating, bro."

Horus shook his head. He would definitely not dare to accept such a boast.

"But that's what it is, isn't it?"

Jonson glanced at his blood relatives.

"When mortals discuss the legions in the Great Crusade, most of the propaganda documents and battle reports they hold will belong to the Luna Wolves, and the remaining small portion will be divided up by other legions. Some legions won’t even get a single point from it.”


The Wolf Shepherd was silent.

This is indeed a compliment. No one can deny that it is an extremely rare compliment from Zhuang Sen. However, the price of accepting this compliment seems to be much higher than rejecting it.

For a moment, the emperor's favorite heir hesitated: even the all-rounded Horus couldn't figure out whether this was another "stable performance" by Jonson, or whether this Caliban was really here. Making fun of him?

In the end, the Shepherd God chose the safest method. He put on a smile that no one could fault, and responded to his blood relatives with a gentle tone.

"No, Zhuangson, my most outstanding hunter brother, I dare not accept these honors you are talking about: each of our brothers has made great contributions in the Great Expedition, I am just a little luckier than them, and I can get it. It’s just a few more compliments, but from a larger perspective, we are equal.”

With that said, Horus spread his hands.

"Just like here, on the land of Holy Terra, whether it is you, me, or each of our brothers, there is only this statue. This statue will stand in the Square of Heroes, with other Blood brothers stand side by side, there will be no more preferential treatment, and there will be no more differences."


Zhuang Sen narrowed his eyes, with a smile on his lips, as if he had been expecting these words from Horus.

"You mean, on the land of Holy Terra, you only have one statue?"


The Shepherd God nodded.

"Although there may be many statues about me or the Luna Wolves in other hive areas of Holy Terra, the only statues recognized by the empire to honor the Sixteenth Legion are This is just an example on Friends Square, Terra is sacred, not all contributions can be remembered on this land, especially on these lands close to Terra Palace, every inch of land is precious."

As he spoke, the Wolf Shepherd God did not forget to express his emotions.

"Seriously, Zhuangson, do you still remember the Road of Honor before the Terra Palace, that is, the Eternal Gate? One of my biggest dreams at the moment is to let the name of any Luna Wolf, Being able to be engraved on it, I encourage my descendants for this, and encourage them to be brave and fearless in war. I believe that one day, there will be a statue of the Luna Wolf standing there. Maybe he will not It will stand in a very conspicuous place, but that will mean the Emperor's recognition of us."

"I'm content with that."


"Yes, my brother Horus, I agree with you: who would not be satisfied with such treatment and honor?"

Zhuang Sen exhaled a long stream of hot breath, as if responding to his brother with emotion. His face was turned to the other side, as if he was observing the statues, so that Horus could not see clearly the features on his face. details.

But vaguely, the Shepherd God noticed that Zhuang Sen's shoulders seemed to be shaking a little, and his cheeks seemed to be a little distorted because of a slightly exaggerated smile.


This is not like Jonson.

Caliban's fingers behind his back were trembling, and no one knew why.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Horus frowned.

"Ah! Me? It's nothing."

Zhuang Sen took a deep breath quickly, adjusted his breath, then turned his head to face Horus, and put one of his hands on Horus's shoulder.

"I just thought that even an army like the Luna Wolves can't have a statue of their own on the Gate of Eternity, so I just feel sorry for you, brother."

"That's it, thank you."

The Wolf Shepherd smiled and nodded.

"To be honest, Zhuang Sen, it's actually a little hard for me to imagine what kind of contribution a person would make to stand on the Gate of Eternity, let alone a legion: if there really is a legion that can do it , then I will even feel a little jealous, brother, because they must have received recognition from the emperor, which is recognition that no one can surpass."


Zhuang Sen turned his head again and closed his mouth tightly. Only sporadic, almost uncontrollable, short puffs of air could be heard from his nose and mouth.

Then, the Lion King gave a huge smile that was extremely rare. He patted Horus on the shoulder, making the Wolf Shepherd a little confused.

"Don't worry, Horus, I believe your Luna Wolf will be able to stand on the Gate of Eternity one day,"

"For your good words, Jonson, I hope your Dark Angel will do the same."


The third time, the Calibans turned their heads, and they happened to pass by Jonson's own statue. The Lion King seemed very satisfied with this statue. He laughed out loud, and his voice was loud enough to radiate. Half a square.

"Look, Horus, the craftsmanship of those palace craftsmen is indeed good. I have never seen any statue that can carve my appearance so much like me. Although I don't like the look without a helmet, it would be very difficult on the battlefield. It means laziness and death that may come at any time.”

"Then I'm the opposite of you."

The Wolf Shepherd stood beside his brother.

"I feel that the more fierce the battlefield is, the more we should let the soldiers under our command see our appearance and let them know that we are fighting side by side with them and standing together. My father has given us the ability to fight on the most dangerous battlefield. We are not afraid of the power of any bullet, knife or gun, so we must make the most of this."

The Lion King shook his head.

"If the soldiers really believe in our command and their mission, then the courage and fearlessness in their hearts do not need our looks and words to inspire them. I have always believed in this. Horus morale is not inspired, but It comes from the loyalty and mission in the hearts of soldiers."

The Caliban refuted his wolf brother righteously, but the Wolf God just raised his eyebrows and did not discuss the matter with Zhuangson in detail.

"Everyone has their own reasons, brother. I think this may be the reason why we are good at different fields of war: I heard that you like to divide your legion into several deadly blades to cut off the enemy's connection with each other. Then Like a lion killing an antelope, gnawing through their throats.”

"What about you, Horus: will you bleed them to death like a wolf?"

"No, I will directly chop off their heads. After that, the development of the war situation is just a casual brush in my hand. I don't like to limit my legion to one way."

The Shepherd God spread his hands, and when he mentioned the Shadow Moon Wolf, he was proud.

"You know, Jonson, I am determined to make the Luna Wolves a model for all legions, and become the first legion among the Astartes legions born for war and mastering all tactical essentials."


Hearing these heroic words, Zhuang Sen narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. There was a profound meaning in his eyes. He glanced at his brother silently and playfully without saying a word.

The Shepherd God obviously didn't notice this, because all his attention was focused on something not far away: that was what he really cared about.

The sculptures of the original bodies in the Square of Heroes are not ordered according to the serial number of the legion, or the order of return, but are randomly disrupted to show the absolute equality between the original bodies.

But this chaotic equality is not completely equal, but is mixed with some ingenuity and profound meaning of the palace craftsmen: because these sculptures were not completed when the original bodies just returned, but took a certain amount of time. To collect information and rumors about each original body, and therefore, the craftsmen have enough space to make fuss about the details and positioning of these sculptures.

For example, the statues of Fulgrim and Ferrus are next to each other. The phoenix of Chemos holds a blade that can burn blazing flames, while Gorgon holds a savage sledgehammer. It is an obvious tribute to the anecdotes of the two Primarchs at the Naroda Foundry in the Ural Mountains: it was there that the two Primarchs, admittedly the closest to each other, met, and they had a battle about They competed in forging weapons, and thus became best friends, and the weapon in their hands was the product made by the other party during the competition.

Yes, the gorgeous and exquisite Phoenix finally forged a barbaric giant hammer in this game, but it was Ferus who forged a flaming sword that was both aesthetic and sharp. Of course, this Both weapons ended up in the hands of owners worthy of them.

On the other side, the statues of the Wolf God and the Archangel are also standing together. The statue of Horus adopts one of the most classic costumes of the Wolf God, wearing a set of exquisite terminators specially made for the original body. A, and the wings behind Sanguinius are half-expanded. Both statues of this man appear to be extremely huge. Looking from a distance, it seems as if Horus and his closest brother are standing together. It doesn’t make people feel the thoughts of the craftsmen.

As for Jonson, because he returned too early, the statue had already fallen down early. However, after Morgan returned, the craftsmen's minds were still a little more alive: they cleverly used the position opposite Caliban. There was a vacancy, and Morgan's statue stood there, so that the Lion King and his most trusted blood relatives could echo from a distance: if the sun could part the thick clouds on Terra, the shadows of the two Primarchs could even blend in Together.

But even with so many fantastic ideas and dedicated investment, the Heroes Square at this moment still cannot be called perfect. There are two reasons: First, there are three empty bases on the edge of the square. They symbolize the Primarchs of the Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Legions who have not yet returned, which also makes Conrad, who has just sat down, look lonely.

The second irreparable imperfection is that next to the statue of Caliban, there is a statue covered by a curtain: more precisely, from the outline shown by the curtain, There were no statues at all, but a tall tower made of a lot of hard stones.

That means a shame, a mistake that should never be mentioned. If twenty bases had not been identified for the Square of Heroes at the very beginning, I am afraid it would have been moved out of here long ago.

Therefore, when the Wolf God and his blood relatives came to the foot of Zhuang Sen's statue, they naturally took a few steps forward and came to the erased statue.

So, when Horus stood still in front of the statue and sighed, it naturally attracted Zhuang Sen's attention: But unlike just now, when Zhuang Sen walked into the erased statue When he was in the shadow, his face quickly became serious, and the smile disappeared.

"What's the matter, Horus?"

"It's nothing, brother, I'm just lamenting the impermanence of things in the world."

The Shepherd God smiled bitterly.

"You see, just like there is a scar that cannot be erased on this great Square of Heroes, there is also an eternal stain in our hearts and in our glory and the consequences that come with it. Those hurts.”


The Lion King narrowed his eyes and looked at his brother carefully.

"I never knew you were the kind of person who would be hurt by these stains, Wolf Shepherd."

"Not really, but I would feel sorry for something else."

Horus reached out and put his arm around his brother's shoulders.

"What things?"

Zhuang Sen's curiosity was aroused, which was exactly what the Wolf Shepherd meant, so Horus made his voice sound impeccable. It was sincerity that no one could refute.

"As you just said, my achievements have been exaggerated. This is very unfair to other brothers, especially some brothers."


Zhuang Sen's brows raised.

"You know, Jonson, you and I know very well that some of our brothers' achievements are destined to be buried in the shadows. No matter how great their achievements for the Emperor are, no one can remember them. With his name, no one can remember what his legions have done.”

"They are destined to be unknown. This may not be the path they chose, but it is the treatment given to them by the empire. We all know what great deeds they have done. We all know how much blood and sweat they devoted to the Great Crusade, but we cannot say , we can only keep it in mind.”

As he spoke, Horus looked at his brother. To his surprise, these words seemed to particularly move Jonson. The Caliban man even looked at the Wolf Shepherd in astonishment, and even breathed They are all a bit heavy, and the words are a bit choppy.

"These... unacknowledged exploits you speak of... I don't think I know, Horus."

"If there is anything unclear, you and I both know it, Zhuang Sen. There is no need to hide it."

The Faun laughed and stretched out one hand towards the curtain.

"We all know that some history, some glory, some of the greatest sacrifices and the most extreme loyalty in the universe were buried under forced circumstances. I may not know the details, but this does not prevent me from Those who cannot be named have my highest respect."

"Under the decree of the empire, I cannot speak his name. Under the oblivion of history, the great achievements of his legion have been erased. Under the request of the empire, no one can even remember the glory of him and his legion: but I Will remember it.”

"I will definitely remember it."

"I won't forget this."

"I suppose so do you: right?"


Caliban's eyes widened, he opened his mouth, and looked at the rather sincere Wolf Shepherd in front of him with some surprise: Even with Jonson's hunter-like keen detection ability, he can only be sure that Horu is now Si is extremely sincere, and every word he speaks comes from his heart.

Listen to what Horus said?

Loyalists in the shadows.

A legion whose great deeds cannot be told.

A glory that no one will remember.


Zhuang Sen couldn't help but marvel.

He never thought that Horus would care so much about the Dark Angels, those honors that had been erased, and Jonson's loyalty that could only walk in the darkness, and so sincerely praise all of Jonson's achievements.



Jonson's hands trembled.

He took a step forward, almost pressed against Horus, and held the hands of the Wolf God. In the astonishment of the emperor's most beloved son, Zhuang Sen took a quick deep breath, and in an extremely rare display of true feelings, he said to Horus confided.

"Horus, my brother."

"……I am here?"

"Although I knew from the beginning that I had very good popularity among the Primarchs, I never thought that you would be one of the people so close to me: you would have such a close relationship with me. resonance."

"I think from now on, I can call you my friend, don't you?"



Then, an expression of [surprise] came to the face of the Wolf Shepherd God.

Horus had no idea that Jonson would resonate so strongly with him on this issue, lamenting together for their erased brother: Presumably, Jonson was also dissatisfied when he did all this. .

Thinking like this, Horus also felt that his nose was a little sore, and the hot brotherhood surged in his heart. He held Zhuang Sen's hand tightly and shook it twice.


"From today on, of course we can be best friends."

"I've always thought so."

Zhuang Sen grinned happily and confidently.

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