What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If the Elf Empress Forces the Marriage Chapter 148

Let's sleep.

Anyway, if you close your eyes, you may die.It is also possible that nothing happened.

Who can think of it?

With this feeling, I closed my eyes and completely relaxed my mind and body.

The exhaustion and sleepiness in my mind and squeezed all over the body suddenly swept across.

Soon, I lost consciousness and fell asleep deeply.


In a dream that cannot be described with logic.

I dreamt that I sank to the bottom of the sea, and then I was hugged by Elmesha somehow and rolled on a soft bed.Then... Marguerite came too, and two women broke my body in half.But I did not feel any pain.

Only a leaping heart is left, jumping, floating in the sky.It seems to be free.... It seems to be ascended to heaven again.

Seeing the gate of heaven shrouded in a halo is right in front of him.

My heart soared up and flew towards the country in the clouds.

However, at this moment, a sharp steel knife appeared in front of the Tianmen out of thin air!

It stabbed sharply towards the heart!The sharp sword pierced my fragile heart in an instant!

Severe pain is coming from the heart!

That is more pain than anything else!It was like a hot soldering iron cracked in my blood!Every inch of flesh and blood bears the feeling of being pierced by a thousand needles!

"Brother..... Now you finally belong to Lilith..."

At this time, the line of sight in front of him also began to clear.

It turns out that the person holding the sharp knife is my sister-Lilith.

At this moment, she was gently holding the pierced heart with a small white hand.

Said very seriously:

"Tug wants to and Lilith once again forever!"

In the next moment, Lilith cut a piece of meat from my heart!

The dripping blood burst out all around, splashing on the sister's snow-white skirt and white tender skin.

Of course... it was sprayed on Lilith's lovely face.

But obviously... Lilith doesn't care about it at all.

She picked up the bloody "heart muscle" and put it in her mouth without mind.Then I closed my eyes and chewed carefully as if enjoying some delicacy.

"Um.... Brother Tu's heart... really delicious. Even the blood has a little sweet taste~"

Satisfyingly swallowed that piece of flesh, Lilith sucked her fingers as if not completely, and sucked the blood sticking to her fingers into her mouth.

Then, with a smile, she cut off the big piece of fingernail meat from the broken heart again, picked it into her mouth with the tip of a knife, and chewed it carefully.

"Umm... Lilith knows, there is the fragrance of petals in my brother's heart! No wonder it's so sweet..."

Lilith mumbled to herself, slowly swallowing the bite of meat into her stomach.

"The most powerful thing is.... It's not just a smell of petals... Roses, lilies, roses, tulips... There are also many floral fragrances that Lilith can't smell! It's really Tu brother. ... actually became such a powerful'Hua Xin'..."

The girl said cheerfully.

After speaking, she threw the sharp knife to the ground.Holding my heart in both hands, I laughed foolishly.

"I really like you~ Brother~ Hehehehe..."

Lilith closed her eyes gently, pursed her blood-stained red lips, and slowly approached my broken heart.

First, she gently pressed her soft lips to her heart, and kissed inch by inch.

Then he couldn't help sticking out his tongue, licking on the surface of the heart and the depression dug out by the sharp knife.


The girl sucked with emotion.The movement of licking has also become more and more intense without knowing it!


Lilith's breathing began to become rapid, and her white face began to flush.


The girl opened her mouth and gnawed wildly on my heart with white silver teeth!

The blood stained the girl's cheeks and hands, she drank blood, like a eater.

Finally.... The girl swallowed her entire heart.

"This way... Lilith can be with her brother forever..."

The girl stroked her lower abdomen, and the face that had become hideous from the blood also showed a trace of maternal glory at this moment.

It's like... in her belly, there is really some life being conceived...

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Just when this terrifying dream is reaching its climax.

Suddenly, a hurried cry came from my ear.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a cold on my cheeks, and it seemed that someone poured cold water on my face.

To be precise... or cold water.


The salty and cold smell suddenly made me choke and cough, which slightly restored my consciousness.

"I told you to wake up soon, why don't you get up yet?"

One and a half complaints, and a half laughter sounded in my ears.

In terms of timbre, this sound should be from the same person as the previous one.

"Get up!"

Pop pop

It seemed that I was really impatient, and the owner of that voice quickly tapped my cheek dozens of times with his hand.

Hello!Even if it is to wake people up, this is too much!

With strong dissatisfaction, I began to try to open my eyes.

But those slender eyes were like gold, and it took a lot of effort to finally open a little bit.

The line of sight in front of him was blurred, and a sense of powerlessness came from all over the body at the same time.

Just when I wanted to look around and see the situation around me clearly.

The restless voice sounded again;

"I... I told you to get up personally! Why are you still like this?"

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly felt a violent blow to my abdomen, and the clothes on my chest were also being pulled and shaking repeatedly.

"Wake up! Dead pig!"

After being shaken, my vision finally became clearer.

What you see is a little girl with long fiery red hair tied in two bundles.It seems...she seems to be a little younger than Lilith.Approximately 13 or 4 years old.

At this moment, she was sitting straddling my stomach, grabbing my collar, and staring at me unhappy.

48. Strange Alien Species Linden Wan

I don't know if it is because of the scary dream just now.

Seeing the little girl's face, I was a little relieved.

Fortunately...it's not Lilith sitting on me with a sharp knife...

In that case, I would be finished.

I scanned the surrounding environment with my peripheral light.

I found myself lying on a bed, and the surrounding furnishings seemed to be in compartments of the cabin.

In other words, I was not drowned, but was rescued by a passing ship?


That's good, that's good, at least life is saved.

Thinking of this, the ill feeling in my heart for this fierce Barbaroli suddenly subsided a lot.

Although I am somewhat unhappy about her rude behavior.But thinking that she was probably the captain’s family or someone sent to take care of me, I couldn’t hold on to anything.....

"Hey! Are you stupid? Why are you in a daze again?"

Seeing that I hadn't spoken for a long time, Little Lori pulled my collar forcefully again.

"I'm talking to you! Did you hear that?"

Although I don't know where the little girl's anger comes from.

Some of me who is confused, still say as kindly as possible:

"Sorry... just woke up... my head is still not clear..."

As soon as I spoke, I was stunned by my hoarse tone.

There was also a feeling of thirst and anxiety between my throat and lips... the whole throat seemed to have been grilled by charcoal fire.

Thinking of this, I reluctantly twitched my dry throat, weakly pleading with the little loli in front of me:

"I'm thirsty... Could you please pour me some water?"


Little Lori heard my question, her face suddenly became unhappy, her eyebrows were also squeezed together, as if she had heard something from me.

"Dead man, did you make a mistake?"

Little Lori turned over from my body, tilted a white calf, sat on the edge of the bed leaning on me, and said to me disdainfully:

"You are me now... No, this lady's prisoner! How dare you order me to do things for you?"

As she said, she brought her face closer and pinched my face several times with her slender fingers.

"Miss...Can you let go first..."

"The captive is not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

Little Lori raised her head proudly, and flung her two fiery red ponytails upwards.

"But I don't even know you...how could I become your prisoner?"

I said dumbfoundedly.

"Because you are the son of the traitor Lin Dengwan! You fell to me...everyone will be punished! So you are naturally my captive!"

Little Lori said as expected.

"How is my father...it doesn't matter to me, right?"

I subconsciously put aside my relationship with the old bastard.

But as soon as I said the words, I immediately realized a serious problem.

How did this little girl know that my father is Linden Wan?

Logically speaking, apart from the Red Wheel, I don’t have any items related to the Revolutionary Army!

So I hurriedly reduced my expression and pretended to say nonchalantly:

"Miss, you are making a mistake? I don't even know who Lin Dengwan is..."

"Cut...dead, your acting is terrible!"

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