What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What To Do If You Are Forced To Marry By The Elf Empress Chapter 149

Little Lori waved her hand in disdain.

"When I speak, my eyes are dodgy, and my tone is hesitating...Who believes such a thing!"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that it is actually seen through.

But no matter what, I can't admit that I have something to do with the old bastard.

After all, this old thing doesn’t have too many enemies.

Going out with this name is simply looking for death.

So I made up my mind to deny it no matter what.

"But... I really don't know who Linden Wan is..."

I tried my best to look at the little loli in front of me with innocent eyes, putting aside my relationship with the old bastard.

"Okay, okay... Stop acting, it's more hypocritical than the preacher's sermon! Disgusting!"

Little Lori pinched my earlobe again and pinched a few times.

"I thought the son of the traitor Lin Dengwan would be like his father, a brutal bandit with muscles and scars on his face! I didn't expect it to be so ordinary...It's really disappointing!"

Little Lolita spread her hands and shook her head helplessly.

All muscles?Scars on your face?

This is... the old bastard?

Hearing such adjectives, I feel a little speechless...

Although that old thing is indeed not a good bird, no matter what you think about it, it definitely has nothing to do with the words "brunette" and "full body muscle", right?

Could it be that this is the image of his old man in folklore?

Thinking of this, I suddenly became interested in it.

"That... Miss, after talking for so long, I still don't know what kind of person Linden Wan you are talking about?"

I asked in a dazed tone as much as possible.

"Still pretending! You won't have amnesia?"

Little Lori looked at me contemptuously, and then waved her hand impatiently:

"Forget it, just treat it as if you don't know anything...What a genius! Listen carefully..."

Little Lori cleared her throat and said:

"Lin Dengwan is the most brutal gangster in the history of the Western Continent!"

"He is as high as a hill, as strong as a scalper, with dog hooves, pig-like face and eight arms. When he catches people, he uses eagle-like claws to grab them! Swallow them whole!"

Little Lolita said vividly:

"The most terrifying thing is that he is still a thief.....The thing that ** is thick enough to add up to three rolling pins! Fifty pythons add up to so long! So Linden Wan never wears pants, if If you have to wear it...you can only wrap it around your waist like a trouser belt..."

"Everywhere Lin Dengwan goes to rape a .** girl... let his men arrest all the girls up to eighty years old and down to three months old... and then use his viper. The same thing, forward and backward, put all the women together, like a long centipede..."

Listening to the vivid description of little Lolita.

I felt as though I was holding the groove in my stomach, but I didn't know where to start vomiting.

What is this special?!

Even if it's nonsense, it's too much!

Although that thing is indeed a scumbag beast...but he is definitely not a monster who can use his second child as a trouser belt!

Oh my god...does the old jerk like that in the original legends?

It is terrible!

But to be safe, I still asked weakly:

"Miss.... Where did you hear these words?"

"Of course from the bard...No, the teacher taught me!"

"Um... Then I think you can consider changing to another teacher..."

I looked at the contradictory little Lori before me with some sympathy.

"Why do you see me?"

As if irritated by the look in my eyes, Little Lori said unhappily, she stared at me suspiciously:

"Are you laughing at me?"


I shook my head quickly.

"Huh! Still laughing....I'm so mad..."

Little Lori pointed to my face angrily and said:

"Obviously it is Lin Dengwan's son...that thing is only so small, it's a shame that I...this lady even took a look..."

"How could there be such a thing?"

Wait... she has seen it?!

So that means...

I immediately looked at her with disbelief.

When I stared at it like this, Little Lolita immediately realized that something was wrong, and her pink face suddenly turned red to the base of her ears.

"Shut up! You traitor! Captive! I will throw you into the sea!"

In the humiliation, Lori's pink fist suddenly rained down towards me.

And, with almost no energy, I had to stretch out my hand to block it.

At this moment, a voice rang in the room.

"Okay... my noble lady, the game of feigning tigers and foxes can end here."

49. Escort


Hearing the sound coming from behind, Lori's expression became visibly stiff, and the movement of her hands also stopped.After staring at me fiercely, he finally withdrew his hand angrily.

"That's right, my little queen."

How do you feel, this voice sounds familiar?

Thinking of this, I looked towards the door with some curiosity.

I saw a man with a cocked hat and smoky makeup standing at the door, looking at me with interest.

"Master Lindentu, it's been a long time."

The captain of the Black Pearl!That pirate!

Shouldn't it be such a coincidence that I met an acquaintance?

I just said how this room looks so familiar... This is the room I stayed with Lilith last time!

The girl in front of me is... the daughter of the pirate captain?

But generally speaking, aren’t pirates the most taboo to take women out to sea?Even the captain’s daughter would not be allowed to board the ship.....

Besides, looking at the baby born in white, it seems to be very pampered, and the clothes on the body are also very elegant.Not at all like the daughter of a pirate family.

Then...what is the identity of this child?This is something worth studying.

However, in front of Little Lori, I suppressed my doubts first.Thanks to the captain:

"Thank you, Your Excellency, the captain...for your life-saving grace, the kid should remember it."

"No, no, Master Lindentu...you have misunderstood this."

The Captain Niang Limian twisted Lanhua's fingers and shook her head and said:

"You should be thankful to this honorable lady. Suddenly I saw such a large piece of floating ice on the sea. As the captain, I was afraid to avoid it."

The captain spread his hands helplessly, and then rubbed his hands on Little Lori's hair.

"If it weren't for this little queen, I would come to watch the fun anyway...I don't want to risk the shipwreck and get close to the ice floe...Where do you want Master Lindentu, you are lying on the ice boat? Inside, it can be considered a surprise."

So, this chick saved my life?Thinking about it this way, the impression of this girl in my heart is a little better.

"Um... Thanks anyway."

"No, Master Lindentu...I think you still don't understand." The captain stretched out a finger and shook it before my eyes with an exaggerated expression."I mean... if you cut off your little finger and send someone to give it to your father... then you will be an excellent butcher! After all... that person is here In the mainland for decades, the nobles who have been destroyed under his hands are simply countless...The wealth that has been stored must be considerable!"

Although you really owe your words...

But there is one thing I have to correct you.....Although the old thing has just gone through a lot of ransacking the house, it is mainly for grabbing the Kunte card, and the valuables are basically distributed to the poor on the spot.

Then again.... If you think I can get ransom from the old bastard if you kidnapped me... That would be a big mistake!

That old thing is an absolute miser, and it's nothing.Want to make money from him?

I advise you to wake up and stop dreaming.

The captain shook his head regretfully:

"However, after this young lady heard that Young Master you are the son of that person, no matter what, I must give you to her and be her captive... and I have never been able to refuse Women... really can't help her, so it can only be so."

"No one in this world dares to refuse me... my order!"

Little Lolita held her small chest and said proudly.

This.... This is really.... I don't know what to say.

Looking at the captain's mean smile, I always feel there is something tricky in it.

But he was a little confused.

"So Master Lindentu...you will be the captive of this young lady from now on."

The captain spread his hands innocently.

"Yes! That's right!" Little Lolita immediately made a fake face at me, "From now on, you have to listen to me!"


Seeing my speechless expression, the captain patted little Lolita on the head, and said, half coaxing and half commanding:

"Okay, okay... Now that you have finished saying everything you want to say. Miss, you should leave with me first, and let Master Lin Dengtu rest for a while. After all, he just woke up!"


Little Lolita was obviously a little unhappy with the captain's order.Bulging eyes, seems to want to attack.

"Miss, let's go quickly."

The captain glared at the girl fiercely. Although there was still a stiff smile on his cheeks, there was still an unabashed warning in his eyes.

"Um... Okay..."

The aura on Little Lori's body suddenly faded, and the arrogant arrogance disappeared.

She hung her head and obediently followed behind the captain towards the door.

"That's not right..."

The captain's expression immediately returned to normal, and he led little Lolita out of the room.

When he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something suddenly, turned around and said:

"Master Lindentu, I almost forgot to say it. Someone will bring you hot water and clean clothes later...you can wipe your body first. After that, I will stay in the same place. I will wait in the captain's room. you."

The captain gave me a weird smile:

"Then, I'll go one step ahead."

Then he closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, I was a little confused again in my heart.

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