Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 133 Thanks

When the woman looked over, Hua Mi felt that she looked more and more familiar.

This scene seems familiar...

But before he could make any eye contact with the other party, the latter's attention was drawn back by the strong man's provocative remarks.

The two sides continued to fight passionately.

The security personnel continued to persuade, and the onlookers continued to watch the show.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Is this the world of adventurers?

Hua Mi shook her head and returned to the rest area to continue reading.

At this time, the owner of the shadow beast also followed him here.

"My name is Ryan Delon. You can call me Ryan. Thank you very much for your help." He sat next to Hua Mi and said with emotion: "Shadow Beast is very good at hiding. Without your timely help, I would have lost my life." I might lose this sweet little guy today."


Are you sure?

Hua Mi glanced at his bloody fingers and had reservations about the title.

In terms of cuteness, the little bees are really cute. Usually they won't make them so bloody. At most, they will only make you so painful that you would rather die than die.

"But I'm curious, how did you discover it? Did you use any special ability?"

"I also raise some small animals, so I have some experience in this area."

Hua Mi originally just said perfunctory words to him, but when he heard this, the guy's eyes instantly lit up: "Oh↑ - are you also an animal trainer? This is really surprising! It's rare to meet colleagues here. Ah, I thought we could compare notes!"

The other person leaned over as he spoke, looking very excited.

Hua Mi moved to the side: "No... I just raise some small animals out of interest, not professionally."

"That's it!" After listening to his words, Ryan's interest did not weaken at all, and he seemed even happier. He suddenly snapped his fingers, "Aha, in this case, I know what to give you as a thank you gift. !”

As he spoke, he lowered his head, put his hand into one of his satchels, and began to rummage through it.

After a while, a hand came out to ring the bell.

It seems to be made of some kind of black metal, with complex raised patterns on the surface.

Jingle Bell--

Ryan shook it, and the bell made a crisp sound.

"This is my spare requiem bell. I wonder if you have heard of this prop?" Then without waiting for Hua Mi's reply, he continued to speak quickly: "The sound made by this bell can have a certain soothing effect. When taming animals, using this bell can get twice the result with half the effort - of course, it is limited to beasts with low intelligence, such as those mythical beasts whose intelligence is comparable to or even exceeds that of humans. If you ring the bell in front of them, it will only anger them... puff!"

After saying that, Ryan seemed to have remembered something funny and burst into laughter.

Then I couldn't stop laughing.


This guy has a weird laugh.

Hua Mi glanced at him inexplicably and focused on the bell in her hand.

Requiem bell?

The name sounds a bit supernatural, but the effect is pretty good.

Although he can't think of anything to use it for now, since it is a thank you gift, it is disrespectful, so there is no reason not to accept it. Even if he doesn't have to sell it for money, it is still worth it.

Hua Mi then put the bell into the ring space.

"Are you going to the Misty Mountains?"

After Ryan had laughed enough, he noticed the manual in his hand.


"Isn't it convenient for you to reveal the purpose? Maybe I can help."

Hua Mi thought about it and realized there was nothing to hide.

Then he told him his goal of finding the tree on the other side of the river.

Maybe this guy can really be of some help.

"I can't help you with this. I don't know much about plants, and I'm not interested in them - unless they are the moving ones." Ryan paused, suddenly thought of something, and asked cautiously: "Uh, Let me ask more, why are you looking for the tree on the other side? Could it be..."

Hua Mi knew what he meant.

After losing their lovers, some young people will go to the other side of the tree and stay there until they die. This is a very popular way of committing suicide.

But do you think I am that kind of person?

"No other reason, I just want the materials from the other side tree."

"Oh, all right."

Ryan nodded and was silent for a few seconds before he was about to say something.

Suddenly, I heard a heavy muffled sound coming from the other side, followed by a cry of pain.

Looking around, I saw the strong man covering his crotch with both hands, his legs spread out, and he slowly knelt down. He stretched out a thick finger and pointed tremblingly at the woman in front of him: "You, you... you dare……"

It hurt so much that I couldn't speak.

After a while, he looked at the motionless captain next to him, and his voice sounded a little aggrieved: "She kicked me."

The captain nodded and issued a warning to the woman: "Fighting is prohibited in the guild's important place. This will not happen again."


Before the strong man could open his mouth to argue, he heard the captain say to him gently: "The matter has been resolved, and congratulations on finding your things. So in order to avoid further conflicts, you should not stay together. "

As he spoke, he waved to the two team members behind him.

The two men immediately went over to help the strong man up from the ground, and pulled him out of the door without any explanation.

The strong man fought against the two with his brute force and refused to leave. He yelled at the top of his lungs: "Hey! She beats people, don't you care? This bitch from Suika beats people!"

"Calm down, okay?" The captain stepped forward and raised his hand to hold his shoulders. Although there was a gentle smile on his face, a domineering golden light suddenly appeared on his body, as if it covered his body. layer of golden armor.

When the strong man saw this, his eyes suddenly became clear, he stopped making trouble, and became civilized and polite: "Okay, okay... let's all calm down."

He glared at the woman and finally followed her out obediently.

"As far as I know, the captain is also from Sulka." Ryan whispered to Hua Mi, "But his accent is not distinguishable at all, right?"

I see.

That stupid guy shot himself in the foot.

However, the surging combat power that the captain had just displayed made Hua Mi even more interested.

I wonder which path he took?

After the captain persuaded the strong man to leave, he returned to his normal state and said a few words to the woman, who bowed to him and thanked him.

The onlookers gradually dispersed and went to do their own things.

The hall returned to normal.

After the woman watched the captain leave, she glanced around again, and finally settled on the rest area. She straightened her hair and walked over here with a solemn expression.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise, I would not have been able to escape so easily." She bowed deeply to Hua Mi, "Please accept my sincere gratitude."

Before Hua Mi had time to speak, Ryan stood up first.

He also put his hand on his chest and saluted: "Come to think of it, this is all because I didn't take good care of my pet and caused you trouble."

"It's not your fault, it's the big guy who's being unreasonable."

"But I can't get rid of it."

"Don't say that."

"This is true."

"No no no..."

These two are also addicted to politeness.

Hua Mi looked at her intently for a while, then his mind suddenly went crazy, he caught a fragment of memory, and he suddenly became enlightened.

He knew where his familiarity came from.

Fortunately he could still remember it.

This woman...

Does it have anything to do with her?

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