Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 134 Entering the Misty Mountains!

The woman calls herself Zelica Thyssen and comes from the village of Sentilla in the middle of the Yate River Basin in the Principality of Sulka.

The purpose of her coming here is also to go to the Misty Mountains.

He said he wanted to take advantage of this big opening period to make some money.

After noticing the booklet in Hua Mi's hand, she clasped her hands together and said expectantly: "If it's convenient, we can form a team."

"Forget it."

Hua Mi explained that he came here not to make money, but to have a clear goal, and he would leave the adventure place once he achieved it.

And she obviously wants to explore aimlessly in it, and the two of them can't get together.

"That's a shame... I wish you the best."

Zelika asked him what he was looking for again and said that she could help him keep an eye on it if she went to the mountains.

Ryan asked curiously: "Don't you have a companion? It's rare for a girl like you to go out on an adventure alone."

Zelika said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I ran out secretly, and my family didn't agree with me becoming an adventurer."

Ryan looked appreciative: "Your courage is commendable. The spirit of adventure is the most precious asset of mankind. You will definitely make a fortune. I wish you endless adventures."

Zelica shook her head, her expression becoming a little lonely: "Actually, I decided to become an adventurer not because I wanted to get rich, nor did I want any adventures. I came out mainly to find my sister, who is missing."

Ryan was very enthusiastic: "What is your sister's name? What does she look like? When did she disappear? Maybe we can give some clues."

Zelica then said: "Her name is Layla. Everyone says that we look alike, but she has long hair... She went out for training with her mentor. She used to write letters to her home regularly, but now there has been no news for a long time. "

Hua Mi asked: "Who is Leila's mentor?"

"He is a mage. I don't know much about him. I only know that he likes to wear a gray robe."


Sure enough, just as Hua Mi thought, her sister was the unlucky female apprentice who followed Gray Robe back then.

Looking back, the two do look alike.

But although Zelika is the younger sister, she looks more mature.

Zelica recalled: "About three years ago, he came to our village. When he first came, he used magic to help the villagers solve some problems, so he had a good reputation and the village chief allowed him to stay in the village. But he He has been living in an abandoned tower on the outskirts of the country, and has used magic to shield his surroundings. He rarely has contact with outsiders, and is mysterious.

"I don't know how Leila came into contact with the mage. Anyway, she later became the mage's apprentice, and she quickly showed her magic talent and mastered some basic magic.

"About a year ago, the mage took Layla out for training. Originally, she would write letters to her family regularly to explain her current situation, but now there is no news from her for almost half a year. I don't know if they are in danger. …”

Zelika was worried and seemed afraid to think any further.

Ryan comforted him: "Don't worry, this often happens when you go out on adventures. For example, I once lost contact with the outside world for half a year just to tame a certain monster. When it was over, my family thought I was dead and gave me the grave." It’s built. Your sister may be practicing with her mentor in some adventure place.”

Zelica nodded: "I hope so."

Hua Mi knew that her sister Leila was indeed dead.

Even worse than ordinary death, the soul is sacrificed to the Nine Hells.

"It seems that the man in gray robe had stayed in the Principality of Suika... By the way, was it during that period that he created the resurrected corpse?"

Hua Mi kept this information in mind.

He was still a little interested in Gray Robe.

For example, where did he, a five-ring mage, obtain the rituals for making resurrected corpses and summoning devils?

Maybe there is some secret hidden behind it.

At the same time, Hua Mi was also thinking about whether to tell Zelika about Leila's death.

If so, how should I tell her.

He didn't want to get involved in too much trouble, so it was best to stay out of it.

"You can go through the Adventurer's Guild..." Hua Mi had a plan in mind.

As an adventurer, the organization that Zelika usually comes into contact with the most is probably the guild.

And the Adventurer's Guild has enough authority to let her accept this unfortunate news.

Of course, he wouldn't just talk to someone in the guild about this. That would only make it more troublesome. It would be better to tell Zelika directly.

However, if you can find Clark, the star commentator, things will be much easier. You can discuss it with him. It is easier to have an acquaintance - provided that Clark has solved his own problem.

Well, I feel like that guy has a bigger problem himself.

Next, Zelica and Ryan said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Ryan gave him a suggestion. He could go to the guild's mission release office to try his luck. Maybe someone would know the location of the tree on the other side.

The task release office he mentioned was actually one of the many service windows. Looking from a distance, you could see several staff members responsible for the registration and settlement of tasks.

Hua Mi walked over and observed it for a while. She felt that the process was quite troublesome and the remuneration was generally quite high.

This is understandable.

Most people come here to post tasks because they have an urgent need or they really have no choice. The price is affected by demand, so naturally it is ridiculously high.

An ordinary piece of information may be raised to a very high price because the task publisher urgently needs it.

Is this reasonable?

At least it makes sense in the eyes of adventurers.

If the price is too low, no one will care about you.

Hua Mi weighed it up and decided that there was no need to issue a task. No matter what happened, the more people involved, the greater the complexity and variables would be.

And after releasing the mission, do you have to wait here for the right person to show up? In contrast, he is still more inclined to take action.

So I went back to the rest area and continued reading.

Soon, I finished flipping through the "Misty Mountains Adventure Manual" and roughly memorized the contents recorded in it.

It's time to head out to that three-star adventure.

Just like his previous plan, he wanted to get the seeds of the other shore tree first, and then think about other things.

Hua Mi took a public airship from the Adventurers Guild and soon flew to the edge of the adventure area.

Besides Hua Mi, there were seven other adventurers on this flying boat.

There were two teams of three, and one was a lone wolf like him.

The lone wolf saw Hua Mi landing and did not rush in. Instead, he looked at the map in the manual attentively. He seemed to be alone. After hesitating for a while, he mustered up the courage to approach him: "Hey, brother, do you want to... …”

"Form a team?" Hua Mi interrupted his invitation.

"Ah... Ang." Brother Lone Wolf saw that he was so proactive and felt that there was something interesting about him, so he nodded hurriedly three times.

"Do you know where the other shore tree is?" Hua Mi asked.

"have no idea."

"Forget it."

Hua Mi rejected him ruthlessly. After confirming her location and direction, she put away the manual, flew high into the sky on her "bioenergetic flying carpet", and flew straight towards the valley in the distance.

Never looked back.

"This world is full of malice..."

Brother Lone Wolf hugged himself tightly in loneliness.

The Misty Mountains are called this because thick fog spreads in most areas all year round.

Dense fog areas are mainly concentrated in the inner mountainous areas. Although there is also fog in the outer mountainous areas, it is mostly very light and can be easily seen with the naked eye.

Hua Mi took the gift of nectar pills and flew all the way to the place she had pre-determined.

This is a valley. Most of the valley bottom has no direct sunlight all year round and is cold and humid. The environmental conditions are very suitable for the growth of trees on the other side. The probability of trees on the other side should be higher than in other places.

Hua Mi controlled the bee swarm to land in the valley, retrieved the powerful bees, and let them return to the beehive to eat and recuperate.

The scout bee is also released, using its sensitive sense of smell to capture scent.

The reason why he likes the tree on the other side is not only because it has special properties and contains rich magical elements, but also because this season is its flowering period.

It will definitely exude a strong floral fragrance during the flowering period.

According to experiments, scout bees can smell the fragrance of flowers five or six kilometers away and can identify the source of the fragrance.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that the source of the fragrance in the mountains at this season is definitely not only the Bian tree, and he has never smelled the flower fragrance of the Bian tree, so he may go astray by following the wrong fragrance - but there are traces to follow, which is better than nothing. It's better to scurry around like a fly on your head.

Hua Mi sometimes flies in the valley and sometimes walks on the ground.

Scout bees rely on their sense of smell to search for possible sources of scent nearby.

As we moved forward, we also discovered some smaller creatures.

They all ran away when they saw him.

Either get into the cracks in the rocks or plunge into the soil.

What left a deep impression was a monster that looked like a weasel. After looking at him for a few seconds, Hua Mi tentatively took a step towards it. The latter immediately shrank to the size of a mouse and scurried into the grass.

"It seems that the outer reaches of this mountain range are full of unscrupulous little wild monsters."

As long as these weak monsters didn't provoke him, he would pretend they didn't see them at all and focus on the main target throughout the process.

There were some forks in the road from time to time, and Hua Mi had no intention of changing direction rashly. He decided to just follow the main road to the end.

There are occasional natural caves on the mountain walls on both sides.

Hua Mi just let the scout bees sniff at the entrance of the hole and didn't bother to go in.

No matter what's inside, there can't be a tree on the other side.

Although the other shore tree likes shade, it does not need any sunlight. A completely dark rock cave like this is not a suitable environment for the growth of the other shore tree.

He has just entered the adventure area. He doesn't know what he will encounter later. He will probably have to go to the inner mountainous area and needs to conserve his strength.

We continued forward until dusk when we finally made some progress.

A faint scent message, obviously floral, was transmitted to his brain.

Hua Mi was like a vampire who smelled the smell of blood. Her spirits were immediately lifted and she immediately flew towards the source of the scent.

As it gets closer to the target, the fragrance becomes stronger and stronger.

Before it got completely dark, Hua Mi arrived at her destination.

Looking around expectantly.

It turned out that there was a lake ahead.

There were some colorful flowers growing beside the lake, but not a single tree was seen.

The fragrance comes from those random wild flowers.

Hua Mi was a little disappointed.

The scout bee flew over the flowers and took a cursory look.

There are also nectar flowers among them, but after a closer look at the spiritual power, it turns out that there are very few magical elements inside, so it is not worth wasting time and energy to grow them.

After this period of flower cultivation and honey brewing, he also concluded a rule.

The effects of brewed honey and by-products are related to the magical elements contained in the flowers themselves.

The higher the concentration of magical elements - especially rare magical elements - contained in the plant, the better the magical effects of the honey and by-products produced. It can be determined that the two are positively correlated.

There is no need to specially cultivate flowers like this, which have no higher magical element compared to earth plants. Anyway, they will only produce ordinary honey, and there is no possibility of magical by-products.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Hua Mi found a raised platform on the mountain wall, flew to it, took out the folding tent prepared for this trip, and built a simple temporary shelter on the stone wall.

Then he took out cans, bread, condiments, honey and fruit tea... and placed them in front of him in an orderly manner.

"Earth technology is still convenient."

Sitting cross-legged on a comfortable cushion and eating portable fast food, Hua Mi couldn't help but sigh.

Although there are no supernatural forces on Earth, the achievements of human beings cannot be ignored - especially in recent decades.

Too high-end is out of reach for him, but these achievements that are popularized in daily life provide him with great convenience.

In the future, we still need to make more use of the complementary resources of the two worlds.

The night breeze is blowing.

A wide river of stars stretches across the entire night sky.

Since the ice age, there have been more cloudy than sunny days in the Black Forest, and it is rare to see the stars at night.

The climate here is not like the Ice Age at all, it can be said to be like spring all year round.

Looking up at the clear night sky is refreshing.

Looking at those countless stars, Hua Mi couldn't help but wonder, could one of them be the solar system where the earth is located?

Is it possible that the earth and the world here are not in two dimensions, but in the same universe?

But for some reason, there is no magic element on the earth side.

Perhaps it was isolated by some kind of force.

Or perhaps, the world he is currently in is located in a special area of ​​the universe——

The universe is so big that anything can happen. This conjecture may not be impossible.

The mystery of it all, including the reason for his time travel.

If you want to get the answer, the first thing you have to do is improve yourself. This is a necessary prerequisite.

It's a very simple truth. Only by reaching a higher level can we access and explore deeper secrets.

After eating and drinking, he lay in the tent and thought about the road ahead.

Farming and beekeeping to improve yourself is still the most important thing. Without strength, all plans are just a fantasy.

There is also the need to use the extraordinary power obtained from another world to transform the environment of Huayu Town, and even have a more profound impact on the earth - this depends on the situation.

Of course, no matter how deep the final impact is, one thing is certain - this plan must be carried out without exposing oneself.

On the other hand, thinking about it, the scientific and technological achievements of the earth can also be appropriately used in other worlds to carry out some small technological transformations in the Black Forest.

We might as well use the cabin as a pilot to gradually popularize the application of earth technology in the black forest.

As the guardian of the Black Forest, there's nothing wrong with him getting some things from his hometown.

Farming and infrastructure are essentially the same.

To be on the safe side, he wasn't going to sleep tonight.

Instead, he entered a meditative state.

Although meditation is not as easy as sleeping, it even requires a certain amount of perseverance to persist. To a certain extent, it is like exchanging mental power for physical strength, and the conversion efficiency is not high.

But don’t expect to be comfortable when you’re in an adventurous place.

As for the lost mental power, he can rely on honey pills to replenish it.

late at night.

Hua Mi, who was meditating, suddenly caught a strange noise coming from outside the tent.

Immediately withdrew from the meditative state.

Hua Mi controlled the scout bee to fly outside the tent and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a few figures swaying at the bottom of the valley in the night.

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