Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 167 Cooperation and Meeting Gift

In the early morning, a strong wind suddenly blew outside.

The wind sounded like a werewolf howling on a full moon night.

Hua Mi put down the "Geography of the Western Continent" in her hand and listened.

The sound of the howling wind was vaguely mixed with the "squeaking" sound of the tree trunks bending, and the sound of branches breaking from time to time.

This wind force can probably reach level eight.

The beekeeper needs to always pay attention to the climate conditions, so he is fairly familiar with this aspect and can make a rough judgment through observation.

Theoretically speaking, Category 8 winds are not very destructive.

But it's different from the naturally occurring wind on Earth.

The wind outside is the result of the wind element going crazy, which results in it not having a fixed wind direction.

The direction of the wind may change every second, or it may attack from all directions at the same time, making it difficult to guard against without respecting martial ethics.

It is also worth noting that during the Chaos Period, at a certain time and place, it is possible to generate magical effects out of thin air that are comparable to the power of spellcasting.

For example, several wind blades or fireballs suddenly appear, attacking the surrounding environment indiscriminately.

On the other hand, there are generally no particularly sophisticated spells, they are all of the wide open and close type.

This naturally occurring magical effect also has a proper name, called "Heavenly Punishment".

Although the probability of encountering it is very low - probably about the same as the probability of being struck by lightning - it does exist objectively, and it is said that unlucky people die every year from "God's punishment".

The doors and windows of the wooden house rustled, and the hanging lamps on the walls swayed slightly, and the orange lights swayed accordingly. But overall it's solid.

He guessed that the materials and construction of the cabin used alchemical technology, which was nothing to it.

Solar equipment and some tools have also been put away in advance.

The greenhouses and riding sheds outside are also rock solid.

The strong wind did not last long and stopped within ten minutes.

There was silence outside for a while.

Suddenly there was a thunder from the sky.

What followed was a roar of muffled thunder that continued.

"In the future, there may be thunder and snow at the same time, and at the same time, the surface temperature is as hot as a furnace."

This phenomenon will appear in most areas, and even Modu, which has spring-like weather all year round, is no exception. There is a saying that goes well, the only time Modu can see snow in a year is during the Chaos Period.

Fortunately, the chaotic period does not last long, otherwise, many creatures may not be able to survive it.

However, from the perspective of survival of the fittest, those who can survive are relatively strong species.

Hua Mi continued reading by the light.

Immerse yourself in it and gradually isolate yourself from external interference.

When I was halfway through the geography book in my hand, I raised my head and realized that it was already dawn outside.

Surprisingly quiet.

When I opened the window, I saw that the sky was a bit gloomy and the air was very refreshing.

The snow had almost melted away, and twigs could be seen everywhere on the ground, stuck in the mud.

Release your spiritual power and you can clearly sense the restless magical elements in the air.

Most of them are scattered and mixed together, making irregular movements.

Once a certain magic element gathers into a group, corresponding environmental mutations will occur in this area, and even some kind of divine punishment will occur.

"If you think about it like this, it's really easy to get nervous."

For the sake of her own mental health, Hua Mi forced herself to ignore the restless magical elements in the air and focus on what she should do at the moment.

Simply wash up.

While I was having breakfast, the weather outside had changed.

A rolling heat wave swept over me, as if it was midsummer in a second.

The moisture on the ground evaporated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and condensed in the lower temperature zone in mid-air, forming a high-hanging thick fog.

About the same height as the tree canopy.

At first glance, it seems that these huge trees are a wonder to behold.

With the protection of the Calm Robe, the harsh environment outside had little impact on his physical senses.

After breakfast, Hua Mi first went to the nearby shed to add some feed and water to Lu Fei.

Then head to the greenhouse.

No matter how bad the outside environment is, each field area in the greenhouse is still operating according to its original settings.

The seven little ones are in a bit of a sluggish state, but the change is not as big as expected. At most, the work efficiency is lower.

After working in the greenhouse for a while, Hua Mi braved the sudden heavy rain and returned to the wooden house.

I happened to see blue lines lighting up on the surface of the small window between the front door and the window.

This is the alchemy workshop's request for connection.

Hua Mi injected spiritual power into it, and the window was like a portal, covered with a layer of gauze.

Carter's voice came from over there.

He said that there was a traveling businessman who wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know if he could give him some time.

"Traveling merchant?"

The first thing Hua Mi thought was that maybe she could make a fortune from the other party.

As far as he knew, traveling merchants were nothing more than buying at low prices and selling at high prices, focusing on the price difference between different places.

When you encounter high-quality goods, you will consider spending money to buy them.

Maybe the traveling businessman saw the bottles of honey displayed in the alchemy workshop and wanted to buy some, so he wanted to talk to him, the producer.

Thinking of this, Hua Mi replied in the affirmative.

Carter did not call Xingshang over immediately, but first introduced the details of the other party to Hua Mi.

Including name, race, where they are from, and the scene where they met and talked yesterday... reported this information to Hua Mi one by one.

He also mentioned that regarding the price of honey, he had reached a preliminary consensus with the dwarf merchant yesterday.

On the basis of the original price, each price has been reduced by 2 gold coins.

Except for blood honey, buy 1 to 2 bottles of each of the other existing honeys.

Traveling merchants are not as good as store owners. After all, the cash they have available for use is limited. Even if they want to buy more, they can't take out that much money at once.

Although you can consider using credit.

However, merchants should also consider the issue of risk, and do not dare to buy too much blindly. The market is the most unpredictable, and you may lose all your money in one fell swoop.

Hua Mi was very satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation between Carter and the dwarf.

This was the main reason why he chose to cooperate with the Alchemy Workshop.

Two words: worry-free.

I just need to farm with peace of mind.

Next, Carter asked Hua Mi to wait for a moment while he went to call the dwarf merchant.

Only a few minutes later, a strange voice came from the window.

According to Carter, there are two dwarves, one old and one young.

They have a master-disciple relationship.

It can be clearly distinguished from the sound.

The old dwarf's human language is not very standard, but his tone is very respectful and his wording is very careful:

"It's a great honor to discuss cooperation with you. The magic potion you refined is the most perfect product I have ever seen in my life!"

Hua Mi has heard similar words many times.

So there were no ups and downs in my mood.

Moreover, strictly speaking, it is not him who makes honey, but the little bees...

"I'm the spokesperson for the bees at best."

Hua Mi laughed at herself.

The next step was nothing more than negotiation. Carter had already negotiated with them yesterday. In fact, he had to confirm it at the end. The whole process didn't take long.

During the conversation, the dwarf expressed his wish for long-term cooperation.

"I travel back and forth between countries all year round. Although I don't make much money, I have accumulated a lot of contacts. These are potential sales channels. If everything goes well, we are confident that your honey can be spread to the Western Continent each country."

It can be heard that the dwarf is very proud of his rich business experience.

This is indeed his greatest capital.

Hua Mi had no reason to refuse.

As for contact, let Carter come forward.

Just stay behind the scenes as a supplier.

After the serious talk was over, the old dwarf's tone became much lighter and he said in a casual tone:

"I understand that you have a special liking for flowers?"

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