Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 168 The Legend of Hot Spring Hotel

The dwarf must have learned about his preferences from Carter.

"The implication behind his words is that he wants to give me a bouquet of flowers or a bag of flower seeds as a greeting gift?"

That's certainly great.

Absolutely welcome to Hua Mi.

People do not blame.

But not just any flower can suit his taste.

The first thing to do is nectar plants.

Secondly, it must contain enough magical elements.

Otherwise he wouldn’t waste space and energy cultivating it.

"It's a pity that there are no flower seeds in my goods." The old dwarf said regretfully, "You know, these things are not easy to sell in Tulum."


That doesn't seem like a gift.

Hua Mi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"However, I happen to have some information that I would like to share with you for free."

The old dwarf paused and began to speak:

“Before coming to Blackstone Town, we rested in an inconspicuous little village.

“In order to escape the heavy snow, we drove the pig cart to McCanger Village. Maybe you know that place, not far from Blackstone Town. It only took us less than five days to drive the pig cart here.

"Of course that village is too small and relatively remote. It cannot be found on the map. That village is not much different from other human villages. It is just as simple and quiet.

"But there is a very interesting legend in the village..."

The old dwarf seemed to enjoy the atmosphere of storytelling, immersed in it, and was not so particular about his words.

After listening quietly, Hua Mi felt a little disturbed.

I have to say that what the old dwarf said really aroused his interest.

The legend of McCanger Village goes like this:

In the mountains not far from the village, there is an unoperated hot spring hotel.

The hotel has long since become dilapidated and uninhabitable.

Only the hot spring pool in the backyard is still gushing fresh hot spring water, and from time to time, villagers will go to the hot spring for free.

Gradually, some people discovered that the hot spring water inside seemed to have the effect of healing injuries.

If you have a wound or illness on your body, soaking in the hot spring water for a while will miraculously heal you without leaving any scars.

But only if you are asleep.

If you sleep there with an injury or disease, you will wake up to find that you are healthy again.

But the strange thing is.

If you are awake the whole time, nothing will change.

Pretending to be asleep, or arranging for a companion to hide in the dark to peek, no matter how secretive it is, will cause the healing effect of the hot spring water to be ineffective.

When the old dwarf heard this legend, he didn't believe it at first.

If the hot spring water there really has healing properties, why does it have to be asleep and unseen for it to take effect? This doesn't make sense.

The old dwarf dismissed it as a rumor in the village.

But the dwarf was curious about it and wanted to explore the mountain.

It happened that he caught a cold and contracted a disease on the road. If the hot spring water can really cure diseases, it would solve an urgent problem for him.

So he asked the villagers to take him to the mountains that night and found the abandoned hot spring hotel.

As the villagers said, there is a steaming hot spring inside the dilapidated hotel.

The dwarf soaked in the hot spring water and soon fell asleep comfortably.

When he woke up, it was the next morning.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that his illness was indeed cured.

The old dwarf also became curious about this.

Follow the dwarf to the hot spring hotel and use the props to identify the hot spring water.

The identification results showed that it was completely ordinary hot spring water, without any magical elements, and it would not produce even a trace of magical effects.

Then, the so-called healing effect must be due to factors other than hot spring water.

In order to understand the reason, the old dwarf cut a wound on himself and entered the hot spring water.

But as the rumors say.

He pretended to be asleep or asked the dwarf to hide aside and observe secretly, but in the end he did not trigger the miracle of healing.

According to this rule, it seems that the truth will never be known.

"But I had an idea and thought of a possibly feasible plan." The old dwarf said proudly, "There is a rare magic item in our cargo called the 'Soul Pipe'.

"Fill this pipe with tobacco, light it and take a few puffs, and your spirit body will leave your body for a short time and reside in the pipe, while your body will be the same as if you were asleep."


Hearing this, Hua Mi thought to herself, as expected of an old Jianghu, a profiteer, he found this loophole perfectly.

And judging by his tone, it goes without saying that he must have succeeded.

"It turns out that this method is indeed effective. When my spirit body briefly left my body and was suspended above the hot spring, it didn't take long for me to see a little guy appear next to me.

"I was shocked. It was actually a flower essence! She used magic to heal my injuries! Then she disappeared!"

Having said this, the old dwarf calmed down and made his voice less excited.

"As you know, flowers that can produce flower essences are usually extremely rare flowers, especially in the wild state without care. If you want to produce flower essences, you have higher requirements for the flowers themselves.

"Flower essences usually don't stay away from the flowers they gave birth to, because flower essences have the instinct to take care of the mother flowers. So I guess there must be some kind of rare flowers near the hot spring hotel.

"But we searched for it for a long time and still couldn't find it. We couldn't continue to waste time there for an illusory goal, so we had no choice but to give up the search and continue our journey."

The old dwarf took a deep breath and continued: "But I still believe that there are rare flowers hidden somewhere nearby, but they are hidden very deep. Maybe there is some magical effect that blocks our view... Although we failed Found it, but with your vast magical power, maybe there is a way.

"I would be honored if this information was useful to you."

This piece of information is indeed valuable to Hua Mi.

And he was willing to look for it.

The flower essence among the dwarves has special powers of healing. This is further proof that the flower that gave birth to her must contain some rare magical element.

It’s not that far away anyway.

The dwarves drove the pig cart to Blackstone Town in less than five days.

Then he would start from Blackstone Town and ride Lu Fei to reach his destination in half a day.

As for how to find the target when you get there.

Of course, look for it with your eyes.

He believed that with his sharp eyes, he could easily see through any magical effects.

But that’s a story for another day.

Now is the period of chaos, not a good time to travel.

Let’s wait until the period of chaos is over and Fengqiyue comes.

The chaotic period lasted less than a month from beginning to end, so he could still afford to wait.

During this time, I can farm, keep bees, and read at home with peace of mind. I am quite busy.

The colorful glazed flower field area will be renovated soon, and then the colorful glazed flowers can be cultivated.

In addition, he plans to use this time to cultivate new bee species.

There is still some "Hilya's version of the mutagen" left, which can almost be used by a bee colony.

Being idle, he decided to try his luck, maybe he could ship the goods.

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