World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 335 The Three Dog-Headed Brothers Are Expensive

Ratchet met the engineering team at the hotel, and it was already dark by the time they finished eating and drinking.

As soon as Yang Yi returned to the center of the town and wanted to sleep, a murloc with a red dorsal fin ran over.

This murloc is a wise man from the Yanmo clan. The dorsal fins and eyes of the murlocs of the Yanmo clan are usually bright red, and they can be recognized at a glance from a distance.

"Mayor, a kobold has appeared." The wise man Yan Mo ran over and said to Yang Yi immediately.

Yanmo Wise Man's words were a little vague, but Yang Yi understood.

This salt-foam wise man is now working in a tavern in the town, and he has come to report that there is a noteworthy guest in the tavern.

The system effect of the tavern is to improve customer morale and attract high-level professionals.

Ratchet Town is now in urgent need of talents, so Yang Yi is most concerned about the special effect of "attracting high-level professionals".

Yang Yi was afraid that the tavern had "refreshed" high-level professionals, but he failed to find out in time that they had escaped, so he asked the Yanmoyu people working in the tavern to report the situation to him at any time.

"What's your profession?" Yang Yi asked the wise man Yanmo.

"Asked, high-level miner." The wise man replied.

When Yang Yi heard that he was indeed a high-level professional, he followed the wise man Yanmo to the tavern.

The tavern was full of smoke, and many fishmen were already drunk.

Fortunately, Magoffin was there to control the situation in the tavern, so these drunk fishmen didn't dare to cause trouble. The fishmen who were drunk and causing trouble had been chopped down and thrown into a dimly lit corner.

At the bar of the tavern, a kobold was sitting on a chair, drinking alone.

Since kobolds are a short race, an adult kobold is only about one meter tall, so when he sits on a chair, only his head can barely be exposed on the bar, which looks very funny.

The tavern is located next to the hotel. This area is under Thunder Peak. It is the area of ​​Ratchet Town open to the public. Aboriginal people often come here. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are non-murloc customers in the tavern, but it is quite rare to see a kobold.

Yang Yi had seen many kobolds. Those kobolds were either slaves who lost their freedom or hard-working coolies of the excavation team. This was the first time he saw a kobold coming to the tavern to spend money to buy drinks.

Yang Yi walked over and sat in the empty seat next to the kobold.

When Magoffin saw Yang Yi, she immediately poured a large bottle of Thunder beer and sent it over. This is the beer that Yang Yi likes to drink recently.

The kobold was carrying a worn khaki miner's bag and a large, dirty candle on his head. He was drinking from a wine glass with one hand, and tightly grasping a rusty miner's hammer with the other hand. His bean-dotted eyes were like a mouse's, showing nervousness and uneasiness.

Yang Yi took a sip of beer and then checked the kobold's attribute information.

【Name】:Gold Teeth

[Level]: Level 3 Kobold Digger, Level 6 Miner

[Race]: Kobold

【Gender】: Male

The kobold's name is Gold Teeth, a level 3 kobold digger, which is equivalent to a level 3 warrior. The kobold's combat profession is not high, but the life profession of miner is already level 6. It is indeed a high-level life profession.

"No matter what occupation, as long as the level is high, they are talents. The tavern finally 'refreshed' one, even if it is a kobold miner, we must find a way to keep him." Yang Yi thought to himself.

Yang Yi's idea at this time was very simple. No matter whether it was useful or not, let's try to see if he could keep the person.

The kobold Jinya was drinking wine when he suddenly discovered that there was a fishman much taller than himself sitting on the chair next to him. The rat-like beards on both sides of his cheeks were trembling and he looked very anxious.

Yang Yi saw the kobold Jin Ya being so embarrassed and worried that he would be frightened and run away, so he tried to find a way to talk to him.

"I am Poseidon, the mayor of Ratchet Town. Did the kobold brother come here with the steamboat of the Hot Sand Consortium?" Yang Yi approached and asked.

The kobold Jinya didn't say anything. He nodded in response.

The other party didn't speak, which was difficult for Yang Yi.

Yang Yi looked back and forth at the kobold's golden teeth and found that he was missing one of his front teeth, so he asked: "Kobold brother, why is your front tooth missing?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jin Ya heard Yang Yi mentioning his lost front teeth, he immediately blew his beard and glared angrily, picked up a hammer and was about to hit someone.

"Oh no, did I provoke you?"

Seeing that the kobold was about to hit himself with a hammer, Yang Yi quickly left the chair and took a few steps back.

"Yeah, kill him."

The kobold Jinya refused to give up and chased after him with his hammer raised high.

The bartender Magoffin saw this and she would not tolerate fights in the pub.

Is it easy for me to do a job? If I break something, you have to pay for it.

Magoffin's eyes were red, and she quickly took out only a quarter of her big knife, and stopped in front of the kobold Golden Tooth.

When Jinya saw someone blocking his way, he raised the miner's hammer high in his hand, trying to knock down Magoffin.

"Gold Tooth is not afraid of a fishman like you!" Gold Tooth shouted in Kobold language, and the sound was like a barking dog.

"A fierce bird strike!"

Poof, Magoffin hit Gold Teeth with her knife.

The Kobold Gold Teeth shouts loud slogans, but his strength is average. He is just a level 3 kobold digger, not a match for Magoffin, a level 5 murloc tidewalker.

"Yeah, it seems I need more practice." Jin Ya fell down.

Jin Ya was chopped over and lay sprawled on the ground, bleeding profusely.

Yang Yi walked over and looked down at the kobold Jinya lying on the ground, and couldn't help but ask: "Why is the kobold brother so irritable in such a peaceful place like Ratchet Town?"

The injured kobold Jinya lay on the ground and screamed a few times, not knowing what he was saying.

"Kobold brother, you are missing your front teeth. You can't hear clearly when you speak." Yang Yi pointed at the missing front teeth of the kobold gold teeth and said.

When Jin Ya heard this, he became furious again. He got up with difficulty and wanted to hit Yang Yi again.

"Sure enough, when it comes to missing front teeth, this kobold will go berserk." Yang Yi confirmed.

Magoffin, who was watching eagerly next to her, raised the broken knife again: "The fierce bird..."

Jinya trembled with fright, then he lay down on the ground obediently and continued to lie down.

"Why did you come to Ratchet Town?" Yang Yi asked Jinya.

Jin Ya looked at Yang Yi with resentment and shut up.

Yang Yi was afraid that the kobold Jinya's little body would bleed too much and die, so he asked the fishman bartender to bandage Jinya's wound and give Jinya a bottle of healing potion.

After the treatment, Jinya stood up and finally spoke: "I, Jinya, I escaped."

Jinya spoke Common Language this time, and what he spoke was very unintelligible.

"Jinya, what happened?" Yang Yi asked.

Next, Jinya began to tell his story.

"In the Fargoty Mine,

The dim tunnel is home.

Catch the mouse and eat it.

Dig gold sand and make gold teeth.

Pick up the necklace, it's shiny.

Adventurers come in,

Take away the sparkle.

Adventurers come in,

Steal the gold tooth.

Adventurers come in,

Jinya ran away. "

After listening to Jin Ya's story, Yang Yi probably understood.

The kobold Goldtooth lives in the Fargodi Mine, catching mice and digging for gold sand, living his small life.

Later, Jinya picked up the shiny necklace, and then the adventurers came and took the necklace away.

Afterwards, adventurers came one after another and stole his gold teeth, and finally he ran away.

"Jinya, since you can't go back home, what are your thoughts in the future?" Yang Yi asked.

"Jin Ya wants to become the Candle King!" Jin Ya suddenly waved the big hammer excitedly and shouted excitedly.

There was obviously something wrong with the brain circuit of the kobold Jin Ya. Yang Yi was helpless. He pulled Jin Ya and said, "I'm asking you where to go next."

"Jin Ya doesn't know, Jin Ya is following the excavation team." Jin Ya said.

The excavation team that Jinya was talking about was the team of kobold diggers hired by the Hotsand Consortium.

"Following the excavation team running around will lead to nothing, so why not stay in our Ratchet Town." Yang Yi said.

"What are you doing in Ratchet Town?" Gold Tooth asked.

"There is a copper mine in the town and there is a shortage of excellent miners. If you are willing to stay, I will let you be the foreman of the mining team." Yang Yi said.

Ratchet Town does have an open-pit copper mine, but it has only sent some murlocs to dig out the exposed veins underwater. No mine has been built, and there is no mining team.

The so-called foreman of the miners was just made up temporarily by Yang Yi in order to retain the kobold Jinya.

"Really?" Gold Tooth's big eyes sparkled.

Jin Ya prefers being a miner to digging channels.

"Of course it's true." Yang Yi vowed, "If you don't believe me, go and inquire. The entire Barrens knows that this mayor is famous for his honesty."

"Jinya believes it, Jinya believes it," Jinya said quickly, "Jinya has two brothers, can he stay as a miner?"


Do you believe this?

Buy one get two free?

Yang Yi felt happy.

"Where are your two brothers?" Yang Yi asked.

"They're outside," Gold Tooth said.

After Jin Ya finished speaking, he ran out of the tavern and went to find the kobold.

Yang Yi also followed out.

Soon, Jinya brought two kobolds.

The moonlight was bright tonight, and Yang Yi's murloc night vision allowed him to see clearly. Unfortunately, for Yang Yi, the kobolds all looked the same.

Yang Yi looked left and right, and he could tell that Jin Ya's weapon was a kobold's sledgehammer. One of the two kobolds was holding a kobold hoe, and the other was holding a kobold shovel.

Jin Ya introduced his two kobold brothers to Yang Yi: "The big candle Jiage and the overseer Narg."

Yang Yi was a little surprised by the two named kobolds.

Kobolds are a semi-civilized race like fishmen, and any kobold with a name can be considered an elite.

Yang Yi used the Lord's Eye to check the attribute information of the two kobolds.

[Name]: Jiage

[Level]: Level 1 Kobold Digger, Level 5 Miner

[Race]: Kobold

【Gender】: Male

[Name]: Narg

[Level]: Level 2 Kobold Digger, Level 5 Miner

[Race]: Kobold

【Gender】: Male

The two kobolds are not high level, but they are both miners.

"Did you escape together?" Yang Yi asked.

All three kobolds nodded.

"What are your thoughts in the future?" Yang Yi asked deliberately.

The three kobolds looked at each other, then raised their sledgehammers, hoes, and shovels above their heads and crossed them together.

Under the moonlight, three kobolds put their hands on their hips, scratched their heads and belly, and each assumed a sexy pose.

"We are the kobolds who want to become the Candle King!" The three kobolds shouted excitedly at the moon in the sky.

Well, the three kobold brothers are noble and have the same brain circuits.

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