World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 336 Letter asking for help

In a remote canyon on the coast of Merchant Travel, there was originally a small murloc village. The murlocs in the village discovered a copper vein.

Later, Yang Yi led the murlocs to destroy the murloc village in the canyon, and this copper mine vein was occupied by Ratchet Town.

There has been no large-scale copper mining in Ratchet Town before. Firstly, they were afraid that the copper veins would be coveted by other forces. Secondly, the fishmen did not have the mining technology.

Now, Yang Yi no longer planned to hide it, and decided to let go.

With the addition of the three kobold brothers Gold Tooth and the large number of kobold slaves in Ratchet Town, it was enough to build the mine and mine copper on a large scale.

Yang Yi had the idea of ​​mining at this time. In fact, there was another reason, that is, Ratchet Town had no money.

Today's Ratchet family has a great business. Although Yang Yi tried his best to farm and breed, most of the harvested food went into the fishman's belly, and there was not much left at all.

Although the alchemy, leatherworking, engineering, handicrafts and other manufacturing industries in Ratchet Town can be sold for some money, most of the money is used to buy materials to practice skills and improve the proficiency of the murloc craftsmen in these industries. .

The training of life professionals is different from that of combat professionals. Life professionals need to consume a lot of materials to improve their skill proficiency. Ratchet Town has invested in the collected animal skins, herbs, copper ore, pearls, corals and other materials. So far, these manufacturing industries have not produced a high-level fishman craftsman.

It would be good if these fishman craftsmen didn't give away any money before they reached high levels, let alone make a lot of money.

Previously, Yang Yi sold the oil exploration rights of the backwater oasis because Ratchet Town lacked not only the technology to exploit oil, but also money. Unexpectedly, he went to the Port of Exile and not only failed to take out even a single gold coin from Gazlowe's purse, but also spent a lot of money hiring a goblin engineering team to build farmland ditches.

So Yang Yi really has no money on hand, and Ratchet Town needs to find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Copper ore is an important strategic material, which is needed whether it is to build weapons, armor or engineering equipment. As long as the copper ore is mined, there is no need to worry about no sales. This is the fastest way to make money.

"Before, I was afraid that the copper mine would be robbed, but now I can only use troops to cover up the water and the earth. Ratchet Town is already a level 2 town. Although it is not strong, it is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others." Yang Yi thought to herself.

Yang Yi prepared for the worst. If someone came to rob the copper mine, it would be a death blow.

The construction of the mine was handed over to the three kobold brothers. Yang Yi did not interfere too much. He arranged for the murloc construction workers to build roads and docks so that the mined copper ore could be transported away in the future.

On this day, Yang Yi took the lion king Huma for combat training in the Colosseum in the town.

Several lobstermen slaves were escorted to the Colosseum grounds as targets for hunting.

The hunter has established a subtle soul connection with the pet from the moment he tames it. With the soul connection, the hunter can command the pet to attack the designated target, follow him or stay in place, and even control the pet to cast skills.

Hunters can control their pets like an arm and a finger, and pets are also the best combat partners for hunters.

Huma's level is as high as level 6, and the combat power below high level is as vulnerable as paper in front of it.

There was no need for Yang Yi to take action at all. In less than three minutes, all the lobster men died tragically under Huma's claws.

Yang Yi was still controlling Huma, and wanted to practice more command and cooperation, otherwise these lobster men might not even last half a minute before they all lay down.

After coming out of the Colosseum, Yang Yi gave Huma a large piece of [Kodo Meat] as a reward.

[Kodo Meat] is level 4, which is the highest level of meat that Ratchet Town can currently provide, but Huma is still not very interested in it.

Huma tore into it randomly a few times and then swallowed the piece of meat, thinking it was to fill her stomach.

After feeding Huma, Yang Yi came to a small hidden cave.

There is only one mailbox standing alone in the small cave.

Money has been tight recently, so Yang Yi has returned to his old business, making money by translating for people in the name of a "learned scholar".

It has been three years since the first batch of adventurers came to this world. Many adventurers have already learned the common language, and even many adventurers have mastered the language of orcs, tauren, and trolls.

In addition, there is a certain delay in sending letters through the mailbox, and it is quite time-consuming to send and reply to the letters, so recently there have been far fewer letters asking for translation.

Yang Yi was selecting letters for translation in his mailbox, intending to find the three letters with the highest bids for translation.

"It's hard to make money these days, but it's still money to earn 5 or 10 silver for translating a letter."

Yang Yi held the letters in his hand and found that one of them was different.

This letter was not sent to the "Learned Scholar", but to "The Fishman Lord Poseidon".

Yang Yi opened the letter.

The sender is found to be Slack.

This is a letter asking for help. Silk, a fishman stationed in the Backwater Village, asked Yang Yi for help because lake monsters are infested in the lakes of the Backwater Oasis and have killed many fishmen.

Yang Yi was surprised that the lakes in the backwater oasis had already been explored by fishmen. Apart from a group of snap-mouthed turtles, there were only some fish living in the lake. He couldn't figure out where the lake monster came from.

"Slak has always been steady. It must be an emergency for him to write a letter asking for help." Yang Yi thought to himself.

Yang Yi wrote back to Silk, telling him to protect the fishmen first and not to act rashly.

Next, Yang Yi didn't have the time to translate the letter. He wanted to go to the backwater oasis himself.

After leaving the Mailbox Cave, Yang Yi originally planned to go to the animal taming pen to lead a cargo kodo in order to go to the backwater oasis.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the animal training pen, he met a beach patrol fishman who came to find him.

"Mayor, a goblin came to the hotel and said he was a rider." The fishman patrolling the beach reported.

"Rider, did you come to apply after seeing the announcement recruiting flying riding riders?"

Yang Yi was overjoyed upon analysis.

He was about to go to the backwater oasis. If he could recruit a rider with flying riding skills, he could fly there on a bat mount, which would save a lot of time.

It was so sleepy that Yang Yi ran to find the goblin.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Yang Yi found a strange goblin.

This goblin's ears are as long and pointed as a bat, and there is a braid on the top of his head, with a gray-black feather stuck diagonally on the braid.

The goblin ordered a large table of food. When Yang Yi came in, he was devouring his food. The remains of the food were all over his face, as if he had been hungry for several days without eating.

Yang Yi used the Lord's Eye to check the goblin's attribute information.

[Name]: Deslik

[Level]: Level 3 Goblin Mage

[Race]: Goblin

【Gender】: Male

"With this image, the level is not high. Is this goblin someone who has mastered flying riding skills?"

Yang Yi was a little suspicious and walked over.

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb your meal." Yang Yi greeted.

Goblin Deslik was trying hard to eat and drink. When he heard the sound, he couldn't bear to raise his head. He held the food in his mouth and said vaguely: "Man, I don't have time to mess around with you."

Yang Yi was not angry at all. He already knew the goblin's temper very well.

He took out his money bag and shook it.

Clang, clang, clang, is the sound of coins colliding.

Goblin Deslik's long and pointed ears stood up instantly. He raised his head and glanced at Yang Yi, and then his eyes were fixed on Yang Yi's money bag and could not move away.

Sure enough, there are no gnomes in this world who don't care about money.

"There's no one in these seats. Come sit down and eat together, my murloc friends." The goblin Deslik asked Yang Yi to sit down in a familiar manner.

Yang Yi sat down and asked, "I heard that you can ride a flying mount?"

"Oh, I do know how to ride a flying mount. My fishman friend, are you interested in flying?" Goblin Deslic tried to show a sincere smile, although this smile looked enough to scare Ratchet Town to tears. Little fish man.

"Have your fishmen friends ever seen an air crash? I have experienced it more than once, in Durotar, in the Barrens, in Mulgore..., but I survived every time. You see this on my hair Feather or not, this is my amulet. If you pay for my meal, I will tell you my adventure story." Goblin Deslik continued.

"Air crash? More than once?" Yang Yi had a bad premonition.

When the goblin Deslik heard Yang Yi asking about the plane crash, he thought Yang Yi was interested in his adventure story, so he quickly stood up. "Chef! Give us some more delicious food on the table. My friend will pay."

The chef working in the hotel today is Cookie. In order to raise his and Chocolate's twenty-five children, Cookie, the super dad, is working hard to make money.

Cookie ran over, looked at Yang Yi, and asked: "Mayor, are you sure you want to pay?"

Goblin Deslick was shocked when he heard Cookie's words. He originally thought he had caught an unjust murloc, but he didn't expect that this murloc was the mayor of Ratchet Town.

"I came to apply for a job as a rider, but I told my future boss the story of my plane crash. I am really an ogre."

Goblin Deslik slapped himself very loudly.

Yang Yi nodded towards the cookie and said, "I'll pay and cook some of my specialty dishes."

"No problem. The cookies must be made well and they will be delicious." Cookie ran back to cooking food.

Soon, the cookies arrived with [Beer Grilled Pork Chops], [Western Wilderness Stew] and [Delicious Omelet], as well as Yang Yi’s favorite [Thunder Beer].

Yang Yi looked at the goblin Deslik and asked, "It's boring to just eat. Do you want a drink?"

Goblin Deslik's mouth watered when he saw the beer, but he could only endure it in order to get a job: "As a qualified flying rider, you should not drink. Drinking will cause a plane crash."

Yang Yi smiled: "You already know my identity, let's talk about your reward."

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