Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 158 Just throw out the white money?

Chapter 158 Just throw out the white money?
"what's the situation?"

Chen Heyu said coldly, his tone aggravated a bit, and he had some guesses in his heart.

Lucheng is the stronghold of the kangaroo. He was beaten in his lair, so how could he have any face?

"Gou Wei and another colleague had a conflict with Berry Tuan's staff when they were visiting a merchant in Mobai.

After knocking down the five on the opposite side, both of them also entered the hospital. "

Pei Yi explained.

"How are people now?"

Chen Heyu asked, a little dumbfounded, brother Gou is quite powerful in combat, and his violent temper in high school is still there.

"It's not a serious problem. It can be recovered after ten days of cultivation, but the end of Berry Tuan is miserable. Three concussions."

Pei Yi said slowly.

"Let the legal affairs deal with the aftermath, find Secretary Wu to come forward, and warn the people in Berry Group, business competition is on the table, what's the matter with fighting all day long."

Chen Heyu said angrily.

He began to understand why Zhang Xuhao lost the food delivery market step by step even though he was leading the market.

In terms of means, Zhang Xuhao, a college student, can't play against Wang Xin, an old world.

"Okay, third brother. In other respects, is there anything else to explain?"

Pei Yi asked cautiously.

"From this month onwards, the official takeaway riders of Kangaroo Flash will all pay five social insurances and one housing fund, according to the local minimum standards."

Chen Heyu thought for a while and announced directly.

This idea has been buried deep in his heart since the day he entered the food delivery track.

Millions of people ride small electric donkeys through the streets and alleys of the city under the sun and rain.

Day after day, year after year, there is no security in old age.

Frankly speaking, he couldn't bear it, and didn't want to buy his villa building by taking away the poor people.

"Third brother, if you do this, the company's net profit will be greatly reduced."

When Pei Yi heard this, he didn't dare to speak for a long time, and he hesitated to speak after a long silence.

"Youngest, money is such a thing, with your current wealth, as long as you don't fiddle around, you won't be able to spend it all in a few lifetimes.

You think this expense reduces revenue for the company, but have you ever thought that the money belongs to the riders? "

Chen Heyu said in a low voice.

Before, he didn't make this suggestion because the conditions were not sufficient, and the current situation is just right.

"Third brother, but..."

Pei Yi still wanted to continue persuading.

"I am the largest shareholder of the company, you can execute it."

Chen Heyu interrupted him, not giving him a chance to argue.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Pei Yi said depressedly.

He didn't know why Chen Heyu was so stubborn. With the scale of kangaroo riders, he would cut away at least one billion yuan in net profit every year.

As a shareholder, he is equally distressed.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Heyu found Gou Wei's mobile phone number and dialed it: "Hey, brother dog, are you still alive?"

"Go, go, labor and management are all right, I'll take down the four small chickens on the opposite side by myself."

Lying on the hospital bed, Gou Wei made a silent gesture to Zhu Yiqun after seeing the caller ID, and then boasted loudly.

"Don't worry, I'll help you out with this tone, and none of the people who hit you will be able to escape."

Chen Heyu promised.


Fortunately, I picked up a car lock, so I could hold on to my handsome face. "

Gou Wei was very moved when he heard what his good brother said, sobbing loudly.

He had fought before, but usually the more won the less, it was the first time he was beaten by a crowd, and he was inevitably a little scared.

Good guy!
Chen Heyu laughed, no wonder three of Berry Tuan suffered concussions, Brother Gou is really tough, he doesn't care about the severity of the attack.

"Take a good rest. The next time you encounter something like this, just run away, don't rush up and resist like a fool."

Chen Heyu exhorted.

In case something happens to the old dog, it's really hard to explain to his parents.

"No problem, I'm not stupid."

Gou Wei laughed happily.

Chen Heyu chatted with him for a while before ending the call.

"Who? Your girlfriend? Didn't you just go back? Miss you now?"

Zhu Yiqun asked gossip.

He was the colleague who was beaten with the old dog, and his face was bruised and swollen at the moment, and he looked worse than Gou Wei.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's my buddy, he said to help me solve this matter, and none of the people who beat me should try to run away."

Gou Wei hummed and chirped.

Although he was not seriously injured, he was kicked several times, and his chest and back were sore.

"Just bragging, is your buddy the head of the inspection department?"

Zhu Yiqun curled his lips with disdain.

People who are willing to promote business dryly, which one is not bitter haha, if they really have a background, they all blow the air conditioner and drink tea in the headquarters office.

Do you still need to run around outside every day, living like a dog?
"Hmph! You'll understand later."

Gou Wei's face darkened, remembering what his girlfriend had said to him, forcing him to quit the job.

"Your classmate is not reliable at all! You have been admitted to the hospital in less than a month. Can this be a serious job?"

The girlfriend is dissatisfied.

"I don't want you to interfere with work matters."

Gou Wei replied coldly.

As a result, his gentle girlfriend was naturally so angry that he stomped her feet and ran home immediately.

Girls, just turn around and coax me.

Gou Wei didn't take it to heart, whether Chen Heyu was reliable or not, how could he not know?It was all thanks to the other party that he was able to be admitted to a university.


a few days later.

Lao Ye, the head of the Berry Tuan Rider Station, looked at several resignation text messages on his mobile phone and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Kangaroos are playing dirty!

He even secretly poached the wall!
"Ahao, come in."

He thought about it, and decided to investigate first, and then report to the company headquarters. Ahao is his confidant, and usually some relaxed and concentrated orders will be assigned to the other party.

"Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

Ah Hao lowered his head and asked in a low voice, with a thought on his face.

"Did someone poach you to other platforms recently? Kangaroo or Qiandu Waimai?"

Lao Ye asked with a smile.

"Brother Ye, to be honest, no one came to poach us, the brothers left on their own."

Ah Hao told a fact that shocked Lao Ye.

"Why? The company's unit price is not lower than other platforms."

Lao Ye was puzzled.

"Brother Ye, the unit price is about the same, but Kangaroo buys five insurances and one housing fund for official delivery riders. Although they only pay according to the minimum wage standard, smart people know how to choose."

Ah Hao raised his head and said slowly.

Ten years ago, perhaps some people would choose not to have five social insurances and one housing fund, hoping to get a higher salary.

But now it is 2014, and anyone with a little brain knows the importance of five insurances and one housing fund.

Hospitalization, home loan, work injury compensation, which one can we do without?

No matter how much you earn in Berry Tuan, you are still just non-staff personnel, and there is no guarantee for accidents at work.

Kangaroos are completely different!
"What! It's impossible!"

Lao Ye stood up and said in disbelief, having done labor outsourcing for many years, he deeply realized that the blood of capitalists is black, how can it be possible to do charity?
"The kangaroo really did that. Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I came here to resign."

Ah Hao didn't have the slightest nostalgia.

"You want to go to the kangaroo too?"

Lao Ye looked at Shan Wang at the site in front of him, saw his serious expression, and realized that the other party was not joking.


Ah Hao nodded, he just wanted to have an extra layer of protection when he got old, what's wrong with that.

"Have you ever thought about it, this may just be a way for the kangaroos to compete. When the venture capital passes, it will inevitably be cancelled. At that time, you still want to return to Berry Tuan, so it will not be so easy?"

Lao Ye threatened secretly.

"The Kangaroo CEO announced it himself, I believe."

There was hope in Ah Hao's eyes.

A similar situation happened in hundreds of cities across the country, and the riders of Berry Tuan kept changing jobs.

The rider of Qiandu Waimai also began to waver slowly, running away in private.



Berry Headquarters.

"Just throw out the white money? Maybe there's something wrong with them?"

Wang Xin said sadly.

Kangaroo's showy operation made it difficult for him to ride a tiger. Faced with the constant loss of riders, no matter what to do, orders will not be delivered, and users will be lost at a rapid rate.

At that time, what will compete with Kangaroo and Qiandu?
"Boss, do we want to follow up?"

The old man Wang Huiwen asked for his opinion.

"The cost is too high. I'm afraid I can't control it. Let's raise the unit price first and retain some riders."

After thinking hard, Wang Xin came up with a compromise solution.

(End of this chapter)

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