People write diaries in Douluo: The goddess is chasing me

People write diaries in Douluo: The goddess is chasing me


215 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Bai travels to Douluo Continent and only needs to write a diary and complain every day to become stronger. At the beginning, the beautiful Queen Bibi Dong chases after her!
I wanted to write a diary in peace and try to get str


Chu Bai travels to Douluo Continent and only needs to write a diary and complain every day to become stronger. At the beginning, the beautiful Queen Bibi Dong chases after her!
I wanted to write a diary in peace and try to get stronger, but one by one the goddesses started to feel strange...
Bibi Dong: "I actually fell in love with a loser? And ended up dying in Tang San's hands? That's nonsense!"
Qian Renxue: "Golden liquid?! How could I like Tang San?"
Xiao Wu: "Being with Tang San will lead to the sacrifice of Ming Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. Goodbye, I'm going to recognize Chu Bai as my brother."
Ning Rongrong: "The sword is broken and the bones are shattered...I must avoid this ending!"
Soon, Chu Bai discovered that his diary made the goddesses in Douluo Continent unable to sit still...
Tang San brought people to seek revenge, and Chu Bai slapped him so hard that his father didn't even recognize him. Son of Destiny? The photo is correct!

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