Fantasy: Wife, empress, cute baby causing trouble in Kyushu

Fantasy: Wife, empress, cute baby causing trouble in Kyushu


21 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Feng traveled across the Kyushu Continent and inherited the ancestral god's blood beads. When he reached the peak of his cultivation as the Martial Emperor, he accidentally rescued a peerless beauty, met her, fell in love with h


Chu Feng traveled across the Kyushu Continent and inherited the ancestral god's blood beads. When he reached the peak of his cultivation as the Martial Emperor, he accidentally rescued a peerless beauty, met her, fell in love with her, and got married. Unexpectedly, the woman turned out to be the empress of the Kyushu Empire. She left without saying goodbye after giving birth to twins. .
In order to take care of his children, Chu Feng dispelled his cultivation as the Peak Martial Emperor and used this cultivation to cleanse the muscles and cut the marrow of the two children. He cultivated back to the Peak Martial Emperor twice in succession and continued to use this power to cleanse the children's muscles and cut the marrow. Unexpectedly, three consecutive times of cleansing and marrow cutting resulted in the birth of divine patterns in the bones of the two children. They have infinite power, unparalleled speed, and super strong defense.
The elder sister Chu Xin's divine patterns contain terrifying sword intent, and the younger brother Chu Chen's divine patterns contain terrifying sword intent. They also have the imperial weapons Chu Feng sacrificed to cut the sky and break the sky. They are only three years old, but they are already invincible.
The two cute babies clamored to see their mother every day, but Chu Feng could only lie and say that their mother was imprisoned in the imperial capital. He also told them the story of Yang Jian chopping Peach Mountain to save his mother, and Agarwood chopping Huashan Mountain to save his mother.
So, while Chu Feng was in seclusion to survive the divine tribulation and attack the realm of the Martial God, the two cute babies sneaked out, vowing to imitate Yang Jian and Chen Xiang and split the imperial capital to save their mother.

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